The effect on me when the world cries…
An adult online ‘.Gov’ fairy story...
With pen in hand and a little time on them…
Fresh and frozen: nutrition and cost…
Taking note of what your fingers might be up to…
It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it!
Levelling the playing field by bearing all?
Take an occasional look in Google’s mirror…
When what defines you changes…
Something a little out there musically perhaps…
You, the accidental inventor, perhaps?
Just how many Oscars went up in smoke?
Don’t forget to lock your electronic front door…
Fingers, buttons and online cookie jars …
Setting it up and forgetting it … NO!
My own personal Sunday rule foils me.
Now and then, you need not have the time…
Versed thoughts (chapter 76): Whatever
The importance of sharing your legacy of wisdom…
The difference between caring and being there…
What is your overused oral utterance of choice?
From finger–fatigue to thumb-tiredness?
A little winter positivity, perhaps…
FoMO laid bare in an ‘end of year’ dream?
Acknowledging those trips above and beyond…
Keeping the message short sweet and Christmassy…
A severe time to stop and breathe…
The SAD loss of the right to a bit of fresh air…
Let’s talk about good luck for the coming year …
Drifting off at the right time
A ‘Vagus’ Rule of Thumb perhaps…
It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it!
Were you a baby with parents who wet your head?
Visual and auditory chaos every now and then…
Living in a one-handed world for a while…
I used to sleep alone but now…
A reason to put your mobile phone in the oven…
You don’t have to be young to volunteer…
Text messaged Chinese-whispers…
The story of the lock, the key, and the loo…
Does your cat have his or her own bed?
Focussing on those blinking peepers…
The political morning after the night before…
New ways of keeping the home fires burning…
Is yours as good as it can be?
Those little rhymed stories we tell the kids…
When what defines you changes…
Fingers, buttons and online cookie jars …
Focussing in on the middle layer…
Reasons to be stressed (a bit) …
Before you press the ‘Pay Now’ button…
Versed thoughts (chapter 53): Cat talk
An adult online ‘.Gov’ fairy story...
Being kinder to wiggly things…
What dreams and teeth have in common…
What dreams and teeth have in common…
Travelling at least as light as possible…
Waves… another reason to keep track of them…
Working with wool and one hand…
Hating having to wait; is this a phobia?
Just grab your coat and hat and…
A potential carer’s allowance loophole …
Those school days, were they all bad?
An argument designed to make you smile…
Being a pest is not always a bad thing…
Making breakfast worth getting up for…
Another approach to friend-finding the safe way
A warming reason to check again…
Appreciating what you have while you have it…
Check your gift vouchers in more ways than one…
Looking at respect from different perspectives…
When the other choice gets taken away…
Shooting the screen when it matters…
The importance of sharing your legacy of wisdom…
Journeys, goals and attitudes; an essential mix…
The changing sight and sound of time…
Now and then, you need not have the time…
Speaking of my intrinsic things…
Setting it up and forgetting it … NO!
If wishes were horses and you had three…
Everything needs a bit of a spring clean
Taking a canine look at the ageing process…
The secret weapon that is a little tune
Your visual effect of you, on you…
Reaching the electronically virtual high places…
Taking a different sort of bath…
What is your overused oral utterance of choice?
Drumroll, all you Brits… everybody up?
The daily dash: a thing of the past…
Focussing on both visiting and bedbound hands…
How to stay happy in retirement?
A whole new world in your local park.
Are you your family’s ‘Just like Mum’…?
From finger–fatigue to thumb-tiredness?
The Olympics, my version of being there…
Talking and listening to that mobile phone…
Don’t forget to lock your electronic front door…
Diabetes and blood, what is under the patch?
We are rarely ever the only ones…
Juggling that flipping age coin…
Text messaged Chinese-whispers…
Reintroducing yourself to the rest of the world…
When the other choice gets taken away…
Tips to check when taking the test.
Celebrating all Nations, even when big is small…
Saturday nights, Sunday mornings and change…
Telephone and parking ambiguity…
Appreciating what you have while you have it…
Doing things jointly when you can…
Check your renewal letters and haggle!
An LPG milestone day and year…
Those little rhymed stories we tell the kids…
Being a pest is not always a bad thing…
For the early morning ceiling-watchers…
Poetic rhythm, rhyme and verse?
It’s my brain and the flow of my optics…
The splice, the split and the ex…
Are three prongs better than two?
Giving yourself a metaphorical hug…
Journeys, goals and attitudes; an essential mix…
Before you press the ‘Pay Now’ button…
Putting the cuffs on correctly…
What if your cat does not come back?
Getting by with a bit of help from your friends…
Is ours an unconventional best friendship?
Being kinder to wiggly things…
Is yours as good as it can be?
Can your pet’s taste buds get bored?
Letting your ears do the reading…
Stopping the days from merging…
Global sharing on a smaller scale?
Just like doing a haircut but with leaves…
Remembering the dirt, you can’t see…
Senior Saturday sleepovers perhaps…
Focussing on those blinking peepers…
Our gift of personal persecution…
A life lesson for the younger oldies…
Just grab your coat and hat and…
Theft, and delayed but calculated honesty?
When you don’t quite take all your medicine…
Working with wool and one hand…
Blinding us with science and numbers…
Less fashionable intrinsic fashion?
Keeping a note of your ‘driving dates’…
Acknowledging those trips above and beyond…
Focussing on both visiting and bedbound hands…
What if your cat does not come back?
A message for the neglectful plant waterers…
The value of this, that and your personal tatt…
Living in harmony with your bed?
If you can’t hide it, at least disguise it…
Overdrawn to flat packs perhaps…
Resolving to live by your personal rule…
Would you pass the anti-fib challenge?
My drive, the birds and a bit too much luck!
Do you suffer from sedatephobia?
How do you think the young see the old?
