...the voice of pensioners

Beware the website which missies the details…(part 2)

15 Jan 2025

GN offers us an online shopping store with a gardening background…


Most celebration days happen annually, but we have found a quarterly one.  Get to Know Your Customers Day happens tomorrow and on the third Thursday of each quarter of the year in question; it is designed to be more of a day for the retailers to ask us to liaise with their competitors.   But, in a world where there is little time for anything but electronic contact between so many of the parties involved in any shopping transaction, LPG repeats GN’s message… 

A second puddle theory…

11 Jan 2025

LF offers a puddle jumping variation on JW’s theme and suggests that we all need a splash… 


LPG could not help but repeat this message having found the perfect celebration day on which to offer it again.  Today doubles as National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day.

Alone again with my cards…

09 Jan 2025

Hobby or addiction DT discusses an activity which might well be described as a bit of both… 

When in Rome… Ouch!

06 Jan 2025

NF researches the many ways that the world’s population expresses pain…

Checking out the past posts: How to sleep better as you get older

03 Jan 2025

After the rigors of the Christmas holidays, KU requested that we re-examine the question of getting the best sleep possible… 

A little winter positivity, perhaps…

31 Dec 2024

We all know that an accident or sudden illness can drastically change our plans for the night, as can the weather outside. HB examines some of these realities and offers a few alternative solutions… 

Something for the more depressed readers, perhaps…

28 Dec 2024

When you start thinking about any subject from a more negative perspective, the only way is up, and perhaps NH illustrates that with her analysis of depression today…

One smell that your visitors can often detect more readily than you…

27 Dec 2024

LY examines one aspect of pet ownership that many pet owners might not be aware of …

One smell that your visitors can often detect more readily than you…

27 Dec 2024

LY examines one aspect of pet ownership that many pet owners might not be aware of …

Keeping the message short sweet and Christmassy…

25 Dec 2024

The Editorial group behind the Pensioner’s Gazette offer a brief Christmas message… 

The SAD loss of the right to a bit of fresh air…

22 Dec 2024

VF has a message for anyone who might have short-term mobility issues… 

Drifting off at the right time

19 Dec 2024

We have to thank AJ for the insight thrown open while sharing concerns about a good night’s sleep and appeal to other readers to share their solutions to the problem.  


At this time of year which can be so stressful, LPG offers a repeat of this article very relicant article



It’s not what you say; it’s how you say it; perhaps…

16 Dec 2024

Sometimes, using our experience to help the younger ones around us see our point of view is even more complicated when they think that they know it all and that what we offer through advice needs to be updated. But LA has a few tricks up her sleeve…  

Every picture tells a story (chapter 54): One horsepower and its fall out…

13 Dec 2024

When we modern folk think about horsepower, we have a vision of mechanical speed and the question of all the fumes and smoke that it leaves behind. We forget that, in the days when transport was predominately a horse-drawn affair, a very different sort of residue was the accepted part of street paraphernalia.   


On this National Horse Day when, in certain parts of the world, a celebration of all things equine, caballine and horse-related is the order of the day.  LPG thought that repeating AK’s article might help us focus on one of the changing values of owning one. 

Visual and auditory chaos every now and then…

09 Dec 2024

 GM does her best to remind us oldies who have become used to the quiet life that a little exercise for the eardrums can be a good thing every now and then… 

A reason to put your mobile phone in the oven…

06 Dec 2024

BC gives us a little information about the importance of making sure your microwave oven is not leaking…


LPG thought it would be a good idea to repeat this message and could think of no better day to repost than National Microwave Day, but this year’s LPG celebration comes with a bit of a warning…  

You don’t have to be young to volunteer…

05 Dec 2024

The new year is still fairly young and there is no time like the present to do something different with this one.  TH offers a suggestion or two that might be useful… 


TH offered us this idea much nearer the beginning of last year but just in case you missed her suggestion back then.  LPG thought that today, being International Volunteer Day, might just be the day to make plans for making a change in 2025.

Text messaged Chinese-whispers…

03 Dec 2024

OT explains how one way of texting could make life easier provided you check every word you say…


Today is the 32nd anniversary of the day that the first text message was sent and we at LPG thought it a good day to repeat what OT has to say on the pros and cons of using the technology… 

The story of the lock, the key, and the loo…

01 Dec 2024

We at LPG would like to thank XX for broaching the subject of what, thanks to her research, we now know as latchkey incontinence.  

New ways of keeping the home fires burning…

25 Nov 2024

CL takes a look at a few aspects of staying warm during the winter now and back in the hay day of coal… 

Is yours as good as it can be?

14 Nov 2024

There is room for improvement in all aspects of life, and QF offers us her take on one possible application of this notion… 


Today is World Quality day, a corporate observance that aims to acknowledge, maintain, and improve our world's standards. However, LPG suggests that an overall assessment of where each of our personal lives is headed might be the perfect reason for repeating QF’s message… 



Every picture tells a story (chapter 52): a curious website/advert pairing?

07 Nov 2024

GA offers a few thoughts on the advertising that pops up all over every internet page that we see…


Today happens to be National Programmatic Advertising Day which means very little to us at LPG, but it does give us an excuse to offer a repeat of GA’s article which comes with an advertising theme… 

I am fat, but we have all got to eat, and there lies my problem…

04 Nov 2024

LG unashamedly breaks one of the more modern taboos today as she empathises and reminds readers to look seriously in the mirror…  

Reasons to be stressed (a bit) …

01 Nov 2024

SF focusses in on our need for just a little stress in our lives… 


LPG repeats SG’s message on National Stress Awareness Day which offers one of the few positives that stress has to offer… 

An adult online ‘.Gov’ fairy story

26 Oct 2024

PD offers a little foresight into obtaining UK Hatch, Match, and dispatch documents… 

Communing with the green…

23 Oct 2024

The hardest part of any job is getting started. OG will do her best to help you with this one…

What dreams and teeth have in common…

20 Oct 2024

People of all age groups worldwide have the most time to indulge in this pastime, and science tells us that we all do, although JN has a few statistics to offer about our approach to dreaming. 

Friends, family, and money, what would you have done?

17 Oct 2024

Being asked for a loan can leave you with a lot of thinking to do unless you are really rich.  GM suggests that a little forethought about what you would do if asked might come in handy …  


On this National Pay Back a Friend Day we at LPG thought this message worth reconsidering.  We posted it early last year and GM has since confirmed that the loan has been repaid in full.



Travelling at least as light as possible…

14 Oct 2024

Luggage is always one of the major banes of a traveller’s life.  GA offers readers preparing for a couple of days away a few internet hints on how to minimise weight… 

Working with wool and one hand…

11 Oct 2024

We are still determining what it is like to relearn those things we used to do with two hands so that we can manage with one.  DO found a way to help a friend in that position and passed it on… 


Tomorrow will be celebrated as I Love Yarn Day, and we at LPG have elected to repeat what DO said on the subject… 

Where are the instructions?

08 Oct 2024

Our gadgets are getting more complicated to operate and set up, and the instructions explain how to follow fashion.  FB shares her comments…


We find ourselves in the middle of Customer Service Week, and while many helpful staff are in many of our shops, we offer a repeat of FB’s comments which might be considered relevant …

Those school days, were they all bad?

05 Oct 2024

Perhaps schoolday memories are a place that many of us oldies don’t really want to revisit but for the sake of a grandchild... 


We at LPG thought it might be a good idea to repeat this story because, while today is celebrated as National Teacher’s Day (which is one of the few days in the year that all teachers are supposed to be honoured by their students) and, having been through the education system at some point in the long-lost past himself, GK offers a few school-routed thoughts. 

Thinking about thinking…

02 Oct 2024

VM suggests an alternative pastime to overthinking life… 

Focussing on those blinking peepers…

29 Sep 2024

If asked which sense you would rather not lose at any stage of life, 80% say sight, and RR reminds us of one aspect of their care that we may have been a little lazy about…  


During this eye health week, we at LPG feel that repeating what RR has to say on this fundamental aspect of eye health is worth putting out there again

Could it be that as we get older we forget how to cry properly?

26 Sep 2024

KA reminds us of one eye condition that our own determination might help us to ignore.


We were sent this message a while ago now but during this National  Eye Health Week we feel that a repeat of the information it contains might be beneficial.  

Another approach to friend-finding the safe way …

24 Sep 2024

Our friends will always be one of the most essential collections we can have, and meeting potentially new ones online is becoming more common these days. SI has a little to say about online-friendships… 

Check your gift vouchers in more ways than one…

20 Sep 2024

There is no doubt that more of us have found ourselves in a similar situation to the one FI describes but, regardless of whether the gift voucher was the problem or the solution, she adds a bit of advice that might come in handy… 

Ready for lift-off…

14 Sep 2024

PY’s message asks pertinent questions: How often do you get up and sit down each day, and do you get unsteady when doing so?   

In the estimation of the LPG editorial group, any reminder about the need to monitor our blood pressure is a good thing. The penultimate day of this Know Your Numbers! Week has to be the perfect time for a repeat of this message…   


When the other choice gets taken away…

11 Sep 2024

Keeping up to date is something that younger people have always liked to do, while we older members of society aren’t as ready for constant change. PL questions why the corporate world and government can’t appreciate that… 


As we find ourselves right in the middle of Intelligent Automation Month, LPG repeats a post which explores one aspect of why so much intelligence has a habit of leaving us older people behind.  

Reading out aloud to myself…

08 Sep 2024

Reading is something that most of us can do, but retaining what we read is another business altogether, as BT explains… 


Today is International Literacy Day, which might be a good reason to repeat BT’s thoughts on small-print reading that might help those better at skimming through pages of paperwork rather than retaining what they read… 

Journeys, goals and attitudes; an essential mix…

06 Sep 2024

TB has a message on wasting time inspired by a YouTube video…


On this day, which doubles as Fight Procrastination Day in some parts of the world, LPG has opted to repeat TB’s message, which might offer some food for thought on the subject…

Now and then, you need not have the time…

04 Sep 2024

he young and recently retired are often the people who find themselves making so much time for the people around them that they forget to be philanthropic towards themselves.  KH offers us her opinion… 

Focussing on the hidden corners, square meter by square metre…

02 Sep 2024

Perhaps KB has an alternative method to plot before navigating your way around a bit of house cleaning… 

Setting it up and forgetting it … NO!

30 Aug 2024

Every year, the annual cost of goods and services rises, and at this time, everyone knows that, but SW shares one idea that might help you keep track of those automatic price rises… 

The ‘first thing in the morning’ three-question strategy explained…

24 Aug 2024

VH offers a possible answer to ensuring we get out of the right side of the bed even if we wake up facing the wrong way. 

Your visual effect of you, on you…

21 Aug 2024

PC offers us a reason or two to give your fingers a daily workout, perhaps…

Reaching the electronically virtual high places…

18 Aug 2024

TG reminds us of how online chat can leave us all guessing about who or what we are making contact with these days…  

No spare time on your hands? Kids, be careful what you wish for…

15 Aug 2024

It might be argued that we need to get older to really appreciate just how much the time that we have plays in our appreciation of life itself.  CL gives her point of view.   


