...the voice of pensioners

Could it be that as we get older we forget how to cry properly?

26 Sep 2024

Dear LPG


I would like to say a little about one of those health conditions which often happens every now and then and I regard as a bit of an annoyance rather than anything else.  Now that I come to think of it I have had this happening to me for quite a while but, like so many other sufferers, I have managed to live my life in spite of the fact that my eyes sting a bit.  


I have always put it down to the fact that I don’t sleep so well during most nights, and first thing in the mornings it rarely is a problem.   I accept that, as I get on with my life and the mornings become the afternoons my stinging eyes become a little more uncomfortable to live with but, when I measure it against some of the other ailments that start to plague me as I live through each day I have always done my best to get on with it.  I have a bit of an achy back and sometimes my right knee makes walking a bit of an issue amongst other things, but many pensioners will say the same.


I have always thought that we all have a choice when it comes to those minor health annoyances that getting older introduces us to; we can either let them take over our lives, or learn to live with them and get on with what we have to do each day.  


I have to admit to being one of those internet Googlers amongst other things and while clicking through a few topics on my smart phone I came across some information that got me thinking about what has been happening to my eyes a little differently and I have tried a few of the suggestions with the result that my eyes are a little better.


The first thing that I learned is that there is that more than half the people in the UK suffer with tired, itchy or dry eyes.  The internet puts it down to all the time we spend looking at electronic screens including the television.   


I also found a few things that you can do to help yourself when it comes to being kind to them.  It is so easy to forget so many of the obvious ones like giving our eyes a rest from computers and televisions but I also found a few exercises that can help.  


While browsing I read that one of the most common reasons that it happens in us older people is that out tear ducts get clogged up resulting in our eyes not getting the regular mini shower of tears needed and apparently we are all getting forgetful when it comes to remembering to blink regularly.  


I have tried a few of the exercises and, although they are not always the answer, they have to be a good starting point when it comes to improving the situation. 


I hope that mentioning all this now that I have come across it will remind LPG readers who suffer not to ignore what is going on, try a few of the exercises and remember to mention the problem the next time you have your eyes checked.  


KA, Brockley Cross 



KA finds some ideas which may offer a little dry eye education…


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…and LPG adds some information on today’s celebration…