Every small achievement counts too…
The ‘Pre’ and the ‘Pro’ of ‘crustination’ …
Wellderly is the order of the day today…
Hording can be a problem both real and digital…
You don't have to be musical to need rhythm…
Back to the matter of insomnia...
Versed thoughts (chapter 58): My Bus Pass
Taking a canine look at the ageing process…
The daily dash: a thing of the past…
You, the accidental inventor, perhaps?
Getting all dressed up then and now…
Making a will, a few more points…
Extinction, how can we really help?
People and time are often the answer…
Do you define your name, or does it define you?
Will your next vote be identified?
Most of us just can’t help it…
Versed thoughts (chapter 69): Start and Finish.
Our gift of personal persecution…
Versed thoughts (chapter 65): My Name Is Dog
We are rarely ever the only ones…
Slowly losing that lockdown connection…
Learning from the little ones…
What my mail and my laundry have in common…
Online Random Acts of Kindness perhaps…
Still free and single, if not so young…
The science behind your smile; true or false?
A severe time to stop and breathe…
Prattling on to the right people….
Versed thoughts (chapter 67): Winter Warmth
The power of getting the bits to fit…
Hitting the ground with winter-warm feet…
Keeping a note of your ‘driving dates’…
The changing length of the distance…
Can you tell the difference? …
Is ours an unconventional best friendship?
Now has to be the time to bounce back!
When you retire what happens to your time?
The value of this, that and your personal tatt…
Waves… another reason to keep track of them…
Check your renewal letters and haggle!
Check your renewal letters and haggle!
Where will you be when the bells start ringing…
Resolving to live by your personal rule…
Remembering the dirt, you can’t see…
Blinding us with science and numbers…
Speaking of my intrinsic things…
That last part of the dark journey home…
A space saving Christmas exercise perhaps?
Giving yourself a metaphorical hug…
A somewhat playful top-ten perhaps…
A message for the neglectful plant waterers…
Another balancing act for the Christmas Scales…
Cheap, quick, healthy; what’s not to like?
The smell, the taste, the memories…
Less fashionable intrinsic fashion?
We have all moved on but it is still out there…
The ‘Pre’ and the ‘Pro’ of ‘crustination’ …
Making breakfast worth getting up for…
Back to the matter of insomnia...
The joy of shopping from a male perspective…
What we have to teach the young.
My drive, the birds and a bit too much luck!
A small good morning thought or two…
Under-shoe footwear revisited…
Scams, the giving and getting factor…
One perspective on the value of time…
Making our world a kinder place…
If you have one, please use it all the time.
So much more than the job description…
The ‘just in case’ that locked me out!
The changing age of early morning interruptions…
Most of us just can’t help it…
Senior Saturday sleepovers perhaps…
How to stay happy in retirement?
How do you think the young see the old?
With pen in hand and a little time on them…
Perhaps now it’s payback time…
Snacks, meals, health and convenience…
A hand-washing refresher course…
Talking and listening to that mobile phone…
Giving those knees a helping hand.
Making use of the complaints process…
Making a will, a few more points…
When you retire what happens to your time?
Will execution; to accept the challenge or not.
Spotting those little ‘loneliness alarm calls’ …
Overdrawn to flat packs perhaps…
People and time are often the answer…
Letting your ears do the reading…
Reintroducing yourself to the rest of the world…
The art of gentle but necessary persuasion…
Let me introduce you to my puddle theory…
A life lesson for the younger oldies…
Are you defiant enough to celebrate today …
The positives that can come out of negatives…
War, Crime, the old, and the young…
Is yours an ICE cold mobile phone?
Thoughts on bedroom night flights…
Versed thoughts (chapter 65): Beat the clock.
Helping to play the ‘Numbers Game’.
Versed thoughts (chapter 60): Autumn Sceneries
The blurry line between friend and acquaintance
Versed thoughts (chapter 64): Monday Siesta.
Can you tell the difference? …
What my mail and my laundry have in common…
Smartening up your dreams and goals?
Versed thoughts (chapter 63): My new Microwave
How are your metatarsals doing?
A reason to put your mobile phone in the oven…
Would you pass the anti-fib challenge?
The power of getting the bits to fit…
Keeping your personal treasures safe…
Foot/ankle trouble? It may be tendinitis.
Versed thoughts (chapter 62): I am hurting too…
Living in harmony with your bed?
A small good morning thought or two…
Hating having to wait; is this a phobia?
You don't have to be musical to need rhythm…
Versed thoughts (chapter 61): No Flowers
Don’t let the youngsters put you off!
Scams, the giving and getting factor…
Listening, an art form in itself…
The pros and cons of visual self-improvement
Ageing does come with a few positives…
The joy of shopping from a male perspective…
The science behind your smile; true or false?
Just like doing a haircut but with leaves…
Doing our best to preserve Lewisham’s culture…
An argument designed to make you smile…
One perspective on the value of time…
Stirring a few more playful memories…
Extinction, how can we really help?
Fresh and frozen: nutrition and cost…
Hording can be a problem both real and digital…
Why everyone will need broadband by 2025…
When the last one moves out...
A somewhat playful top-ten perhaps…
Those school days, were they all bad?
An alternative hospital visit…
Neighbours; go dine with each other…
The art of gentle but necessary persuasion…
Every small achievement counts too…
The new two-wheeled London Street pandemic
Growing further away from your kids…
Keep smiling, it’s really good for you!
Thoughts on bedroom night flights…
A hand-washing refresher course…
Another key fact; involving a jam jar perhaps…
The changing sight and sound of time…
Do you define your name, or does it define you?
The evolution of the daily trip to school…
Being more confident when surrounded…
How are your metatarsals doing?
Acknowledging something we’d rather forget…
Prattling on to the right people….
Versed thoughts (chapter 59): I'm Good
Now has to be the time to bounce back!
