Qi Gong: poison or meat?
11 Dec 2024
Today’s message might be seen as a double-sided lesson in proverbial exercise. AH explains…
I used to sleep alone but now…
07 Dec 2024
Nearly all internet advice on the subject suggests that sleeping with an electronic IT device is not a good idea but NF has found a reason or two to oppose that train of thought…
Keeping your tootsies toasty at night, with those would-be darned socks…
AV offers us a little research and discussion on another issue that might aid restful sleep…
As the weather begins to get cold again, and on this National Sock Day, LPG thought that a repeat of AV’s article might give a different perspective to keeping your feet warm. One might also consider a possible Christmas present idea for a cold footed friend…
Read MoreKeeping your tootsies toasty at night, with those would-be darned socks…
04 Dec 2024
AV offers us a little research and discussion on another issue that might aid restful sleep…
As the weather begins to get cold again, and on this National Sock Day, LPG thought that a repeat of AV’s article might give a different perspective to keeping your feet warm. One might also consider a possible Christmas present idea for a cold footed friend…
From the street to the internet before you even think about it…
FB homes in on those items that we all buy on impulse before realising that we really did not need them in the first place…
In the light of the fact that today is celebrated as Buy Nothing Day in some parts of the world, perhaps a repeat of this article might encourage a few of us to take a rest from shopping and spend a little more time working out what we really need to buy…
Read MoreFrom the street to the internet before you even think about it…
29 Nov 2024
FB homes in on those items that we all buy on impulse before realising that we really did not need them in the first place…
In the light of the fact that today is celebrated as Buy Nothing Day in some parts of the world, perhaps a repeat of this article might encourage a few of us to take a rest from shopping and spend a little more time working out what we really need to buy…
The political morning after the night before…
27 Nov 2024
According to Aristotle, humans are all political animals. IG has a thought or two to offer on the subject…
A solution for nearly every problem –just look at the video
26 Nov 2024
We are so used to seeing all the information that the internet has to offer but OT reminds us that if you discover something that is not there, you can add it…
Are you a builder or a boomer? How many members of Generations X, Y, Z, and Alpha do you know?
23 Nov 2024
WG questions our ability to fit into a generational box with her message today…
It’s not always instant dementia, it could be a UTI…
DO explains an alternative reason that you could start seeing the oddest things….
As is often the case, two relevant celebration days will coincide and yesterday was one of those days, however we at LPG think that this bit of information cannot be missed and even though National UTI Awareness Day was yesterday, we are repeating this very relevant message a day late…
It’s not always instant dementia, it could be a UTI…
22 Nov 2024
DO explains an alternative reason that you could start seeing the oddest things….
As is often the case, two relevant celebration days will coincide and yesterday was one of those days, however we at LPG think that this bit of information cannot be missed and even though National UTI Awareness Day was yesterday, we are repeating this very relevant message a day late…
Taking another look at these rules might be a good idea…
Having found his knowledge somewhat wanting and suspecting that he is not the only driver who might do so, SY shares the online version of the highway code that might be worth a little revision…
LPG suggests that during this National Road Safety Week, there has to be a little value in repeating SY’s message for the benefit of the drivers among our readers…
Read More
Taking another look at these rules might be a good idea…
20 Nov 2024
Having found his knowledge somewhat wanting and suspecting that he is not the only driver who might do so, SY shares the online version of the highway code that might be worth a little revision…
LPG suggests that during this National Road Safety Week, there has to be a little value in repeating SY’s message for the benefit of the drivers among our readers…
Are you putting in more than you are getting out?
17 Nov 2024
Having friends around you is a vital part of anyone’s existence and retirement is often a time when new ones have to be forged. EL reminds us to take an objective look at where our newly forged friendships are going…
Analysing our ‘steppage’
15 Nov 2024
Walking is an action where any analysis afforded is all sorted before we learn the school basics. KC offers us the chance to rethink our strategy today…
Hopes for a war-free world and memories of a cruel reality…
HG highlights one way in which we can help future generations to continue to acknowledge the part that our past generations have played to help shape our present world.
We, at LPG felt that we had to post this message to coincide with an appropriate day of acknowledgement and today Remembrance Day, is more than fitting…
Hopes for a war-free world and memories of a cruel reality…
11 Nov 2024
HG highlights one way in which we can help future generations to continue to acknowledge the part that our past generations have played to help shape our present world.
We, at LPG felt that we had to post this message to coincide with an appropriate day of acknowledgement and today Remembrance Day, is more than fitting…
Cold but not all bad?
10 Nov 2024
JB agrees that we must be wary but suggests that snakes are not all bad…
When what defines you changes…
08 Nov 2024
UH comments on one outcome that can often occur when the cards that getting older can deal us are allowed to dictate what we do about our changing circumstances…
Fingers, buttons and online cookie jars …
05 Nov 2024
LM provides some guidance on whether to press ‘allow’, ‘reject’, or bother with all the options in between when you get to the cookie question that blocks your access to the website you visit…
This needs saying again… Moving in together – one financial implication
02 Nov 2024
Just in case any reader knows or is part of a couple who never got around to tying the knot, JP again raises some possible future consequences.
The difference between when Boys and Girls Go out to play (work!)
30 Oct 2024
LF offers another reason to appreciate that ‘things ain’t what they used to be’…
Getting away from it all while taking some of it with you…
28 Oct 2024
DA discusses the issues presented when carrying luggage on your back…
The importance of having an ‘achievement-salary’ to draw on…
24 Oct 2024
As we get older it can feel as if we get nothing done with our days. VM offers one way of approaching life that might go some way towards reminding us of just how much we do…
Being kinder to wiggly things…
Coming across a worm when gardening is unnerving for many, while others take such an encounter in their stride. JS tells us a little about her experience of moving across that divide…
Today is celebrated as World Earthworm day and LPG felt that a repeat of JS’s thoughts on the subject, might well be a fitting reminder of their importance…
Read MoreBeing kinder to wiggly things…
21 Oct 2024
Coming across a worm when gardening is unnerving for many, while others take such an encounter in their stride. JS tells us a little about her experience of moving across that divide…
Today is celebrated as World Earthworm day and LPG felt that a repeat of JS’s thoughts on the subject, might well be a fitting reminder of their importance…
YG tells us of her experience when it comes to being the guide that helps a partially sighted person along their way…
We have repeated YG’s message today Just in case the need arises for an LPG reader to make a temporary substitution for a white cane. There might be a little value in watching the video and being prepared if the need arises…
Mastering a few guided steps.
15 Oct 2024
YG tells us of her experience when it comes to being the guide that helps a partially sighted person along their way…
We have repeated YG’s message today Just in case the need arises for an LPG reader to make a temporary substitution for a white cane. There might be a little value in watching the video and being prepared if the need arises…
Waves… another reason to keep track of them…
More modern cars demand more modern protections. JC offers news that supports his theory.
Today we find ourselves in the middle of Insurance Awareness Month and LPG repeats this message in an effort to ensure that readers remember to check just how far-reaching your car key’s message is transmitted…
Read More
Waves… another reason to keep track of them…
12 Oct 2024
More modern cars demand more modern protections. JC offers news that supports his theory.
Today we find ourselves in the middle of Insurance Awareness Month and LPG repeats this message in an effort to ensure that readers remember to check just how far-reaching your car key’s message is transmitted…
Hating having to wait; is this a phobia?
CN tells of one aspect of waiting that she finds annoying to say the least as she tries to find out if she is unique when it comes to this aspect of travelling…
On this National Face Your Fears Day LPG looks to re-introduce readers to one that can arguably be seen as a phobia or an inconvenience…
Read MoreHating having to wait; is this a phobia?
10 Oct 2024
CN tells of one aspect of waiting that she finds annoying to say the least as she tries to find out if she is unique when it comes to this aspect of travelling…
On this National Face Your Fears Day LPG looks to re-introduce readers to one that can arguably be seen as a phobia or an inconvenience…
Old dogs, new tricks, and a bit of bribery… What about the cats?
It is arguably a well-known fact that dogs are for training and cats are for company. FT has found some evidence that updates that reality…
It appears that many countries have days dedicated to their cats but on this International Cat day LPG thought that a repeat of FT’s message might entertain and perhaps educate…
Read MoreOld dogs, new tricks, and a bit of bribery… What about the cats?
06 Oct 2024
It is arguably a well-known fact that dogs are for training and cats are for company. FT has found some evidence that updates that reality…
It appears that many countries have days dedicated to their cats but on this International Cat day LPG thought that a repeat of FT’s message might entertain and perhaps educate…
An argument designed to make you smile…
MC offers a few thoughts on the power of a smile…
On this World Smile Day LPG would like to remind you of one of the few things that can do so much good if you take the time to give the odd one away; not only to the person you give it to but also to you too. This repeat of MC’s message might make it all a bit clearer…
Read MoreAn argument designed to make you smile…
04 Oct 2024
MC offers a few thoughts on the power of a smile…
On this World Smile Day LPG would like to remind you of one of the few things that can do so much good if you take the time to give the odd one away; not only to the person you give it to but also to you too. This repeat of MC’s message might make it all a bit clearer…
Taking the hint aspect away from a potentially lonely birthday…
For some it just stops mattering, but for those who find themselves alone and somewhat miserable on their birthdays, FL has a solution or two…
Regardless of which day of the year your birthday falls on FL points out that no matter how lonely you might feel on the day, you should use it to remember just how awesome your life has been, is, and will be in the future. She also points out that remembering the birthdays of the people around you can also be a way of minimising spending yours alone and, with this in mind we, at LPG, have taken the opportunity to repeat the sentiment to coincide with today’s ‘Love People Day.
Read MoreTaking the hint aspect away from a potentially lonely birthday…
30 Sep 2024
For some it just stops mattering, but for those who find themselves alone and somewhat miserable on their birthdays, FL has a solution or two…
Regardless of which day of the year your birthday falls on FL points out that no matter how lonely you might feel on the day, you should use it to remember just how awesome your life has been, is, and will be in the future. She also points out that remembering the birthdays of the people around you can also be a way of minimising spending yours alone and, with this in mind we, at LPG, have taken the opportunity to repeat the sentiment to coincide with today’s ‘Love People Day.
Make sure yours is harder to snatch if you have one…
27 Sep 2024
GM reminds us to be vigilant when using a smartphone in public…
Keep the adverts, the 20, 20, 20 rule and what’s left of your 20/20 vision.
The theme of our message today is being kinder to our eyes in this electronic age as suggested by SY.
At the start of this year’s National Eye Health Week LPG thought a repeat of SY’s hints might be valuable…
Read MoreKeep the adverts, the 20, 20, 20 rule and what’s left of your 20/20 vision.
23 Sep 2024
The theme of our message today is being kinder to our eyes in this electronic age as suggested by SY.
At the start of this year’s National Eye Health Week LPG thought a repeat of SY’s hints might be valuable…
Appreciating what you have while you have it…
XX has decided to tell of his weird habit, although we question the weirdness of a habit, which reminds readers to remember to appreciate those things that far too many of us take for granted…
Today is World Gratitude Day, and perhaps not taking our friends, the clubs we attend, and the organisations we are a part of for granted is another way of expressing our gratitude for them. With this in mind, LPG feels that XX’s message needed another outing…
Read MoreAppreciating what you have while you have it…
21 Sep 2024
XX has decided to tell of his weird habit, although we question the weirdness of a habit, which reminds readers to remember to appreciate those things that far too many of us take for granted…
Today is World Gratitude Day, and perhaps not taking our friends, the clubs we attend, and the organisations we are a part of for granted is another way of expressing our gratitude for them. With this in mind, LPG feels that XX’s message needed another outing…
Looking at respect from different perspectives…
Respect, or lack of it is plain to see although we all see many aspects of it differently as acceptance of what is and is not respectful evolves. FM argues that as it evolves and we older people have values that often can’t keep up with its changing, it has become a very ambiguous commodity.
LPG have elected to repeat this message on National Respect Day because it gives an interesting take on the respect that so many of us notice when it is missing while we unknowingly could be offering a better version of it to some of the people we interact with…
Read MoreLooking at respect from different perspectives…
18 Sep 2024
Respect, or lack of it is plain to see although we all see many aspects of it differently as acceptance of what is and is not respectful evolves. FM argues that as it evolves and we older people have values that often can’t keep up with its changing, it has become a very ambiguous commodity.
LPG have elected to repeat this message on National Respect Day because it gives an interesting take on the respect that so many of us notice when it is missing while we unknowingly could be offering a better version of it to some of the people we interact with…
Banning a return to the nest… a good or bad thing?
15 Sep 2024
Children come in all shapes and sizes, and you only get past one generation of them after another. PB suggests that older parents’ work is never done and that this advice might be a valuable hand-me-down…
Yoga, perhaps the final course of a filling video lunch…
12 Sep 2024
DH suggests one way to secure a healthier afternoon after a heavy lunch…
The importance of sharing your legacy of wisdom…
09 Sep 2024
A favourable quotation might be the perfect start to an otherwise harmful day. CB offers her take…
The changing sight and sound of time…
Few people will hear the sound of a ticking clock without recognising what they are listening to, even though it is a sound that is fast disappearing from our reality. RB explains…
On this National Be Late for Something Day, LPG thought a repeat of RB’s observation might be appropriate as he highlights something that we all recognise even though it is nearly extinct in this day and age…
Read MoreThe changing sight and sound of time…
05 Sep 2024
Few people will hear the sound of a ticking clock without recognising what they are listening to, even though it is a sound that is fast disappearing from our reality. RB explains…
On this National Be Late for Something Day, LPG thought a repeat of RB’s observation might be appropriate as he highlights something that we all recognise even though it is nearly extinct in this day and age…
Perhaps DS’s comment on the acquisition of knowledge resounds with all people as they get a little older. What do you think?
Now that the summer holidays are over and the young one’s will be getting back to the routine of donning the uniform and the educational mind frame, LPG has decided that a repeat of DS’s article on the significance of education with the advantage of hindsight, worth a second outing…
Read MoreThe 7 to 70 reality check…
03 Sep 2024
Perhaps DS’s comment on the acquisition of knowledge resounds with all people as they get a little older. What do you think?
Now that the summer holidays are over and the young one’s will be getting back to the routine of donning the uniform and the educational mind frame, LPG has decided that a repeat of DS’s article on the significance of education with the advantage of hindsight, worth a second outing…
Speaking of my intrinsic things…
We cannot help getting older without accumulating items which are important to us and, what will become of them can be a real worry. SF offers one solution that might make their future a little safer…
SF‘s message could well be seen as an attempt to remind readers of the importance of sharing the stories that surround their items of intrinsic value not to mention their lives. We thought a repeat of such a message could become the makings of a memoir and, as such we felt the need to repeat it on this We Love Memoirs Day …
At LPG, we love to hear and share excerpts from such writings… don’t forget us once it is all written down…
Speaking of my intrinsic things…
31 Aug 2024
We cannot help getting older without accumulating items which are important to us and, what will become of them can be a real worry. SF offers one solution that might make their future a little safer…
SF‘s message could well be seen as an attempt to remind readers of the importance of sharing the stories that surround their items of intrinsic value not to mention their lives. We thought a repeat of such a message could become the makings of a memoir and, as such we felt the need to repeat it on this We Love Memoirs Day …
At LPG, we love to hear and share excerpts from such writings… don’t forget us once it is all written down…
Everything needs a bit of a spring clean
This message may be more important for the touch typists who read our posts. There is nothing more annoying than when the computer all looks perfect, but just one of the keys on your keyboard is sticking. Before you decide it is time to get a new one perhaps FT’s suggestion may be a way forward.
