...the voice of pensioners

Celebrate the day without losing any of the pieces.

29 Jan 2021

Dear LPG,


With a week or two to go, I have asked LPG to post this little message today because, with a week or two to go, I have also discovered that today will be the 19th time that National Puzzle day is celebrated. 


It is a celebration routed in the 21st century and founded by Jodi Jill, an American lady who can boast a relatively puzzling upbringing, and who enjoys puzzles so much that she has made them part of the mission that drives her career. 


The internet tells that this is a day to celebrate stretching the limits of your grey matter with a conundrum or two although it is not a bad thing to do at any time of the year. They can offer friends something to do as the pandemic continues to limit our options, while they can also serve as a distant way of engaging those grand and great grandchildren. 


We are so lucky these days because there are so many types of puzzle to choose from, but I have to say that I am, and will always be, a fan of those interlocking bits of wood that many of my generation grew up getting for Christmas and birthdays.  They kept us quiet for years but can you remember the ultimate puzzle that we were faced with?  I am talking about the frustration when you nearly get to the end and discover that there is one bit missing.


Moving Jigsaw pieces around a computer screen, however you do it (using a desktop and mouse, laptop and touch pad, tablet or smart phone and touch screen, or game console and control pad), is also a really good way of learning to gain control of any electronic device to the point where you stop getting frustrated on that score.



But they can be the perfect solution. They can be something to do with thousands of pieces to keep you occupied on a cold winter’s afternoon or, with a few pieces, when you run out of things to talk about with your grandchildren as you sit there trying to keep them engaged online. I have found a website which offers online jigsaw puzzles, and the beauty is the guarantee that none of the bits will ever fall off the edge of the table.




BL, Lee



BL shares the online jigsaw puzzle website which inspired her to write…



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…some other puzzles to try…





… and a little information about its founder and the day itself.



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