It is definitely more than just a hat.
Another go at shape-improvement…
Focussing in on the middle layer…
Working out what’s being said…
The ‘just in case’ that locked me out!
Doing things jointly when you can…
Shopping online means getting up on time…
If you can’t hide it, at least disguise it…
Making use of the complaints process…
Snacks, meals, health and convenience…
Looking at respect from different perspectives…
Under-shoe footwear revisited…
Cheap, quick, healthy; what’s not to like?
Slowly losing that lockdown connection…
Getting them in on bonfire night…
You don’t have to be young to volunteer…
Residential low-cost sightseeing…
Ladies, is it a case of ‘DIY, no reply’?
Remembering three years ago today…
Making our world a kinder place…
Just one sentence at the end of the day…
A day of achievement for everyone…
If you have one, please use it all the time.
Chinks in your recollection armour
Ikigai; a Japanese recipe for happiness …
Are you Happy, or are you Happy?
Sleeping is seriously hard work!
A question of sleep, yet again…
Do you need to do a lot of nose blowing?
Will execution; to accept the challenge or not.
The evolution of the daily trip to school…
Ladies, is it a case of ‘DIY, no reply’?
Versed thoughts (chapter 56): Hurray for London
Come on you lot, just give it a rest…
The pros and cons of visual self-improvement
Giving up giving up, or just giving…
Do you suffer from sedatephobia?
Giving those knees a helping hand.
What shopping and back-packing have in common…
Making next week’s special day count…
Theft, and delayed but calculated honesty?
The positives that can come out of negatives…
A day to get away from it all…
Again, technology takes over from talk…
Get well soon, (both in mind and in body) …
Helping to play the ‘Numbers Game’.
An alternative hospital visit…
Rabbits, it’s your time to shine!
The other side of the British weather coin…
Reasons to be stressed (a bit) …
Why not ‘Swap out’ while you still can…
Keep smiling, it’s really good for you!
The blurry line between friend and acquaintance
Chinks in your recollection armour
So much more than the job description…
Smartening up your dreams and goals?
Versed thoughts (chapter 52): Whatever
Another go at shape-improvement…
If at first you don’t succeed…
New Year’s inspiration perhaps…
Perhaps now it’s payback time…
What a difference one little word can make…
A space saving Christmas exercise perhaps?
A Christmas present solution perhaps…
Turning a conference into a family quiz…
A present unwrapping hint perhaps…
Spotting those little ‘loneliness alarm calls’ …
A few last-minute Christmas present ideas…
Are three prongs better than two?
Acknowledging something we’d rather forget…
Getting all dressed up then and now…
Getting all dressed up then and now…
Listening, an art form in itself…
Is yours an ICE cold mobile phone?
Driving through an online 70+ puddle…
Just how far in do you have to be to win?
The new two-wheeled London Street pandemic
A question of sleep, yet again…
When you don’t quite take all your medicine…
Versed thoughts: Remembering the time
Getting them in on bonfire night…
A reason to ring your own front doorbell…
Inhaling and exhaling your way out of stress…
Doing our best to preserve Lewisham’s culture…
Did you get it yet? Please check!
The ‘69th year mini life-crisis’
War, Crime, the old, and the young…
Why not wash those words right out of the paper?
The ‘6, 6, 10 o’clock stay in touch’ plan…
Repeat prescriptions and requests not denied…
Being seen to exist where you live…
Shopping online means getting up on time…
The ‘69th year mini life-crisis’
Growing further away from your kids…
Pay your heart a little online attention…
When the last one moves out...
A foggy-focused eye-opening message perhaps…
When is it too late to be famous?
A couple of things to be acknowledge today…
Not knowing where you are going?
Why not ‘Swap out’ while you still can…
Are you Happy, or are you Happy?
Remember that council tax rebate?
Putting a positive spin on a negative person…
Start thinking more positively today…
What to do when Alexa sees red!
The day I became a rally driver...
Versed thoughts (chapter 48): Spring and Autumn
Don’t let the youngsters put you off!
Minimising the risk that anyone disappears
Has your dog got a tail to tell?
Perhaps today is the day to start the process…
How accurate are your powers of recognition?
A different sort of public transport strike…
Pandemic break over, let’s get back to work…
Two weeks of hospital thoughts and memories…
The knock on effect of colour…
Always just that one step behind.
Versed thoughts (chapter 45): MY SISTER
E-proving you sent the message….
Postage stamps to be classed out of existence…
How many address books do you really have?
Do you need to do a lot of nose blowing?
Do you, as a rule keep your mouth shut?
Sleeping is seriously hard work!
Phone, wait and keep asking questions.
When it all appears to have gone a bit wrong…
Are you exercising enough? Think about it…
Versed thoughts (chapter 44): STRANGERS PASSING
One consequence of putting parenthood off…
Working out what’s being said…
Is online seeing really believing?
In just about as deep as we can get…
Being more confident when surrounded…
Remember that council tax rebate?
Inhaling and exhaling your way out of stress…
National Selfie Day and you, one year on…
Four questions to start the day…
A foggy-focused eye-opening message perhaps…
Remembering one 1980’s Lewisham job…
Letting the sun work its magic…
Get in touch with them on their big day…
Keeping your finger on the pulse of life…
A milestone that I will never reach…
Have you ever heard of this condition?
A bit of Icelandic 60+ Good News…
We are getting better, but we are not cured yet!
Another consequence of migration and ULEZ…
A harsh lesson of life, there is no bigger half…
Getting past FOGO and the front door…
A couple of things worth remembering.
The knock-on effect of colour…
An early morning light bulb moment…
The things you do can be your best friends too…
Numbers; more than mathematical tools?
