Who’s making the coffee?
05 Oct 2017

Shaun and Julie are approaching their silver wedding anniversary. They are a couple in perfect harmony except for one little niggle.
Every morning they get ready for their day, and an argument develops about the usual subject; who should brew the coffee. Somehow Shaun always loses and ends up in the kitchen first; and tomorrow will be no exception.
It is now time for bed and, as usual, they plan their morning pick-me-up in advance. Picture the scene;
Julie introduces the subject, “Are you going to brew the coffee in the morning dear?”
Shaun says, “You should, because you get up first so if you get it started we won’t have to wait as long to get our coffee.”
“But Shaun,” Julie continued, “It is in the Bible, that the man should make the coffee”
Shaun says “I can’t believe it, show me.”
Julie gets out of bed again, leaves the room for a short while and returns with a copy of the bible. She opens it at the 20th book of the New Testament and points to the top of the page . They focus and she says, “See?” Hebrews.