...the voice of pensioners

The value of this, that and your personal tatt…

12 Jan 2025

Things, things and more things, so many of us oldies tend to have so many of them.  AJ suggest that we take a look at some of them from a different perspective… 


Yesterday was celebrated as Heritage Treasures day, a day to acknowledge all things that contribute to what makes a country, city, town, neighbourhood or any other entity what it is today.  In spite of having to post a day late LPG would like to repeat AJ’s message to remind us that we all have heritage, most of it intrinsic but some of it worth perhaps a little more than that…

From finger–fatigue to thumb-tiredness?

08 Jan 2025

Fingers and thumbs?  CD can see a day when the latter will suffer perhaps even more than the rest…


Today doubles as World Typing Day, when typing fall-out, and the future of digital health should be revisited.  



That knee-jerk reaction that kicks in on my way out of the kitchen…Pt 2

05 Jan 2025

FL offers wise words about engaging one’s brain, eyes, and taste buds before indulging in a snack… 


We are in the middle of what some people worldwide call Diet Resolution Week, which might be the optimum time to repeat FL’s words of wisdom on this subject… 

One hand, a wheelchair and ever decreasing circles…

02 Jan 2025

VF shares a little information that might explain why some wheelchair users might have one leg dangling on the ground as they move along the streets… 

FoMO laid bare in an ‘end of year’ dream?

30 Dec 2024

LN has a suggestion for those LPG dreamers  who don’t, as a rule, make New Year’s resolutions… 

One smell that your visitors can often detect more readily than you…

27 Dec 2024

Owning a pet can add so much value to anyone’s life, but perhaps pets are the least likely to be aware of this negative aspect… 

Acknowledging those trips above and beyond…

26 Dec 2024

In general, the 21st. century version of the human race has less and less time for the details that make life a more pleasant experience.  FB reminds us of one that can be sometimes underrated…


It is ironic that while most people think of today as Boxing Day, it also has the distinction of being Thank You Note Day. LPG offers a repeat of FB’s message on the day's lesser-known significance…  

Let’s talk about good luck for the coming year …

21 Dec 2024

There is nothing like a mince pie with your cuppa as the days get colder and Christmas is coming, but how much do you know about their origins?

A ‘Vagus’ Rule of Thumb perhaps…

18 Dec 2024

NF tells of a few other things we can do with our thumbs besides twiddling them.   

Were you a baby with parents who wet your head?

14 Dec 2024

Statistics dictate that we oldies are the generation most likely to have godparents, our parents' friends who promised to be there for us in case the need ever arose.   MC suggests that perhaps, as we get older, it might be time to redress the balance just in case the need has changed to loneliness on their part… 

The present buying minefield…

10 Dec 2024

Receiving a gift is usually pleasurable, although those who choose to avoid the ‘gift voucher’ route often face many headaches when choosing something appropriate. MP offers her take on the problem…  


As Christmas approaches yet again, a repeat of this message might inspire a bit of gift-buying forethought. Although the dilemma is genuinely reflected, we at LPG would truly value any thoughts on the solution… 

Living in a one-handed world for a while…

08 Dec 2024

Most people have two but some people have to get by with only one fully functional hand.  LA tells us a little he observed  on the subject… 


Does your cat have his or her own bed?

30 Nov 2024

They are truly cuddly and very soft but LA focusses in on when and just how close you should get to your cat … 

One of the most important skills you can acquire…

24 Nov 2024

Doing two things at once is not a skill everyone can master, although AH suggests that it all depends on the tasks you choose to put together …


We have again reached Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day, and LPG feels that of a repeat of AH’s suggestion for what can be done with one talent to insure that it is worth developing to help lift the spirits of those around you… 

Watching together…

21 Nov 2024

Within just a few generations, we have evolved into a world where the little box in the corner of so many living rooms has become a sizable feature of more than one room in nearly every home.  RG offers us a little reminder of one way in which it can be used to promote sociability… 