Ikigai; a Japanese recipe for happiness …
A rule of thumb (finger pressure and teabag) …
A catch up with the TV licensing laws…
One of those lists worth thinking about…
Changing what is going on behind you…
One aspect of ‘Lewisham lost’…
A month of ‘Once upon a times’…
Celebrating audio communication…
Starting the day at home (wherever I am)…
The new and old technology pairing…
The rising cost of a bit of free advice…
The two-card payment check out technique…
A day to check the length of your nose…
Celebrating all things rainbow…
Exercising our muscles backwards…
Luggage disappearing from right under you…
Kids – from a maternal viewpoint.
For those who would prefer not to e-visit…
Days with time to educate your memory…
Versed thoughts (chapter 43): SAVING THE WORLD
Opinion-offering alternatives…
Play it again LPG: Have you, will you?
Did 2020, teach men something else about career…
A quick pic before you pop it in?
The changing train travel commute…
Getting off the bus and taking a closer look…
What makes you feel really warm in the winter?
E-gift cards - it’s all about the barcode…
Getting right down to your legs…
The good, the bad and the promising!
Who’s your doctor; just pick a partner?
Versed thoughts (chapter 46): FAVOUR(ITE)
Something worth a personal calculation perhaps…
Telling you about my secret without telling you…
Don’t let pins and needles get on your nerves…
Remembering your job with one month’s notice…
Pay your heart a little online attention…
Should I, shouldn’t I and the middle ground…
A present unwrapping hint perhaps…
The loneliest time of the year if you let it be…
新年快乐 all you tigers (and everyone else) …
If you still can, do some of it for yourself…
Don’t leave the conversation in the laundry…
Counting the cost of Christmas…
Promote the importance of agreeing to disagree…
Four questions to start the day…
Don’t be swayed… Keep Your Resolve!
A little belated Covid Christmas crisis present…
Competition can be a bit of a science too…
Up to two years of possible dental pain to come…
Neighbours, complain or block your ears…
Now might just be the right time…
Does it always have to be about the money…
135 years of seriously clean plates….
Why not plan to fire up a resolution?
The unwrapped hopes of many a gift-giver…
Focussing on the relief of finding things…
A telephone glitch which works perfectly…
Something to help when your dog is home-alone?
Quantifying the lost and (hopefully) found…
Old and battered, but still going …
Have you ever heard of this condition?
My new misplacement philosophy…
The things you do can be your best friends too…
Staying young, happy and sane after work…
Seeing the dial go round and round….
Not enough places to spend a penny
Are you a Hoarder or an Anthropomorphist?
Something worth an annual review….
You are number ‘what’ in the queue?
Neighbours; go dine with each other…
Something to add to our thinking at 11 o’clock…
Avoiding a bit of a Christmas rip-off?
On balance, I think I will stick to being me…
Arthritis and the cold, wet, grey days…
A bit about why we do what we do today…
Two of the three ‘Rs’ on an ‘Ex’ day…
The boost; what the NHS are saying…
Is today your ‘Goodbye Freedom day’?
Versed thoughts (chapter 42): FOR SALE
Little bits of pension, lost and found perhaps?
The three-question to do list check…
Keeping them clean on a global scale…
A more subdued entrance and exit this time…
Celebrating for the sake of silliness…
Introduction to a memory; My third Nan…
The secret of ’unfazability’ perhaps…
Mice you need and mice you don’t…
The other cost of cost-effective lighting…
Acknowledging a day of interpretation…
Another old wives’ tale reborn…
Versed thoughts (chapter 41): START AND FINISH
An eye story with possible exercises…
Don’t get too detached from your floaters…
Appreciating your leaving and returning…
Sometimes it’s all about the wrist action…
Do you get ‘September Syndrome’?
In preparation for a day to say ‘thank you’…
One way of reducing after-dinner left-overs…
Negative thoughts turning Positive?
The cost of a journey that someone took for me…
My version of the logic behind the ping…
A day to ‘Live long and prosper.’
The continuing battle against Age Intolerance…
The ‘do it’, ‘don’t do it’, ‘do it’ work ethic…
The evolution of the front door delivery…
Rabbit or Rarebit, now there’s a question…
Making time to be kind to yourself…
Street food for the body and the mind…
Scams, fines and form-filling…
Sundays, twenty-seven years on…
A comment on the new and confusing…
The Power of our younger pensioners.
Keeping up to date with the little orange dots …
Funny bones and national days…
Saturday nights, Sunday mornings and change…
When the morning starts out all wrong…
Quantity, quality and success.
The bank of Grandma and Granddad…
A day to combat any whisper of halitosis.
In out, in out, shake it all about?
The cost of the ‘transponding’ key to freedom…
The sound and colour of relative silence…
E-proving you sent the message….
Walking tall, well as tall as you still can…
A nod-off moment, a wink or perhaps 40?
A conscience jogging ‘Pop chart’!
Versed thoughts (chapter 37): Callander Road.
Celebrating the living art canvas…
Fifteen months down and how many to go?
Hot or not while you are sleeping.
If you can, leave the panting to the panthers…
Rethinking my little living room look…
Niggly thoughts and what you can do about them…
Beware; those multitasking sound effects
Saver the sounds, the sights and the day…
Remembering the Reddifusion TV star…
Add your name to the weight of public opinion…
Improving my relationship with me…
Time to get out of the morning lockdown rut…
Conclusions and how to stop jumping…
Versed thoughts (chapter 36): First things
Go on. Celebrate yourself today…
To stay in or opt-out; that is the question.
A Video that everyone should watch…
The ‘outside / inside’ - ‘old / young’ balance…
Becoming more attractive to your goals…
Don’t get too detached from your floaters…
Versed thoughts (chapter 34): Soon, soon.
Re-evaluating when it comes to your BFF…
A Video that everyone should watch…
Nostalgia; memory mind-stretchers…
Getting things stuck in our ears…
Nostalgia-memory mind-stretchers…
When there is more to numbers than maths…
One of those things we don’t really talk about…
Independently mixed-up celebrations?