We posted these wise words a few years ago but on this Crackers Over The Keyboard Day, we felt that they could do with another airing…
Read MoreEverything needs a bit of a spring clean
28 Aug 2024
This message may be more important for the touch typists who read our posts. There is nothing more annoying than when the computer all looks perfect, but just one of the keys on your keyboard is sticking. Before you decide it is time to get a new one perhaps FT’s suggestion may be a way forward.
We posted these wise words a few years ago but on this Crackers Over The Keyboard Day, we felt that they could do with another airing…
The secret weapon that is a little tune
25 Aug 2024
GF offers us a way to use our ears when deciding whether to dash for the mobile phone or wait until later once you have heard which tune is played when it rings.
Ethanol by any other name…
22 Aug 2024
SU offers a few words on ‘the morning after the night before’ after hearing her friends’ thoughts and formulating a few of her own…
Retirement, something to look forward to or to be worried about?
PM, like most of our readers has already trodden this path but has some thoughts for those who will arrive here in the near future.
In some parts of the world tomorrow will be celebrated as National Senior Citizens Day, even though as each person approaches the day when they suddenly realise that they will soon become ‘retired’, the prospect can leave them feeling everything from daunted and deflated to glad that work will suddenly become a thing of the past. LPG felt that a repeat of this article might provoke some memories of what it was like for you…
Read MoreRetirement, something to look forward to or to be worried about?
20 Aug 2024
PM, like most of our readers has already trodden this path but has some thoughts for those who will arrive here in the near future.
In some parts of the world tomorrow will be celebrated as National Senior Citizens Day, even though as each person approaches the day when they suddenly realise that they will soon become ‘retired’, the prospect can leave them feeling everything from daunted and deflated to glad that work will suddenly become a thing of the past. LPG felt that a repeat of this article might provoke some memories of what it was like for you…
Giving the phrase ‘Please take one’ a whole new meaning…
AK offers us one way to keep the overflow of paperwork in the home at bay…
Today is celebrated as World Photo Day which conjures up visions of pictures taken in beautiful settings which are designed to promote positive thoughts and emotions, but LPG feels the need to repeat a message which gives another practical reason for utilising the camera which is on your mobile phone…
Read MoreGiving the phrase ‘Please take one’ a whole new meaning…
19 Aug 2024
AK offers us one way to keep the overflow of paperwork in the home at bay…
Today is celebrated as World Photo Day which conjures up visions of pictures taken in beautiful settings which are designed to promote positive thoughts and emotions, but LPG feels the need to repeat a message which gives another practical reason for utilising the camera which is on your mobile phone…
Restarting this particular conversation carefully…
There is so much that we can choose to do in Lewisham and yet so many other options that we don’t get much choice about being involved with. Maureen B offers some thoughts…
With her LPG hat on, she also asks for any reactions to this post that can be passed on or any aspect of the conversation that, in any reader’s opinion, needs to be added…
Restarting this particular conversation carefully…
17 Aug 2024
There is so much that we can choose to do in Lewisham and yet so many other options that we don’t get much choice about being involved with. Maureen B offers some thoughts…
With her LPG hat on, she also asks for any reactions to this post that can be passed on or any aspect of the conversation that, in any reader’s opinion, needs to be added…
Taking a different sort of bath…
16 Aug 2024
GN’s message today gives a whole new perspective to that line 'water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink' from Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem, 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner', a completely different meaning…
What is your overused oral utterance of choice?
14 Aug 2024
FC focuses on a trait many of us don’t see in ourselves, although it can be argued that we see it in many people around us…
The daily dash: a thing of the past…
As with everything else, being older does have a few advantages, and NI reminds us of one of the older ones today…
Today is also known as National Lazy Day, which LPG feels should be celebrated more than once a year. NI offers one laid-back way to spend some of it and all those other hours during the year as we travel through it.
Read MoreThe daily dash: a thing of the past…
10 Aug 2024
As with everything else, being older does have a few advantages, and NI reminds us of one of the older ones today…
Today is also known as National Lazy Day, which LPG feels should be celebrated more than once a year. NI offers one laid-back way to spend some of it and all those other hours during the year as we travel through it.
A couple of well-known clichés which are missed from the lists…
01 Aug 2024
They are still out there and battering our ears. BV has something to say about the stranger who uses your telephone ear to become your friend and get you to buy something.
Real and Pretend War
27 Jul 2024
WP shares her comments on some games that started very differently, were downsized to fit a computer screen and have now become arguably a bit too real…
Internet walls with their transparent ears and eyes.
25 Jul 2024
HE found a reason to draw some worrying conclusions after watching a recent television programme…
Thirty years of busy Sundays…
20 Jul 2024
JB reminds us of an anniversary that still provokes Marmite moments when discussed.
We are rarely ever the only ones…
We often think a large corporation is taking advantage of us because they can. Be it small or large and inspired by something, CB suggest that there is a point to making a stand…
International justice is just a bigger version of all those little injustices that happen to so many of us so much of the time. LPG feels that a repeat of this article is worth posting, as CP suggests that we start small and work up to the big ones.
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We are rarely ever the only ones…
17 Jul 2024
We often think a large corporation is taking advantage of us because they can. Be it small or large and inspired by something, CB suggest that there is a point to making a stand…
International justice is just a bigger version of all those little injustices that happen to so many of us so much of the time. LPG feels that a repeat of this article is worth posting, as CP suggests that we start small and work up to the big ones.
From the street to the internet before you even think about it…
14 Jul 2024
FB homes in on those items that we all buy on impulse before realising that we really did not need them in the first place…
Do you know what they are doing when they are on the phone with you?
LF has found a new way to maximise the time you might spend on a relatively long telephone call…
On this Cheer Up the Lonely Day, this repeat of LF’s story might remind readers of one way in which we can do just that which, in addition to the visits, might minimise the time aspect of being a good friend while putting something which is often thought quite rude to good advantage.
Read MoreDo you know what they are doing when they are on the phone with you?
11 Jul 2024
LF has found a new way to maximise the time you might spend on a relatively long telephone call…
On this Cheer Up the Lonely Day, this repeat of LF’s story might remind readers of one way in which we can do just that which, in addition to the visits, might minimise the time aspect of being a good friend while putting something which is often thought quite rude to good advantage.
English men and women of a certain age and their castles…
08 Jul 2024
NM explains why, when living alone, it is a good thing to have the odd visitor…
Celebrating all Nations, even when big is small…
06 Jul 2024
Inspired by an earlier post, NW offers a message that reminds us that small can be big, depending on how you look at it.
A case of the sighted blind leading the blind perhaps…
04 Jul 2024
They say that learning something new is one way of inspiring the mind. Inspired by an earlier LPG post, SF tells of a challenge she has persuaded a despondent friend to take with her.
Telephones, problems big and small and three digits; who will you call?
02 Jul 2024
We all know some of the numbers GM is discussing today, but it might be prudent to broaden your three-digit knowledge, just in case…
Appreciating what you have while you have it…
29 Jun 2024
XX has decided to tell of his weird habit, although we question the weirdness of a habit, which reminds readers to remember to appreciate those things that far too many of us take for granted…
Check your renewal letters and haggle!
Perhaps paying your bills by Direct Debit is one way of not having to worry about renewal dates but DS reminds us that not worrying can come with its own costs…
Tomorrow doubles as Insurance Awareness Day and LPG repeats this message in an effort to ensure that readers remember to check to make sure that that automatic annual renewal amount doesn’t come at too higher cost…
Read MoreCheck your renewal letters and haggle!
27 Jun 2024
Perhaps paying your bills by Direct Debit is one way of not having to worry about renewal dates but DS reminds us that not worrying can come with its own costs…
Tomorrow doubles as Insurance Awareness Day and LPG repeats this message in an effort to ensure that readers remember to check to make sure that that automatic annual renewal amount doesn’t come at too higher cost…
Beware the website which misses the details…(part 1)
23 Jun 2024
GN explains that her message is the first part of a story that will be continued but has a moral that we might want to heed…
Making sure that my voice gets sufficient exercise perhaps…
FC’s comments are quite light-hearted, but she does touch on a subject which might well cause a little concern to many of us as we get older…
During this Loneliness Awareness Week LPG thought that this article might be worth sharing again…
Read MoreMaking sure that my voice gets sufficient exercise perhaps…
18 Jun 2024
FC’s comments are quite light-hearted, but she does touch on a subject which might well cause a little concern to many of us as we get older…
During this Loneliness Awareness Week LPG thought that this article might be worth sharing again…
Giving yourself a metaphorical hug…
So many people find themselves living alone, both when they are young and as they get older. SN offers a little something that might help when a hug is what is missing…
We are in the middle of Loneliness Awareness Week and, as such, LPG thought that a repeat of SN’s article might come in useful…
Read MoreGiving yourself a metaphorical hug…
14 Jun 2024
So many people find themselves living alone, both when they are young and as they get older. SN offers a little something that might help when a hug is what is missing…
We are in the middle of Loneliness Awareness Week and, as such, LPG thought that a repeat of SN’s article might come in useful…
Putting the cuffs on correctly…
11 Jun 2024
High or low blood pressure can be something we older people feel handcuffed to, and JA reminds us that if we are not careful, monotony can lead to complacency…
‘K1, P1’ but whatever else, get your ‘yarn’ and get started…
Knitting can either relax the person producing the rows or infuriate them depending on how fast they perceive the resulting garment manifesting below the needles. Still, VH offers a solution for faster growth in fewer stitches if you have a granddaughter…
LPG decided today, being Worldwide Knit in Public Day, was the day to repost this little message to inspire a few of those closet knitting-starters who never see a garment through to the end that if they come out into the open with their friends, those friends’ enquiries as to the progress of their projects might spur them on. A friendly enquiry might be the inspiration needed to keep you going…
Read More‘K1, P1’ but whatever else, get your ‘yarn’ and get started…
08 Jun 2024
Knitting can either relax the person producing the rows or infuriate them depending on how fast they perceive the resulting garment manifesting below the needles. Still, VH offers a solution for faster growth in fewer stitches if you have a granddaughter…
LPG decided today, being Worldwide Knit in Public Day, was the day to repost this little message to inspire a few of those closet knitting-starters who never see a garment through to the end that if they come out into the open with their friends, those friends’ enquiries as to the progress of their projects might spur them on. A friendly enquiry might be the inspiration needed to keep you going…
Being kinder to wiggly things…
05 Jun 2024
Coming across a worm when gardening is unnerving for many, while others take such an encounter in their stride. JS tells us a little about her experience of moving across that divide…
Letting your ears do the reading…
Our eyes are so very important to us and though there are many other reasons that it might happen, they have a habit of being one of the senses that are affected as we get older. LPG reminds readers of one local organisation which aims to help.
During this National Volunteers Week we thought a repeat of this article might remind or even inspire a pensioner or two, who are looking for a volunteering opportunity, to make an enquiry or two which might lead to a successful outcome…
Read More
Letting your ears do the reading…
02 Jun 2024
Our eyes are so very important to us and though there are many other reasons that it might happen, they have a habit of being one of the senses that are affected as we get older. LPG reminds readers of one local organisation which aims to help.
During this National Volunteers Week we thought a repeat of this article might remind or even inspire a pensioner or two, who are looking for a volunteering opportunity, to make an enquiry or two which might lead to a successful outcome…
Hopes for a war-free world and memories of a cruel reality…
30 May 2024
HG highlights one way in which we can help future generations to continue to acknowledge the part that our past generations have played to help shape our present world.
Mastering a few guided steps.
27 May 2024
YG points out that there are lessons to be learned just in case you ever find yourself with the opportunity to help a blind man across the road…
Morning reality? Start with the best bits before working down to the rest…
24 May 2024
WG attempts to make a positive difference to all who face each day with a negative mindset…
Offer your friends the odd penny, and don’t just take ‘no’ for an answer …
Sometimes, our friends are the people in the best place to ensure that our memories don’t get stuck in our heads. RP explains…
We find ourselves in the middle of what is known as Personal History Awareness Month in some parts of the world, and LPG has decided to repeat RP’s message as a reminder of the importance of yours...
Offer your friends the odd penny, and don’t just take ‘no’ for an answer …
21 May 2024
Sometimes, our friends are the people in the best place to ensure that our memories don’t get stuck in our heads. RP explains…
We find ourselves in the middle of what is known as Personal History Awareness Month in some parts of the world, and LPG has decided to repeat RP’s message as a reminder of the importance of yours...
Weird mind-broadeners even if your legs can’t do all that walking…
NS opens our eyes to just how many museums there are in our country and around the world as she spotlights some of the more local and unusual ones…
On this International Museum Day, LPG offers a repeat of NS’s homage to them, and reminds us of some of the ones that are a stone’s throw away…
Read MoreWeird mind-broadeners even if your legs can’t do all that walking…
18 May 2024
NS opens our eyes to just how many museums there are in our country and around the world as she spotlights some of the more local and unusual ones…
On this International Museum Day, LPG offers a repeat of NS’s homage to them, and reminds us of some of the ones that are a stone’s throw away…
Was it the nice man in the queue behind me that day?
Sadly, BW tail is not unique and while we hear about such things happening to other people quite often, her story proves that it can happen to anyone…
LPG have opted to repeat BW’s story today in recognition of National Senior Fraud Awareness Day in the hope to highlight just how easy it is to become one of the victims that we all hear about when the word scam in mentioned…
Was it the nice man in the queue behind me that day?
15 May 2024
Sadly, BW tail is not unique and while we hear about such things happening to other people quite often, her story proves that it can happen to anyone…
LPG have opted to repeat BW’s story today in recognition of National Senior Fraud Awareness Day in the hope to highlight just how easy it is to become one of the victims that we all hear about when the word scam in mentioned…
Just like doing a haircut but with leaves…
So many hobbies have something to do with art and JS reminds us of something artistic to try in the garden…
Today is World Topiary Day and as such, LPG thought that a repeat of JS’s thoughts on the subject might inspire a few more readers to start something new…
Read MoreJust like doing a haircut but with leaves…
12 May 2024
So many hobbies have something to do with art and JS reminds us of something artistic to try in the garden…
Today is World Topiary Day and as such, LPG thought that a repeat of JS’s thoughts on the subject might inspire a few more readers to start something new…
Senior Saturday sleepovers perhaps…
WY puts forward a suggestion that may well add a little something to look forward to for those who are looking for a way of entertaining…
Today is celebrated as National Sleepover Day which has always been thought of as one of those activities that young children and adolescents enjoy from time to time, but WY offered us a message that took it to a whole new level and LPG feel it worth repeating to coincide with the day…
Senior Saturday sleepovers perhaps…
09 May 2024
WY puts forward a suggestion that may well add a little something to look forward to for those who are looking for a way of entertaining…
Today is celebrated as National Sleepover Day which has always been thought of as one of those activities that young children and adolescents enjoy from time to time, but WY offered us a message that took it to a whole new level and LPG feel it worth repeating to coincide with the day…
A life lesson for the younger oldies…
RT, offers a really important message today as she reminds pensioners that making new friends and keeping up with those we have lost touch with needs to be one of the uppermost priorities on the to do list of every pensioner...
Making new friendships and renewing those older ones that get lost as we move through life is the message offered today. Relationship Renewal Day is celebrated on this day each year in some parts of the world and, as such, LPG felt a repeat of RT’s message both fitting and important.
Read MoreA life lesson for the younger oldies…
04 May 2024
RT, offers a really important message today as she reminds pensioners that making new friends and keeping up with those we have lost touch with needs to be one of the uppermost priorities on the to do list of every pensioner...
