...the voice of pensioners

The ‘do it’, ‘don’t do it’, ‘do it’ work ethic…

06 Sep 2021

Dear LPG,


For me it was only yesterday that I wrote a message which reminded everyone to celebrate National Procrastination week (►►►) but, if LPG have done as I have requested, about six months will have gone by before you get to read what I am writing today.


Yesterday (I mean six months ago… well even a few days before that…), I read a seriously conscience jogging message about not letting lockdown get in the way of getting things done.  The writer of that post was actually talking about the state of her net curtains and, when I took a look, mine could have been whiter.  I was shamed into doing them too, but my conscience took a look and the internet taught me about National Procrastination Week; a week that offers permission for everybody to let things slide. I thought, at the time, that many LPG readers needed to know about that celebration as seriously as they needed to catch up, and I hope that my post on the day inspired everyone to take a breather.


But now, I have found yet another national day to confuse everyone even more.


Today is national Fight Procrastination Day although I cannot work out who invented this one, so perhaps I am writing this while I remember.  Even though six months will have gone by since I wrote this, I am a creature of habit and lockdown has got me procrastinating about a lot more than my net curtains; some tasks that circumstances have prevented and some that I have just got too lazy to do anything about. However, I do enjoy taking a glance at what the LPG pages have to offer each morning and when I read this, if I read this, I hope that it will spur me on a bit.


If Covid-19 is still limiting our movements when this is posted, I hope that this message will inspire me, and perhaps a few other readers, to get going in the same way that DP’s letter did in the first place.


GG, Catford.



LPG found some information…


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