Thinking of brothers of all ages…
Pain? Perhaps you can think yourself better…
Suddenly I am a trend-setter in my old age...
Checking what lockdown has done to your memory…
Acknowledging kids of all ages
Philosophical thinking; other people’s opinions…
Getting the pop-ups to pop down!
East verses West, who is looking anyway…
Do you decide with your head or your gut?
Knowing what you are doing verses bits of paper…
The need to boost your booster…
The nail-paint drying eternity…
…and another thing about facemasks…
A friend when I really needed one…
Let the music take control, just a little bit…
A good day to get on the blower…
Dentures, soap, water, bleach, vinegar and more…
Versed thoughts (chapter 33): Dew
How many languages can you read?
Remembering ‘The Flying Brickyard’…
Brothers and sisters, repair the rifts…
A reminder about covid-19, food and us…
The ultimate intrinsic question…
Happy Lock-down Easter… again?
Remembering how to tête à tête…
Learning to like myself a little better…
Insurance renewal – don’t just pay… Haggle!
A reason to stagger your jabs…
A day to acknowledge the egg on your face...
The ‘negative voice in my head’ challenge…
Things you learn at a grand ‘mother’s meeting’.
Focussing on your imagination and creativity…
You’re never too old to be young…
Christmas gifts; the other element of surprise…
Versed thoughts (chapter 27): Turnips.
Avoiding a bit of a Christmas rip-off?
A day when ashes and random kindness meet.
A two course pancake celebration perhaps?
Versed thoughts (chapter 25): Exchanging Hearts
Looking back on a very bad year…
Versed thoughts (chapter 29): Keep in Touch
Internet adverts, time, money and balance
Should you be Body popping at your age?
Attacking arthritis from within and without…
The significance of ‘the 3 Fs’.
Helping to cure your GP’s virtual blindness…
Ladies and gentleman please check your bits!
Keeping the cost of keeping in touch affordable.
Geography, History and (harsh) reality…
Numbering your drawers before you get started…
Listen, what is your house trying to tell you?
Focussing on those ‘I told you so’ moments.
Versed thoughts (chapter 28): Counting the Waves
Televisions; it’s not all about watching them.
Versed thoughts (chapter 21): Demolition
2020; focussing on the positives.
The unwrapped hopes of many a gift-giver…
A message for ‘World Religion day’
Will fireworks become a thing of the past?
Your pension… have you missed anything?
One way of fighting fire with fire…
The entertaining element of competition…
Your heart, a little maths, and the number 220.
‘D’ day is on its way (again)…
Hot or not while you are sleeping.
Perhaps a new way to greet 2021…
A short message for Christmas….
Versed thoughts (chapter 22): Newgrange
Introduction to a memory… MY UNCLE NORMAN
Hearing, phones, aids, quality and quantity.
A new look at our places of interest…
The importance of making up the numbers…
Their checking up on us can be a good thing.
Pain? Perhaps you can think yourself better…
Are we shoppers ‘just making do’ again…
Let the music take control, just a little bit…
Getting your computer to be kinder to your eyes…
An awareness day or two worth noting…
Ivy, getting to the route of the problem…
If you need to share a secret, tell it to a man.
‘Live and let live’… do we, should we, can we…
A present that there will be space for…
Be suspicious of official letters too…
A pre-Christmas winter spring-clean…
Versed thoughts (chapter 23): Observations
Finding a public toilet in Lewisham borough…
Socks, stockings; what’s really inside?
Knees playing up, perhaps something to try…
Playing the scammer at his own game…
Alternatives to the kitchen chopping challenge.
Today; a day to share and half your troubles?
What you’ve got and what you’ve not…
Do those who celebrate really know why?
Well and truly rooted in the UK now...
I recognise the problem? What do I do now?
A welcome dinner guest with an electronic twist…
Ladies and gentleman please check your bits!
The ‘Pucker up’ observed from all perspectives…
October; a month of colourful history…
Our health and mixed messages…
Working out just how much you personally need….
A life-lesson for fingers of all ages…
The advantages of masked mistaken identity…
Wearing and watching… sorry washing…
Versed thoughts (chapter 20): The Chairs
Today’s the day for an upside-down frown…
If you have one, has it got a name?
Sharing the love in more ways than one….
Congratulations to the thespian in you…
Afternoon blinking with your chin on your chest.
It’s not Easter but let’s talk ‘Bunnies’ anyway
The merits of going to the flics over streaming.
Eyes, a timely reminder or two…
If you get them- remember to spend them…
How tired is your electric blanket?
Avoid turning an introduction into a cat-fight
Another step to ‘steppage’ improvement…
Staying cool when the heat is not going away!
Seeing past the fog to the shop-shelves…
Celebrating our ‘happily ever afters’
One subtle way to deal with embarrassment…
Versed thoughts (chapter 9): The Same Country
Not every conversation needs to be a happy one…
Pensioner-parents learn from the birds?
In preparation for a good laugh…
Happy Virtual Birthday to you…
Third in the queue for too long?
Versed thoughts (chapter 11): Future Unknown
In appreciation of our firry friends…
In appreciation of our firry friends…
An independence day challenge…
Seeing past the fog to the shop-shelves…
A little more advice for those left behind…
This time last year – keeping cool…
Brothers and sisters, repair the rifts…
Should you be in credit and are you missing out?
Versed thoughts (chapter 8): Fingers
Beware of overpaying for a TV licence…
Dish-washing v Dish- stacking…
What’s in a name... if you can say it right?
A good day to predict the Weather…
The other end of the GP spectrum
The real cost of connecting with media
A silly thought on a serious day…
Versed thoughts (chapter 10): Couples
Is personal freedom overrated?
