...the voice of pensioners

So similar that I can hardly tell them apart!

19 Sep 2018

Dear LPG



I was reading your news post which featured on (►►►)  and thinking about just how many people have the same problems when it comes to remembering what they have done with the most fundamental of things.


I am lucky enough to have quite a few friends that I see regularly.  Many of us have a habit of phoning each other in the mornings just to check that we are all right and I often have been on the phone for the best part of two hours before eleven o’clock in the morning.


There are days when I have just finished making a call to one friend when another friend calls and so morning multitasking has become a way of life for me.  I really appreciate the speaker phone that allows me to talk while I do things like get ready for the day and have breakfast, and the convenience of having two wireless phones at home; one upstairs and one downstairs in my hall.  It is also often the case that I am called on my mobile phone.  I often think back to my childhood when we were lucky to know one person who had a telephone and I truly appreciate its invention, evolution and how accessible they are to everyone these days. 


The other day I was doing the things that I normally do while preparing to attend my weekly water aerobics class, and I must have been in a bit of a hurry because I was telling this to one of my friends who was on the phone as I left the house.  Again I am lucky I suppose because I still drive and when in a bit of a hurry, it is easy to just drop all your stuff in the car before you set off, which is what I often do.


There is nothing unusual about what happened that day except that, when I got home, I could not find my downstairs phone anywhere.  I remembered it as I had a cup of tea and heard the phone ringing upstairs.  I searched for the phone in all the places I usually leave it and I just could not find it.


I did not get in the car again until two days later which is when I found my phone on the car seat where I must have left it two days earlier.  Had I lost my mobile phone I would have not thought twice before checking in the car, but I cannot believe that I left the house with one of my house phones in my hand.


I can only think that I am really getting forgetful or is it that my mobile phone and my house phones are so similar that my subconscious mind has forgotten the difference between the two?


YM, Forest Hill