...the voice of pensioners

This needs saying again… Moving in together – one financial implication

02 Nov 2024

Dear LPG readers,


I sometimes look back into the LPG archives and I found this page, originally posted way back in July 2017 .   It hit home because, even though statistics only show about 5% of people, where one is a retired 65-year-old, I have a couple of very special friends who never got around to tying the knot. 


It is often thought that once the children (his, hers, or theirs) have grown and moved out, there is no point in making it official, but I have seen the devastation that can be caused when the worst happened to a much younger couple, and I feel that LPG needs to repeat this article…  


JP, Crofton Park


Moving in together – one financial implication 


An aspect of life that gets forgotten.


If you are a pensioner who loved and lost in your 40s or 50s before finding a new ‘someone special’ later in life, I am delighted for you.  There are so many lonely elders in the world, and if two get together, they make that statistic a little smaller and become a little happier... but here is a thought...


After the state of ‘Happy ever after’, the next step is to be together, often with the result that one of the two moves in with the other.  Many older people don’t bother with getting married, so they spend the last part of their working life living, working, and retiring, enjoying a life of unwedded bliss, but the problems start if one partner dies.


One partner often moves into the other’s home; if the deceased person is the homeowner, there can be many problems for the one left behind.  Even though they have been together for years, if there is no wedding ring, can the family of a departed house owner force their partner out of their ‘home’ regardless of how long they have lived there?


Perhaps, if you are a house owner with a live-in partner, now is the time to make sure that your partner is never put in this position by adding a clause to your will to, at the very least, give them time to grieve before finding other accommodations.


It's just a thought.


(No known original author)


LPG found some information on this subject but stresses that, while the implications are made clear, some of it is American. We believe the information offered is valuable but suggest that any readers needing to act make their own arrangements…



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