Life’s too short; let’s celebrate…
Tough preparation for a global celebration …
Don’t be put off; keep holding on!
So much red tape at a time like this…
An emergency history and geography lesson…
Making sure UV not overdone it.
Do all the time-savers really save time?
The importance of a different type of dating…
Versed thoughts (chapter 7): Simon the Swan
Let’s all think dirty, just for today…
When hot nights make sleeping difficult…
Magna Carta, a celebration of national law…
Dating for the rest of this year…
The value of vinyl these days…
Time for corporate contemplation…
Is the state of your garden surviving the virus?
Lockdown…The best of both worlds.
Dozy days and sleepless nights…
The expressionless face of our world’s streets.
Girls of a certain age, do you remember?
Routine; one way of maintaining yours...
Have all the models rolled away?
Something else to do while you’re in the queue…
Versed thoughts (chapter 6): Measurements
Foot freedom and feeling the floor.
Swapping the word ‘home’ for ‘alert’.
Another little known national commemoration day
Will the world ever agree on anything?
A little nonsense that might make you smile…
My storage problem risen to new heights…
Versed thoughts (chapter 5): Extensions
Why must the wicked be strong?
Age, Culture, Gender, conscience and Church…
One way of keeping up to date during lock down…
Self-isolation; a friendship changer
Money; is collecting really worth it?
Pick yourself up, dust yourself off….
Eating; getting started again…
Another effect of self-isolation
A healthy reminder for your car…
A sticking point which might help pain…
A sticking point which might help pain…
In honour of the real Statistics …
Computer voice discrimination?
The vacuum that makes for a clean sleep…
The vacuum that makes for a clean sleep…
10 Kilos! Please don’t all return!
Turning the clock back to legibility…
Getting to the other side with thanks!
Keeping the neighbours guessing…
Down in the mouth in more ways than one…
Things floating right in front of your eyes….
Something to do while ‘Self-Isolating’
Pensioners and time; opposing points of view…
In the interests of National Self-Sanity…
Successes, regrets, two vid’s and too kids…
London, honestly, I kid you not!
Knees; trying my best to delay the foreseeable…
Insurance renewal – don’t just pay… Haggle!
Another way that shopping can be a therapy…
Potentially sorting out one pain in the neck…
Everything needs a bit of a spring clean ….
Back pain, financial pain, mental pain…
Back pain, financial pain, mental pain…
The inter-generational mobile phone.
There is more to SAD than just feeling that way…
Something positive from America?
Where are you found in the personality spectrum?
Where are you found in the personality spectrum?
Your kids, your kids’ kids and your opinion…
Tenants, keep your heads above water…
Step out and step up while you still can…
Self-understanding with a pinch of salt…
Vegan ways to ‘Shrove’ it up on Tuesday
Is not having a blue badge making you blue?
Could your cold do with a toddy today?
Classier, not pricier budgeting…
Check the state of your ‘even keel’.
Check the state of your ‘even keel’.
Don’t dwell on ‘the me I used to be’…
The feel of the key under your finger…
A call for regulation in all countries.
Connect during the anticipation months…
Don’t be too independent to use a walking stick?
Do white coats have an effect on you?
Ladies, here’s one I made earlier…
Giving back a little driving advice…
Visitors from abroad, where do you start?
A day to ‘celebrate’ for all the wrong reasons…
Watch them grow, watch them go!
Drinking habits – how good are yours?
The science behind a night time snuggle…
LPG would like to say a big thank you…
Ways to keep a little road map little… perhaps?
Children and Grandchildren (your gifts)
Thinking of thanking someone? Do it on Saturday!
Thunder? Be more worried about the lightning…
A new kind of new year’s resolution.
A new year’s resolution worth ‘breaking’?
How do you know and what can you do?
Wikipedia, are they really strapped for cash?
Keeping the message brief today…
Noise? keep your neighbours up to speed.
Yes, we pensioners can still multitask?
The ‘Three-Diary’ way of life?
Unconditional Air however sunny it is outside …
Reach for the ceiling or perhaps the sideboard!
Movies in Lewisham Borough again…
Older and colder… Avoiding the draught…
Observation… do you know a Mrs. X or a Mr. Y?
Keeping the magic of Christmas.
Practice makes for the Perfect Password…
Working on the Detox from the outside in.
Defrost and demist; make sure you can see!
Spending time apart can keep you together.
Keeping the message brief today…
How tired is your electric blanket?
So that’s why God invented Cotton Wool!
Really Bagging the Bargains; box verses black.
Older driver; older car; more to pay-
Looking good while seeing well…
Co-Codamol and constipation; another solution?
Some raw facts about Crudivorisme
One race that paper is still winning…
Don’t become conspicuous by your absence…
You can fool others (but not yourselves)
How quickly some of us forget again.
Show your appreciation and subscribe…
My attempt to inspire positivity…
Whose mobile phone is it anyway?
The annoying sound of commerce.
Keep connected one way or the other!
A West Indian thought with a Halloween flavour…
A little trip down quiz memory lane…
If you don’t check no one else will…
Opposing elements – same outcome?
Having the older finger on the button.
The merits of hanging your head…
Lewisham council’s hidden gift.
The cost of the air that we breathe…
Getting all four corners together…
I heard about it and then I heard it!
The ‘Sting Jet’ that had no name…
Audio Description – not only for the blind.
Electric blankets; a good or bad thing?
New technology and older people
Our day and most of us don’t even know it.
Setting people and poetry free…
The laying down of a little online gauntlet…
The laying down of a little online gauntlet…
Sorting the lies form the truth…
How do you know if it is happening to you?
Use the sensory help around you….
Knitters – exercise your Carpal Tunnels
Making breakfast a meal worth eating….
Sugar, milk and what kind of tea?
Taking pictures – where do you stand?
Getting to sleep in the first place…
Finding the right qwerty key when you need it…
Leaves on the line – a whole new meaning…
The value of the change in your pocket.