Making new friendships and renewing those older ones that get lost as we move through life is the message offered today. Relationship Renewal Day is celebrated on this day each year in some parts of the world and, as such, LPG felt a repeat of RT’s message both fitting and important.
Theft, and delayed but calculated honesty?
It is so easy to let time get the better of us when it comes to nearly all other aspects of what we do in our lives. OW tells a story of calculated compromise today…
We at LPG feel that this story needs to be repeated today to remind people that, on this National Honesty Day, all aspects of being honest are important not, only those of the big decision-makers…
Read More
Theft, and delayed but calculated honesty?
30 Apr 2024
It is so easy to let time get the better of us when it comes to nearly all other aspects of what we do in our lives. OW tells a story of calculated compromise today…
We at LPG feel that this story needs to be repeated today to remind people that, on this National Honesty Day, all aspects of being honest are important not, only those of the big decision-makers…
An often forgotten life-principle we need to pass on?
PB reminds us of something that no matter the name that you give it, is another version of borrowing money and suggests that we older family members should be passing it on when we get the opportunity.
Perhaps the message we have opted to repeat today gives this celebration a whole new meaning but on this Teach Your Children to Save day PB reminds us that children, and grandchildren of any age might benefit from a timely reminder of this lesson…
Read MoreAn often forgotten life-principle we need to pass on?
27 Apr 2024
PB reminds us of something that no matter the name that you give it, is another version of borrowing money and suggests that we older family members should be passing it on when we get the opportunity.
Perhaps the message we have opted to repeat today gives this celebration a whole new meaning but on this Teach Your Children to Save day PB reminds us that children, and grandchildren of any age might benefit from a timely reminder of this lesson…
Working with wool and one hand…
26 Apr 2024
DO might have just hit upon one way to inject a little positivity into a visit to a friend recovering from a stroke.
Working with wool and one hand…
26 Apr 2024
DO might have just hit upon one way to inject a little positivity into a visit to a friend recovering from a stroke.
Working with wool and one hand…
26 Apr 2024
DO might have just hit upon one way to inject a little positivity into a visit to a friend recovering from a stroke.
Blinding us with science and numbers…
OL focusses in on the fact that, for most of us, the large amount of zeros (or other numerical characters) a number contains, often reflect the extent of our ignorance as to what it really means…
Tomorrow is National Financial Awareness Day and LPG offers this article again in the hope that we might take a closer look at some of the larger figures which are designed to impress as the powers that be offer then to us.
Read MoreBlinding us with science and numbers…
24 Apr 2024
OL focusses in on the fact that, for most of us, the large amount of zeros (or other numerical characters) a number contains, often reflect the extent of our ignorance as to what it really means…
Tomorrow is National Financial Awareness Day and LPG offers this article again in the hope that we might take a closer look at some of the larger figures which are designed to impress as the powers that be offer then to us.
Keeping a note of your ‘driving dates’…
The internet reveals that in 2021, some 3.8 million vehicles were on UK roads without a valid MOT certificate and RR reminds us how easy it is to forget to renew…
Today is Drive It Day and celebrates those cars which have earned ‘classic’ status, and though RR’s message has little to do with any car that is over 40 years old (and exempt from needing a vehicle tax or MOT certificate), or younger than 3 years old (too young to need the aforementioned MOT certificate), we at LPG feel that, for all other motorists, her very pertinent message needs a second hearing; this being the excuse we have found to re-deliver it today.
Read MoreKeeping a note of your ‘driving dates’…
21 Apr 2024
The internet reveals that in 2021, some 3.8 million vehicles were on UK roads without a valid MOT certificate and RR reminds us how easy it is to forget to renew…
Today is Drive It Day and celebrates those cars which have earned ‘classic’ status, and though RR’s message has little to do with any car that is over 40 years old (and exempt from needing a vehicle tax or MOT certificate), or younger than 3 years old (too young to need the aforementioned MOT certificate), we at LPG feel that, for all other motorists, her very pertinent message needs a second hearing; this being the excuse we have found to re-deliver it today.
It’s not always instant dementia, it could be a UTI…
21 Apr 2024
DO explains an alternative reason that you could start seeing the oddest things….
Taking the hint aspect away from a potentially lonely birthday…
15 Apr 2024
For some it just stops mattering, but for those who find themselves alone and somewhat miserable on their birthdays, FL has a solution or two…
Do you fit your name, or should you try another one for size?
TM offers readers a little advice if they feel that they have spent more time than they needed to be having to answer to a name other than the one they would have preferred…
Most people have accepted their 'calling', but statistics show that just over 1% of the population would have chosen to answer to an alternative and do something about it.
Many of us know someone who has spent much of their life preferring to be called something else, and LPG repeats TM's advice on the pros and cons of making it official on this National Name Yourself Day.
Do you fit your name, or should you try another one for size?
09 Apr 2024
TM offers readers a little advice if they feel that they have spent more time than they needed to be having to answer to a name other than the one they would have preferred…
Most people have accepted their 'calling', but statistics show that just over 1% of the population would have chosen to answer to an alternative and do something about it.
Many of us know someone who has spent much of their life preferring to be called something else, and LPG repeats TM's advice on the pros and cons of making it official on this National Name Yourself Day.
Overdrawn to flat packs perhaps…
Many a person living in an older house will appreciate that a new bit of furniture can make all the difference, as NR relates often in more ways than one…
Depending on which webpage you get your information from, today doubles as National DIY day and, while most people who are likely to read our pages will agree that their days of getting down on all fours to attack a flat pack are well and truly over, NS’s anecdotal story might bring back a memory or two…
Overdrawn to flat packs perhaps…
06 Apr 2024
Many a person living in an older house will appreciate that a new bit of furniture can make all the difference, as NR relates often in more ways than one…
Depending on which webpage you get your information from, today doubles as National DIY day and, while most people who are likely to read our pages will agree that their days of getting down on all fours to attack a flat pack are well and truly over, NS’s anecdotal story might bring back a memory or two…
The house I live in.
02 Apr 2024
WG has a message or two for all those pensioners who live alone as she advocates the virtues of the odd bit of playing host to a few of your nearest and dearest…
Do you suffer from sedatephobia?
GG brings us her thoughts on ears and peace and silence having been drawn to think on the subject after reading an earlier post on the LPG website…
LPG has decided that this message deserves a second outing on this National Save Your Hearing Day, even though the subject of GG’s observation is more to do with a problem that most hearing people of today succumb to
Read MoreDo you suffer from sedatephobia?
31 Mar 2024
GG brings us her thoughts on ears and peace and silence having been drawn to think on the subject after reading an earlier post on the LPG website…
LPG has decided that this message deserves a second outing on this National Save Your Hearing Day, even though the subject of GG’s observation is more to do with a problem that most hearing people of today succumb to
Mislaid – not lost, I hope…
22 Mar 2024
Losing touch with people who were once close to you is a part of life that we all can look back on as we get older, and BT is asking for some help in that department today…
Wellderly is the order of the day today…
For those who have never heard of this celebration before, AH wishes all readers a happy National Wellderly Day and offers a reason to have a really positive day today.
Sadly, it appears that march 18th 2024, and the days around it, are somewhat oversubscribed when it comes to being days of celebration, with the result that we are having to post notice of this very important celebration a day late. But we hope that it will be a case of, better late than never for our readership, when they finally get around to enjoying the traditional acknowledgments of the celebration.
Read MoreWellderly is the order of the day today…
19 Mar 2024
For those who have never heard of this celebration before, AH wishes all readers a happy National Wellderly Day and offers a reason to have a really positive day today.
Sadly, it appears that march 18th 2024, and the days around it, are somewhat oversubscribed when it comes to being days of celebration, with the result that we are having to post notice of this very important celebration a day late. But we hope that it will be a case of, better late than never for our readership, when they finally get around to enjoying the traditional acknowledgments of the celebration.
Hording can be a problem both real and digital…
The beauty of a digital picture is that it takes up very little real space, but SF reminds us that digital space also needs to be considered…
We are two days away from ‘Digital Cleanup Day’ and we at LPG thought SF’s message worth repeating to coincide with this very important observance.
Read MoreHording can be a problem both real and digital…
16 Mar 2024
The beauty of a digital picture is that it takes up very little real space, but SF reminds us that digital space also needs to be considered…
We are two days away from ‘Digital Cleanup Day’ and we at LPG thought SF’s message worth repeating to coincide with this very important observance.
Back to the matter of insomnia...
If you are one of our readers who has problems with getting to sleep during the nights, WD offers a few ideas that might help…
During this Sleep Awareness week, LPG decided on a repeat of WD’s message which offers a few ideas which might be of interest to readers who continue to have problems when it comes to getting to sleep at night.
Read MoreBack to the matter of insomnia...
13 Mar 2024
If you are one of our readers who has problems with getting to sleep during the nights, WD offers a few ideas that might help…
During this Sleep Awareness week, LPG decided on a repeat of WD’s message which offers a few ideas which might be of interest to readers who continue to have problems when it comes to getting to sleep at night.
The daily dash: a thing of the past…
10 Mar 2024
As with everything else, being older does have a few advantages, and NI reminds us of one of the older ones today…
You, the accidental inventor, perhaps?
07 Mar 2024
IG has a message about the inventions that arrived because someone tried something that resulted in a very unexpected outcome…
Making a will, a few more points…
QV brings up the subject of making a will yet again while reminding us of a few other variables that we might need to consider…
We did post this message in October last year but, as both March and October are now accepted as Free Will Months we hope that a repeat of QV’s message will remind some of those readers who so promised themselves that they would get started last October that they need to have another go at the process.
Making a will, a few more points…
04 Mar 2024
QV brings up the subject of making a will yet again while reminding us of a few other variables that we might need to consider…
We did post this message in October last year but, as both March and October are now accepted as Free Will Months we hope that a repeat of QV’s message will remind some of those readers who so promised themselves that they would get started last October that they need to have another go at the process.
Did you know that sleeping in a red light area can be good for you?
LPG never ceases to be surprised at the information that our contributors offer for us to share. This is something that affects us all as we get older and it just may be that making a little colour change could be the solution for some of our more restless readers.
On this World Sleep day LPG repeats a message that might have been missed and might well come as a bit of surprise…
Read More
Did you know that sleeping in a red light area can be good for you?
01 Mar 2024
LPG never ceases to be surprised at the information that our contributors offer for us to share. This is something that affects us all as we get older and it just may be that making a little colour change could be the solution for some of our more restless readers.
On this World Sleep day LPG repeats a message that might have been missed and might well come as a bit of surprise…
Ladies, brush up on your ideas, or you might have to wait another four years…
Preparation is critical, and while there is not much time left to take advantage of it this year, FO takes the time to alert all ladies who might profit from such an action to get on their knees before the opportunity is lost for another four years…
Read MoreLadies, brush up on your ideas, or you might have to wait another four years…
27 Feb 2024
Preparation is critical, and while there is not much time left to take advantage of it this year, FO takes the time to alert all ladies who might profit from such an action to get on their knees before the opportunity is lost for another four years…
We are rarely ever the only ones…
21 Feb 2024
We often think a large corporation is taking advantage of us because they can. Be it small or large and inspired by something, CB suggest that there is a point to making a stand…
Slowly losing that lockdown connection…
GD offers a reminder of how much closer some of us seemed when we were all locked down and suggests that we try our best not to lose one of the few more positive things that resulted from the pandemic.
Today is World Family Day and while they are important to the younger members, getting together is something that perhaps we senior members have more time to think about getting them to organise. With that in mind LPG gives a second opportunity to see GD’s message which we hope might spur a few readers on to initiate a few positive changes.
Read MoreSlowly losing that lockdown connection…
19 Feb 2024
GD offers a reminder of how much closer some of us seemed when we were all locked down and suggests that we try our best not to lose one of the few more positive things that resulted from the pandemic.
Today is World Family Day and while they are important to the younger members, getting together is something that perhaps we senior members have more time to think about getting them to organise. With that in mind LPG gives a second opportunity to see GD’s message which we hope might spur a few readers on to initiate a few positive changes.
Slowly losing that lockdown connection…
GD offers a reminder of how much closer some of us seemed when we were all locked down and suggests that we try our best not to lose one of the few more positive things that resulted from the pandemic.
Today is World Family Day and while they are important to the younger members, getting together is something that perhaps we senior members have more time to think about getting them to organise. With that in mind LPG gives a second opportunity to see GD’s message which we hope might spur a few readers on to initiate a few positive changes.
Read MoreSlowly losing that lockdown connection…
19 Feb 2024
GD offers a reminder of how much closer some of us seemed when we were all locked down and suggests that we try our best not to lose one of the few more positive things that resulted from the pandemic.
Today is World Family Day and while they are important to the younger members, getting together is something that perhaps we senior members have more time to think about getting them to organise. With that in mind LPG gives a second opportunity to see GD’s message which we hope might spur a few readers on to initiate a few positive changes.
Still free and single, if not so young…
15 Feb 2024
PY reminds us that the person we most often neglect is ourselves and advocates that we take the time to observe National Singles Awareness Day today…
The art of sorting things both literal and virtual…
Have you ever found something on the internet and then tried to get back to the page a day or so later? The chances are that while you might find similar information, you will have lost the actual page you found the first time. KS has a few ideas about taking a retrospective look at the pages you have been searching through…
On this National Clean Out Your Computer Day LPG would like to again offer this message where KS points out a bit about the value of being able to use both a literal and electronic duster for the job...
Read MoreThe art of sorting things both literal and virtual…
12 Feb 2024
Have you ever found something on the internet and then tried to get back to the page a day or so later? The chances are that while you might find similar information, you will have lost the actual page you found the first time. KS has a few ideas about taking a retrospective look at the pages you have been searching through…
On this National Clean Out Your Computer Day LPG would like to again offer this message where KS points out a bit about the value of being able to use both a literal and electronic duster for the job...
A severe time to stop and breathe…
09 Feb 2024
We don’t have to get far through life to have experienced one of those days when so many little things go wrong that it is hard to cope as they amalgamate. AK offers a recipe for dealing with them …
LG reminds us that we might be in a better position to help a grandchild open up about their anxieties simply because we have the time and the experience to help them through with a regular good old-fashioned chat …
Today is National Time to Talk day and we are always being reminded of the importance of communication and the way that a lack of it can affect so many lives. LG’s message, though written almost a year ago is very relevant on a day such as today which is the reason that LPG has opted to repeat it…
Read MoreIntergenerational opening up…
06 Feb 2024
LG reminds us that we might be in a better position to help a grandchild open up about their anxieties simply because we have the time and the experience to help them through with a regular good old-fashioned chat …
Today is National Time to Talk day and we are always being reminded of the importance of communication and the way that a lack of it can affect so many lives. LG’s message, though written almost a year ago is very relevant on a day such as today which is the reason that LPG has opted to repeat it…
NO win, No Fee? They win and you lose! – (part 1)
Stories come in all shapes and sizes but the ones that include a moral are often worth reading for more than just the enjoyment of the plot. There is a second half to KT’s offering today which really is worth reading.
We have arrived at National Storytelling Week; the week in the year when stories are swapped designed to fire the minds of the listener. This is the first part of a story which we at LPG will continue to do our best to highlight because while stories are more often aimed at children, the moral of this one is definitely for adults and cannot be repeated too many times…
Read MoreNO win, No Fee? They win and you lose! – (part 1)
03 Feb 2024
Stories come in all shapes and sizes but the ones that include a moral are often worth reading for more than just the enjoyment of the plot. There is a second half to KT’s offering today which really is worth reading.
We have arrived at National Storytelling Week; the week in the year when stories are swapped designed to fire the minds of the listener. This is the first part of a story which we at LPG will continue to do our best to highlight because while stories are more often aimed at children, the moral of this one is definitely for adults and cannot be repeated too many times…
Grandma’s, are you part of the ‘ask first’ brigade?