On this Relaxation Day of celebration, we at LPG felt that CL’s message on the subject of wishing for an overindulgence of tranquillity in youth can perhaps be addressed somewhat by us elders who reportedly have so much time to indulge…  

The Need for Role Reversal

12 Aug 2024

Rudy picks up on one of those snippets of life that we so often see as we make our way through it and offers a comment or two…

Focussing on both visiting and bedbound hands…

09 Aug 2024

We do so much with them that it is easy to take them for granted, but when they are inactive or stuck in bed for a while, they might need a little extra attention. OD explains… 


Hands need to be in optimum condition before they can be employed in any practical exercise, so LPG has opted to repeat these wise words from OD on this celebration of Hold Hands Day.  

Beware the website which missies the details…(part 2)

07 Aug 2024

GN offers us an online shopping store with a gardening background…

Fixing fading friendships …

30 Jul 2024

TS broaches some of the anxieties caused when a friend stops communicating… 

There are all kinds of friends and, so often, some of them work at the friendship much harder than others.  Sometimes they just move on and sometimes one of the friends involved gets bored, but sometimes there can be a simple yet resolvable reason to avoid you.   She wrote it over a year ago now, but LPG have repeated TS’s message on this National Friendship Day in the hope that it helps a few negative friendships become rekindled… 


Far enough away for independence but close enough to help?

28 Jul 2024

TG offers a personal observation of how geography has changed the family dynamic…


Parents come in all shapes and sizes, and on this National Parents’ Day, LPG felt that a repeat of TG’s unconventional way of looking at the subject sums up one aspect of such relationships worth revisiting…

What are we waiting for?

27 Jul 2024

Like everything, the way we use our time changes as we get older and as the world evolves.  VP offers a comment or two…

A few points about parking on the UK street where your friends live…

24 Jul 2024

RR offers some information that some older UK drivers may not be aware of… 


In America, today is celebrated as the National Day of Motoring. Although road trips are  very American, they give us at LPG a reason to mention again a few points that have more to do with parking but might be of interest to motorists in the UK.   

Talking and listening to that mobile phone…

22 Jul 2024

The internet tells us that in 2016 less than 50% of people aged 55+ owned or used a smart mobile phone but during the past 7 years that number has increase to 83%, is it any wonder that so many more people accept the fact that we all walk around talking to ourselves these days.  GF elucidates.   


The month of July has been designated National Cell Phone Courtesy Month, you only have to hear the word ‘cell’ to know that the Americans thought of it first but, now that talking to the person plugged into your ear is commonplace LPG thought a repeat of this message appropriate… 

Diabetes and blood, what is under the patch?

19 Jul 2024

NF does a little research into managing diabetes without the need to adopt a repetitive and painful finger pricking habit… 

Are Google, Alexa, Siri, and their friends helping us reach our brains’ saturation points?

16 Jul 2024

FB alludes to the fact that perhaps we humans are getting so much help when remembering things that our power of recall is suffering.


On this Artificial Intelligence Appreciation Day, we at LPG thought it essential to bring the question down to a base level as we repeat FB’s comments on one effect the concept might be having on our capacity to remember…

Text messaged Chinese-whispers…

13 Jul 2024

OT explains how one way of texting could make life easier provided you check every word you say…

When the other choice gets taken away…

10 Jul 2024

Keeping up to date is something that younger people have always liked to do, while we older members of society aren’t as ready for constant change. PL questions why the corporate world and government can’t appreciate that… 

Tips to check when taking the test.

07 Jul 2024

We all know exactly what to do when we are sitting in that chair with the funny glasses machine in front of them but RR questions if we are actually doing the best thing for our eyes…

Doing things jointly when you can…

28 Jun 2024

It is one of those little insurance points that all insured couples should be aware of and DS’s story acts as an example and also has a moral… 


Today is celebrated as National Insurance Awareness Day in some parts of the world and as such LPG has decided to repeat this story with a moral which could become all too apparent at just the wrong time… 

For the early morning ceiling-watchers…

21 Jun 2024

GJ offers a few words of internet wisdom for those who find sleeping at night challenging… 

Every picture tells a story (chapter 54): One horsepower and its fall out…

19 Jun 2024

When we modern folk think about horsepower, we have a vision of mechanical speed and the question of all the fumes and smoke that it leaves behind. We forget that, in the days when transport was predominately a horse-drawn affair, a very different sort of residue was the accepted part of street paraphernalia.   

Ready for lift-off…

16 Jun 2024

PY’s message asks pertinent questions: How often do you get up and sit down each day, and do you get unsteady when doing so?   

Journeys, goals and attitudes; an essential mix…

13 Jun 2024

TB has a message on wasting time inspired by a YouTube video…

What if your cat does not come back?

10 Jun 2024

Cats have always been a law unto themselves, causing their fair share of anguish by sometimes going on a vastly extended journey of discovery while we owners are left worrying.  FT offers a little comfort…  


Today is the day when, by law, all pet cats in England must be microchipped, and one of the main reasons is arguably to make it easier to find those who get lost.  With this in mind, LPG feels that repeating this article might be a good idea… 

Is ours an unconventional best friendship?

07 Jun 2024

MF tells us about her best friend and offers one way that you can explore just how good a best friend you are… 


Tomorrow will be National Best Friends Day. We at LPG thought a repeat of MF’s article worthy of a second outing as we remind readers to celebrate by doing something special with their best friends or at least remembering to get in touch… 

Is yours as good as it can be?

04 Jun 2024

There is room for improvement in all aspects of life, and QF offers us her take on one possible application of this notion… 

If you have to talk to yourself – say something positive!

01 Jun 2024

WG brings us something that works for some but not others. If you don’t try it you will never know if it works for you.


Today doubles as National Say Something Nice Day and while we are busy being nice to the people around us perhaps a repeat reminder that saying something nice to yourself might be appropriate…



Could it be that as we get older we forget how to cry properly?

29 May 2024

KA reminds us of one eye condition that our own determination might help us to ignore.

Passing on a fortune

26 May 2024

Rudy focuses on the difference between saving for your old age and saving in your old age…  

How long will it be before we forget what they look like?

23 May 2024

BS offers her thoughts on just how long relative wealth will be associated with the feel of coins in our pockets…


On this Lucky Penny Day, when the fact that possessing the little coin is celebrated and a positive thing, LPG felt this article worth repeating as her message questions if the consumers of the future will even have need for such things…

Setting the real ‘you’ free…

22 May 2024

GJ focusses in on retirement being the optimum time to give up hiding as much of the inner you as we all so often do… 


LPG feels this article worth repeating on this International Being You Day when tradition demands that we each celebrate our real selves; something that GJ endorses.  


Stopping the days from merging…

20 May 2024

YA reminds us that each day is unique, just in case we let them get too stuck together… 

Global sharing on a smaller scale?

17 May 2024

TS offers a, much smaller scaled, alternative in preparation of a way to celebrate ‘Global Sharing day’ which might just have a positive, personal effect on the individual lives within your community. 

Number crunching Dyscalculia?

13 May 2024

NC points out that it is not only the 26 letters of the alphabet that can confuse as he puts the ten digits and our ability to manipulate them in the accepted way under the spotlight.  


Today is also known as National Numeracy Day and several questions about the skills needed to manipulate them successfully.  NC might Have found one reason why those skills might have been questioned throughout some of our lives.   

Something new for you to try: Bonsai full of eastern promise (Perhaps)

11 May 2024

For some reason the mystic east and the rising sun is what comes to mind when you mention small trees.  DT talks about one aspect of miniature gardening today. 

LPG offers you a second opportunity to discover what DT has to say on this subject to coincide with today’s celebration of World Bonsai Day. 

Focussing on those blinking peepers…

08 May 2024

If asked which sense you would rather not lose at any stage of life, 80% say sight, and RR reminds us of one aspect of their care that we may have been a little lazy about…  

Our gift of personal persecution…

05 May 2024

TF offers us his take on one of the aspects of surviving life’s stumbling blocks whenever you come across them… 


In Mexico, today is celebrated as Cinco de Mayo.  The day commemorates the winning of a Mexican battle in 1862. Still, LPG feels it is a good day also to acknowledge our battles, whether we have already overcome them or are still in the process.  Battles need allies, as TF explains…

If only superpowers were wishes that could be granted to us pensioners…

02 May 2024

IH’s so called survey is nowhere near conclusive but there was research and even though the object of her survey is not marketable, we thought this International Market Research Day a reason to share her survey again.


IH’s so called survey is nowhere near conclusive but there was research and even though the object of her survey is not marketable, we thought this International Market Research Day a reason to share her survey again.

LPG would be interested in hearing the results of any other smaller surveys that have been conducted lately… 

When you don’t quite take all your medicine…

29 Apr 2024

OC reminds us to review our existing supply of ongoing medicines  


In some parts of the world today is designated National Prescription Drug Take Back Day and LPG has duplicated OC’s message in the hope that it might remind a few readers of one of those things that so many of us may well be thinking about doing.


Working with wool and one hand…

26 Apr 2024

We are still determining what it is like to relearn those things we used to do with two hands so that we can manage with one.  DO found a way to help a friend in that position and passed it on… 

Sometimes we need to jump right in and prepare to get wet…

23 Apr 2024

TB offers us her thoughts on being brave, having been motivated by an earlier post…  


On this National Take A Chance Day, when everyone is encouraged to do something out of their comfort zone, LPG thought that revisiting what TB has to say on the subject might at least get a few more readers thinking about the possibilities 

Perhaps seeing yourself without the help of a mirror?

20 Apr 2024

VI asks questions about our powers of recognition as she begins to explore the odds of finding your own doppelganger…  


Today is also recognised as National Look-Alike-Day and a perfect day to repeat VI’s mini investigation into the subject… 

Focussing on both visiting and bedbound hands…

17 Apr 2024

We do so much with them that it is easy to take them for granted, but when they are inactive or stuck in bed for a while, they might need a little extra attention. OD explains… 

What if your cat does not come back?

14 Apr 2024

Cats have always been a law unto themselves, causing their fair share of anguish by sometimes going on a vastly extended journey of discovery while we owners are left worrying.  FT offers a little comfort…  

Reading out aloud to myself…

11 Apr 2024

Reading is something that most of us can do, but retaining what we read is another business altogether, as BT explains… 

Living in harmony with your bed?

08 Apr 2024

DY introduces us to the basics of Feng Shui and the idea of getting your sleep energy just right… 


Today is celebrated as International Feng Shui Awareness Day and, for the uninitiated a repeat of DY’s very basic lesson might be introduction enough.  So, we, at LPG have repeated her message just in case this might be the direction that you feel your energy needs to follow… 

Every picture tells a story (chapter 52): a curious website/advert pairing?