Going away; a bit more to pay!
Your name; a lot to live up to?
A written contract makes things so much easier…
Minimise your morning raspiness…
It is never too late to learn…
Automobiles all over the place…
A code for the friends of the elders among us.
Take one last look just in case
First impressions – keep an open mind…
Cleaning up with swifter obsolescence
Sugar, milk and what kind of tea?
Parking fine? Not without a fight this time!
For those of us with bad backs…
See if you can spread this infection…
Where or When Did Things Go Wrong
Couples… make time to concentrate on you!
The power of the online rating…
Successful getting up solutions?
Legacy? Please think beyond your will.
Young backache; I blame technology?
The cost of a call from my home phone…
14 days to ‘Cool Off’ properly!
How do you rate on the happiness scale?
One way of finding inner peace…
A little bit of basking is not a bad thing…
Create... but don’t forget to update!
Food hygiene standards in the 1930s
Food for the body, soul and mind
Statistics can drive us crazy if we let them.
Every picture tells a story (chapter 5)
Whether here or there – Happy Fourth of July
Where is the manual when you need it?
Alarming Statistics – what can we do…
Every picture tells a story (chapter 3)
Is there any point in the requested notes?
Fire and paper – an interesting mix!
Double trouble or safety in numbers?
A little encouragement for those that need it….
Do you know your mobile phone number?
Should we all have to pay for the BBC?
Mobility is just another word for independence…
Another little known national commemoration day
science behind making new friends.
Working on the Detox from the outside in.
I suppose you might get lucky …
…Looks fine but something’s wrong?
Does a box on the wall make you feel any safer?
Can the queen help to improve your posture.
Every picture tells a story (chapter 4)
August 29th - National PPI day…
What achy backs and eggs have in common.
The history that 10/- can conjure up.
Things that we take for granted…
Our back to front technological world
Get it sorted and then get on with your life!
Lower temperatures = higher bills
Decluttering the expensive way!
What to do if you just can’t go
Operation… weather to postpone…
Pill popping the needs and wants..
Four weeks of rubbish? That’s too much!
Finance? - something new to boggle your mind.
What you see and what you hear.
Getting closer to the daily 5…
Meditation… perhaps I am just too fussy!
Make no mistakes with your banking strategy!
Temporary blue badge status...
The Power of our younger pensioners.
We need to use our right to choose.
Rock and Roll is as classic as we are!
A whole new world in your local park.
The importance of avoiding negative thoughts.
Happy Anniversary when it arrives…
What ever happened to convalescence homes?
Not easy, but often very necessary…
Introducing my new houseguest… Alexa
A double helping of leg common-sense
In Pursuit Of Personal Happiness.
A taste of the NHS from a foreign point of view
Without meaning to set your teeth on edge…
Does your writing give you away?
Let your fingers click not walk….
Driving without sound… Ford drivers beware…
Something to make us all a little less lonely
Driving without sound… Ford drivers beware…
Grandma’s if you can, get hands-on.
Every picture tells a story (chapter 2)
Sometimes you are the last person to realise.
I hope you are having a laugh…
Electric blankets; a good or bad thing?
Something you may not be too old to give…
Why you should start using social media
A 1920’s comment on London life
Nosey or Vigilant – using your eyes and ears?
Every picture tells a story (chapter 1)
Mental skill swapping and age difference…
The cold truth about keeping it clean?
Something to pass on to the younger ones…
Everybody needs somebody special
The sights the cinema can offer…
The electronic high street (lesson 1)
If you have to cry today make them tears of joy.
Two questions you should not answer…
A little more help for the Neck and Back.
Get the conservatory conserving…
Pill popping the needs and wants..
A better way to leave the garden
Do something nice for your mobile phone.
Always wishing for the whether we can’t have…
You are never too old to stretch a bit.
How quickly we shoppers all forget….
A bit of military help when you really need it.
First get a friend to ask for you…
Pets can make you feel younger
2019; what will we resolve to do with it?
Small exercises to perform sitting
Why not start using social media?
Thoughts on the Garden of life.
The difference between Yuletide and Christmas
Making sure they are kept tidy.
Disguising the red and skipping the word…
What you give away while you are sleeping.
I read it here and it worked for me …
A hobby that will give you a buzz.
My financial egg basket has moved further away!
Indulging in too much morning shut-eye
The shape you make when you wake?
Scotland the brave (and ingenious)!
Round bits of paper are growing in value….
Why not learn and then take a trip
A funny looking Key but a key none the less!
Adverts and your full concentration…
How best to let your money out of the pot!
If you’ve got it flaunt it properly!
Don’t discount electronic proof.
Putting the pressure on beetroots.
A seriously disrespectful action.
I think anyone who ever went in deserves one!
Let the younger ones take the strain…
Loosing your life to too much sleep…
Unwanted emails and how to get rid?
The importance of house arrest for your pets…
One company often means more than one password.
Halloween and our little ones.
Remembering the buses - back in the day
The summer of 2018; one to remember…
Winter Colds; may I be the first to ‘bless you’?
Leave it at home every now and then
Getting away in spite of it all…
Always room for a little online calculation…
That smell that can happen in the kitchen.
Now… Not quite so handy Lewisham.
Other ways to see better for longer…
What to do when you remember that you forgot…
What to do when you remember that you forgot…
Fingers And Toes Getting Colder And Older.
Taking a leaf out of the Spanish book of life
A memory for those old enough…
Renewing online patient access.
So similar that I can hardly tell them apart!
Not just one more lonely statistic.
Do you know about Law number ‘CUR reg 101’?
Permission to forgive yourself.
Giving your memory a physical workout?
What we have to teach the young.
Bathroom scales are not only for the young…
Sleeping with Onions… who would have thought it?