Everyday has more than one celebratory title these days and today doubles as World Television Day amongst others.  What RS had to say in the post that we are repeating today is very much about television but also focuses in on how we can use it as a social tool as we get older… 



‘Bromance befriending’, perhaps one way forward for us retired men…

19 Nov 2024

The word ‘Bromance’ was officially added to the dictionary in 2011, and though it heralds a concept that can sometimes not feel macho enough to us older men, FL offers his experience as a reason for more of us to take it on board… 

There are many ways to celebrate International Men’s Day. When men think of such a celebration, they are more likely to visualise the more macho man we see in the television perfume adverts, but all men need to celebrate, and a repeat of FL’s message might inspire a few more men to do so…  

One in a million, one in 45 million, what are the chances?

18 Nov 2024

NM goes some way towards increasing the odds regarding the big lottery win…


It is easy to remember all the hype at the time, but did you know that November 19th will mark the 30th anniversary of the first National Lottery Draw?   We pensioners are all old enough to remember the hype, and NM provides a little information on all things lottery for those who want to take another look at the odds… 

Neat but cluttered...

16 Nov 2024

TH comments on the differences in perception of clutter when observing the issue from different age group perspectives… 

hose little rhymed stories we tell the kids…

13 Nov 2024

OC  offers some of the somewhat dark information she learned while writing her message… 

Those little rhymed stories we tell the kids…

13 Nov 2024

When you cannot think of anything meaning full to say to a small child many of us oldies fall back on those age old poems of our own childhoods, but OC gives us an insight into where a few of them came from… 


While this World Nursery Rhyme Week is a celebration for the young, a reminder of the darker side of some of their beginnings might allow grandparents a more informed set of options when choosing one for intergenerational recital.  Hence our repeat of this message…  

Round and round and round…

09 Nov 2024

TS remembers that before the CD replaced the turntable, the black vinyl disk was more critical than its silver successor… 

Has Alexa or one of her friends slightly rewired your brain?

06 Nov 2024

LPG has opted to repeat SC comments on another aspect of living with Alexa


According to the internet, today marks the tenth anniversary of Alexa's official release to the British public. In recognition of all the good (or harm) its effect is reputed to have had, LPG could find no better way to acknowledge the day than by offering this message. 

Focussing in on the middle layer…

03 Nov 2024

BC, focusses in on the diversity of what you can put between two bits of bread as she reminds us that, while the principle remains the same, the concept of the humble sandwich need be anything but…


This article was written quite a while ago but on this National Sandwich Day LPG thought it worth a second outing… 





Before you press the ‘Pay Now’ button…

31 Oct 2024

Are you a thrifty shopper who has found yourself in this internet trap?  SA explains…  


While the majority of UK readers will recognise today as Halloween, it is also World Saving Day. While spending to save has always been a somewhat back-to-front concept in my eyes, SA’s article might well be worth a second look on a day like today… 

The difference between being a maternal or paternal grandparent.

27 Oct 2024

OC aims to get us grandmas asking the ultimate question, ‘Did you appreciate your mother-in-law and what sort of mother-in-law are you turning out to be?’


Today doubles as National Mother-in-Law Day in some parts of the world and, as such, LPG thought that a repeat of this offering from OC might bring back a few pertinent memories and thoughts on the subject… 

Don’t go breaking them; do your bit to reform them instead…

25 Oct 2024

They say that laws and rules are made to be broken, but CP reminds us of another way forward.

Are your knees beginning to niggle a bit? Perhaps ‘bottoms up’ could be an answer?

22 Oct 2024

JL shares a little information about how strengtheningyour bum muscles might do wonders for your knees…

On this National Knee Day, there is a lot to celebrate, but as we age, our pain receptors often take them a little less for granted, as every step we take reminds us that they are down there. LPG felt this was the perfect day to repeat JL's article…  

Watch your back and find an extra inch of positivity, perhaps?