03 Apr 2024

GA offers a few thoughts on the advertising that pops up all over every internet page that we see…

Are Google, Alexa, Siri, and their friends helping us reach our brains’ saturation points?

30 Mar 2024

FB alludes to the fact that perhaps we humans are getting so much help when remembering things that our power of recall is suffering.

How do you think the young see the old?

28 Mar 2024

Our individuality allows us so many different ways of seeing all aspects of life and IB shares his on how the young see us older people in 2023.   


We find ourselves in the middle of Intergenerational Week today and LPG felt this reason enough to remind you of IB’s thoughts on the subject in a bid to provoke a few thoughts from some of our other readers now that they can perceive generations from both ends of the spectrum…

Kids, Oldies; are my thoughts that much out of date?

25 Mar 2024

TN reminds us of the importance of not allowing our chats with the young to miss the very valuable advice and experiences that we have to offer them. 


As we find ourselves in Intergeneration Week LPG feels that a repeat of what TN has to say on the subject worth revisiting. 

Every small achievement counts too…

24 Mar 2024

AK reminds us that achievements are like pennies, and we need to acknowledge and be conscious of the small ones before the big ones become really noticeable… 


Achievement comes in all shapes and sizes although, so often it is only the big ones that are remembered.  LPG has repeated AK’s message to remind us that all big achievements start small and without the small personal ones, the whole world would have missed out on so much.  so, on this International Day for Achievers, don’t underestimate your potential however big or small the box it comes in… 

The ‘Pre’ and the ‘Pro’ of ‘crustination’ …

20 Mar 2024

Waiting for anything has to be one of the most uncomfortable feelings that anyone has to endure, especially if they are, by nature, an impatient person. IY offers a somewhat amateur, but very personal answer to a recent post on the subject… 


LPG agrees with IC’s assessment of the longest wait that many a man will need to navigate his way through.  For most readers of our website, it will be a distant memory but one where their experience might deserve a bit of recollection on this National Proposal Day and, perhaps such thoughts might be passed on to any grandsons, grandnephews or other young men they might know who are planning to take such a step.  Hence the repeat of this post…   

The freedom of the hands that can often trap the mouth

18 Mar 2024

In this modern age, OK offers a message of diplomacy that may well benefit any telephone user … 


Saying the wrong thing when in the wrong company; we have all done it and it is bad enough when you can see all the people you are talking to.  LPG thought there to be some serious value in repeating this word of wisdom designed for these modern times… 

You don't have to be musical to need rhythm…

15 Mar 2024

IC passes on what she has learned about the science behind those body clocks that we occasionally refer to, as she investigates a few aspects of the advantages of having a regular bedtime no matter how old you are….


On this World Sleep Day LPG offers a repeat of what IC has discovered about listening to the rhythm of your sleep pattern a little more closely… 

Joining the family dots…

09 Mar 2024

DW has found a reason for taking diary writing and chronicling excerpts of your personal views and contributions to another level…


A few months ago, DW offered us a message outlining one way that the present senior members might just help future ancestry seekers research and celebrate this one in a little more detail. Today is known as Genealogy Day in many parts of the world which is why LPG offers a repeat of that message.  

Getting all dressed up then and now…

06 Mar 2024

TS has found some evidence which shows that the lengths that we modern ladies go to just to look our best for a night out has truly changed over the years and arguably for the better… 


LPG thought it appropriate to remind readers of this message on this National Dress Day which pays homage to the simple frock which apparently was not so simple back in the day… 


People and time are often the answer…

02 Mar 2024

WS suggests that time and experience are the best teachers when it comes to having the intuition to notice when things are not right with others and, once observed we need to act on ours and share our problems…


It can be argued that the celebratory days that fall during the year are becoming more and more diverse as the years go by, but LPG sees this article as a message that needs to be reinforced at any time of the year.  Tomorrow has the pretty obscure distinction of being National I Want You to Be Happy Day.  This has to be a sentiment that should be celebrated every day of the year, in LPG’s opinion and WS’s message offers us all a reminder…

Beautiful to smell and see, but a challenge to arrange…

28 Feb 2024

Flowers make a beautiful present and look so good when you receive them but CC questions our skills when it comes to showing them off at their best…


In the light of this day which is celebrated as Floral Design Day in some parts of the world, and also for the sake of the many flowers that are received by those ill prepared to show them off at their most elegant, LPG can see some value in repeating CC’s message today…

Will your next vote be identified?

26 Feb 2024

GB reminds us about the need to register our opinions and, with an election happening very soon, attempts to jog our memories and get us ID prepared…

Our gift of personal persecution…

23 Feb 2024

TF offers us his take on one of the aspects of surviving life’s stumbling blocks whenever you come across them… 

Where are the instructions?

20 Feb 2024

Our gadgets are getting more complicated to operate and set up, and the instructions explain how to follow fashion.  FB shares her comments…

What my mail and my laundry have in common…

17 Feb 2024

ST offers a possible time-saving strategy for those who still don’t feel that they have enough of it… 


Just in case there are any readers who are unaware, we find ourselves in the middle of Time Management Month each February and, with this in mind LPG offers a repeat of ST’s way of managing it. 

How do you define happiness?

10 Feb 2024

There is nothing like a film to provoke a few thoughts and get the memory and imagination working .Rudy reminds us of that fact with this message…


Codger Productions meets at Stanstead lodge, Stanstead Road. Forest Hill, each Friday afternoon at 2:30 and we are always looking for new members.  No specific skills needed just bring your imagination… 

LPG repeats this post to coincide with today’s celebration of Global Movie Day. Perhaps the film Rudy is talking about will never be global but, now that it is on the internet the people who made it, regardless of the quality of their acting performances, will be available for long enough for the generations of their individual families who have not even bean tho

Number crunching Dyscalculia?

08 Feb 2024

NC points out that it is not only the 26 letters of the alphabet that can confuse as he puts the ten digits and our ability to manipulate them in the accepted way under the spotlight.  

Far enough away for independence but close enough to help?

05 Feb 2024

TG offers a personal observation of how geography has changed the family dynamic…

Prattling on to the right people….

02 Feb 2024

The NHS is overtaxed at the moment but don’t use that as an excuse to not bother them.  DM reminds us that it is best to talk to the people that know best when it comes to your health… 

We have repeated this message even though we are a day late for ‘Time to Talk Day'.  The day acknowledges the power of talk for those who might feel suicidal, but as we get older, we should also pay attention to those who always talk about their health issues but fail to mention them to the right people. GPs are worth the inconvenience if there are real problems, so the repeat of this article aims to remind readers that if you can hear alarm bells in what is being said around you, a bit of real medical advice might be needed.

Where you work, what you do, and who is watching…

27 Jan 2024

Perhaps we pensioners can count ourselves lucky that we are only watched on CCTV these days, and we missed the world of work where your every computer move is monitored.


LPG repeats this message today to remind we ex-workers of one aspect of so many jobs that we oldies are arguably lucky to have missed… 

The changing length of the distance…

25 Jan 2024

As we age, the length of an achievable walking distance can shrink somewhat, but CJ tells a story that might help that perspective change for the better with a bit of persistence…

Can you tell the difference? …

23 Jan 2024

They have to learn how but once your feet have mastered the technique of walking, running, jumping, and even hobbling around they become the unsung heroes of our mobility.  CW offers a little advice with them in mind… 


On a day celebrated as National Measure Your Feet Day LPG feels the need to repeat CW’s message about making sure that they are in good shape and remembering to check their progress. 

Never mind walking a mile in my shoes, ten yards can be quite enough…

21 Jan 2024

It is that homely picture-ingredient that so many Christmas cards are made of until you find yourself away from home when the white fluffy stuff starts to fall.  OS shares a story that explains… 


Today is celebrated as National Snow Day and many people will think of skiing holidays and snow balls but as we get older our perception changes a bit.  LPG thought it worth repeating what OS had to say on the subject even though it was written over a year ago.

Is ours an unconventional best friendship?

18 Jan 2024

MF tells us about her best friend and offers one way that you can explore just how good a best friend you are… 

Now has to be the time to bounce back!

15 Jan 2024

Feeling down is no fun at any time of the year but winter is renowned for being the season when depression hits the hardest.  It has taken her a while but now that we are hopefully getting to the other end of that season, NH gives us her thoughts on the subject… 


NH’s article came to us too late to feature in time for last year’s Blue Monday, and although we posted it last year we could not find anything more appropriate to print on this year’s acknowledgement of the day.  Although it was written the best part of a year ago LPG hopes that a repeat of the positive message it contains might just help to generate a few personal ‘bounce backs’ this year as well as last.   

Focussing on the front of your drawers, boxes, and cupboards.

13 Jan 2024

WY offers a, ‘keep your eye on the use by dates’ message with a moral today as she reminds readers that you cannot keep everything at the front of the kitchen cupboard… 

Tomorrow doubles as National Organise Your Home Day, and while that task, like Rome, would be really hard to fit into a single day, such things are sometimes easier to do if they can become shared experiences.  LPG feels that we could do with a repeat of WY‘s message which prompts us to remember this point even if we live alone…  

Thinking about charges, both electrical and financial…

09 Jan 2024

NC has a message for all those who don’t have a smart meter but appreciate some of the benefits of being able to measure aspects of their electrical output more privately.  


Tomorrow is celebrated as Cut Your Energy Costs Day and, in preparation, LPG felt a repeat of this very pertinent article particularly relevant… 

Finding balance on the ‘introvert / extrovert’ seesaw…

02 Jan 2024

While everyone will find themselves balancing at some point along the ‘introvert/extrovert’ scale, the best place to be would be somewhere in the middle.  XX’s message today gives a little insight into having lived a more introverted life… 


On some parts of the planet, today is celebrated as World Introvert Day, and LPG has repeated XX’s message on such a day in the hope that it might be more than appropriate and perhaps helpful to a few readers that missed it last time round…

Where will you be when the bells start ringing…

31 Dec 2023

KU asks the question: - will the start of this New Year be significant for you?  

Where will you be when the bells start ringing…

31 Dec 2023

KU asks the question: - will the start of this New Year be significant for you?  

Kids, Oldies; are my thoughts that much out of date?

29 Dec 2023

TN reminds us of the importance of not allowing our chats with the young to miss the very valuable advice and experiences that we have to offer them. 

A few points about parking on the UK street where your friends live…

28 Dec 2023

RR offers some information that some older UK drivers may not be aware of… 

Whether just for Christmas or for life: some advice for when things change….

24 Dec 2023

Perhaps, even though times and circumstances might change, a dog is a pet that would make a good present for an older person…


In the light of the news that many people are abandoning their pets because of the cost of feeding them in a somewhat austere financial time, while the value of a pet to a pensioner is known also to be so important, LPG felt that a repeat of this post might be useful at this time of year…

Adding achievement to your television watching schedule perhaps

22 Dec 2023

BJ focusses in on the little achievements that can be taken from using some of those little bits of time that we are so used to letting slip by…

Happy 187th LBG

14 Dec 2023

Even if you don’t do it so much these days, it is likely that over the years you have been part of the statistic used to measure which BR stations are the most visited.  BF, while sitting on a train near the station, found a few notable facts for us… 

No spare time on your hands? Kids, be careful what you wish for…

13 Dec 2023

It might be argued that we need to get older to really appreciate just how much the time that we have plays in our appreciation of life itself.  CL gives her point of view.   