Long distance ‘happily ever afters’…
Little Libraries give and take…
Leaving our wealth of experience behind us.
Something a little different to do and give…
Virtual life so often mirrors the real thing…
Thinking ‘about back home’ today
We need to e-represent ourselves.
Remembering the screensaver...
Going back lock stock and barrel…
A tip when choosing a care home
Stranger things may have happened.
Get back into your swimming costume
Reasons to get up and get going…
LPG is asked for a little advice…
Proof of address is important for all…
The changing face of taking a dip in Lewisham.
When you first go – take it slow…
Take one step back and then look again.
‘Belong’ for as long as you can.
Another way to visit family in residential care.
The Off-Peak Train Ticket Trap…
Neighbours, Please Look Out For Each Other.
20/20 Vision?– Get an Eye Test Anyway.
Keeping abreast of what happens in care homes.
Rate and check ratings when buying online…
You could be ill, without feeling ill.
Something to do when you are traveling.
Knowing where to find it is the key.
Short sighted seeing at night.
When you are only slightly ill?
Hello Tenants, are you joint or common?
Making Hands-Free Waiting Time Count
How Fat Is Fat When It Comes To Your Cat
Focus On Looking Good, Not Looking Young
The USP can sometimes miss the point?
They’re always watching you watching them!
Note to self; remember not to get impatient.
GP extended Access service has moved….
Accessible electronic house deeds.
Getting all the kids on your side…
First cigarettes, then mobile phones, what next?
Drifting off at the right time
Drifting off at the right time
Remembering passwords – just in case!
A person first; disabled second!
Your computer does remember you…
Quirky QUERTY foreign exchange!
Focus on the future and let the past GO.
Happiness, Women, Men and longevity.
Can bad language ever be a good thing?
Pen Pals are not only for schoolchildren…
Weird questions and contracts.
Get one and give one; A friendly surprise
There is no time like the present!
Street 3D where perspective is key…
What ever happened to the Dragon?
Getting to grips with the shopping trolley.
An alternative celebration of bravery.
No one can really screen your stuff like you.
Never too old to set new goals
A less foolish thing to do on the day.
How to tell them that they are wrong?
Better than being a parent: being a grandparent
What to do when everything is changing
How can you stave off dementia?
My TV years and soap opera silences.
Bucket list: a source of inspiration
An old pastime brought up to date.
Does the biggest make it the best?
Tracker, or no tracker, get moving every hour.
One of the consequences of ‘early to bed’….
Absent mindedness or dementia?
Taking some of the guesswork out of parking…
Being prepared is not all doom and gloom.
Don’t get really lazy until you have to.
Talking to myself and hearing things…
The Answer should always be ‘Why’.
Images designed to take you back….
Giving away our power to choose.
Happy New Year - Eastern Style
Why is my relative in a care home?
What are you letting yourself in for?
+44 – careful which number you phone…
It is worth checking your junk.
Keeping bits of paper – revisited…
A subject with an interesting and wide spectrum?
Things you can do with your hands…
Guide Dogs – a sighted man’s concern
You Will Always Need Toilet Paper!
Casting couches – one point of view.
Hospitals; a personal Experience
One special tree – the history.
Lets All Get A Little Touchier.
Another Way To Be Safe When Paying Online.
Show your computer who is the boss!
Don’t leave it to all the others
Let’s face it: sometimes we all need some advice
Learning how to learn at our age?
What God Says About Getting Older
Basic mathematics, Resolutions, ‘Bah humbug’.
Someone Missing,- they don’t stay young long.
How to survive allergy season?
The importance of a colourful diet
Elderly bruising and physical changes
Consider rolling with your contract
Cats and dogs are amazing, but what about birds?
Alzheimer: some signs to watch out for
Off line shopping – back in the day
Where do people live the longest?
Lewisham to introduce changes to recycling rules
Ready… Steady… GP! (…I mean GO!)
Giving Away Our Power To Choose
Elderly pneumonia and why we should care
Take part in Lewisham’s war memorials projects
Foot/ankle trouble? It may be tendinitis.
Be someone’s person to talk to.
Why Buses can’t be early; My version.
How To Become A Skype Grandparent
Seasonal allergies in the elderly?
Computers - Turning the thing on
Beautiful Places Not Far From Home
101 years of the summertime act
I Blame Myself For my UBER Experience.
Can pain be improved by mind over matter.
Don’t forget to check the pack…
Charities: - who are they helping?
Swimming is also for disabled people
Buy local, buy fresh, buy healthy
How to sleep better as you get older
Don’t try this on a mountain top.
Celebrate today – start learning a new language.
Can crosswords keep your mind young?
Find the right health service for you
You don’t know what you are missing!
Social Care Services: Any Complaints?
Why Don't You Become A Writer?
Step Out With Your Grandchildren
Share Your Passion For Reading
Do You Need To Carry Out Some Home Maintenance?
Feel Free To Move With The Freedom Pass
Community Gardens More Popular Than Ever
Befriending, A Cure For Loneliness
it does exactly what it says on the tin!
The Spread Of Infection In Waiting Rooms
Temptation at 3 o’clock in the morning.
Grow Vegetables, Grow Friendships
Deptford gets ready for the future
Street markets, part of our identity
A new lifestyle for Lewisham Bugs.
Rivoli Dancehall: music and art deco
More benefits of exercising and no more excuses
Love Your Dog, Love Your Borough.
Support Our Parks, Join A Park Users Group.
Do You Remember Catford Greyhound Stadium?
Step by step you’d be surprised!
Not always as mobile as you think
Watching what you missed yesterday
Please remind me why we pay council tax again...
The story of a Lewisham carer / The caring trap
Moving in together – one financial implication
Looking at them looking at you?
Getting sucked in! / Are you prey for scammers!
Capacity - To have and have not...
Power of Attorney : the practicalities