...the voice of pensioners

Living in harmony with your bed?

08 Apr 2024


Dear LPG,


I always think of this time of year as a time to look forward. Winter is well and truly over, and the sun is well on the way. If you have not already given the house a good bottoming, now has to be the time that brings most of us older ladies to thoughts of spring cleaning. It works, and it is an excellent thing to do. After years of dedicating some time to giving my home a complete annual revamp, I think nothing is better than seeing the after-effects.


But this year, I wanted to do something a bit more radical and decided that one possible way to go might be a furniture change around in my bedroom, and when looking for replacement inspiration, I decided to take a leaf out of the Chinese Feng Shui ideologies that I have often heard about.  


Most people might have heard of this Chinese art of arranging the furniture in your home so that the energy works to your best advantage, but I have never looked any further into the ethics that govern how to do that until now.  


I can’t help myself; I have always wanted the quick fix rather than the extended study, and now that I have worked out how the internet can often offer the shortest way to achieve so many different goals, this was my first stop.


I saw the information about where to buy a book or two that offered the basics, but reading a book was likely to take me to autumn, and I wanted my bedroom changing much sooner than that. 


After reading what one website had to say on the subject,  I decided to start small and focus on changing the placement of one or two bits of bedroom furniture and deduced that, ‘YouTube’ had to be the way to go. 
I found two short videos which I hoped might teach me a little about an alternative position for my bed. I have to say that the only thing I have learnt is that, despite having a couple of strong men to do the moving, there is more to getting things in the right place than I thought.   


The one thing that both the Chinese East and the rest of the world seem to agree on is that the clutter has to go before anything can be positive in any room of the house. Still, I will defer the big move until next year as I have decided that reading one of those more detailed beginner’s books might be a good idea after all.    


DY, Blythe Hill


DY shares the online information which offered the quick versions of Feng shui…






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…and LPG adds some information on today’s celebration…