Customer satisfaction is a thing of the past, but job satisfaction could well be too…

10 Dec 2023

Shopping is no fun these days and FB points out that it is not only the customer that gets a raw deal…  


As well as many other names, today is designated National Salespersons Day which gives us the perfect reason to repeat FB’s thoughts on the subject; perhaps more for the sake of the shop staff that the now retired retail workers of the world have left behind… 

Another balancing act for the Christmas Scales…

07 Dec 2023

Christmas is a wonderful time of year for families although JL writes about one aspect that might cause a few bumps in the road at an otherwise cordial time of year…  

Presents for the man who you might think he has everything…

04 Dec 2023

Do you think that CJ is right when he says that men of a certain age are prone to getting presents of socks that could be even more appreciated if the pair matching limitations that men seem to be afflicted with were taken into consideration, and is his logic sound?


Now is the time when the frenzied race to find the perfect Christmas present is gathering momentum and, on this National Sock Day LPG repeats CJ’s advice designed for those habitual sock buyers as they choose this year’s offerings for those nephews, sons, and other men of their acquaintance for whom they can think of nothing else to give.

The ‘Pre’ and the ‘Pro’ of ‘crustination’ …

01 Dec 2023

Waiting for anything has to be one of the most uncomfortable feelings that anyone has to endure, especially if they are, by nature, an impatient person. IY offers a somewhat amateur, but very personal answer to a recent post on the subject… 

A second puddle theory…

26 Nov 2023

LF offers a puddle jumping variation on JW’s theme and suggests that we all need a splash… 

A small, good morning thought or two…

21 Nov 2023

CM shares a few thoughts which she hopes might change your perspective for the better as you wake up each morning… 


As we get older, so many of us find ourselves in a world with fewer reasons for the need to get up and join in each morning.  Today doubles as National Hello Day when we are all supposed to make a point of going out of our way to acknowledge the people in the world around us in a more positive way.  LPG has repeated CM’s thoughts which may go some way to giving the whole thing a bit more perspective perhaps…  

Under-shoe footwear revisited…

19 Nov 2023

The argument for more generic looking socks is strengthened as CP, another man who deals with his own gathering of knitted footwear, finds a few new arguments which may need pointing out to the giver of such gifts…   


After all that has been said on the subject of matching socks, it appears that tomorrow will be the one day in the year that there is a legitimate reason to close your eyes and just grab a couple.  November 20th is National Odd Socks Day which offers us all the opportunity to close our eyes and pick any two from your collection and make them a pair while pondering the issue of bullying. 

Men do it one way and women the other, but have you ever wondered why?

16 Nov 2023

Always helpful in a pub quiz is the answer to those questions you would never be asked anywhere else, and OF shares the answer to one such puzzle inspired by a letter from an earlier LPG contributor.  


LPG thought this article worth repeating on this National Button Day. Trivial might be how you feel about them, but now that we have buttons, what would we do without them? 

Making our world a kinder place…

13 Nov 2023

KR shares some ideas that could make us all feel a little kinder… 


LPG would like to share KR’s message again on this day when kindliness again is a feature of celebration.


Thinking about charges, both electrical and financial…

08 Nov 2023

NC has a message for all those who don’t have a smart meter but appreciate some of the benefits of being able to measure aspects of their electrical output more privately.  

If you have one, please use it all the time.

07 Nov 2023

 FI makes a very valid point as she does her best to remind readers to use their personal alarm buttons if they have one. 


Today doubles as Personal Safety day and with this in mind we, at LPG, wanted to repeat FI’s truly relevant and often forgotten message.



Releasing some of the stress as well as the artist inside you perhaps…

01 Nov 2023

There is never just one solution to any problem, but AF thinks she may have found a new hobby for some readers and offers us an insight to her new and relaxing way to bring out the artist that you may have well always wanted to be… 


One of the best qualities of creating art, according to AF, is the relaxing effect that getting involved can have on otherwise more stressed out enthusiasts.  LPG hopes that airing this message again on this National Stress Awareness Day. 

My left foot (and arm) …

29 Oct 2023

JD tells us, from his personal experience about something that changed the perspective of the negative future that his long recovery gave him time to map out for himself… 


LPG feels that a repeat of JD’s message especially important on this World Stroke Day

The changing age of early morning interruptions…

26 Oct 2023

Perhaps getting up in the morning can become more of a challenge as we get older although SY has a story to tell which she suspects might loosely reflect more pensioners sleeping-histories than just her own… 

Sometimes we need to jump right in and prepare to get wet…

23 Oct 2023

TB offers us her thoughts on being brave, having been motivated by an earlier post…  

How do you think the young see the old?

21 Oct 2023

Our individuality allows us so many different ways of seeing all aspects of life and IB shares his on how the young see us older people in 2023.   

Perhaps now it’s payback time…

17 Oct 2023

LM shares a few thoughts on borrowing, lending, and friendship.  


LPG has discovered that amongst our world’s many other days of celebration, today is National Pay Back a Friend Day and, as such, LM’s message might just be worth rereading.  



Talking and listening to that mobile phone…

13 Oct 2023

The internet tells us that in 2016 less than 50% of people aged 55+ owned or used a smart mobile phone but during the past 7 years that number has increase to 83%, is it any wonder that so many more people accept the fact that we all walk around talking to ourselves these days.  GF elucidates.   

Making use of the complaints process…

08 Oct 2023

Perhaps there are a few alternatives to waiting on the phone for ages.  HC might just have one that will work for you…


LPG have decided to repeat this suggestion as we enter this year’s National Customer Service Week.  

Making use of the complaints process…

08 Oct 2023

Perhaps there are a few alternatives to waiting on the phone for ages.  HC might just have one that will work for you…


LPG have decided to repeat this suggestion as we enter this year’s National Customer Service Week.  

Here are a few thoughts to stop you from putting your online foot in it…

05 Oct 2023

According to the statistics, when it comes to shopping online, shoes are the second most returned item.  NE offers some tips on making sure that it is not because the size is wrong…  

Whatever really happened to customer satisfaction…

02 Oct 2023

DS registers her thoughts on the reasons why buying something new is becoming less of a positive experience for many an older shopper as time passes.  


During this National Customer Service Week, where we are encouraged to appreciate the efforts of the staff that enable us to enjoy our shopping, LPG repeats what one LPG reader had to say on the subject…  



Perhaps seeing yourself without the help of a mirror?

29 Sep 2023

VI asks questions about our powers of recognition as she begins to explore the odds of finding your own doppelganger…  

People and time are often the answer…

26 Sep 2023

WS suggests that time and experience are the best teachers when it comes to having the intuition to notice when things are not right with others and, once observed we need to act on ours and share our problems…

Wax on, wax off; fall training that some of us forgot we knew…

23 Sep 2023

While not advocating that all pensioners start to practice martial arts falling techniques, KN suggests a few videos that might bring some lessons to mind in the event that they might be needed. 


As National Falls Awareness week comes to an end, LPG thought that a repeat of this message might be of some use to all those who learned the art of falling back in the day while, a few of the videos might be worth knowing, just in case… 

Having a go: - Armenia, I hope that I played the waiting game successfully

20 Sep 2023

WE paoted a day early CB shares with us her thoughts on the hardest aspect of cooking a really easy recipe as she showcases Armenia’s special day, and looks to something Spanish where there is no actual cooking involved for next month… …   

Let me introduce you to my puddle theory…

17 Sep 2023

JW uses her puddle theory to question one aspect of being an influential grandparent… 

War, Crime, the old, and the young…

11 Sep 2023

No news is good news is an old adage which JC suggests might be more relevant than ever in the 2020s


LPG are repeating this article today because it has also been dubbed No News is Good News Day in some parts of the world and, after the events that happened this day in 2001, JC offers us her reasons for avoiding the news every day.   Perhaps a day when we all try our best to avoid the news altogether is not a bad thing to celebrate…  


Thoughts on bedroom night flights…

08 Sep 2023

We have to thank the interruption caused by the problem for CL's study of a subject that is more than likely to have bothered many a potential night's sleep during the recent hot spell of 2022. 


Although we posted this message earlier this year, LPG thought that now might be the time to remind readers of the preventions that might be worth putting in place in case of a possible 2023 repeat performance of the summer of 2022…

Helping to play the ‘Numbers Game’.

05 Sep 2023

AP, reminds us of just how important it is to attend the clubs, day centres and other organisations that are organised in your area…


On this National Charity Day, we would like to remind readers that so many charities need more than money in order to keep going. 

LPG echoes the words that AP offers today.  Presenting our website where you can read the messages that other pensioners have to offer is the whole object of our existence.   It is the reason that we set up the site in the first place.  We aim to provide an online place where older people can have their say, so we urge you to continue to read, share what our pensioners have to say and tell us what you want to say from time to time too. 

If only superpowers were wishes that could be granted to us pensioners…

01 Sep 2023

IH’s so called survey is nowhere near conclusive but there was research and even though the object of her survey is not marketable, we thought this International Market Research Day a reason to share her survey again.


LPG would be interested in hearing the results of any other smaller surveys that have been conducted lately… 

Can you tell the difference? …

27 Aug 2023

They have to learn how but once your feet have mastered the technique of walking, running, jumping, and even hobbling around they become the unsung heroes of our mobility.  CW offers a little advice with them in mind… 

What my mail and my laundry have in common…

24 Aug 2023

ST offers a possible time-saving strategy for those who still don’t feel that they have enough of it… 

Smartening up your dreams and goals?

21 Aug 2023

LN reminds us that no one is too old to make a dream come true… 


It appears that National Dreams are Possible Day is geared toward letting people who are much younger than anyone who reads our posts work out how to focus their energy into realising their life-changing dreams.  As we get older, our dreams might get a bit smaller, but LPG repeats LN’s post to remind readers that they don’t have to be big and life changing to be important… 

Something new for you to try: Bonsai full of eastern promise (Perhaps)

18 Aug 2023

For some reason the mystic east and the rising sun is what comes to mind when you mention small trees.  DT talks about one aspect of miniature gardening today. 

A reason to put your mobile phone in the oven…

15 Aug 2023

BC gives us a little information about the importance of making sure your microwave oven is not leaking…

One step forwards and two backwards could just be a good thing …

12 Aug 2023

NS, introduces us to the advantages of doing something fundamental in reverse with a view to reaping some forward thinking benefits …

Keeping your personal treasures safe…

09 Aug 2023

NH focusses in on things with her message today as she looks at what control we have over their future…

Living in harmony with your bed?