16 Oct 2024

Getting older means many things to many people, and not being as tall as you once was high on the list, although WT offers some thoughts on being as upright as you can…

While we all know that people who walk tall somehow seem more positive, we also know about the medical benefits.  On this World Spine Day, LPG felt that this article might be a little inspirational as we older people do our best to meet both celebratory challenges… 

Just grab your coat and hat and…

09 Oct 2024

It can be argued that over the years, little has changed regarding the vital paraphernalia to be found in a lady’s handbag, while the men of this world continue to argue about the necessity of their existence at all.  KV explains… 


Tomorrow is celebrated as National Handbag Day, and while the men of this world will never understand how vital they are to the other half of the world’s population, we hope that a repeat of KV’s insight into the subject in preparation for this year’s celebration might quell the argument for a while. 

A potential carer’s allowance loophole …

07 Oct 2024

DL offers a reminder that benefits can cancel each other out at times… 

A reason to be a bit more economical with our personal truth...

03 Oct 2024

Most of us have nothing to hide but PD reminds us just how easy it is for others to gather personal information from public records…  

The ultimate coffee morning…

01 Oct 2024

For MF and many other oldies, coffee is usually the morning drink that really wakes you up and brings you back to the realities of the day, but she has learned a little more about it than that… 


We at LPG, would like to give you a couple of days’ notice of International Coffee Day which will be recognised on Sunday, and what could be more appropriate but a repeat of MF’s lessons on how to celebrate and perhaps even vary your favourite cup… 

Being a pest is not always a bad thing…

28 Sep 2024

The ability to notice the little details which show that something is not quite right can be more apparent when someone has trodden the road themselves in the past. If you know what I mean because you can see a neighbour who is going through what you once did, perhaps they might need you to pester them a bit…  


National Good Neighbour Day has given us at LPG the perfect opportunity to repeat this thought on the subject… 

Making breakfast worth getting up for…

25 Sep 2024

NR provokes the question, ‘Do you just grab something and eat each morning or is breakfast still the first of three very significant and important events that improve your wellbeing and officially start your day?  

They say that it is the most important meal of the day and it has to be because it has its own celebratory day, Better Breakfast Day, which happens in just two days’ time.  With that in mind LPG thought a repeat of NR’s message allowing a little notice for all readers to make sure they have the relevant ingredients to hand, regardless of whether you live alone or not, had to be the way forward… 

A warming reason to check again…

22 Sep 2024

DC invites all readers to check their eligibility for Pension Credit in light of its connection to the Winter Fuel Payments that can still be claimed…  

Looking at life through fluorescent-coloured squares?

19 Sep 2024

DT shares her way of keeping on top of what she has to do daily…  

Every picture tells a story (50): Public provision of short-term, anonymous street art …

16 Sep 2024

SA  sends us a timely and tongue in cheek message about the importance of keeping our streets tidy with a picture or two…  


On this World Clean-up Day, we thought that this tongue-in-cheek message might be an appropriate reminder of some things it is better not to do… 

Are we starting with winter weather but focussing on the summer?

13 Sep 2024

On this positive Thinking Day, LPG offers a repeat of what OC has to say on the subject in the hope that it might lift a spirit or two… 


On this Positive Thinking Day, LPG offers a repeat of what OC has to say on the subject in the hope that it might lift a spirit or two… 

Shooting the screen when it matters…

10 Sep 2024

Once we have learned to surf the electronic pages on our devices, they come and go so fast that being offered details of a way to keep them for future reference could be a trick that some readers might feel is worth learning. EH offers a little instruction.  

‘Bromance befriending’, perhaps one way forward for us retired men…

07 Sep 2024

The word ‘Bromance’ was officially added to the dictionary in 2011, and though it heralds a concept that can sometimes not feel macho enough to us older men, FL offers his experience as a reason for more of us to take it on board… 

For some, phones were made just for talking to people with…

01 Sep 2024

More and more people have one these days, although, in RM’s opinion, they are still all about what you have to say as you get older… 

If wishes were horses and you had three…

29 Aug 2024

AK suggests that if wishes were removed from bedtime stories and offered to us to do with as we pleased, most of us would have apprecciated the consequences…  

Taking a canine look at the ageing process…

26 Aug 2024

OD offers us a few tips that might be helpful as we recognise that we are not the only species that goes through the ageing process…  


Perhaps, on National Dog Day, this message, which OD offered earlier this year, might be worth reading again for all those established dog owners, which is why we are giving it another airing…

The cost and pain of teeth and those old top lip pucker lines…

23 Aug 2024

There are so many ways that trying to repair our older attributes can become a costly business as we age. YS focuses on our teeth today… 

Retirement, something to look forward to or to be worried about?

