...the voice of pensioners

The meaning of a word

10 Oct 2018

Dear LPG,


I am not really a political animal and I decided some time ago to give up reading the newspapers and watching the news on television as to me it appears that there is so little good news these days. 


In spite of this I do see the news headlines that appear when one signs out of ones emails, and over the past two or three years the name Trump occurs predictably often. 


I have no idea why but for some odd reason I looked up the word ‘Trump’ and some related words only to find that there are quite a few different meanings. 


Apparently the word  trumpery is defined as meaning ‘worthless nonsense’ while the word trump itself comes from the card game where trumping means having a better hand then the other players.   I have also read that there is an element of gaining the upper hand dishonestly attached to its meaning.


As I said, I do not know enough about politics to comment on the current US president’s performance.


ND, Brockley




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