The difference between caring and being there…
What is your overused oral utterance of choice?
From finger–fatigue to thumb-tiredness?
A little winter positivity, perhaps…
FoMO laid bare in an ‘end of year’ dream?
Acknowledging those trips above and beyond…
Keeping the message short sweet and Christmassy…
A severe time to stop and breathe…
The SAD loss of the right to a bit of fresh air…
Let’s talk about good luck for the coming year …
Drifting off at the right time
A ‘Vagus’ Rule of Thumb perhaps…
It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it!
Were you a baby with parents who wet your head?
Visual and auditory chaos every now and then…
Living in a one-handed world for a while…
I used to sleep alone but now…
A reason to put your mobile phone in the oven…
You don’t have to be young to volunteer…
Text messaged Chinese-whispers…
The story of the lock, the key, and the loo…
Does your cat have his or her own bed?
Focussing on those blinking peepers…
The political morning after the night before…
New ways of keeping the home fires burning…
Is yours as good as it can be?
Those little rhymed stories we tell the kids…
When what defines you changes…
Fingers, buttons and online cookie jars …
Focussing in on the middle layer…
Reasons to be stressed (a bit) …
Before you press the ‘Pay Now’ button…
Versed thoughts (chapter 53): Cat talk
An adult online ‘.Gov’ fairy story...
Being kinder to wiggly things…
What dreams and teeth have in common…
What dreams and teeth have in common…
Travelling at least as light as possible…
Waves… another reason to keep track of them…
Working with wool and one hand…
Hating having to wait; is this a phobia?
Just grab your coat and hat and…
A potential carer’s allowance loophole …
Those school days, were they all bad?
An argument designed to make you smile…
Being a pest is not always a bad thing…
Making breakfast worth getting up for…
Another approach to friend-finding the safe way
A warming reason to check again…
Appreciating what you have while you have it…
Check your gift vouchers in more ways than one…
Looking at respect from different perspectives…
When the other choice gets taken away…
Shooting the screen when it matters…
The importance of sharing your legacy of wisdom…
Journeys, goals and attitudes; an essential mix…
The changing sight and sound of time…
Now and then, you need not have the time…
Speaking of my intrinsic things…
Setting it up and forgetting it … NO!
If wishes were horses and you had three…
Everything needs a bit of a spring clean
Taking a canine look at the ageing process…
The secret weapon that is a little tune
Your visual effect of you, on you…
Reaching the electronically virtual high places…
Taking a different sort of bath…
What is your overused oral utterance of choice?
Drumroll, all you Brits… everybody up?
The daily dash: a thing of the past…
Focussing on both visiting and bedbound hands…
How to stay happy in retirement?
A whole new world in your local park.
Are you your family’s ‘Just like Mum’…?
From finger–fatigue to thumb-tiredness?
The Olympics, my version of being there…
Talking and listening to that mobile phone…
Don’t forget to lock your electronic front door…
Diabetes and blood, what is under the patch?
We are rarely ever the only ones…
Juggling that flipping age coin…
Text messaged Chinese-whispers…
Reintroducing yourself to the rest of the world…
When the other choice gets taken away…
Tips to check when taking the test.
Celebrating all Nations, even when big is small…
Saturday nights, Sunday mornings and change…
Telephone and parking ambiguity…
Appreciating what you have while you have it…
Doing things jointly when you can…
Check your renewal letters and haggle!
An LPG milestone day and year…
Those little rhymed stories we tell the kids…
Being a pest is not always a bad thing…
For the early morning ceiling-watchers…
Poetic rhythm, rhyme and verse?
It’s my brain and the flow of my optics…
The splice, the split and the ex…
Are three prongs better than two?
Giving yourself a metaphorical hug…
Journeys, goals and attitudes; an essential mix…
Before you press the ‘Pay Now’ button…
Putting the cuffs on correctly…
What if your cat does not come back?
Getting by with a bit of help from your friends…
Is ours an unconventional best friendship?
Being kinder to wiggly things…
Is yours as good as it can be?
Can your pet’s taste buds get bored?
Letting your ears do the reading…
Stopping the days from merging…
Global sharing on a smaller scale?
Just like doing a haircut but with leaves…
Remembering the dirt, you can’t see…
Senior Saturday sleepovers perhaps…
Focussing on those blinking peepers…
Our gift of personal persecution…
A life lesson for the younger oldies…
Just grab your coat and hat and…
Theft, and delayed but calculated honesty?
When you don’t quite take all your medicine…
Working with wool and one hand…
Blinding us with science and numbers…
Less fashionable intrinsic fashion?
Keeping a note of your ‘driving dates’…
Acknowledging those trips above and beyond…
Focussing on both visiting and bedbound hands…
What if your cat does not come back?
A message for the neglectful plant waterers…
The value of this, that and your personal tatt…
Living in harmony with your bed?
If you can’t hide it, at least disguise it…
Overdrawn to flat packs perhaps…
Resolving to live by your personal rule…
Would you pass the anti-fib challenge?
My drive, the birds and a bit too much luck!
Do you suffer from sedatephobia?
How do you think the young see the old?
Every small achievement counts too…
The ‘Pre’ and the ‘Pro’ of ‘crustination’ …
Wellderly is the order of the day today…
Hording can be a problem both real and digital…
You don't have to be musical to need rhythm…
Back to the matter of insomnia...
Versed thoughts (chapter 58): My Bus Pass
Taking a canine look at the ageing process…
The daily dash: a thing of the past…
You, the accidental inventor, perhaps?
