...the voice of pensioners

Having a go: - Mozambique, my attempt was ‘well done’ but perhaps for all the wrong reasons…

25 Jun 2024

Dear LPG readers,


When choosing a recipe to try out each month, I have learnt that one should first check the ingredients list. There is more of a chance of success if you know what raw materials you are dealing with because you have dealt with them before, and while I could be a better baker, I know a little about how to make a cake.  Even the most basic of cakes need the four big basics: milk, eggs, butter, and flour, right?  In this case, wrong!  I knew it would be a potato cake, but only when gathering the ingredients, did I realise that there was no flour on the list.


Following the recipe was relatively easy, although it called for two medium-sized potatoes, and everyone’s estimation of ‘medium’ is slightly different.  


I also have to say that I have, since early childhood, become a connoisseur of what a good cake should taste like. I am sure that I am one of many ex-children whose mother handed over the mixing bowl after decanting the mixture of many a home-baked cake into the cake tin ready for baking. With all this knowledge to fall back on, I was sure that this month’s self-assigned mission was going to be a guaranteed success.  


Once I had mixed the ingredients, the result was a bit more liquid than I expected but having taste-checked a sample of the pre-baked version, I kept going. I have to say that I was pretty worried about the directed cooking temperature because the cooking time was quite long. Still, I overcame the temptation to open the oven door before the hour was up, and it came out quite well, although the top was very well done colour-wise.


My taste testers commented on the brownness of the very top layer of my cake, but it met with their approval in the end.   
July is coming, and Egypt does a little celebrating on the 23rd. In recognition of their Revolution Day celebration, I feel something a little vegetarian should be the way forward, and I plan to present a plate of their national dish, kosher, for your indulgence… 


 CB, Lewisham 



CB offers her research into Egyptian cuisine.


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