03 Aug 2023

DY introduces us to the basics of Feng Shui and the idea of getting your sleep energy just right… 

Spread the oxytocin; risk a daily hug or two if you can…

31 Jul 2023

GC hopes that her message today will help us all to be a little closer to those around them in the spirit of sharing as much of this hormone as possible…

A small, good morning thought or two…

28 Jul 2023

CM shares a few thoughts which she hopes might change your perspective for the better as you wake up each morning… 

You don't have to be musical to need rhythm…

25 Jul 2023

IC passes on what she has learned about the science behind those body clocks that we occasionally refer to, as she investigates a few aspects of the advantages of having a regular bedtime no matter how old you are….

Don’t let the youngsters put you off!

22 Jul 2023

By the time we get to our retirement years HS contends that we have spent far too much time doing what is expected of us.  He reminds us that this is the time when we should be putting whatever we really want to do high on our priority lists… 


LPG has decided to repeat HS’s thoughts on this National Toss Away the “Could Haves” and “Should Haves” Day just in case you have not yet got round to it…

How do you define happiness?

19 Jul 2023

There is nothing like a film to provoke a few thoughts and get the memory and imagination working .Rudy reminds us of that fact with this message…


Codger Productions meets at Stanstead lodge, Stanstead Road. Forest Hill, each Friday afternoon at 2:30 and we are always looking for new members.  No specific skills needed just bring your imagination… 

A bit of notice for all grandmas (real or honorary)…

16 Jul 2023

With a week to think about it YF offers us a little time to work out what we can do to prepare all our older ladies for a truly special Gorgeous Grandmas Day… 

Joining the family dots…

11 Jul 2023

DW has found a reason for taking diary writing and chronicling excerpts of your personal views and contributions to another level…

Don’t let trendy fashion leave you too far behind…

09 Jul 2023

It is generally accepted that men look at their female counterparts when discussions veer anywhere near the subject of fashion, but DG adds another perspective to that argument.  


In many parts of the world, today is also known as Fashion Day and, as we get a little older the ladies among us are often accused of jumping off that particular bandwagon, but what of the older gents?   LPG has chosen this particular day to repeat the suggestion of DG’s message in a bid to alert a few of the less fashion-conscious men that they need to take care of themselves too…

Where you work, what you do, and who is watching…

07 Jul 2023

Perhaps we pensioners can count ourselves lucky that we are only watched on CCTV these days, and we missed the world of work where your every computer move is monitored.

Focussing on the front of your drawers, boxes, and cupboards.

04 Jul 2023

WY offers a, ‘keep your eye on the use by dates’ message with a moral today as she reminds readers that you cannot keep everything at the front of the kitchen cupboard… 

Just in case shopping…

28 Jun 2023

Insurance of any kind always appears to be the most invisible thing you can buy, unless something goes wrong, but GP has a few hints that might just help you to pay a bit less for it in future… 


Did you know that today, while being June 28th, is also known as National Insurance Awareness Day?   This very informative article was sent to us at the end of last year but there are some very relevant points that we, at LPG, think that it may well be worth revisiting just in case you missed it last time round.

The freedom of the hands that can often trap the mouth

25 Jun 2023

In this modern age, OK offers a message of diplomacy that may well benefit any telephone user … 

Nightly liquid interruptions…

22 Jun 2023

PF confronts one of those aspects of sleep deprivation that so often affects us as we get older… 

This week is World Continence Week which is the reason that LPG thought  a repeat of this message might be appropriate and perhaps helpful… 


Slowing down and catching up…

19 Jun 2023

In these days when everyone appears to be trying to fit more and more into their days without a lot of success, PC offers an idea that might help…


LPG have learnt that today doubles as Sauntering Day in some parts of the world, a word that so many of us have forgotten the meaning of as we rush around these days.  This makes it the perfect day to repeat PC’s suggestion in the hope that some readers take her thoughts on board… 

Why everyone will need broadband by 2025…

16 Jun 2023

Apparently the whole reason for this particular switchover is a wiring issue.  OK offers a little information about how we all will have to be modernised if we want to keep the landline telephone service we have in our homes…

Setting the real ‘you’ free…

13 Jun 2023

GJ focusses in on retirement being the optimum time to give up hiding as much of the inner you as we all so often do… 

Those school days, were they all bad?

09 Jun 2023

Perhaps schoolday memories are a place that many of us oldies don’t really want to revisit but for the sake of a grandchild... 

If you see one of these, do you know what QR looking at?

07 Jun 2023

We all see them, and they are all over the place but what is a QR code?  That is the question that TI goes some way towards finding the answer to today… 

Every small achievement counts too…

04 Jun 2023

AK reminds us that achievements are like pennies, and we need to acknowledge and be conscious of the small ones before the big ones become really noticeable… 

Growing further away from your kids…

01 Jun 2023

ES offers us her thoughts on the subject of being able to plan you family and adds her thoughts to what another of our readers has to say… 


On this Global Day of Parents, LPG thought that this post which considers how the ages of grandparents and parents are getting closer might merit another viewing…

Thoughts on bedroom night flights…

29 May 2023

We have to thank the interruption caused by the problem for CL's study of a subject that is more than likely to have bothered many a potential night's sleep during the recent hot spell of 2022. 

Taking ‘taking care of the pennies’ to a whole new level…

23 May 2023

Perhaps FI is telling us a story that many a reader can identify with when shopping, as she goes some way towards proving that all stories have morals although, sometimes you have to work them out for yourself… 


Today is National Lucky Penny Day in some parts of the world which is a day when the emphasis is on reminding the younger inhabitants of the world that it is the coins of our counties’ currencies with the least value that will accumulate to make the rich people rich.  But it also gives us at LPG the perfect excuse to repeat FI’s story that gives strong evidence that we oldies don’t necessarily need too much reminding…

Being more confident when surrounded…

20 May 2023

KH reminds us that it is never too late to learn something new, and offers all the reasons why this is a skill worth having another go at if you are among the 1/3rd of the population who have not yet mastered it…


LPG offers a repeat of KH’s message on this acknowledgement day, as she points to the reasons why learning to swim, or at least become more comfortable when surrounded by water, might be to your advantage on so many levels. 

Finding balance on the ‘introvert / extrovert’ seesaw…

17 May 2023

While everyone will find themselves balancing at some point along the ‘introvert/extrovert’ scale, the best place to be would be somewhere in the middle.  XX’s message today gives a little insight into having lived a more introverted life… 


Acknowledging something we’d rather forget…

14 May 2023

One of the more unwelcomed indicators of older age is its way of introducing pain into our lives.  PL offers a few thoughts on the subject of arthritis. 

At the beginning of a week that reminds so many older members of our society about one of its more painful side effects, LPG repeats PL’s comments on the subject of arthritis… 

Prattling on to the right people….

11 May 2023

The NHS is overtaxed at the moment but don’t use that as an excuse to not bother them.  DM reminds us that it is best to talk to the people that know best when it comes to your health… 

Now has to be the time to bounce back!

08 May 2023

Feeling down is no fun at any time of the year but winter is renowned for being the season when depression hits the hardest.  It has taken her a while but now that we are hopefully getting to the other end of that season, NH gives us her thoughts on the subject… 

The ‘just in case’ that locked me out!

02 May 2023

UF tells us a story of case placement which could hve been worse, but which could  have gone a little better with a bit of forethought…

Bending the rules a bit to make your wishes come true…

29 Apr 2023

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride, or so the saying goes but GF tells that there is nothing wrong with being pulled along in a carriage.  GF offers us one way to get as much of your wish as is possible now… 


LPG felt this message definitely worth repeating on World Wish Day with the hope that if you did not get started on the planning after reading it the last time it featured, you might get started after rereading it today… 

Doing things jointly when you can…

28 Apr 2023

It is one of those little insurance points that all insured couples should be aware of and DS’s story acts as an example and also has a moral… 

Shopping online means getting up on time…

26 Apr 2023

IC tells us why the internet provides yet another reason to rise and shine a bit earlier in the mornings…   


In some parts of the world, today has been adopted as National Delivery Day and whether we like it or not there are more delivery people around than ever. They start work early and are often still out there quite late at night so, while it is described as a day when we should all appreciate the long hours and often adverse weather that goes with the job, LPG has decided to repeat IC’s advice to all those online shoppers out there of the need to get up early on those mornings after you have ordered but before you your order arrives …    

Making use of the complaints process…

23 Apr 2023

Perhaps there are a few alternatives to waiting on the phone for ages.  HC might just have one that will work for you…

Are you the only person you do not disturb when you are asleep?

20 Apr 2023

If you snore perhaps this message is for you.  IB offers us a little information that she found online which might help with the problem.


LPG have opted to repeat this message during National Stop Snoring Week in the hope of bringing awareness to something that may well be more than just inconvenient noise for the people who have little choice but to listen while you sleep …


Under-shoe footwear revisited…

17 Apr 2023

The argument for more generic looking socks is strengthened as CP, another man who deals with his own gathering of knitted footwear, finds a few new arguments which may need pointing out to the giver of such gifts…   

Don’t let trendy fashion leave you too far behind…

16 Apr 2023

It is generally accepted that men look at their female counterparts when discussions veer anywhere near the subject of fashion, but DG adds another perspective to that argument.  

The value of the bottle…

14 Apr 2023

DB throws a little light on the value that just might be lurking at the back of one of your cupboards…


In some parts of the world today is known as national Perfume Day and while those wonderful smells are so important to us, we at LPG have decided to repeat DB's message to ensure that we appreciate all aspects of such a gift…

Getting them in on bonfire night…

11 Apr 2023

Knowing that they need to be in thought is the easy part, PC offers what she has found out about making that a reality for the more unruly cats out there… 


You might will ask why we have decided to repeat this message now. LPG explains…

You don’t have to be young to volunteer…

08 Apr 2023

The new year is still fairly young and there is no time like the present to do something different with this one.  TH offers a suggestion or two that might be useful… 

Wax on, wax off; fall training that some of us forgot we knew…

04 Apr 2023

While not advocating that all pensioners start to practice martial arts falling techniques, KN suggests a few videos that might bring some lessons to mind in the event that they might be needed. 

Men do it one way and women the other, but have you ever wondered why?

02 Apr 2023

Always helpful in a pub quiz is the answer to those questions you would never be asked anywhere else, and OF shares the answer to one such puzzle inspired by a letter from an earlier LPG contributor.  

Customer satisfaction is a thing of the past, but job satisfaction could well be too…

30 Mar 2023

Shopping is no fun these days and FB points out that it is not only the customer that gets a raw deal…  

How long will it be before we forget what they look like?

28 Mar 2023

BS offers her thoughts on just how long relative wealth will be associated with the feel of coins in our pockets…

Family feud limitation.

