...the voice of pensioners

H2O, check the facts before getting annoyed about the bill…

19 Mar 2022

Dear LPG,


I took a look at my latest water bill recently and when I got to the all-important ‘how much I have to pay’ figure my eyebrows did that scowl thing that happens subconsciously when you see something you don’t like.  Like everything else the payable amount seems to have crept up more than expected, even though it is winter which means that the plants don’t need you to provide it via the garden hose.  I have to say that my thinking has always been that it falls free from the sky which leaves me wondering why we have to pay so much for it. 


A bit later that day I found myself looking at world water provision on-line, and I learnt that we have about 326 million-trillion gallons depending on where on the internet you find the information.   It seems a lot until you take into account that there are also more than 7.786 billion people who all need a share of it. 


There are a couple of other things we may well have heard before, but that only really have a serious effect when you put them altogether.   The average human would most likely die after four days without a drink which included some water, and the most worrying thing is that the stuff can be recycled (which is why it costs us so much) but we can’t actually make any extra.  There is that other worrying reminder that we seldom think about.  The thought of all the impurity’s (and I mean all!)  that the water that comes through our taps has mingled with in its dark and murky past.   We clean with it, swim in it, bath with it and flush with it as well as drink it.


Then, before working out how to pay my bill, I thought for a moment of all those pictures we often see of the many people who don’t have taps and have to travel miles to bring their supply home which is quite sobering too.


People like me take so much for granted even if we do get upset about the bill when it arrives.


It got me thinking…


BW, Charlton.



BW offers some of what she found on the subject…


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… LPG found a few more things of interest…



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