Getting all dressed up then and now…
Making a will, a few more points…
Extinction, how can we really help?
People and time are often the answer…
Do you define your name, or does it define you?
Will your next vote be identified?
Most of us just can’t help it…
Versed thoughts (chapter 69): Start and Finish.
Our gift of personal persecution…
Versed thoughts (chapter 65): My Name Is Dog
We are rarely ever the only ones…
Slowly losing that lockdown connection…
Learning from the little ones…
What my mail and my laundry have in common…
Online Random Acts of Kindness perhaps…
Still free and single, if not so young…
The science behind your smile; true or false?
A severe time to stop and breathe…
Prattling on to the right people….
Versed thoughts (chapter 67): Winter Warmth
The power of getting the bits to fit…
Hitting the ground with winter-warm feet…
Keeping a note of your ‘driving dates’…
The changing length of the distance…
Can you tell the difference? …
Is ours an unconventional best friendship?
Now has to be the time to bounce back!
When you retire what happens to your time?
The value of this, that and your personal tatt…
Waves… another reason to keep track of them…
Check your renewal letters and haggle!
Check your renewal letters and haggle!
Where will you be when the bells start ringing…
Resolving to live by your personal rule…
Remembering the dirt, you can’t see…
Blinding us with science and numbers…
Speaking of my intrinsic things…
That last part of the dark journey home…
A space saving Christmas exercise perhaps?
Giving yourself a metaphorical hug…
A somewhat playful top-ten perhaps…
A message for the neglectful plant waterers…
Another balancing act for the Christmas Scales…
Cheap, quick, healthy; what’s not to like?
The smell, the taste, the memories…
Less fashionable intrinsic fashion?
We have all moved on but it is still out there…
The ‘Pre’ and the ‘Pro’ of ‘crustination’ …
Making breakfast worth getting up for…
Back to the matter of insomnia...
The joy of shopping from a male perspective…
What we have to teach the young.
My drive, the birds and a bit too much luck!
A small good morning thought or two…
Under-shoe footwear revisited…
Scams, the giving and getting factor…
One perspective on the value of time…
Making our world a kinder place…
If you have one, please use it all the time.
So much more than the job description…
The ‘just in case’ that locked me out!
The changing age of early morning interruptions…
Most of us just can’t help it…
Senior Saturday sleepovers perhaps…
How to stay happy in retirement?
How do you think the young see the old?
With pen in hand and a little time on them…
Perhaps now it’s payback time…
Snacks, meals, health and convenience…
A hand-washing refresher course…
Talking and listening to that mobile phone…
Giving those knees a helping hand.
Making use of the complaints process…
Making a will, a few more points…
When you retire what happens to your time?
Will execution; to accept the challenge or not.
Spotting those little ‘loneliness alarm calls’ …
Overdrawn to flat packs perhaps…
People and time are often the answer…
Letting your ears do the reading…
Reintroducing yourself to the rest of the world…
The art of gentle but necessary persuasion…
Let me introduce you to my puddle theory…
A life lesson for the younger oldies…
Are you defiant enough to celebrate today …
The positives that can come out of negatives…
War, Crime, the old, and the young…
Is yours an ICE cold mobile phone?
Thoughts on bedroom night flights…
Versed thoughts (chapter 65): Beat the clock.
Helping to play the ‘Numbers Game’.
Versed thoughts (chapter 60): Autumn Sceneries
The blurry line between friend and acquaintance
Versed thoughts (chapter 64): Monday Siesta.
Can you tell the difference? …
What my mail and my laundry have in common…
Smartening up your dreams and goals?
Versed thoughts (chapter 63): My new Microwave
How are your metatarsals doing?
A reason to put your mobile phone in the oven…
Would you pass the anti-fib challenge?
The power of getting the bits to fit…
Keeping your personal treasures safe…
Foot/ankle trouble? It may be tendinitis.
Versed thoughts (chapter 62): I am hurting too…
Living in harmony with your bed?
A small good morning thought or two…
Hating having to wait; is this a phobia?
You don't have to be musical to need rhythm…
Versed thoughts (chapter 61): No Flowers
Don’t let the youngsters put you off!
Scams, the giving and getting factor…
Listening, an art form in itself…
The pros and cons of visual self-improvement
Ageing does come with a few positives…
The joy of shopping from a male perspective…
The science behind your smile; true or false?
Just like doing a haircut but with leaves…
Doing our best to preserve Lewisham’s culture…
An argument designed to make you smile…
One perspective on the value of time…
Stirring a few more playful memories…
Extinction, how can we really help?
Fresh and frozen: nutrition and cost…
Hording can be a problem both real and digital…
Why everyone will need broadband by 2025…
When the last one moves out...
A somewhat playful top-ten perhaps…
Those school days, were they all bad?
An alternative hospital visit…
Neighbours; go dine with each other…
The art of gentle but necessary persuasion…
Every small achievement counts too…
The new two-wheeled London Street pandemic
Growing further away from your kids…
Keep smiling, it’s really good for you!
Thoughts on bedroom night flights…
A hand-washing refresher course…
Another key fact; involving a jam jar perhaps…
The changing sight and sound of time…
Do you define your name, or does it define you?
The evolution of the daily trip to school…
Being more confident when surrounded…
How are your metatarsals doing?
Acknowledging something we’d rather forget…
Prattling on to the right people….
Versed thoughts (chapter 59): I'm Good
Now has to be the time to bounce back!
It is definitely more than just a hat.