27 Mar 2023

Quarrels are never good and once established, repairing them is never easy, but PC suggests that, perhaps it is up to the older members of a family to start the process…

Making our world a kinder place…

25 Mar 2023

KR shares some ideas that could make us all feel a little kinder… 

A day of achievement for everyone…

24 Mar 2023

Perhaps making a list of all the little achievements that we forget to acknowledge so much of the time is the way to go on this International Day for Achievers. 
 NW challenges readers to acknowledge achievements of all types today…  

Chinks in your recollection armour

21 Mar 2023

Perhaps this is one for those who find their memory playing a few tricks on them from time to time…


LPG have chosen to repeat FL’s words on this National Memory Day in the hope that a few of the suggestions she offers might be of help… 

Never mind walking a mile in my shoes, ten yards can be quite enough…

16 Mar 2023

It is that homely picture-ingredient that so many Christmas cards are made of until you find yourself away from home when the white fluffy stuff starts to fall.  OS shares a story that explains… 

A question of sleep, yet again…

12 Mar 2023

Not being able to get to sleep is a problem that can often present itself in later life.  WD suggests one potential way to overcome this somewhat offending affliction that readers might not yet have tried…


In recognition of Insomnia Awareness Day,  LPG has decided to give readers another opportunity to take a look at WD’s post on the subject…

The chat that stems from experience (where needed) …

09 Mar 2023

QF makes the point that it is the young who appear to be most hooked on smoking these days and she suggests that from time-to-time we grandparents broach the subject with a view to putting them off …

QF, sent this message to us last year but on this National No Smoking Day we thought it worth repeating…


Releasing some of the stress as well as the artist inside you perhaps…

06 Mar 2023

If art is your answer to being relaxed, AF might just have found something that might be the answer to your need to pursue both your sense of creativity and calm… 

Make sure that every day has a little focal point…

03 Mar 2023

GF reminds us that life’s daily highlights come in all sizes and also notes that one person’s major daily highlight is often part of another person’s humdrum daily routine…


In some parts of the world today is celebrated as Simplify Your Life Day which LPG thought a good reason to repost this message today… 

How to stop nodding off…

28 Feb 2023

As pensioners we have earned the right to take things easy but HJ offers a thought or two for those who think that they might be nodding off just a bit too often these days… 

LPT have taken the liberty of repeating this message age in acknowledgement of National Public sleeping day… 

Come on you lot, just give it a rest…

25 Feb 2023

Most of us will not really need scientific evidence to back up the fact that, by the time we get to retirement age, our brains are a bit more tired than they were in our youth, but JN feels the need to remind us of all to give it a rest.

Giving up giving up, or just giving…

22 Feb 2023

MR has found a few ideas for those who might like to try having another go at giving something up for lent…

Presents for the man who you might think he has everything…

19 Feb 2023

Do you think that CJ is right when he says that men of a certain age are prone to getting presents of socks that could be even more appreciated if the pair matching limitations that men seem to be afflicted with were taken into consideration, and is his logic sound?

One of the few points in time where everyone was a bit more equal…

16 Feb 2023

For the more ambitious newly retired, CP offers one possible solution to the problem of having somewhere new to go… 


CP’s idea of starting something from scratch to alleviate the shortage of reasons to meet up with other people socially, might appear a little radicle but, for those who gave it a second thought before dismissing it the last time it was posted, LPG thought it due a second outing today which, in some parts of the world doubles as Innovation day…



Bending the rules a bit to make your wishes come true…

13 Feb 2023

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride, or so the saying goes but GF tells that there is nothing wrong with being pulled along in a carriage.  GF offers us one way to get as much of your wish as is possible now… 

What shopping and back-packing have in common…

10 Feb 2023

The evolution of small print to be found on every packet that contains the consumables that await us at the supermarket are the subject of HW’s scrutiny today.  

Friends, family, and money, what would you have done?

06 Feb 2023

Being asked for a loan can leave you with a lot of thinking to do unless you are really rich.  GM suggests that a little forethought about what you would do if asked might come in handy …  



Whatever really happened to customer satisfaction…

04 Feb 2023

DS registers her thoughts on the reasons why buying something new is becoming less of a positive experience for many an older shopper as time passes.  

A day to get away from it all…

01 Feb 2023

PW suggests that on this National Breathing Space Day you give yourself permission to indulge in some me time…

I offer my recipe for successful car insurance haggling…

01 Feb 2023

MT shares her son’s recipe for successfully negotiating the best insurance price you can get when it comes to driving…


In some parts of the world, today is acknowledged as National Car Insurance Day and, although we know that not all car insurance comes up for renewal at the same time, LPG would like to repeat this little recipe for improving the price in the hope that when yours comes up you might use the method to save a few pence…  

Again, technology takes over from talk…

29 Jan 2023

Perhaps it is only the older people among us that miss the personal aspect of so many facets of modern life.  BD explains… 

Helping to play the ‘Numbers Game’.

27 Jan 2023

AP, reminds us of just how important it is to attend the clubs, day centres and other organisations that are available in your area…

When it comes to not managing to fulfil lifelong ambitions, please never use this excuse…

20 Jan 2023

There are so many bits of advice that we older people have for the young but today LA, who describes herself as a relatively young pensioner, has a pertinent message for us older members of society… 



Reasons to be stressed (a bit) …

17 Jan 2023

SF focusses in on our need for just a little stress in our lives… 



Keep smiling, it’s really good for you!

14 Jan 2023

SU advises that exercising your face muscles might be the answer to more than improving jaw structure… 

Chinks in your recollection armour

11 Jan 2023

Perhaps this is one for those who find their memory playing a few tricks on them from time to time…



Smartening up your dreams and goals?

08 Jan 2023

LN reminds us that no one is too old to make a dream come true… 



Another go at shape-improvement…

05 Jan 2023

FL shares a few thoughts on the subject of doing our best to retain the shape that perhaps might be getting away…

You are never too old to move the motivational goalposts…

03 Jan 2023

NW offers us a message that she feels we cannot hear too many times, especially as we get older, and she does her best to motivate us with her sporting analogy on the subject of realising ambitions however big or small. 

Even though it is an American celebration we at LPG felt this message worth repeating on this National Motivation and Inspiration Day. 

Slowing down and catching up…

30 Dec 2022

In these days when everyone appears to be trying to fit more and more into their days without a lot of success, PC offers an idea that might help…

Perhaps now it’s payback time…

27 Dec 2022

LM shares a few thoughts on borrowing, lending, and friendship.  



Fixing fading friendships …

24 Dec 2022

As we get older friendship is not all about ‘boy meets girl’ and the friendships we have often become fewer.  TS offers us a little advice on the subject of maintaining some of the more challenging ones…

The value of the bottle…

09 Dec 2022

DB throws a little light on the value that just might be lurking at the back of one of your cupboards…



Getting all dressed up then and no

06 Dec 2022

TS has found some evidence which shows that the lengths that we modern ladies go to just to look our best for a night out has truly changed over the years and arguably for the better… 



Beautiful to smell and see, but a challenge to arrange…

03 Dec 2022

Flowers make a beautiful present and look so good when you receive them but CC questions our skills when it comes to showing them off at their best

Schedule some regular time to reschedule where necessary …

29 Nov 2022

Time is one of the two possessions that most people argue that they just don’t have enough of.  AF strongly suggests one change in our schedule that could affect it in a positive way.  

The results of a drink and a chat are often so worth sharing…

27 Nov 2022

WS’s message today reminds us that, while there are so many other ways to communicate any idea, the most fundamental method, since language was first invented, was by word of mouth.


We at LPG would like to add that so much is lost simply because it is not shared and, we would like to remind readers that we are always looking for the writings and thoughts of our older and more experienced citizens to share on an even wider scale.   

Driving through an online 70+ puddle…

24 Nov 2022

Renewing your driver’s licence at 70 should be easy but OK tells us of his somewhat complicated experience… 

What’s in a name?

21 Nov 2022

PK offers all the perspective pet owners among us one matter worth serious consideration when making first contact…  

Whispering, talking, training as seen from my front room window…

18 Nov 2022

LA offers her thoughts on a subject that has become dear to her heart, not because she has personal experience of a canine pet, but because of the view that she has from an interesting vantage point… 

When you don’t quite take all your medicine…

15 Nov 2022

OC reminds us to review our existing supply of ongoing medicines  

Hug a musician today, or perhaps yourself if you are a songwriter…

12 Nov 2022

On this National Hug a Musician Day RY takes the time to recognise all the work that goes into producing the many facets of music that we so often take for granted.  


LPG find themselves with two contributors requesting that their thoughts be posted on the same day, and because we feel that many fans of other’s musical excellence might need a little notice to be able to administer their metaphorical hug, we have decided to post RY’s message one day early…  

Make sure that every day has a little focal point…

09 Nov 2022

GF reminds us that life’s daily highlights come in all sizes and also notes that one person’s major daily highlight is often part of another person’s humdrum daily routine…

We can’t take anything with us but there are things we can leave behind…

06 Nov 2022

We all have stories to tell and DW reminds us to get started in as small a way as you like but get started!



A day to question supremacy?

03 Nov 2022

BJ uses the significance of this very day to focus on one of the many regal acts that has had a serious effect on the lives of so many over the years…  

Doing our best to preserve Lewisham’s culture…

01 Nov 2022

Maureen B reminds us that there are so many diverse hobbies and interests to get involved with once you retire, and urges us all to get involved if we have not so far…

The story of your life, or perhaps just a bit of it…

28 Oct 2022

RK tells us that there are reasons to write your memoirs apart from aiming for a Nobel Prize in Literature.


Everyone has a facet of life that will, if published, educate, enlighten, entertain, or have some other effect on the people around them and this sentiment is LPG’s whole raison d'être.  Our aim is to make sure that the writings of more of the older members of our world’s society is represented on the pages of the web.

So, we would ask that if any readers out there get around to writing a short episode, they let us share their experience by allowing us to post it anonymously, or not, as you prefer.  We are also ready to help you write it if you would rather not get involved with the paperwork; Just telephone us u

The value of paint on paper…

25 Oct 2022

Perhaps today AP suggests that you don’t just watch it.  Her suggestion is that you get your hands dirty again and produce a bit of fine art of your own…

The cash out v the checkout …

22 Oct 2022

Perhaps CS has found another way that we depend on computers as she tells of the implications of even the slightest glitch. 

How to dream perfectly…

19 Oct 2022

JN offers a little advice on one way that some of us might go about improving one aspect of our lives perhaps, as she suggests having a little more control over about a third of what it does with its time…

The relationship between credit cards and potential financial buoyancy…

16 Oct 2022

BJ makes a comment on one aspect of life that she feels has been turned upside down… 

The lenses or the laser; get your peepers checked?

13 Oct 2022

These past couple of years have kept us at home and there might be some habits that have eluded us as a result.  YG does her best to jog the memory when it comes to getting your eyes tested.



LPG have opted to post YG’s message again on this World Sight day when we, in the Western World have ready access to eye care unlike so many people in other parts of the world.

