...the voice of pensioners

BM what?

03 Apr 2018

Dear LPG


It is probably a fact that most of us have heard the term BMI lots of times in the past and we know it has something to do with wellbeing, but the other day I actually Googled it and my findings were quite interesting. 


The acronym stands for Body Mass Index and it is a way to calculate if you can boast a healthy weight or not.  I hear you saying, ‘that old chestnut’, and although it is important not to get overstressed about such issues, it cannot hurt to take a look at just how we measure up.  It is a simple calculation and with pencil, paper and quite a lot of time, I think I could resurrect sufficient of my mathematical skills, but why bother.  There are lots of online calculators that will do the job for you in minutes these days.  I am hoping that LPG will find one and add the link at the bottom of my letter.


I have learned that being overweight can contribute to some of the many medical conditions that typically affect us oldies.  For instance, being overweight is not good for our legs; as we get older they get a bit worn so imagine the advantage of having to carry a little less weight with each step they take.   Breathing problems could be a result too.


If we are really overweight our GP is likely to let us know, but I found it surprising that quite a few of my friends who don’t look as if they have an ounce of extra fat on their bodies get results that leave just a little cause for concern. 


We are fairly near the beginning of the year still, (well we have at least ¾ of it left anyway) so there is time to do something about it, and it is good to know just where you are, so have a go at entering your weight, height a few other details, see where you stand, and if you need to do anything about it. 


DP, Crofton Park



LPG found some information for our readers including an easy-to-use online calculator regardless of whether you use imperial or metric rules to measure your height and weight.




As DP pointed out, it is important not to get really stressed by the result, after all, you have lived with this BMI reading for quite a while even though you have just found out about it.  Perhaps it would be good to think about what you can do in the long term to improve yours though…


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