We all have them; those personal boundaries we put in place as we travel the road of life. CS, offers us a story today that proves that those rules and codes of personal practise, written or unwritten, can still get us in to a degree of hot water…
We are in National Story Telling Week; a week designed to encourage our little ones to listen to and explore this age-old art. While CS’s child-oriented story has a very grown up moral, LPG hopes it can be appreciated by us oldies all over again today…
Grandma’s, are you part of the ‘ask first’ brigade?
31 Jan 2024
We all have them; those personal boundaries we put in place as we travel the road of life. CS, offers us a story today that proves that those rules and codes of personal practise, written or unwritten, can still get us in to a degree of hot water…
We are in National Story Telling Week; a week designed to encourage our little ones to listen to and explore this age-old art. While CS’s child-oriented story has a very grown up moral, LPG hopes it can be appreciated by us oldies all over again today…
Hitting the ground with winter-warm feet…
The toes can be where winter is felt most for older people, and NE offers a few suggestions designed to improve things just a little. However, she also suggests readers might have to visually swap the heavy boots featured in some of the suggested videos for slippers…
Read MoreHitting the ground with winter-warm feet…
28 Jan 2024
The toes can be where winter is felt most for older people, and NE offers a few suggestions designed to improve things just a little. However, she also suggests readers might have to visually swap the heavy boots featured in some of the suggested videos for slippers…
Keeping a note of your ‘driving dates’…
26 Jan 2024
The internet reveals that in 2021, some 3.8 million vehicles were on UK roads without a valid MOT certificate and RR reminds us how easy it is to forget to renew…
Forwards with eagerness and backwards with at least some fondness…
Whether looking backwords or forwards at life’s events CP’s message reinforces the need to concentrate on the best bits.
Today has the distinction of being ‘Celebration of Life Day’ and LPG offers a repeat of CP’s message which encompasses the sentiment…
Forwards with eagerness and backwards with at least some fondness…
22 Jan 2024
Whether looking backwords or forwards at life’s events CP’s message reinforces the need to concentrate on the best bits.
Today has the distinction of being ‘Celebration of Life Day’ and LPG offers a repeat of CP’s message which encompasses the sentiment…
A little bit of the new can bring back a bit of the old…
FB reminds us that, when we get old enough to read LPG, we have lived through a lot of new technology that has outlived its usefulness, and challenges readers to try their hand at a memory jerking quiz…
On this Good Memory Day, LPG though it only fair to offer our readers a few… Enjoy
Read MoreA little bit of the new can bring back a bit of the old…
19 Jan 2024
FB reminds us that, when we get old enough to read LPG, we have lived through a lot of new technology that has outlived its usefulness, and challenges readers to try their hand at a memory jerking quiz…
On this Good Memory Day, LPG though it only fair to offer our readers a few… Enjoy
Back to the old routine…
16 Jan 2024
Today, SP’s message reminds us of how easy it is to take so much for granted…
‘K1, P1’ but whatever else, get your ‘yarn’ and get started…
Knitting can either relax the person producing the rows or infuriate them depending on how fast they perceive the resulting garment manifesting below the needles. Still, VH offers a solution for faster growth in fewer stitches if you have a granddaughter…
Read More‘K1, P1’ but whatever else, get your ‘yarn’ and get started…
12 Jan 2024
Knitting can either relax the person producing the rows or infuriate them depending on how fast they perceive the resulting garment manifesting below the needles. Still, VH offers a solution for faster growth in fewer stitches if you have a granddaughter…
Waves… another reason to keep track of them…
10 Jan 2024
More modern cars demand more modern protections. JC offers news that supports his theory.
Check your renewal letters and haggle!
07 Jan 2024
Perhaps paying your bills by Direct Debit is one way of not having to worry about renewal dates but DS reminds us that not worrying can come with its own costs…
Offer your friends the odd penny, and don’t just take ‘no’ for an answer …
04 Jan 2024
Sometimes, our friends are the people in the best place to ensure that our memories don’t get stuck in our heads. RP explains…
Family feud limitation.
01 Jan 2024
Quarrels are never good and once established, repairing them is never easy, but PC suggests that, perhaps it is up to the older members of a family to start the process…
LPG felt this a very appropriate day to repeat and explains the reasons why...
An often forgotten life-principle we need to pass on?
26 Dec 2023
PB reminds us of something that no matter the name that you give it, is another version of borrowing money and suggests that we older family members should be passing it on when we get the opportunity.
Blinding us with science and numbers…
23 Dec 2023
OL focusses in on the fact that, for most of us, the large amount of zeros (or other numerical characters) a number contains, often reflect the extent of our ignorance as to what it really means…
Keeping your tootsies toasty at night, with those would-be darned socks…
20 Dec 2023
AV offers us a little research and discussion on another issue that might aid restful sleep…
Speaking of my intrinsic things…
19 Dec 2023
We cannot help getting older without accumulating items which are important to us and, what will become of them can be a real worry. SF offers one solution that might make their future a little safer…
Opening the cage gates this Christmas?
17 Dec 2023
AR wants to make sure that all residents have to opportunity to take full advantage of the one ULEZ-free day of the year…
Having a go: Bhutan; I made one slight adjustment to the original recipe but it was good...
17 Dec 2023
CB highlights one way of promoting heat as she offers us a warming plate of Bhutanese culture while seeing something a little fishy from Nauru balancing on her January horizon …
Negotiating the possibility of a Christmas visit or lift…
16 Dec 2023
Whether we drive or not, AR felt that this news needs sharing again in preparation for the Christmas holidays…
Giving yourself a metaphorical hug…
14 Dec 2023
So many people find themselves living alone, both when they are young and as they get older. SN offers a little something that might help when a hug is what is missing…
A somewhat playful top-ten perhaps…
If there is a young family member’s birthday on the horizon perhaps NS’s message in this article might be of interest…
As we approach Christmas again the dilemma that surrounds what to get for the grandchildren is always a challenge. LPG thought that a repeat of NS’s research into the most popular toys of all time might help to inspire at this time of year…
A somewhat playful top-ten perhaps…
11 Dec 2023
If there is a young family member’s birthday on the horizon perhaps NS’s message in this article might be of interest…
As we approach Christmas again the dilemma that surrounds what to get for the grandchildren is always a challenge. LPG thought that a repeat of NS’s research into the most popular toys of all time might help to inspire at this time of year…
Keep the adverts, the 20, 20, 20 rule and what’s left of your 20/20 vision.
08 Dec 2023
The theme of our message today is being kinder to our eyes in this electronic age as suggested by SY.
The smell, the taste, the memories…
05 Dec 2023
Our senses can bring so much of the past to the fore when we are least prepared for that to happen, and DT tells of recollections that her sense of smell recently provoked…
We have all moved on but it is still out there…
02 Dec 2023
Perhaps KF has found us some news that many will now categorise as old, but even old news can pop up when we least expect it and a reminder of what to do in the event that it affects you can only be a good thing…
Back to the matter of insomnia...
29 Nov 2023
If you are one of our readers who has problems with getting to sleep during the nights, WD offers a few ideas that might help…
The joy of shopping from a male perspective…
DG has something to say on the subject of the long walk through the supermarket…
With one month left until Christmas Day and the fact that today is celebrated as Shopping Reminder Day, LPG thought that this offering from DG deserves a second outing, if only to remind everyone about the somewhat dubious delights of parting with your cash.
Read MoreThe joy of shopping from a male perspective…
25 Nov 2023
DG has something to say on the subject of the long walk through the supermarket…
With one month left until Christmas Day and the fact that today is celebrated as Shopping Reminder Day, LPG thought that this offering from DG deserves a second outing, if only to remind everyone about the somewhat dubious delights of parting with your cash.
What we have to teach the young.
23 Nov 2023
The young (even the older young) may think that they know it all but WH puts forward some suggestions as to how we can offer them the benefit of our experiences.
We thought this message worth repeating….
Owed to all us kids who are happy to be stuck somewhere in the middle…
20 Nov 2023
FW offers her take on Universal Children’s Day on the day in question…
Scams, the giving and getting factor…
BV offers a little information which focuses on the subject of where in the world most scams originate…
During this International Fraud Awareness Week, LPG has repeated this article because any information which helps to bring awareness of this subject to the fore is worth another posting…
Read MoreScams, the giving and getting factor…
17 Nov 2023
BV offers a little information which focuses on the subject of where in the world most scams originate…
During this International Fraud Awareness Week, LPG has repeated this article because any information which helps to bring awareness of this subject to the fore is worth another posting…
It is sad that we need to home in on this subject so often, and regardless of if you agree or disagree with Rudy’s assessment, he broaches a subject that we cannot be reminded of too many times today…
We again find ourselves working through International Fraud Awareness Week, and in our aim to keep readers vigilant, the editorial group offer a repeat of this message…
Read MoreSo naive in some ways…
14 Nov 2023
It is sad that we need to home in on this subject so often, and regardless of if you agree or disagree with Rudy’s assessment, he broaches a subject that we cannot be reminded of too many times today…
We again find ourselves working through International Fraud Awareness Week, and in our aim to keep readers vigilant, the editorial group offer a repeat of this message…
Remembering Remembrance Day with a bit of a twist
11 Nov 2023
If any age group is likely to remember the significance of today and tomorrow being the closest Sunday, it will be us older members of society. CE tries her best to help us to be ready to remember on time…
PP tells us a little of what he has learned while being educated in the ways of a computer video game…
LPG sees this as a fitting day to share again what PP has to say on the subject of remembrance and those who never actually lived through what it is that we are all supposed to remember…
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Is war just a vicious circle…
10 Nov 2023
PP tells us a little of what he has learned while being educated in the ways of a computer video game…
LPG sees this as a fitting day to share again what PP has to say on the subject of remembrance and those who never actually lived through what it is that we are all supposed to remember…
If you have one, what is included in your mobile phone activity repertoire?
We oldies are gradually catching up with the youngsters when it comes to the question of technology and LF passes on a little of what she has learned about that question that so many people must ask once they have mastered actually making a phone call; ‘What else can it do?’
Now that we are in the middle of World Communication Week, LPG takes the opportunity to share LF’s thoughts on the subject of just what people do with their smartphones.
Read MoreIf you have one, what is included in your mobile phone activity repertoire?
05 Nov 2023
We oldies are gradually catching up with the youngsters when it comes to the question of technology and LF passes on a little of what she has learned about that question that so many people must ask once they have mastered actually making a phone call; ‘What else can it do?’
Now that we are in the middle of World Communication Week, LPG takes the opportunity to share LF’s thoughts on the subject of just what people do with their smartphones.
OC has highlighted an issue that older retirees already know about, but younger ones need to hear. It would be even better if our gentleman considers it at the pre-retirement stage of life, so if you have any experience or comments to make LPG want to hear them.
LPG offers this article again on this National Man Makes Dinner day because it is one of the things that perhaps was alluding to when he wrote this really important message for the male half of our readership…
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Keeping it real.
02 Nov 2023
OC has highlighted an issue that older retirees already know about, but younger ones need to hear. It would be even better if our gentleman considers it at the pre-retirement stage of life, so if you have any experience or comments to make LPG want to hear them.
LPG offers this article again on this National Man Makes Dinner day because it is one of the things that perhaps was alluding to when he wrote this really important message for the male half of our readership…
Giving the phrase ‘Please take one’ a whole new meaning…
30 Oct 2023
AK offers us one way to keep the overflow of paperwork in the home at bay…
The ‘just in case’ that locked me out!
UF tells us a story of case placement which could have been worse, but which could have gone a little better with a bit of forethought…
October is national security month and LPG thought it the perfect time to repeat a story that warns against a bit of self-inflicted and unneeded security that might be avoided with a little discretion.
Read MoreThe ‘just in case’ that locked me out!
27 Oct 2023
UF tells us a story of case placement which could have been worse, but which could have gone a little better with a bit of forethought…
October is national security month and LPG thought it the perfect time to repeat a story that warns against a bit of self-inflicted and unneeded security that might be avoided with a little discretion.
Senior Saturday sleepovers perhaps…
WY puts forward a suggestion that may well add a little something to look forward to for those who are looking for a way of entertaining…
As the days get shorter and draw in again LPG would like to repeat WY’s suggestion in the hope that it might inspire something to look forward to…
Read MoreSenior Saturday sleepovers perhaps…
24 Oct 2023
WY puts forward a suggestion that may well add a little something to look forward to for those who are looking for a way of entertaining…
As the days get shorter and draw in again LPG would like to repeat WY’s suggestion in the hope that it might inspire something to look forward to…
Have you been asked for a loan, don’t just say no.
Perhaps lending and borrowing is something that we need to keep to the barest minimum, but CS has a little to add to a previous article on the subject…
As we travel through this National Retirement Security Week, LPG thought a repeat of what CS has to say on the subject of lending some of what you have managed to save for yourself might be worth reading again.
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Have you been asked for a loan, don’t just say no.
20 Oct 2023
Perhaps lending and borrowing is something that we need to keep to the barest minimum, but CS has a little to add to a previous article on the subject…
As we travel through this National Retirement Security Week, LPG thought a repeat of what CS has to say on the subject of lending some of what you have managed to save for yourself might be worth reading again.
With pen in hand and a little time on them…
18 Oct 2023
If you have one of those writing hands that cannot help meandering around the page while you wait to take your intended notes at any time, this article might just be for you…
A hand-washing refresher course…
15 Oct 2023
SM takes the time to pass on a reminder of the importance of washing our hands even though the threat of coronavirus is all but over…
On this Global Handwashing Day LPG offers a repeat of SM’s message on the subject…
Giving those knees a helping hand.
JL offers one possible suggestion for keeping knee pain at bay…
We have all heard about it although to really know it is often the case that you have to be erring on the side of old before you really feel its effects, but internet research tells us that one child in 1000 has unfortunately felt its full force too. World Arthritis Day is the one day in the year put aside to raise awareness of the illness and the research being done to irradiate it. LPG thought this a good reason to repeat JL’s message
Read MoreGiving those knees a helping hand.
12 Oct 2023
JL offers one possible suggestion for keeping knee pain at bay…
We have all heard about it although to really know it is often the case that you have to be erring on the side of old before you really feel its effects, but internet research tells us that one child in 1000 has unfortunately felt its full force too. World Arthritis Day is the one day in the year put aside to raise awareness of the illness and the research being done to irradiate it. LPG thought this a good reason to repeat JL’s message
One atom or two, there can be smoke without fire...
PF takes the time to remind us that we should look up but not as far as the heavens every now and then as we give our fire alarms and smoke alarms a thorough going over.
This message was sent to us at the end of last year’s extremely hot summer but perhaps it is a message that cannot be repeated too many times and LPG have deemed National Fire Prevention Week as a very good reason to repeat it
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One atom or two, there can be smoke without fire...
09 Oct 2023
PF takes the time to remind us that we should look up but not as far as the heavens every now and then as we give our fire alarms and smoke alarms a thorough going over.
This message was sent to us at the end of last year’s extremely hot summer but perhaps it is a message that cannot be repeated too many times and LPG have deemed National Fire Prevention Week as a very good reason to repeat it
Pleading Poverty
06 Oct 2023
There are many differing views on what to do with what you have in older age. Rudy uses his own personal perceptions and experience to address one of them today…
Making a will, a few more points…
06 Oct 2023
QV brings up the subject of making a will yet again while reminding us of a few other variables that we might need to consider…
Will execution; to accept the challenge or not.