20 Aug 2024

PM, like most of our readers has already trodden this path but has some thoughts for those who will arrive here in the near future.


In some parts of the world tomorrow will be celebrated as National Senior Citizens Day, even though as each person approaches the day when they suddenly realise that they will soon become ‘retired’, the prospect can leave them feeling everything from daunted and deflated to glad that work will suddenly become a thing of the past. LPG felt that a repeat of this article might provoke some memories of what it was like for you…

Drumroll, all you Brits… everybody up?

13 Aug 2024

Does hearing the national anthem get you exercising?  IH throws a little light on this aspect of being proud to belong… 

Should it take half an hour to get to the front of a bank queue?

11 Aug 2024

WK points out that bank branch closures are saving the banks our money… 

How to stay happy in retirement?

08 Aug 2024

KP share some thoughts on retirement and happiness in the hope that his message might help a few of those relatively newly retired readers who are not feeling too positive about the experience so far…


Today doubles as Happiness Happens day in some parts of the world and, while that might be the case for some, LPG repeats KP’s message and its advice for those whose happiness levels might need a boost… 

Like beauty, a good plate of food, is definitely in the eye, mouth and nose of the beholder…

06 Aug 2024

CB has a few words about the familiar and the less familiar to offer LPG readers….  


We know that CB is all about introducing us to her take on national dishes from around the world, but she had a few patriotic words for us which LPG felt it would be appropriate to repeat on this, the 42nd celebration of Jamaica’s independence… 

A whole new world in your local park.

02 Aug 2024

Perhaps PL has used this message to remind readers that there really is at least one place worth an occasional summer visit even if you don’t feel like traveling too far away from home. 


There is a lot of wisdom in what PL had to say on the subject of the boroughs local parks even though he was writing before we ever encountered coved-19 so, during this Love Parks Week, we hope a repeat of the message might inspire an LPG reader or two to revisit theirs…

Are you your family’s ‘Just like Mum’…?

31 Jul 2024

If what the media offers is accurate, the modern Brit looks to the many television cooking programmes, magazine articles, and boxes of delivered pre-packed ingredients when seeking the perfect combination of foods to fill their mouths with. Still, SA focuses on those recipes that are arguably more special than that…

From finger–fatigue to thumb-tiredness?

28 Jul 2024

Fingers and thumbs?  CD can see a day when the latter will suffer perhaps even more than the rest…

The Olympics, my version of being there…

26 Jul 2024

WL tries to make sure that our sense of national pride is prepared for the impending Olympic games by reminding us of a taste of Olympic 

Don’t forget to lock your electronic front door…

21 Jul 2024

The internet tells us that about a quarter of us oldies access computers, laptops, and tablets, and KS offers a reminder for that quarter of an internet fundamental today… 

Going off on a tangent: - a lateral insurance thought…

18 Jul 2024

FL finds a way of lightening the subject of insurance which usually weighs somewhat heavily on the mind…  


Today is also referred to as Insurance Nerd Day, a day designed to remind the younger people around us that there is more to insurance than keeping your car legal.   LPG hopes that a repeat of what FL had to say on the subject might spur some of our readers to start a conversation with some of their younger relatives who might need a reminder. 

Juggling that flipping age coin…

15 Jul 2024

According to PC’s long-suffering experience, forbearance has to be a quality that we older people might need to use perhaps more so than at any other time of our lives

Reintroducing yourself to the rest of the world…

12 Jul 2024

Saying, ‘Hello’ is one of the first things we learn to do but doing it for the first time can be daunting for many reasons as we get a bit older.  RB offers a little wisdom on that subject…  


Today doubles as New Conversations Day and as we get older, it can become harder to get them started, especially after the life-changing experience that retirement can be for so many.  We, at LPG felt this message on the subject of that Initial Hello worth repeating on such a day as this.  