Repeat prescriptions and requests not denied…

10 Oct 2022

DM has found a little bit of information that we need to check when we get that little slip of paper that comes with our repeat prescriptions from the pharmacy… 

The ‘69th year mini life-crisis’

07 Oct 2022

Every year can be seen as a life-milestone but OK shares his thoughts as he approaches one of those times in his life that often leaves its mark; perhaps as a comparison for those who have already arrived, and a reason to pause for thought for those who have not… 

Growing further away from your kids…

04 Oct 2022

ES offers us  a few thoughts on the subject of being able to plan you family and adds her thoughts to what another of our readers has to say…

The benefits of checking…

01 Oct 2022

DC offers us a reminder that during these times when everything is more expensive, it might be a good time to make sure that each reader is getting all the financial help available to them.


This ‘International Day of Older Persons’ has given LPG the opportunity to repeat one message that we feel is very relevant.  So, while we celebrate everything else that we older people stand for, a repeat of DC’s suggestion, that a little time spent on checking that we have all the financial help we are entitled to, might be a good idea. 

When the last one moves out...

28 Sep 2022

Living alone is not the best way forward for many and it is often something that just happens before you realise what is going on.  IC shares her thoughts as she prepares for the realities of doing just this… 

Practise if you can…

25 Sep 2022

GB reminds us that you can get back into your exercise routine even if you are a little under the weather… 

Every picture tells a story (chapter 48): Things to get rid of and memories to keep…

19 Sep 2022

There is so much written about lighting and perspective when it comes to taking an aesthetically pleasing photo, but on this World Photography Day FT reminds us of yet another reason that a basic but clear snap can be of intrinsic value…

Are you Happy, or are you Happy?

17 Sep 2022

Perhaps PF shares her thoughts on the importance of staying assertive as we get older… 

Putting a positive spin on a negative person…

13 Sep 2022

There is a lot to be negative about in this world of ours and making the best of it is sometimes hard to share.  GN offers a few ideas that might help. 

The 2 a.m. talker…

07 Sep 2022

Telephone talk is something that we have all become more used to over the past couple of years but GJ focuses in on the timing aspect of the thing



Kids then and now…

01 Sep 2022

We all hear stories of how difficult it is to be a child of the 2020’s but ES reminds us that, while a lot haS changed since 1960 school days, the whole experience remains a variation on a theme. 

My biggest worry…

29 Aug 2022

EW shares some concerns that quite a few pensioners might have in the hope that what she found online might be of help… 

Has your dog got a tail to tell?

26 Aug 2022

It can be said that we dog owners usually know what our pets are trying to tell us, but OD has found a little information that might help us to know if we are reading the signals right…  

What the eye can see, can become a serious challenge to the rest of the body…

23 Aug 2022

RR was taken with the stress relief that relaxing in a hammock offers and strongly suggests that, in the same way a young cyclist needs balancing wheels to start with, a deep mattress or crash mat might be needed in this instance… 

A different sort of public transport strike…

20 Aug 2022

BL shares a foreign and alternative approach to striking which might even affect the traveling consumer in a positive way for a change… 

Pandemic break over, let’s get back to work…

18 Aug 2022

AF acknowledges that, if there wasn’t any other reason to abandon a project, the pandemic has provided one during the past couple of years.   But he also reminds us to enter into the spirit of today’s national celebration and get back to it…

Two weeks of hospital thoughts and memories…

16 Aug 2022

When visiting, it can be hard to find things to talk about, but EA has an idea that might be useful for both visitor and patient…

The knock on effect of colour…

11 Aug 2022

YF offers readers a reason to check out the validity of some internet experts when it comes to the significance of the colour of front doors.

Serious breakfast for one (two, or even three) every now and then…

05 Aug 2022

MH is a pensioner that takes the first meal of the day very seriously, and uses this opportunity to remind us that it does not always have to be a ‘run of the mill’ affair… 

How many address books do you really have?

02 Aug 2022

HY brings our focus back to one of the most important commodities that we have and suggests that when looking to rekindle a long-lost friendship, we have a lot older address books than we might think.

Lost and found friendship …

30 Jul 2022

PY reminds us that there are many reasons for losing touch with the friends that we were once so close to and suggests that the International Day of Friendship may be a day to make sure that we maintain some of them…   

Sleeping is seriously hard work!

27 Jul 2022

Looking at what her smartwatch has to say about the way she sleeps has got WD sharing a little about what she has learnt…

‘Then and Now’ comparisons…

24 Jul 2022

GN compares ways that what we see around us can sometimes colour the way we age…

Online grocery-shop sharing….

21 Jul 2022

There is an answer to everything, and DS offers a solution to grocery shopping online in the knowledge that there will be no ‘minimum spend penalties’…

A little bit of the new can bring back a bit of the old…

18 Jul 2022

FB uses her message today to talk about the old and the new when it comes to technology and learning about it.

Building a garden arsenal worthy of the canine and feline foe…

15 Jul 2022

HG, like many other gardeners, finds that one of her garden hates is the bigger animals that get in the way, and she gives us a little advice about some of the ways she has found for keeping them at bay… 

Are you exercising enough? Think about it…

12 Jul 2022

If you have one, your lack of concentration is often something that your schoolteachers accused you of when you were a child.  But it is often said that when we get old, we assume that it comes with the territory, and we don’t even notice anything but how much longer it takes us to do certain things.  VI is of the persuasion that knowing what your problem is is the first step to fixing it and if a lack of concentration is the problem, she has found a few suggestions as to what we can do about it. 

One consequence of putting parenthood off…

09 Jul 2022

EB takes an interesting look at the pros and cons of parenthood that she thinks we oldies would do well to pass on to the younger people around us…

Advised self-isolation for our contactless payment cards…

06 Jul 2022

DS comments having read a previous LPG article on the subject of credit cards…

Is online seeing really believing?

03 Jul 2022

TG went online to buy one thing and ended up also adding a questionable spend but deciding to have a go despite all the reasons not to. She explains…

Remember that council tax rebate?

30 Jun 2022

WK suggests that now is the time to check our bank accounts to make sure that our councils kept the governments promise… 

Are you the only person you do not disturb when you are asleep?

27 Jun 2022

If you snore perhaps this message is for you.  IB offers us a little information that she found online which might help with the problem.

Fighting forgetfulness…

25 Jun 2022

JA offers a comment or two about dementia and the conscious or subconscious effect that it may be having…

The literal pressure of DIY…

23 Jun 2022

The need to know what is going on with our blood pressure gets a little more important as we get older but, in these days of health DIY, how do we know if we are really getting it right.  PY does her best to link you to a bit of a refresher course today…

Are you Nomophobic?

18 Jun 2022

Nomophobia, are you afflicted, TI thinks that more and more of us older members of society might be…?  

Questions, questions…

15 Jun 2022

BF explores our habits when it comes to getting those really important questions that are often completely unimportant to the people around us answered.


LPG thought it fitting to repeat BF’s message today as it marks the 16th anniversary of the word Google’s’ official entry as a verb in the English language.

I say thank you to the driving force behind my driving…

12 Jun 2022

As one gets older, driving becomes more and more of a privilege and AR feels we need to acknowledge the input of this band of people who help to keep us on the road on a day dedicated to them… 

Letting the sun work its magic…

09 Jun 2022

KB’s message suggests that we take full advantage of the sunshine after two forced years of avoiding it. 


Cool or not, here’s a bit of face framing advice…

06 Jun 2022

We older people are likely to be among the first timers when it comes to getting used to glasses and on this National Eyewear Day, NK does her best to show the possibilities that this could be a cause for celebration today… 

A milestone that I will never reach…

03 Jun 2022

You either can or you can’t, and for many LPG readers it may well be a case of you could once upon a time, but whatever the state of your bicycle riding prowess, AP wishes everyone a happy World Bicycle Day today.

The chat that stems from experience (where needed) …

31 May 2022

QF makes the point that it is the young who appear to be most hooked on smoking these days and she suggests that from time-to-time we grandparents broach the subject with a view to putting them off …

The chat that stems from experience (where needed) …

31 May 2022

QF makes the point that it is the young who appear to be most hooked on smoking these days and she suggests that from time-to-time we grandparents broach the subject with a view to putting them off …


QF, sent this message to us last year but on this National No Smoking Day we thought it worth repeating…

True art appreciation?

28 May 2022

AP explores the notion that perhaps a degree of appreciation can be learned even if the internet is your only teacher… 

Kicking the addiction to that ‘just one more time’ habit …

25 May 2022

DP points out that the most innocent pastimes may well be getting in the way of putting an end to many people’s personal lockdown…

A couple of things worth remembering.

22 May 2022

TS reminds us about how important it is, or is not, to worry about remembering your memory …

When it is safe to get back into the water, I will be there…

19 May 2022

When we see the words in the title of this message, many of us will think of the danger posed by sharks but we are missing out on a lot more than being able to protect ourselves from those jaws even if we never get to infested waters…


LPG has opted to repeat this message to give two days’ notice of National Learn to Swim day but even if it will only ever be ‘National Be Brave Enough to get back into the Water day’ for most of us, perhaps this Saturday is the day to think of all that extra exercise you might get even if you have never, or will never, get to the swimming stage.


An early morning light bulb moment…

16 May 2022

Light, dark and sleep what do they have in common; HJ offers us a few of her ideas on the subject.  

Numbers; more than mathematical tools?

13 May 2022

While the rest of the country are homing in on the awareness of being able to control numbers mathematically, SN looks at the possibility that those very numbers may have the potential to control aspects of your life… 

Every picture tells a story (chapter 42): If it came to it, would you know what to do?

11 May 2022

A picture taken in the middle of Kent has prompted MA to prompt LPG readers to take an online lesson, or perhaps a virtual refresher course, just in case…

LPG felt this article needed repeating in the light of today’s day which acknowledges the importance of World First Aid Day which is today.  It is never too late to learn a little about what to do when there is an emergency… 


Council Tax rebates… contrary to the official advice, there is one thing you can do…

10 May 2022

RW offers a reminder to all house owners as she suggests that, at the very least a check of your bank statement might be in order in the not-too-distant future


LPG feels the need to print this post again even though it last appeared on our pages just two months ago.  RW gave some good advice and, for those LPG readers who are also house owners who have not yet checked to see if their rebate has been received, a second look at what RW has to say has to be worth reading. 

A day to start a bit of working out again perhaps…

07 May 2022

For those who have got out of the habit, MA reminds us that in some parts of the world, today is National Fitness Day; a day to be acknowledged with a little bit of physical action if not altogether celebrated. 

If you have a smartphone get to know the big 4… (or 5 or 6…)

04 May 2022

JE highlights one of those points that we are likely to be hounded about by our children as we get older and, while she can see both sides of the argument, she points out a few ways to make everyone happier… 

Today is Sunday the 1st so Friday the 13th is coming…

01 May 2022

Having a little notice of things to come is always a good thing so for the more superstitious among us WS offers a little warning paired with some mathematical science.

You don’t have to do it well – but please just have a little go!

