Versed thoughts (chapter 51): ABC Christmas Holidays
15 Dec 2022
Dear LPG,
Christmas comes but once a year. It’s Christmas time! It’s the Season of Peace and Goodwill to ALL MEN! Or is it? As far as I can see after almost seventy years on this planet, anything can happen to anyone, even and especially at Christmas time and leading up to the NEW YEAR! So just for fun I have taken the time to name some of the positive and the negative aspects of THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY SEASON.
Go on, make a list; join in the festivities and let’s have some fun and games; after all it is Christmas time…
A = Activities, alone, arguments, agenda, appearance, article
B = Blessing, Breakfast, break, blues, brawl, bonus
C = Crackers, Christmas Pudding, cake, club, celebrations, carols
D = Decorations, dinner, day message, DO
E = Expenses, entertainments, eve, engagements, eat as much as you like, exhaustion
F = Fun, Fair, flowers, favourites, fights, festivities, flights
G = Greetings, goodies, gifts, gala, get together, get away
H = Holidays, highlights, hamper, headache, hangover
I = Inspiration, invasion, ills, issue, invitation
J = Journey, jitters, joy, jokes, jumper, jingle
K = Kisses
L = Love, loan
M = Merry Christmas, morning, merriment, more spending, mince pies
N = News, night, no money
O = O no – not again, overdraft
P = Party, programme, pudding, play, promotions, prizes, price
Q = Quota, Quest, Quizzes, quarrels, quotations
R = Record, rip offs, reports, rules, rest, Rock n Roll
S = Spirit, songs, sermon, show, shopping, sales
T = Tours, talks, tips, theme, time, takings, TV shows
U = Under pressure, unprepared, under the mistletoe
V = Visitors, volunteers
W = Wish, weather, workers, wonderland
X = Xtravaganza
Y = You love it, you hate it, you ignore it
Z = Zero Tolerance
Maybe you can add to this list or make a list of your own!!
©2017 by Beverly Gooden Wilson
Scripture Reference Isaiah 9 v 6&7 KJV