03 Oct 2023
Perhaps will-making needs to be looked at from more than just the aspect of the person writing it. QK finds another angle that needs consideration…
When you close your eyes and think of chewing gum do you imagine it getting squashed between your teeth or see the blobs of the stuff on the pavement.
LPG has decided to repeat this post in honour of National Chewing Gum Day because, weather you indulge or abhor the habit, perhaps the discussion could do with another airing…
Read More
Gum, good or bad?
30 Sep 2023
When you close your eyes and think of chewing gum do you imagine it getting squashed between your teeth or see the blobs of the stuff on the pavement.
LPG has decided to repeat this post in honour of National Chewing Gum Day because, weather you indulge or abhor the habit, perhaps the discussion could do with another airing…
Overdrawn to flat packs perhaps…
27 Sep 2023
Many a person living in an older house will appreciate that a new bit of furniture can make all the difference, as NR relates often in more ways than one…
Letting your ears do the reading…
Our eyes are so very important to us and though there are many other reasons that it might happen, they have a habit of being one of the senses that are affected as we get older. LPG reminds readers of one local organisation which aims to help.
This week is National Eye Health week; the one week of the year when we annually take the time to acknowledge the importance of all things visual.
Read MoreLetting your ears do the reading…
24 Sep 2023
Our eyes are so very important to us and though there are many other reasons that it might happen, they have a habit of being one of the senses that are affected as we get older. LPG reminds readers of one local organisation which aims to help.
This week is National Eye Health week; the one week of the year when we annually take the time to acknowledge the importance of all things visual.
The art of gentle but necessary persuasion…
YP hopes that writing about this particular conundrum might help to highlight it to the point where a conversation can be opened…
They say that accepting that a problem exists is the first step to working on a solution, and YP wrote this message in an attempt to help the friends of, and people with problems when it comes to coming to terms with sight loss. During this National Eye Health Week, we at LPG feel a repeat posting appropriate…
Read MoreThe art of gentle but necessary persuasion…
21 Sep 2023
YP hopes that writing about this particular conundrum might help to highlight it to the point where a conversation can be opened…
They say that accepting that a problem exists is the first step to working on a solution, and YP wrote this message in an attempt to help the friends of, and people with problems when it comes to coming to terms with sight loss. During this National Eye Health Week, we at LPG feel a repeat posting appropriate…
The need for advanced choice planning after retirement …
19 Sep 2023
KH reminds us why having all the time in the world to do anything we want to do might not be the most advantageous way to live in retirement…
A life lesson for the younger oldies…
15 Sep 2023
RT, offers a really important message today as she reminds pensioners that making new friends and keeping up with those we have lost touch with needs to be one of the uppermost priorities on the to do list of every pensioner...
Is yours an ICE cold mobile phone?
CP offers us a good reason to add some emergency information to your mobile phone just in case…
Today is National First Aid day and it occurs to us at LPG that a reminder that being able to add some vital information to your smart phone in such a way that it is accessible even if you are found unconscious, might be something worthwhile as we get older…
Is yours an ICE cold mobile phone?
09 Sep 2023
CP offers us a good reason to add some emergency information to your mobile phone just in case…
Today is National First Aid day and it occurs to us at LPG that a reminder that being able to add some vital information to your smart phone in such a way that it is accessible even if you are found unconscious, might be something worthwhile as we get older…
NO win, No Fee? They win and you lose! – (part 1)
06 Sep 2023
Stories come in all shapes and sizes but the ones that include a moral are often worth reading for more than just the enjoyment of the plot. There is a second half to KT’s offering today which really is worth reading.
Weird mind-broadeners even if your legs can’t do all that walking…
03 Sep 2023
NS opens our eyes to just how many museums there are in our country and around the world as she spotlights some of the more local and unusual ones…
The blurry line between friend and acquaintance
GF uses a recent experience to remind readers of a well-known truth…
Today, which in some parts of the world is also known as National Grief Awareness Day, gives us the opportunity to repeat GF’s words on the subject, and we offer a little information on the value of all friendships and acknowledging the sentiments of the day…
The blurry line between friend and acquaintance
30 Aug 2023
GF uses a recent experience to remind readers of a well-known truth…
Today, which in some parts of the world is also known as National Grief Awareness Day, gives us the opportunity to repeat GF’s words on the subject, and we offer a little information on the value of all friendships and acknowledging the sentiments of the day…
The art of sorting things both literal and virtual…
Have you ever found something on the internet and then tried to get back to the page a day or so later? The chances are that while you might find similar information, you will have lost the actual page you found the first time. KS has a few ideas about taking a retrospective look at the pages you have been searching through…
Read MoreThe art of sorting things both literal and virtual…
25 Aug 2023
Have you ever found something on the internet and then tried to get back to the page a day or so later? The chances are that while you might find similar information, you will have lost the actual page you found the first time. KS has a few ideas about taking a retrospective look at the pages you have been searching through…
Getting to grips with just one issue could make a real difference for so many others. Perhaps today is the day?
LPG felt that this article deserves a second outing. If you have, or are in the process of addressing an issue your experience could help someone in the future. So don’t forget to let us help you to share your experience.
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Fobbed off or followed up?
22 Aug 2023
Getting to grips with just one issue could make a real difference for so many others. Perhaps today is the day?
LPG felt that this article deserves a second outing. If you have, or are in the process of addressing an issue your experience could help someone in the future. So don’t forget to let us help you to share your experience.
How are your metatarsals doing?
AH shares what she has found out about one way that we can ensure that our older feet stay as healthy as possible…
On this National I Love My Feet Day we at LPG thought that a repeat of the information offered in AH’s message might be of benefit…
Read MoreHow are your metatarsals doing?
17 Aug 2023
AH shares what she has found out about one way that we can ensure that our older feet stay as healthy as possible…
On this National I Love My Feet Day we at LPG thought that a repeat of the information offered in AH’s message might be of benefit…
Do you sometimes wish your knuckles were white again?
Life is a roller coaster without adding the extra experience which can be found at a fairground, but many pensioners will remember when trying them out was the thing to do. And now that our bad backs and other aches and pains are well established, KC offers an alternative way to feel at least some of the force…
LPG has decided to repeat this post on this day which has been designated National Roller Coaster Day in some parts of the world.
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Do you sometimes wish your knuckles were white again?
16 Aug 2023
Life is a roller coaster without adding the extra experience which can be found at a fairground, but many pensioners will remember when trying them out was the thing to do. And now that our bad backs and other aches and pains are well established, KC offers an alternative way to feel at least some of the force…
LPG has decided to repeat this post on this day which has been designated National Roller Coaster Day in some parts of the world.
Are you due a little credit?
13 Aug 2023
So many pensioners who could benefit from Pension Credit are missing out which is why LPG have put together a few pieces of information which we hope will spur our readers to check…
LPG put this message out about six months ago but feel that it might be worth repeating…
If you have one, what is included in your mobile phone activity repertoire?
We oldies are gradually catching up with the youngsters when it comes to the question of technology and LF passes on a little of what she has learned about that question that so many people must ask once they have mastered actually making a phone call; ‘What else can it do?’
Read MoreIf you have one, what is included in your mobile phone activity repertoire?
10 Aug 2023
We oldies are gradually catching up with the youngsters when it comes to the question of technology and LF passes on a little of what she has learned about that question that so many people must ask once they have mastered actually making a phone call; ‘What else can it do?’
Making sure that my voice gets sufficient exercise perhaps…
08 Aug 2023
FC’s comments are quite light-hearted, but she does touch on a subject which might well cause a little concern to many of us as we get older…
Foot/ankle trouble? It may be tendinitis.
06 Aug 2023
Here us a condition where the symptoms could pass you by but for JL’s experience.
On this National Wiggle Your Toes Day LPG thought a little foot-related advice might be worth repeating…
Forwards with eagerness and backwards with at least some fondness…
29 Jul 2023
Whether looking backwords or forwards at life’s events CP’s message reinforces the need to concentrate on the best bits.
Hating having to wait; is this a phobia?
26 Jul 2023
CN tells of one aspect of waiting that she finds annoying to say the least as she tries to find out if she is unique when it comes to this aspect of travelling…
Scams, the giving and getting factor…
20 Jul 2023
BV offers a little information which focuses on the subject of where in the world most scams originate…
A stamp sticking reprieve…
17 Jul 2023
PF offers a reminder for all readers who still have old postage stamps
LPG thought it worth repeating PF’s message one more time, with two weeks to go, just in case there is anyone who has still got old style postage stamps which they have not yet remembered to get sorted …
So naive in some ways…
14 Jul 2023
It is sad that we need to home in on this subject so often, and regardless of if you agree or disagree with Rudy’s assessment, he broaches a subject that we cannot be reminded of too many times today…
The joy of shopping from a male perspective…
12 Jul 2023
DG has something to say on the subject of the long walk through the supermarket…
Just like doing a haircut but with leaves…
08 Jul 2023
So many hobbies have something to do with art and JS reminds us of something artistic to try in the garden…
Doing our best to preserve Lewisham’s culture…
Maureen B reminds us that there are so many diverse hobbies and interests to get involved with once you retire, and urges us all to get involved if we have not so far…
LPG have decided to repeat this message during Volunteers’ Week because if you have some time to volunteer or you just want to volunteer yourself for a little skill learning or anything else, this might just be a perfect time to get started…
Read MoreDoing our best to preserve Lewisham’s culture…
05 Jul 2023
Maureen B reminds us that there are so many diverse hobbies and interests to get involved with once you retire, and urges us all to get involved if we have not so far…
LPG have decided to repeat this message during Volunteers’ Week because if you have some time to volunteer or you just want to volunteer yourself for a little skill learning or anything else, this might just be a perfect time to get started…
Do you fit your name, or should you try another one for size?
02 Jul 2023
TM offers readers a little advice if they feel that they have spent more time than they needed to be having to answer to a name other than the one they would have preferred…
An argument designed to make you smile…
29 Jun 2023
MC offers a few thoughts on the power of a smile…
Year seven beckons…
26 Jun 2023
LPG shares its birthday by offering a reminder of what we are all about, while also reminding our readers that we only continue to exist because you continue to offer your opinions…
Stirring a few more playful memories…
23 Jun 2023
NS offers readers opportunity to take a nostalgic look at some of the things that we may have played with as young children, which was most probably sometime ago if you are reading our pages…
A trip back in time to satisfy the ears and highlight a little Lewisham history…
Music comes in all audible shapes and sizes and the older ear of the pensioner has listened to so much. KV has discovered an online video which might be of musical interest today…
Today doubles as World Music Day and Lewisham Borough has had its fair share of talent in that regard but while we remember the more recent ones, LPG felt that a reminder of those that KV’s research uncovered deserve a repeated posting.
Read MoreA trip back in time to satisfy the ears and highlight a little Lewisham history…
21 Jun 2023
Music comes in all audible shapes and sizes and the older ear of the pensioner has listened to so much. KV has discovered an online video which might be of musical interest today…
Today doubles as World Music Day and Lewisham Borough has had its fair share of talent in that regard but while we remember the more recent ones, LPG felt that a reminder of those that KV’s research uncovered deserve a repeated posting.
Hording can be a problem both real and digital…
17 Jun 2023
The beauty of a digital picture is that it takes up very little real space, but SF reminds us that digital space also needs to be considered…
When the last one moves out...
Living alone is not the best way forward for many and it is often something that just happens before you realise what is going on. IC shares her thoughts as she prepares for the realities of doing just this…
LPG have taken the decision to re-post this article as we are so close to National Loneliness awareness week and, while we don’t know where IC is up to in her solitude journey, we urge readers who do not live alone to realise that this often becomes a reality with little notice so it is worth another look if only to spur readers on to at least think about what might happen if you are left alone at any point in the future.
Read More
When the last one moves out...
15 Jun 2023
Living alone is not the best way forward for many and it is often something that just happens before you realise what is going on. IC shares her thoughts as she prepares for the realities of doing just this…
LPG have taken the decision to re-post this article as we are so close to National Loneliness awareness week and, while we don’t know where IC is up to in her solitude journey, we urge readers who do not live alone to realise that this often becomes a reality with little notice so it is worth another look if only to spur readers on to at least think about what might happen if you are left alone at any point in the future.
A somewhat playful top-ten perhaps…
14 Jun 2023
If there is a young family member’s birthday on the horizon perhaps NS’s message in this article might be of interest…
Do you know what they are doing when they are on the phone with you?
11 Jun 2023
LF has found a new way to maximise the time you might spend on a relatively long telephone call…
An alternative hospital visit…
BF suggests something that it might a hospital visitor might be able to do when they are asked to temporarily stand beyond the curtains of their intended hospital patient…
LPG sees BF’s as a story where a degree of empathy came into play and today, which is celebrated as Empathy day, we at LPG feel it worth repeating as one way to remind our readers that, although the celebration is geared more towards the young, we can all benefit from giving a few empathetic words every now and again…
Read More
An alternative hospital visit…
08 Jun 2023
BF suggests something that it might a hospital visitor might be able to do when they are asked to temporarily stand beyond the curtains of their intended hospital patient…
LPG sees BF’s as a story where a degree of empathy came into play and today, which is celebrated as Empathy day, we at LPG feel it worth repeating as one way to remind our readers that, although the celebration is geared more towards the young, we can all benefit from giving a few empathetic words every now and again…
The new two-wheeled London Street pandemic
KF offers a little information about the increasing number of parked hire bikes to be found on our local streets…
LF sent us this message at the end of last year and, with an eye on checking to see if the trend continues, LPG thought it worth repeating in preparation for tomorrow’s celebration of 2023’s World Bicycle Day
The new two-wheeled London Street pandemic
02 Jun 2023
KF offers a little information about the increasing number of parked hire bikes to be found on our local streets…
LF sent us this message at the end of last year and, with an eye on checking to see if the trend continues, LPG thought it worth repeating in preparation for tomorrow’s celebration of 2023’s World Bicycle Day
The 7 to 70 reality check…
30 May 2023
Perhaps DS’s comment on the acquisition of knowledge resounds with all people as they get a little older. What do you think?
A hand-washing refresher course…
27 May 2023
SM takes the time to pass on a reminder of the importance of washing our hands even though the threat of coronavirus is all but over…
The changing sight and sound of time…
24 May 2023
Few people will hear the sound of a ticking clock without recognising what they are listening to, even though it is a sound that is fast disappearing from our reality. RB explains…
The evolution of the daily trip to school…
OC's thoughts on getting her grandson to school have brought memories of her trips to school back to the surface, and she takes the time to share a few today…
This week is designated National Walk to School Week in the UK, which gives LPG the perfect excuse to repeat this article. The day is supposed to promote walking a short distance rather than driving as a way of exercise, but we hope that OC’s comments will get you reminiscing about your school days, and when you do, please share…
Read MoreThe evolution of the daily trip to school…
21 May 2023
OC's thoughts on getting her grandson to school have brought memories of her trips to school back to the surface, and she takes the time to share a few today…
This week is designated National Walk to School Week in the UK, which gives LPG the perfect excuse to repeat this article. The day is supposed to promote walking a short distance rather than driving as a way of exercise, but we hope that OC’s comments will get you reminiscing about your school days, and when you do, please share…
How are your metatarsals doing?
18 May 2023
AH shares what she has found out about one way that we can ensure that our older feet stay as healthy as possible…
Have you been asked for a loan, don’t just say no.
12 May 2023
Perhaps lending and borrowing is something that we need to keep to the barest minimum, but CS has a little to add to a previous article on the subject…
It is definitely more than just a hat.