29 Apr 2022

GM, offers us a look at just a few of the dances of the world today and, along with the editorial group at LPG, she extends our hope that everyone finds the time to tap a tow or nod a head on this International Day of Dance.  

One aspect of ‘Lewisham lost’…

28 Apr 2022

It is true that time has to take its toll on all things but HS does his best to take us oldies back to one aspect of a life gone by as he focusses in on the cinema culture of some fifty years ago… 

Celebrating audio communication…

25 Apr 2022

Just in case you did not know, GF offers her thoughts and a little information about National Telephone Day… 

The power of ‘bus-touch’.

22 Apr 2022

BH encourages those who don’t, if they are able, to make use of our freedom passes every now and then… 

The Volume of the night…

19 Apr 2022

CL offers some thoughts on a subject that must keep him up at night.  

Ladies, let’s talk about the stage of your age disclosure…

13 Apr 2022

IB, explores when a lady should reverse the habit of the best part of a lifetime… 

Little loops of cleanliness?

10 Apr 2022

If you find that this time of year puts you in that spring cleaning frame of mind ND has a little wisdom to offer…

Every picture tells a story (chapter 43) …and I have three of them!

07 Apr 2022

SF reminds us that not all the changes we witness on our Lewisham Streets are for the worst. 

A day to check the length of your nose…

04 Apr 2022

RB takes a little time to point out the effect that lying has on him now that he has made a commitment to stop doing it and gives himself permission to forgive himself for a recent failure in his resolve…

April gullibility….

01 Apr 2022

W warns us to protect our credibility today just in case someone plans to make a bit of a fool of you… 

For those who would prefer not to e-visit…

26 Mar 2022

SC tells us of her annoyance when it comes to one aspect of the recorded message that those who cannot always get online for an answer have to face…  

Remembering the buses - back in the day – chapter 3

23 Mar 2022

There is no doubt that, whatever the industry, things and times have change since most pensioners were working.  During National Career Week, when those about to enter the world of work focus on what they plan to do, LPG asked readers to share their stories of working from the opposite end of the spectrum, and JB did not disappoint…

Do you do it often enough, I bet you have a good one to tell…

20 Mar 2022

Maureen B and the LPG group have what they see as the ultimate message on this subject and deliver it on this World Story Telling day…

Luggage disappearing from right under you…

17 Mar 2022

NC reminds us of something she could have done better when we are off for a little staycation…

All things Arachnoid…

14 Mar 2022

TP helps us to celebrate a phobia which is still pretty high on the list of the most common in the UK, as she helps us to acknowledge those, so often, small eight-legged things that put the fear of God into so many of us…

Nowhere to hide from Horatio…

11 Mar 2022

There are, and always have been many work paths and choices out there for the working man, or woman, and as part of our retrospective look at the world of work, WV gives us a very personal insight into a very short-lived facet of her working life today. 

My first day at work…

07 Mar 2022

Earlier this year we asked for a few stories that working had left readers with and we were not disappointed.  NR offers an interesting take on her first impressions today. 

Pope Gregory XIII, the moon, the vernal equinox, lots of maths and a serious headache = Easter?

02 Mar 2022

Some people like mathematical conundrums whilst they can do serious damage to the minds of others.  With this in mind VM offers the question, calculation method and answer to a somewhat topical problem…   

I hate backseat drivers, but a backseat online-shopper is not a bad thing…

27 Feb 2022

As more and more pensioners become comfortable with on-line shopping, MR offers a couple of varying sized bits of print that she suggests need checking… 

What makes you feel really warm in the winter?

24 Feb 2022

CL reminds us older members of society of a time when an open fire conjured up feelings of warmth and comfort and not so much danger…  

Not Private? This time it’s usually not you; its them…

22 Feb 2022

RL highlights a computer error which is not as terminal as it can often look when computer users first come across it…

Who are you going to call and how long are you going to wait?

21 Feb 2022

WR shares his thoughts on how to work out which medical emergency service to call  when the situation arises…

Getting right down to your legs…

18 Feb 2022

The issue of cramp in the legs can be caused by lack of circulation as we get older, and this is the subject of DP’s message today. 

Another sting in the ‘white goods’ insurance tail…

12 Feb 2022

DS points out a few of the details that one might come across when one of those all-important kitchen appliances lets us down, in spite of the fact that we have insured them…

Pay your heart a little online attention…

06 Feb 2022

EA offers us a heartfelt reminder that while we are all preoccupied with if we have become a statistic of the pandemic, there are a few other health issues worth worrying about…


LPG thought that it would be worth repeating EA’s message on this World Heart Day although it was originally sent to us some nine months ago…

Should I, shouldn’t I and the middle ground…

06 Feb 2022

KS reminds us of one thing we can all do to make sure that we don’t become the reason that someone else gets scammed on-line…

Something to do with your hands when winter gets you down perhaps

03 Feb 2022

Liver spots are also often called age spots and while they are only cosmetically depressing, during these winter months WG suggests a way to work at minimising them…

OK, the oxen among us can breathe out now, but tigers beware…

31 Jan 2022

Tomorrow will mark the start of the year of the tiger for the Chinese and OC brings us some news concerning the mixed fortunes it is likely to bring with it… 

Your new year starts here and now wherever you live…

28 Jan 2022

Culture has so many facets and LPG looks to sharing some of it as Lewisham becomes the official London Borough of Culture for a year… 

Spouses, love and science…

26 Jan 2022

PB brings love and science together today as she gives us one of many pretexts to make the most of National Spouses day…

Counting the cost of Christmas…

22 Jan 2022

Christmas shopping has a habit of overtaking our budgeting plans when we take a serious look back at it.  EC encourages us to check to make sure that our income is maximised while we are busy counting the cost…

Making my mind up in 2022.

19 Jan 2022

Will it be a positive new year for you there are only two answers to the question and MN suggests you make your decision positive and then stick to it!

Don’t be swayed… Keep Your Resolve!

16 Jan 2022

KU offers some New Year’s Resolution encouragement during a week that includes more than one recognised celebration designed to reassure us that it is fine to give up, but she is backing each reader and helping herself to keep her resolution going with her message today.


LPG has to thank two contributors for highlighting very different celebrations that co-exist on January 17th.  In our attempt to make sure that every post we offer has a full day for LPG readers to ponder upon its details, we offer a day’s notice to prepare for KU’s proposed, and very serious plans for tomorrow’s celebration.  

A little belated Covid Christmas crisis present…

13 Jan 2022

The Covid-19 test experience can be worrying if you have never tried one, HB offers a little something to make the process a little less daunting…

Up to two years of possible dental pain to come…

10 Jan 2022

The prognosis for the teeth of the nation now that Covid-19 is reportedly easing its hold on us looks grim to say the least.  Gloria comments… 

A plea or two for older legs…

07 Jan 2022

HB makes the point that so many older people are being robbed of a degree of independence because there are not enough places for leg respite as our legs get older and need them more.


If you agree with her, please get in touch because there is power in numbers and LPG, not to mention HB would really like to hear your point of view.

Does it always have to be about the money…

04 Jan 2022

SI highlights the fact that the planet we live on is becoming more and more money focussed at the expense of the people in it…

Don’t abstain again this New Year, have a go at a little one…

01 Jan 2022

No matter how negative this New Year is looking, BH has done her best to offer a little positivity to start the year of 2022.  She offers a bit of a challenge to all those habitual resolution avoiders …  

2022; where are we up to now?

29 Dec 2021

LF tells us that his intention was to make some predictions about the coming twelve months when writing this post that long ago, although he ended up providing more questions than answers…   

Boxing Day; perhaps a day for a bit of unboxing homework…

26 Dec 2021

This year. the traditional reason for Boxing Day is likely to be shelved yet again so BL offers us something else that we can do to pass the time…

Every picture tells a story (chapter 41): Christmas, not again!

23 Dec 2021

Christmas is traditionally a time for getting together while Covid-19 has been all about keeping apart. AK shares a picture which reminds her of that fact…

Every picture tells a story (chapter 40): A springy thought in the middle of winter…

20 Dec 2021

Perhaps YP has found something to brighten your day as she talks about budding plants in the winter…

The day I committed a crime in the name of friendship…

17 Dec 2021

LF offers us a story on the theme of losing things…

Thoughts of waking up early in the morning while I could not sleep…

14 Dec 2021

WD offers us a possible answer to the conundrum that might  be ‘what Christmas present to get for the younger SAD suffering relative who has everything else’…

Focussing on the relief of finding things…

11 Dec 2021

TM does her best to highlight National Lost and Found day with the story of an experience which will help her never to forget…


Even though a little late, we ask that you celebrate a slightly belated National lost and found day today.

A telephone glitch which works perfectly…

08 Dec 2021

CP proves that cheap and cheerful could be one way to deter those cold callers…

Old and battered, but still going …

05 Dec 2021

HW tells a story which proves that people aren’t all bad…

The white goods insurance phone call ‘hype’ that is not quite a ‘scam’.

02 Dec 2021

Insurance companies seem to know exactly when the extended warrantee is up on those kitchen and other appliances that we all take for granted in our homes.  NS asks if any other readers know exactly how they get that information…

From little acorns… something helpful to add rather than take away…

29 Nov 2021

It has all been said before but, JS repeats an idea about something we might be able to help our environmental preservation effort in addition to all the advice that tells us what we need to take away…

The things you do can be your best friends too…

26 Nov 2021

We can all do with a bit of a pep talk on the subject of keeping too busy to cope with the often frightening effect that being lonely in older age can force us into. PY focusses in again today…


And we would like to remind all readers that we at LPG relish all the really small comments that can be developed into vital information for the pages of our website.  There is something you can do that might help you and us all at the same time.

Just a quick reminder…

23 Nov 2021

We have been promised high fuel bills this winter and with that in mind WK offers some reminders that might jog our memories when it comes to keeping the bills down, and yourself a bit warmer as the cold sets in…

Something worth an annual review….

14 Nov 2021

SC repeats a message that we have been sent before but, as we get our electric blankets out for the winter, a very pertinent one...

Something to add to our thinking at 11 o’clock…

11 Nov 2021

OV tells us that Coronavirus can well be likened to a world war and suggests that, because the realities of its effects are still with us, they might in some way help those who have never experienced the realities of conflict to have something to take time to remember today…

Pet lockdown night, a new name for today’s celebrations…

10 Nov 2021

Same old message, same old day, but this is a message that LPG is happy to offer again and thankful that PC saw fit to remind us of. 

The rise and possible fall of the big little energetic issue?

08 Nov 2021

SL offers us a few house-warming tips that we just may not have heard of yet, and which may make just that little bit of difference to our utility bills in a year when we have been warned that they are going to be relatively high…

Arthritis and the cold, wet, grey days…

02 Nov 2021

As we look to the future and once again have nothing but winter to look forward to, PL shares his findings on the reasons that arthritis bites more in the winter and a few ways that we can work at keeping it a little more at bay…