06 May 2023
Coronations come and Coronations go but they all involve crowns, gowns and pageantry; a fact that GL reminds us of today…
Another go at shape-improvement…
FL shares a few thoughts on the subject of doing our best to retain the shape that perhaps might be getting away…
Tomorrow will be International No Diet Day where it is recommended that we all learn to live with the size they have LPG solutes all those people who are perfectly happy but, while don’t support giving up food altogether and just in case there are any readers out there who feel that they could lose a few pounds after the freedom suggested today has passed, we thought a repeat of FL’s message might be just the thing in preparation for the start of another attempt to cut down a little…
Another go at shape-improvement…
05 May 2023
FL shares a few thoughts on the subject of doing our best to retain the shape that perhaps might be getting away…
Tomorrow will be International No Diet Day where it is recommended that we all learn to live with the size they have LPG solutes all those people who are perfectly happy but, while don’t support giving up food altogether and just in case there are any readers out there who feel that they could lose a few pounds after the freedom suggested today has passed, we thought a repeat of FL’s message might be just the thing in preparation for the start of another attempt to cut down a little…
Working out what’s being said…
03 May 2023
NH offers a little about what she has learned about learning to understand one of her friends who has hearing difficulties…
LPG thought it appropriate to repeat NH’s message during this
HG takes the time to pass on a little wisdom which came to her while waiting at the checkout.
Today is known as National Honesty day in some parts of the world and LPG feels that a repeat of HT’s message will remind us that really small bouts of dishonesty can be found all around us…
Read MoreHum drum shopping etiquette…
30 Apr 2023
HG takes the time to pass on a little wisdom which came to her while waiting at the checkout.
Today is known as National Honesty day in some parts of the world and LPG feels that a repeat of HT’s message will remind us that really small bouts of dishonesty can be found all around us…
GN compares ways that what we see around us can sometimes colour the way we age…
On this National Achievement Day, we at LPG felt the need to repeat GN’s pep talk. Many readers will appreciate a reason to focus on this very relevant message, All those readers that might have forgotten to recognise their own personal achievements on a day dedicated to both the big and little ones may benefit from what GN has to say…
Read More‘Then and Now’ comparisons…
27 Apr 2023
GN compares ways that what we see around us can sometimes colour the way we age…
On this National Achievement Day, we at LPG felt the need to repeat GN’s pep talk. Many readers will appreciate a reason to focus on this very relevant message, All those readers that might have forgotten to recognise their own personal achievements on a day dedicated to both the big and little ones may benefit from what GN has to say…
If you can’t hide it, at least disguise it…
24 Apr 2023
Having done a bit of research DG addressed one aspect of being an older gentleman that it might be able to change for the better.
Looking at respect from different perspectives…
Respect, or lack of it is plain to see although we all see many aspects of it differently as acceptance of what is and is not respectful evolves. FM argues that as it evolves and we older people have values that often can’t keep up with its changing, it has become a very ambiguous commodity.
Read MoreLooking at respect from different perspectives…
21 Apr 2023
Respect, or lack of it is plain to see although we all see many aspects of it differently as acceptance of what is and is not respectful evolves. FM argues that as it evolves and we older people have values that often can’t keep up with its changing, it has become a very ambiguous commodity.
Slowly losing that lockdown connection…
12 Apr 2023
GD offers a reminder of how much closer some of us seemed when we were all locked down and suggests that we try our best not to lose one of the few more positive things that resulted from the pandemic.
Grandma’s, are you part of the ‘ask first’ brigade?
We all have them; those personal boundaries we put in place as we travel the road of life. CS, offers us a story today that proves that those rules and codes of personal practise, written or unwritten, can still get us in to a degree of hot water…
Read MoreGrandma’s, are you part of the ‘ask first’ brigade?
09 Apr 2023
We all have them; those personal boundaries we put in place as we travel the road of life. CS, offers us a story today that proves that those rules and codes of personal practise, written or unwritten, can still get us in to a degree of hot water…
Residential low-cost sightseeing…
06 Apr 2023
IB, inspired by a poem that he saw on our pages, makes a seasonally pertinent point as the warmer weather and the London tourist season approaches…
Taking another look at these rules might be a good idea…
03 Apr 2023
Having found his knowledge somewhat wanting and suspecting that he is not the only driver who might do so, SY shares the online version of the highway code that might be worth a little revision…
Remembering three years ago today…
BC asks where you were on the day that you first heard and understood what the word ‘lockdown’ was to mean for two years of all of our lives…
We should have posted this article on Mar 23rd and LPG apologises for not having got the day exactly right. But BC’s recollections are likely to make just as much of an impact although we have posted a week late.
Remembering three years ago today…
31 Mar 2023
BC asks where you were on the day that you first heard and understood what the word ‘lockdown’ was to mean for two years of all of our lives…
We should have posted this article on Mar 23rd and LPG apologises for not having got the day exactly right. But BC’s recollections are likely to make just as much of an impact although we have posted a week late.
Just one sentence at the end of the day…
CP took the time to follow the advice of a reader and report the result nearly a year later and it all stems from a celebratory day.
Stories such as CP’s are what LPG likes to think this website is all about. To know that something positive has come out of one person’s having read something on our pages reminds us of the whole point of our organisation. While we wish you a happy International Day for Achievers today we have to say that we at LPG feel that we too have achieved.
Just one sentence at the end of the day…
24 Mar 2023
CP took the time to follow the advice of a reader and report the result nearly a year later and it all stems from a celebratory day.
Stories such as CP’s are what LPG likes to think this website is all about. To know that something positive has come out of one person’s having read something on our pages reminds us of the whole point of our organisation. While we wish you a happy International Day for Achievers today we have to say that we at LPG feel that we too have achieved.
Don’t keep your memories to yourself whatever triggers them…
LPG did a little internet research and learned that over a quarter of the big films that are made are inspired by true stories? NH reminds us that somewhere in the catacombs of everyone’s mind there might well be a story which needs to be shared.
LPG felt this a good day to remind readers of what NH had to say on the subject of how the streets that we have spent so much time frequenting, have a habit of jogging our memories and, after the celebration of National Memory day a couple of days ago, which focusses in on minimising memory loss, LPG felt this might be the day to maximise childhood memories, if you have one to share, please get in touch using our contact page.
As ever, we are happy to do the wr
Read MoreDon’t keep your memories to yourself whatever triggers them…
23 Mar 2023
LPG did a little internet research and learned that over a quarter of the big films that are made are inspired by true stories? NH reminds us that somewhere in the catacombs of everyone’s mind there might well be a story which needs to be shared.
LPG felt this a good day to remind readers of what NH had to say on the subject of how the streets that we have spent so much time frequenting, have a habit of jogging our memories and, after the celebration of National Memory day a couple of days ago, which focusses in on minimising memory loss, LPG felt this might be the day to maximise childhood memories, if you have one to share, please get in touch using our contact page.
As ever, we are happy to do the wr
If you have one, please use it all the time.
23 Mar 2023
FI puts the point forward that having a personal alarm is not enough, you really need to wear it and have it with you.
Are you Happy, or are you Happy?
PF asks the question are we happier as we get older, or do we just give up when it comes to letting the world know what we really want?
Today is a day for accepting the sentiments of International Happiness Day, LPG felt it only right to repeat PF’s outlook on everything it stands for…
Read More
Are you Happy, or are you Happy?
19 Mar 2023
PF asks the question are we happier as we get older, or do we just give up when it comes to letting the world know what we really want?
Today is a day for accepting the sentiments of International Happiness Day, LPG felt it only right to repeat PF’s outlook on everything it stands for…
All finance, big and small…
15 Mar 2023
Co suggests that we all take a look at our personal finances on the day the Chancellor does the same for the country…
A stamp sticking reprieve…
13 Mar 2023
PF offers a reminder for all readers who still have old postage stamps
Will execution; to accept the challenge or not.
10 Mar 2023
Perhaps will-making needs to be looked at from more than just the aspect of the person writing it. QK finds another angle that needs consideration…
The evolution of the daily trip to school…
07 Mar 2023
OC's thoughts on getting her grandson to school have brought memories of her trips to school back to the surface, and she takes the time to share a few today…
The art of gentle but necessary persuasion…
05 Mar 2023
YP hopes that writing about this particular conundrum might help to highlight it to the point where a conversation can be opened…
Codicil or start again? A lot can happen in a couple of years.
GD offers us a reminder that it might be time to review your wishes every now and then, and suggests you should just check if they still are what they were when you made you will… if you have made you will…
LPG thought it worth repeating this message during the two National Free Will months this year because while it is true that the first thing that we want to do is forget about it once we have written a will, remembering to review what you have written from time to time is an important thing to do.
Read MoreCodicil or start again? A lot can happen in a couple of years.
04 Mar 2023
GD offers us a reminder that it might be time to review your wishes every now and then, and suggests you should just check if they still are what they were when you made you will… if you have made you will…
LPG thought it worth repeating this message during the two National Free Will months this year because while it is true that the first thing that we want to do is forget about it once we have written a will, remembering to review what you have written from time to time is an important thing to do.
Schedule some regular time to reschedule where necessary …
Time is one of the two possessions that most people argue that they just don’t have enough of. AF strongly suggests one change in our schedule that could affect it in a positive way.
A year ago, today was labelled National Slow Down Day and, while the point of the celebrations was designed to get people alerted about the speed that they drive at so much of the time, AF’s message proposes that we apply the observances of such a celebration to all aspects of life especially as we get older. LPG thought it could do with another airing…
Read MoreSchedule some regular time to reschedule where necessary …
01 Mar 2023
Time is one of the two possessions that most people argue that they just don’t have enough of. AF strongly suggests one change in our schedule that could affect it in a positive way.
A year ago, today was labelled National Slow Down Day and, while the point of the celebrations was designed to get people alerted about the speed that they drive at so much of the time, AF’s message proposes that we apply the observances of such a celebration to all aspects of life especially as we get older. LPG thought it could do with another airing…
Are you due a little credit?
23 Feb 2023
So many pensioners who could benefit from Pension Credit are missing out which is why LPG have put together a few pieces of information which we hope will spur our readers to check…
Do you suffer from sedatephobia?
20 Feb 2023
GG brings us her thoughts on ears and peace and silence having been drawn to think on the subject after reading an earlier post on the LPG website…
Giving those knees a helping hand.
17 Feb 2023
JL offers one possible suggestion for keeping knee pain at bay…
Thinking of significant others in so many different ways…
14 Feb 2023
For most people who are old enough to find reading LPG of interest, today will evoke special memories and FO wants to remind us all that today is the day for them…
Old dogs, new tricks, and a bit of bribery… What about the cats?
08 Feb 2023
It is arguably a well-known fact that dogs are for training and cats are for company. FT has found some evidence that updates that reality…
Theft, and delayed but calculated honesty?
05 Feb 2023
It is so easy to let time get the better of us when it comes to nearly all other aspects of what we do in our lives. OW tells a story of calculated compromise today…
The results of a drink and a chat are often so worth sharing…
WS’s message today reminds us that, while there are so many other ways to communicate any idea, the most fundamental method, since language was first invented, was by word of mouth.
We, at LPG, thought this message worth repeating in celebration of this ‘Time to Talk Day’, in the light of the importance of the fact that, since language was first invented, a leisurely chat has been one of the most calming and important things we can do for each other.
The results of a drink and a chat are often so worth sharing…
02 Feb 2023
WS’s message today reminds us that, while there are so many other ways to communicate any idea, the most fundamental method, since language was first invented, was by word of mouth.
We, at LPG, thought this message worth repeating in celebration of this ‘Time to Talk Day’, in the light of the importance of the fact that, since language was first invented, a leisurely chat has been one of the most calming and important things we can do for each other.
A trip back in time to satisfy the ears and highlight a little Lewisham history…
30 Jan 2023
Music comes in all audible shapes and sizes and the older ear of the pensioner has listened to so much. KV has discovered an online video which might be of musical interest today…
An alternative hospital visit…
27 Jan 2023
BF suggests something that it might a hospital visitor might be able to do when they are asked to temporarily stand beyond the curtains of their intended hospital patient…
Intergenerational opening up…
24 Jan 2023
LG reminds us that we might be in a better position to help a grandchild open up about their anxieties simply because we have the time and the experience to help them through with a regular good old-fashioned chat …
Hum drum shopping etiquette…
18 Jan 2023
HG takes the time to pass on a little wisdom which came to her while waiting at the checkout.
Why not ‘Swap out’ while you still can…
Having read an earlier post on the subject, CO was driven to find out a little more about what is happening with our postage stamps.
As we draw a little nearer to what may well be the final end-date for the postage stamps that we have come to know and love over the years, LPG thought it might be a good idea to reprint CO’s article by way of a reminder of both what is about to happen postage stamp-wise in the very near future and also as a reminder that, just in case you have a cash of old style postage stamps lying around at home, now might be the time to swap them out…
Read MoreWhy not ‘Swap out’ while you still can…
15 Jan 2023
Having read an earlier post on the subject, CO was driven to find out a little more about what is happening with our postage stamps.
As we draw a little nearer to what may well be the final end-date for the postage stamps that we have come to know and love over the years, LPG thought it might be a good idea to reprint CO’s article by way of a reminder of both what is about to happen postage stamp-wise in the very near future and also as a reminder that, just in case you have a cash of old style postage stamps lying around at home, now might be the time to swap them out…
The blurry line between friend and acquaintance
12 Jan 2023
GF uses a recent experience to remind readers of a well-known truth…
A few facts about how life insurance really works…
09 Jan 2023
Life insurance is not necessarily the instant fix that the adverts sometimes imply. NC explains…
Don’t keep your memories to yourself whatever triggers them…
LPG did a little internet research and learned that over a quarter of the big films that are made are inspired by true stories? NH reminds us that somewhere in the catacombs of everyone’s mind there might well be a story which needs to be shared.
Read MoreDon’t keep your memories to yourself whatever triggers them…
06 Jan 2023
LPG did a little internet research and learned that over a quarter of the big films that are made are inspired by true stories? NH reminds us that somewhere in the catacombs of everyone’s mind there might well be a story which needs to be shared.
New Year’s inspiration perhaps…
31 Dec 2022
BH encourages all LPG readers to get stuck into the coming new year with a new hobby perhaps…
Is war just a vicious circle…
29 Dec 2022
PP tells us a little of what he has learned while being educated in the ways of a computer video game…
Gum, good or bad?
28 Dec 2022
When you close your eyes and think of chewing gum do you imagine it getting squashed between your teeth or see the blobs of the stuff on the pavement.
An LPG Christmas wish…
25 Dec 2022
We know that Christmas day is usually quite a busy day for the readers of any website and so, while continuing to feature something different every day of the year we again offer our readers a short video message …
A Christmas present solution perhaps…
22 Dec 2022
When it comes to the person who has everything AR thinks he might have the perfect Christmas present solution for this year…
A present unwrapping hint perhaps…
CP reminds us of onewn drawback of present opening with too much enthusiasm.
LPG would remind readers of a very pertinent hint that was offered by CP a little after last Christmas in the hope that a quick recap might help to avoid any reoccurrences of the situation which he describes…
Read MoreA present unwrapping hint perhaps…
19 Dec 2022
CP reminds us of onewn drawback of present opening with too much enthusiasm.
LPG would remind readers of a very pertinent hint that was offered by CP a little after last Christmas in the hope that a quick recap might help to avoid any reoccurrences of the situation which he describes…
Was it the nice man in the queue behind me that day?
15 Dec 2022
BW’s story goes to show that all those extra questions the bank ask are perhaps more necessary than you think.
A few last-minute Christmas present ideas…
There is no doubt about it, this is the most expensive time of the year for present buying and not only from the financial point of view. OS has been wracking her brain in search of ideas for those people who are the hardest to buy for and offers us a few that she has found…
Read MoreA few last-minute Christmas present ideas…
13 Dec 2022
There is no doubt about it, this is the most expensive time of the year for present buying and not only from the financial point of view. OS has been wracking her brain in search of ideas for those people who are the hardest to buy for and offers us a few that she has found…
Acknowledging something we’d rather forget…
10 Dec 2022
One of the more unwelcomed indicators of older age is its way of introducing pain into our lives. PL offers a few thoughts on the subject of arthritis.
One of the few points in time where everyone was a bit more equal…
07 Dec 2022
For the more ambitious newly retired, CP offers one possible solution to the problem of having somewhere new to go…
Just in case shopping…
04 Dec 2022
Insurance of any kind always appears to be the most invisible thing you can buy, unless something goes wrong, but GP has a few hints that might just help you to pay a bit less for it in future…
Serious breakfast for one (two, or even three) every now and then…
MH is a pensioner that takes the first meal of the day very seriously, and uses this opportunity to remind us that it does not always have to be a ‘run of the mill’ affair…
…and we at LPG are giving our readers a days’ notice to prepare for a happy National English Breakfast Day’ by reminding you of just what one can do with a British breakfast (or Brunch) eaten in Britain, regardless of its country of origin by repeating MH’s recent article…
Read MoreSerious breakfast for one (two, or even three) every now and then…
01 Dec 2022
MH is a pensioner that takes the first meal of the day very seriously, and uses this opportunity to remind us that it does not always have to be a ‘run of the mill’ affair…
…and we at LPG are giving our readers a days’ notice to prepare for a happy National English Breakfast Day’ by reminding you of just what one can do with a British breakfast (or Brunch) eaten in Britain, regardless of its country of origin by repeating MH’s recent article…
Listening, an art form in itself…
On this National day of listening, we all have problems that can be helped if someone has the patients to listen while we talk about them and we often don’t realise just how much talking we do. MM focusses in on our need to remind ourselves how to be a successful listener when the shoe is on the other foot…
Read MoreListening, an art form in itself…
25 Nov 2022
On this National day of listening, we all have problems that can be helped if someone has the patients to listen while we talk about them and we often don’t realise just how much talking we do. MM focusses in on our need to remind ourselves how to be a successful listener when the shoe is on the other foot…
Is yours an ICE cold mobile phone?
25 Nov 2022
CP offers us a good reason to add some emergency information to your mobile phone just in case…
Just how far in do you have to be to win?
19 Nov 2022
LO offers us the opportunity to work out the odds of winning the lottery as he takes the time to help LPG readers explore the odds of winning the big prise on its 28th anniversary….
A question of sleep, yet again…
16 Nov 2022
Not being able to get to sleep is a problem that can often present itself in later life. WD suggests one potential way to overcome this somewhat offending affliction that readers might not yet have tried…
The price of keeping your daily mail to a minimum…
13 Nov 2022
Perhaps KR has a solution that younger pensioners who are just starting their golden year journey can adopt when donating to charity without attracting the many letters asking for more help in return
Do you sometimes wish your knuckles were white again?
07 Nov 2022
If you find yourself in the same position as ex adrenalin junkie KC, you will enjoy reminiscing with him as he looks back to a time when big dipping was an experience he really appreciated.
A reason to ring your own front doorbell…
04 Nov 2022
PB highlights one of the problems that video doorbell owners might come up against and offers a couple of possible preventative suggestions…
What are you scared of?
31 Oct 2022
Perhaps there are some readers who are above fear but PA suspects that we are all worried about something as we prepare for the trick or treat knocks at our front doors this evening.
The ‘69th year mini life-crisis’
26 Oct 2022
OK reflects on his nearly three score years and 10 as he wonders if every perspective septuagenarian undergoes a similar sort of contemplative experience…
The perfect place to retire?
23 Oct 2022
Perhaps PU is offering us a quick view of a very temporary, or perhaps a more permanent, way to view your future…
Why not wash those words right out of the paper?
20 Oct 2022
JS, offers us yet another arguably, more eco-friendly method for keeping those personal papers to a minimum…
Nightly liquid interruptions…
17 Oct 2022
PF confronts one of those aspects of sleep deprivation that so often affects us as we get older…
The ‘6, 6, 10 o’clock stay in touch’ plan…
14 Oct 2022
Numbers and rotas can have all manner of significance; AH talks about one way to use them…
Retired and available?
11 Oct 2022
KH’s message today focusses on the newly acquired time that is available when you first retire as she advises that we all make sure that you have a say in how you spend it…
Shopping online means getting up on time…
08 Oct 2022
IC tells us why the internet provides yet another reason to rise and shine a bit earlier in the mornings…
Codicil or start again? A lot can happen in a couple of years.
05 Oct 2022
GD felt her recent message needed a codicil of its own and offers it today while reminding us that keeping up with the changes in our lives may well need to be reflected in our wills.
The three phases of childhood; gradually disappearing faster than you think…
There is something special about having the time to put your thoughts in order, a luxury that retirement often affords. TS has taken the time to write some of her thoughts down and share them with her fellow LPG readers.
Our writer here is obviously writing from a grandparent’s point of view so LPG saved her thoughts until today, National Grandparents Day.
The three phases of childhood; gradually disappearing faster than you think…
02 Oct 2022
There is something special about having the time to put your thoughts in order, a luxury that retirement often affords. TS has taken the time to write some of her thoughts down and share them with her fellow LPG readers.
Our writer here is obviously writing from a grandparent’s point of view so LPG saved her thoughts until today, National Grandparents Day.
DC offers us a reminder that during these times when everything is more expensive, it might be a good time to make sure that each reader is getting all the financial help available to them.
This ‘International Day of Older Persons’ has given LPG the opportunity to repeat one message that we feel is very relevant. So, while we celebrate everything else that we older people stand for, a repeat of DC’s suggestion, that a little time spent on checking that we have all the financial help we are entitled to, might be a good idea.
Read MoreThe benefits of checking…
01 Oct 2022
DC offers us a reminder that during these times when everything is more expensive, it might be a good time to make sure that each reader is getting all the financial help available to them.
This ‘International Day of Older Persons’ has given LPG the opportunity to repeat one message that we feel is very relevant. So, while we celebrate everything else that we older people stand for, a repeat of DC’s suggestion, that a little time spent on checking that we have all the financial help we are entitled to, might be a good idea.
Pay your heart a little online attention…
EA offers us a heartfelt reminder that while we are all preoccupied with if we have become a statistic of the pandemic, there are a few other health issues worth worrying about…
LPG thought that it would be worth repeating EA’s message on this World Heart Day although it was originally sent to us some nine months ago…
Read MorePay your heart a little online attention…
29 Sep 2022
EA offers us a heartfelt reminder that while we are all preoccupied with if we have become a statistic of the pandemic, there are a few other health issues worth worrying about…
LPG thought that it would be worth repeating EA’s message on this World Heart Day although it was originally sent to us some nine months ago…
I advocate ‘mixing street-cred with street-sensibility’ lessons for our 11-year-olds…
26 Sep 2022
Life on our roads is no joke regardless of what the highway code has to say according to DT, who suggests that all us grandparents should be making our younger ones aware of road safety…
When is it too late to be famous?
23 Sep 2022
With only a one in 62,986 chance of success when it comes to achieving this quality should we give up just because we are older than most? NB discusses the fame game…
Not knowing where you are going?
20 Sep 2022
BL offers us a message dedicated to all those who have a degree of trouble getting their geographical Barings…
Introducing my grandchildren to spotty dog, Looby Loo and, of course, the Little Weed…
16 Sep 2022
GH reintroduces us to a seventy-year-old memory…
An alternative to converting your front room into your bedroom.
14 Sep 2022
HB tells of the solution to one of her mobility issues as she shares her answer to getting up there with the best of them
What to do when Alexa sees red!
11 Sep 2022
For all those readers who have had an Alexa device for a while which has started to ignore them a bit lately, SE shares a little lesson on what might be wrong…
Putting pen to paper and understanding what you wrote…
08 Sep 2022
BF offers us a few nuggets of information regarding the truth about illiteracy as he sees it…
The day I became a rally driver...
05 Sep 2022
As we get older it gets harder to remember when the children are on holiday from when they are not, but SG has a memory to share that might bring it all back…
Every day is not the same, start a diary and see for yourself…
KD, offers a little advice to anyone who has not had a go at developing a diary-writing habit so far as she explains that it is never too late to start…
Though originally an American celebration, today may just be the day for some of us older people to start a new habit, remember one that you might have given up, or look at some of the back entries of your own personal daily news bulletin. We felt this diary writing message worth repeating on ‘National Dear Diary Day’.
Read MoreEvery day is not the same, start a diary and see for yourself…
02 Sep 2022
KD, offers a little advice to anyone who has not had a go at developing a diary-writing habit so far as she explains that it is never too late to start…
Though originally an American celebration, today may just be the day for some of us older people to start a new habit, remember one that you might have given up, or look at some of the back entries of your own personal daily news bulletin. We felt this diary writing message worth repeating on ‘National Dear Diary Day’.
Minimising the risk that anyone disappears
30 Aug 2022
We think of the celebration days and either roll our eyes or smile, if we think of them at all, but ES’s message today focusses on a day that most would rather not have any experience of at all…
History what history?
27 Aug 2022
MR admits to having never had need of one, but a good credit history is something that is becoming more and more important these days and gives an insight into how to go about getting one if you need one…
How accurate are your powers of recognition?
24 Aug 2022
Nearly everyone has heard of colour-blindness but perhaps more of us than we know suffer from some degree of Prosopagnosia. MC has done a little research for us…
The advantages of having to be prepared for all weathers…
21 Aug 2022
The weather remains top of the list of ice breaking topics of conversation and HB takes the time to break a little ice with us today…
Chill… put your feet up… ease off… loosen up… relax…
15 Aug 2022
PW suggests that learning to relax is something that quite a few of us older people really need to do, and she argues that there is no better day to get started than today which is celebrated as National Relaxation Day…
Helpful heat-survival hints…
12 Aug 2022
In the light of the heatwave we are experiencing, and with the promise of both short term and long term repeats, HB has found a few internet suggestions that we might need to be reminded of at this time of year…
My left foot (and arm) …
09 Aug 2022
JD tells us, from his personal experience about something that changed the perspective of the negative future that his long recovery gave him time to map out for himself…
What Jamaica’s Independence and my independence have in common…
06 Aug 2022
PD reminds us that her country of origin, Jamaica, has spent the past 61 years learning to stand on its own two feet while she has done the same thing in a very different way over the same length of time…
Do you need to do a lot of nose blowing?
On this National Wash Your Nose Day, SE lectures on the advantages of breathing through your nose and has a few suggestions on how to train yourself to do this subconsciously if the habit is proving more challenging than you first thought.
Read MoreDo you need to do a lot of nose blowing?
31 Jul 2022
On this National Wash Your Nose Day, SE lectures on the advantages of breathing through your nose and has a few suggestions on how to train yourself to do this subconsciously if the habit is proving more challenging than you first thought.
Postage stamps to be classed out of existence…
30 Jul 2022
Snail mail is to get a bit of a face lift. TG explains…
Do you, as a rule keep your mouth shut?
28 Jul 2022
SE points out a fundamental thing that so many of us do without even thinking, while using the wrong facial feature…
The benefits of checking…
25 Jul 2022
DC offers us a reminder that during these times when everything is more expensive, it might be a good time to make sure that each reader is getting all the financial help available to them.
Phone, wait and keep asking questions.
22 Jul 2022
WM again reminds us to check the small print of our bill letters and do the maths before ignoring any information about rising direct debits.
When it all appears to have gone a bit wrong…
It can be argued that the older members of society are the people who are chosen when a younger person with a problem wants to talk about it but, when that happens, or when you come across your own problems, what is the best way to help. CJ explores a few options …
Read MoreWhen it all appears to have gone a bit wrong…
19 Jul 2022
It can be argued that the older members of society are the people who are chosen when a younger person with a problem wants to talk about it but, when that happens, or when you come across your own problems, what is the best way to help. CJ explores a few options …
How to stop nodding off…
16 Jul 2022
As pensioners we have earned the right to take things easy but HJ offers a thought or two for those who think that they might be nodding off just a bit too often these days…
Another good reason to video
13 Jul 2022
OG has a message to offer all our online shoppers today…
Council Tax rebates… contrary to the official advice, there is one thing you can do…
RW offers a reminder to all house owners as she suggests that, at the very least a check of your bank statement might be in order in the not-too-distant future
LPG feels the need to print this post again even though it last appeared on our pages just two months ago. RW gave some good advice and, for those LPG readers who are also house owners who have not yet checked to see if their rebate has been received, a second look at what RW has to say has to be worth reading.
Read More
Council Tax rebates… contrary to the official advice, there is one thing you can do…
10 Jul 2022
RW offers a reminder to all house owners as she suggests that, at the very least a check of your bank statement might be in order in the not-too-distant future
LPG feels the need to print this post again even though it last appeared on our pages just two months ago. RW gave some good advice and, for those LPG readers who are also house owners who have not yet checked to see if their rebate has been received, a second look at what RW has to say has to be worth reading.
when you are not the patient...
07 Jul 2022
Patience is something that not only the patient needs in an A&E situation. AM explains…
A bit of exercise, mathematics, mileage and charity…
05 Jul 2022
CW finds us a possible reason to put those fitness watches that the kids have given us to good use…
Being more confident when surrounded…
01 Jul 2022
KH reminds us that it is never too late to learn something new, and offers all the reasons why this is a skill worth having another go at if you are among the 1/3rd of the population who have not yet mastered it…
‘Cleaning up’ both literally and financially perhaps?
28 Jun 2022
NH, has a thing or two to suggest when it comes to this year’s spring-cleaning forage into the attic…
Year four comes to an end, but year five starts here.
26 Jun 2022
LPG reserves the right to bring readers up to date with the state of the organisation that produces these pages.
National Selfie Day and you, one year on…
21 Jun 2022
It is the longest day of the year and HW, hopes that readers will use a small part of the maximum light allotted today to encourage an alternative celebration.
Four questions to start the day…
Life often seems even more depressing just before things get better. PY offers her personal answer to not letting it get you down today in the hope that it might help…
LPG is repeating this article to coincide with Loneliness Awareness Week in the hope that PT’s idea might be worth considering for anyone who could do with a bit of motivation…
Read MoreFour questions to start the day…
16 Jun 2022
Life often seems even more depressing just before things get better. PY offers her personal answer to not letting it get you down today in the hope that it might help…
LPG is repeating this article to coincide with Loneliness Awareness Week in the hope that PT’s idea might be worth considering for anyone who could do with a bit of motivation…
Are you one of the 30% with a room that helps you step back in time…?
13 Jun 2022
VP explains one way that she can turn back time as she realises that she is not the only person to have made, or perhaps not made, the decision to get up to date…
Beware the double swipe…
10 Jun 2022
In these days when we are all worried about our climbing utility bills and rising food shop prices, watching the pennies is even more important than ever. DC reminds us of one little action that occasionally could save you a bob or two…
Keeping your finger on the pulse of life…
07 Jun 2022
Today marks the start of World Heart Rhythm Week with a reminder of making sure you are keeping a check on yours…
One difference between computers and humans is that computers do notice the spaces…
04 Jun 2022
KW tells of the accuracies of the virtual world and suggests a way of translating one of them to our real world to improve it a bit.
Have you ever heard of this condition?
Gloria hopes that a little knowledge on the subject she has decided to write about today might help readers to either learn a bit more about something that they may have suffered from throughout their whole lives without knowing it…
As today marks the start of both Lipoedema and Lymphoedema Awareness Week, LPG felt the need to repeat this article for anyone who missed it when we first posted it last year, and who might be affected or know someone who might be affected and who has lived in ignorance of the fact until now...
Read MoreHave you ever heard of this condition?
01 Jun 2022
Gloria hopes that a little knowledge on the subject she has decided to write about today might help readers to either learn a bit more about something that they may have suffered from throughout their whole lives without knowing it…
As today marks the start of both Lipoedema and Lymphoedema Awareness Week, LPG felt the need to repeat this article for anyone who missed it when we first posted it last year, and who might be affected or know someone who might be affected and who has lived in ignorance of the fact until now...
We are getting better, but we are not cured yet!
29 May 2022
The prospect of another Covid-jab is not the most pleasant thing on anyone’s to do list, but FI thought it worth another mention…
A harsh lesson of life, there is no bigger half…
26 May 2022
There are maney lessons to be learnt when we are young and the National Share A Story Month has given CR the perfect reason to share one such story with us…
Matthew, John and an early-morning bout of insomnia got me thinking…
23 May 2022
PS illustrates one way of using that early morning time when everyone else is still sleeping and sleeping is the last thing on your mind…
Celebrate National Virtual Assistant’s day by volunteering…
20 May 2022
Now that lockdown has taught everyone a little more about remote living, Maureen B does her best to persuade a few more of our readers to do a little more than just read our pages…
The things you do can be your best friends too…
PJ repeats some advice that we have all heard over and over again although we often forget it when we need it most as she suggests that we all make friends with the things that we have to do, need to do and want to do as one way of combating our loneliness.
LPG likes to repeat some of the really important writings that we receive and this message deserves to be heard again during this Loneliness Awareness Week
Read MoreThe things you do can be your best friends too…
14 May 2022
PJ repeats some advice that we have all heard over and over again although we often forget it when we need it most as she suggests that we all make friends with the things that we have to do, need to do and want to do as one way of combating our loneliness.
LPG likes to repeat some of the really important writings that we receive and this message deserves to be heard again during this Loneliness Awareness Week
Every picture tells a story (chapter 42): If it came to it, would you know what to do?
11 May 2022
A picture taken in the middle of Kent has prompted MA to prompt LPG readers to take an online lesson, or perhaps a virtual refresher course, just in case…
A rule of thumb (finger pressure and teabag) …
Those bits at the tips of our fingers can often cause the ladies aesthetic pain when they break but HM looked at those occurrences that sometimes happen which cause the more physical discomfort, and offers some internet solutions when it comes to dealing with them…
LPG saved this post for posting on this National Nail Day to remind everyone that gentlemen have nails that need attention too.
Read MoreA rule of thumb (finger pressure and teabag) …
05 May 2022
Those bits at the tips of our fingers can often cause the ladies aesthetic pain when they break but HM looked at those occurrences that sometimes happen which cause the more physical discomfort, and offers some internet solutions when it comes to dealing with them…
LPG saved this post for posting on this National Nail Day to remind everyone that gentlemen have nails that need attention too.
A catch up with the TV licensing laws…
02 May 2022
HH has a bit of news for those of us who do not watch as much live television as they used to.
Today is Sunday the 1st so Friday the 13th is coming…
01 May 2022
Even though today is one where many will be preparing for tomorrow’s May bank holiday, WS takes the time to warn of another day of acknowledgement that is looming on the horizon…
Changing what is going on behind you…
29 Apr 2022
KW focusses in on some information that might help those video callers who have not got the perfect spot to be seen in front of in their homes…
A month of ‘Once upon a times’…
27 Apr 2022
LPG requests the indulgence of readers who have a tale to tell for no other reason but than that it happened…
A very personal top ten…
26 Apr 2022
Lateral thinking after a quick glance at the internet has inspired the message that KS offers today as she asks a question that it might help everyone to reflect on…
‘Do you speak English’ or ‘Hablas español’ perhaps?
23 Apr 2022
There are many discrepancies when it comes to placing the world’s languages in order but two of the most popular are celebrated on this day each year and WA reminds us of that fact…
The new and old technology pairing…
20 Apr 2022
BC suggests one pairing of old and new technology which might just work for some readers…
The new and old technology pairing…
17 Apr 2022
BC suggests one pairing of old and new technology which might just work for some readers…
The rising cost of a bit of free advice…
16 Apr 2022
Perhaps TH comments on one aspect of service she finds dwindling away from the few banks that are left in the borough…
The world’s New year celebrations are a lot more frequent than you might think…
BH brings our attention to the continuing start of New Year around the world.
As today is celebrated as Puthandu, the name for New Year in parts of Southern India and Sri Lanka, we at LPG thought this as good a day as any to remind you of all the other New Year celebrations throughout the year…
Read MoreThe world’s New year celebrations are a lot more frequent than you might think…
14 Apr 2022
BH brings our attention to the continuing start of New Year around the world.
As today is celebrated as Puthandu, the name for New Year in parts of Southern India and Sri Lanka, we at LPG thought this as good a day as any to remind you of all the other New Year celebrations throughout the year…
In honour of post boxes…
11 Apr 2022
SN has invented her own commemoration day this year as she takes another look at one of those bits of street furniture that we do often see without really noticing…
Lifesaving flowers…
08 Apr 2022
Perhaps feeling useful is the secret to having a purpose in life. CC shares the logic she can see in that statement.
The importance of First Contact whether big or small…
05 Apr 2022
There is always something to celebrate and BG reminds us to celebrate First Contact Day from more than one perspective today.
Exercising our muscles backwards…
02 Apr 2022
Doing things backwards can offer danger in some ways and comfort and information in others… RM explains.
Monthly is now the new weekly and I’m having trouble coping…
30 Mar 2022
SK comments on the fact that our money seems to be moving farther and farther away from our control…
Kids – from a maternal viewpoint.
27 Mar 2022
LG tells us that she found this message having written it a few years ago, but through the years motherhood does not change as her writings illustrate.
Shut the front door?
24 Mar 2022
That feeling that we have forgotten something gets to us all every now and then. WJ tells us of her experiences today…
Opinion-offering alternatives…
18 Mar 2022
MG suggests that if you have a suggestion it needs to be put out there in the open regardless of how large or small a part of the community it affects or how insignificant you think it might appear in the greater scheme of things…
Let’s give the whole idea of ‘thinking’ a rest today…
15 Mar 2022
BL suggests that on a day when thinking is ill advised, we use our brain power to re-evaluate some of our recent thoughts as we celebrate National Everything you think is Wrong Day.
Did 2020, teach men something else about career…
In an era when one has to be qualified for nearly all aspects of work, NR offers her take on the one job that most of us chose without knowing exactly how hard the work would be because, while there are many reference books and courses available on the subject, it is the one job that no bit of paper will ever qualify you for…
Read MoreDid 2020, teach men something else about career…
12 Mar 2022
In an era when one has to be qualified for nearly all aspects of work, NR offers her take on the one job that most of us chose without knowing exactly how hard the work would be because, while there are many reference books and courses available on the subject, it is the one job that no bit of paper will ever qualify you for…
Tell the kids not to share these on a Saturday night out…
09 Mar 2022
Perhaps we grandparents need to have a word with both our grandchildren and their parents if it will help us to avoide producing another smoke inhaling generation. QF explains…
Personality; a multifaceted celebration of what makes you you…
05 Mar 2022
MC offers us a reason to focus in on the real you today as she highlights National Multiple Personality day from a relatively personal point of view…
Appreciating the written word again… starting today.
03 Mar 2022
AR makes a privately public declaration as she promotes the benefits of a good book on this World Book Day…
A quick pic before you pop it in?
28 Feb 2022
FL shares her solution which may help a few pensioners to curb their over-snacking habits…
Getting off the bus and taking a closer look…
The Lewisham Donation Hub has been a feature of our high street for a while but often such venues are missed because we remain reluctant to risk getting too close to anyone or, risk breaking our bus journey. GF offers a little information about a truly worthwhile cause…
Read MoreGetting off the bus and taking a closer look…
25 Feb 2022
The Lewisham Donation Hub has been a feature of our high street for a while but often such venues are missed because we remain reluctant to risk getting too close to anyone or, risk breaking our bus journey. GF offers a little information about a truly worthwhile cause…
You are never too old to move the motivational goalposts…
22 Feb 2022
NW offers us a message that she feels we cannot hear too many times, especially as we get older, and she does her best to motivate us with her sporting analogy on the subject of realising ambitions however big or small.
You are never too old to move the motivational goalposts…
22 Feb 2022
NW offers us a message that she feels we cannot hear too many times, especially as we get older, and she does her best to motivate us with her sporting analogy on the subject of realising ambitions however big or small.
Decisions, decisions part 1…
20 Feb 2022
‘You can’t please all of the people all of the time’ is something worth thinking about on national Leadership Day and MG takes the time to remind us of that fact today…
Who’s your doctor; just pick a partner?
15 Feb 2022
DM asks a question that she thinks surprisingly few LPG readers might be able to answer straight away…
Something worth a personal calculation perhaps…
13 Feb 2022
In this ergonomic world GD reminds us that when it comes to the all-important subject of personal daily water intake, one size does not fit all…
Don’t let pins and needles get on your nerves…
10 Feb 2022
NE shares what she has found out about pins and needles and arguably, there is more to it than meets the eye…
Remembering your job with one month’s notice…
07 Feb 2022
With a month’s notice of National Careers Week, LPG asks readers to share their anecdotes and stories of being a worker from the other end of the experience…
The loneliest time of the year if you let it be…
04 Feb 2022
BH has a bit of encouragement to offer all those pensioners who are looking at these grey colder days and avoiding them…
新年快乐 all you tigers (and everyone else) …
01 Feb 2022
FC recognises the Chinese New Year Celebrations with a bit of a conscience pricking twist…
A resolution that will do you good if you start it at any time of the year
29 Jan 2022
Perhaps this is something we should all get back in touch with. If you do have breakfast every day, NR agrees with you, but she does her best to remind the ‘have nots’ what they are missing…
What is ‘mightier than the sword’, the pen or the keyboard?
23 Jan 2022
GE makes an interesting observation on a day which is designed to celebrate one of the age old methods of communication. Happy National Handwriting Day…
Promote the importance of agreeing to disagree…
20 Jan 2022
TG reminds us of one really important role that we can play in minimising the inevitable post-Christmas family fall outs ...
Be inspired and take your Monday out of the Blues…
17 Jan 2022
Gloria attempts to brighten this Blue Monday with a story to inspire anyone who is feeling down today…
A day not just for scholars…
14 Jan 2022
Though this will only be the 4th year that this particular celebration has been brought to the fore, TP reminds us that, although it appears that World Logic Day is dedicated to all the higher thinkers and scholars, we are all in possession of varying amounts of logic.
Remembering who said what…
11 Jan 2022
JF suggests a useful idea for when it comes to remembering what was said during a business telephone call and shares some legal advice too.
Perfection v good enough…
08 Jan 2022
It would be wonderful if everything was perfect and, while we older people might have learned that we will never get there, NE comments on one thing needed to maintain a healthy balance when it comes to our assessment of our own achievements …
Now might just be the right time…
05 Jan 2022
TP offers us a message on exploiting our time to shine…
That pesky little button often found just above the 7…
03 Jan 2022
The key has always been there and always done the same thing even though the laptop and tablet makers prefer to hide it, but MC throws a little light on the importance of the ‘Num Lock’ keyboard button today…
The resolution that you won’t give up as easily if you have a personal trainer in the family…
So, now the holiday is over and the business of making a success of 2022 is underway, MA tells of one reason why her New Year’s resolution is well and truly on track not too be broken…
Read MoreThe resolution that you won’t give up as easily if you have a personal trainer in the family…
02 Jan 2022
So, now the holiday is over and the business of making a success of 2022 is underway, MA tells of one reason why her New Year’s resolution is well and truly on track not too be broken…
A memory from the end of last century at the end of another year…
Perhaps YD is offering us a message to help us focus on the positives from years and century’s which have long gone by today, or perhaps she just wanted a bit of an excuse to get us remembering a positive aspect of years gone by.
Read MoreA memory from the end of last century at the end of another year…
31 Dec 2021
Perhaps YD is offering us a message to help us focus on the positives from years and century’s which have long gone by today, or perhaps she just wanted a bit of an excuse to get us remembering a positive aspect of years gone by.
Why not plan to fire up a resolution?
27 Dec 2021
We hardly blink and it’s that time again. New Year is fast approaching. RP asks what we are going to do to make this one different…
What Christmas presents and origami might have in common…
For some members of every family, Christmas present wrapping is a gift while HY admits it is not her forte, but having done some research to improve her technique this year she offers what she has learned to all LPG readers.
Read MoreWhat Christmas presents and origami might have in common…
24 Dec 2021
For some members of every family, Christmas present wrapping is a gift while HY admits it is not her forte, but having done some research to improve her technique this year she offers what she has learned to all LPG readers.
Every picture tells a story (chapter 39) - Shorter nights and warmer days…
21 Dec 2021
OA offers a picture and a thought which she hopes offers a bit of positivity on a cold winter’s day
Cold calls and scam calls; take control from the caller…
When we receive one of those nuisance calls that still happen all too often, the best weapon in the arsenal of the caller is the questions that they bombard you with. GT suggests that having questions of your own to bombard the caller with might offer a defence…
Read More
Cold calls and scam calls; take control from the caller…
18 Dec 2021
When we receive one of those nuisance calls that still happen all too often, the best weapon in the arsenal of the caller is the questions that they bombard you with. GT suggests that having questions of your own to bombard the caller with might offer a defence…
A couple of words so good that it might be worth saying them twice.
15 Dec 2021
JL focusses in on a sentiment that we so often assume has been taken as read…
IMEI, what does that mean?
12 Dec 2021
Losing your phone can cause so much chaos these days. KS offers a little advance information which it might help to be aware of just in case it happens to you...
Quantifying the lost and (hopefully) found…
06 Dec 2021
TM delves into an area of inconvenience that we have all been affected by at some time or other during our lives and offers a little by way of statistics and solutions…
Have you ever heard of this condition?
04 Dec 2021
Gloria focuses in on a problem that many women, and a few men may have suffered from all their lives without even knowing it…
Something worth thinking about when you have a moment…
03 Dec 2021
UH takes a good look at himself today and invites LPG readers to do the same…
Keeping the cold out…
30 Nov 2021
Perhaps our winters are milder than those of previous years, but SL has found some information which will help us to get our wardrobes prepared to keep us warm, no matter how harsh the winter treats us this year…
My new misplacement philosophy…
27 Nov 2021
GK focusses in on what can be done when you lose something
Staying young, happy and sane after work…
24 Nov 2021
RT focusses on the transition from becoming one of the older members of your peer group, to one of the younger ones again…
Seeing the dial go round and round….
21 Nov 2021
The whole question of smart meters is brought up again in WM’s message for us today as she takes a look at some of the pros and cons to be considered.
Not enough places to spend a penny
As the number of public toilets gets smaller each year, GB points out the need for something to be done…
Due to tomorrow being significant in more than one way, LPG is using Gloria’s message to give a days’ notice of tomorrow’s acknowledgement of World Toilet day which has very different significance for people around the world although this message focusses in on how things are with us in London.
Read MoreNot enough places to spend a penny
18 Nov 2021
As the number of public toilets gets smaller each year, GB points out the need for something to be done…
Due to tomorrow being significant in more than one way, LPG is using Gloria’s message to give a days’ notice of tomorrow’s acknowledgement of World Toilet day which has very different significance for people around the world although this message focusses in on how things are with us in London.