One in a million, one in 45 million, what are the chances?

09 Jul 2024

NM goes some way towards increasing the odds regarding the big lottery win…

Saturday nights, Sunday mornings and change…

05 Jul 2024

Rudy offers his thoughts on the 24 hours of each week that have changed most radically over the years…


This weekend marks the 30th year since Sundays became well and truly integrated into the rest of the week.  LPG is repeating this message which will resonate with us older members of the community.  It's arguably sobering that there is a whole generation of people who will never get the chance to imagine an official weekly day of rest…

Watch your back and find an extra inch of positivity, perhaps?

03 Jul 2024

Getting older means many things to many people, and not being as tall as you once was high on the list, although WT offers some thoughts on being as upright as you can…

Telephone and parking ambiguity…

30 Jun 2024

AM tells a story which illustrates how the authorities continue to ignore the needs of the residents and consumers who pay to facilitate them.  

An LPG milestone day and year…

26 Jun 2024

As we approach another birthday, LPG offers a little message of their own today… 


We know that it is a lot easier for some to read our articles than it is to produce one, which is why we would be more than willing to do the writing for you.  Please contact us using the details on our contact page (►►►)  and we will do the rest including making sure that we write what you want us to before it is printed and keep it all anonymous if that is what you prefer.  Spreading our experiences has to be the most important thing…

Read More

Those little rhymed stories we tell the kids…

24 Jun 2024

When you cannot think of anything meaning full to say to a small child many of us oldies fall back on those age old poems of our own childhoods, but OC gives us an insight into where a few of them came from… 

Being a pest is not always a bad thing…

22 Jun 2024

The ability to notice the little details which show that something is not quite right can be more apparent when someone has trodden the road themselves in the past. If you know what I mean because you can see a neighbour who is going through what you once did, perhaps they might need you to pester them a bit…  

It’s my brain and the flow of my optics…

19 Jun 2024

RB brings a whole new perspective to the phrase ‘seeing is believing’ today.

The splice, the split and the ex…

17 Jun 2024

YP focuses on those we have loved and lost and where it all leaves us in older age… 

Are three prongs better than two?

15 Jun 2024

The focus of today’s message might answer a question that may have crossed the minds of many modern overseas travellers as GA provides us with a different perspective on electricity…  


Today is known as National Electricity Day in many parts of the globe; a day dedicated to reminding the world population that there is only so much of the stuff on our planet, LPG thought that GA’s explanation of one aspect of this form of energy, the humble electricity power outlet point might be worth a second read…

Before you press the ‘Pay Now’ button…

12 Jun 2024

Are you a thrifty shopper who has found yourself in this internet trap?  SA explains…  

Getting by with a bit of help from your friends…

09 Jun 2024

As we age, the family around us can become a little sparse, so MF suggests that we friends should contemplate stepping into the breach for each other in case the need arises…

Care can become control before we even realise it…

06 Jun 2024

We can all agree that families are very complex, but CC highlights one issue: perhaps one sibling might need the others to point out… 


Caring comes in many guises, and those pensioners who double as children will know they need to question some of the exploits of the most lucid parents.  We thought repeating this article might shed a different light on caring in preparation for tomorrow’s celebration of World Caring Day…    

Can your pet’s taste buds get bored?

03 Jun 2024

Seeing an advert has spurred PC to offer a thought or two on what your pet best appreciates: as a balanced diet…

Being at the bottom end of the top third, age-wise? …

31 May 2024

YP offers a few internet ideas for those who find themselves with a negative friend. She offers a few ideas that might help them be a little more positive while staying positive themselves…  

The present buying minefield…

19 May 2024

Receiving a gift is usually pleasurable, although those who choose to avoid the ‘gift voucher’ route often face many headaches when choosing something appropriate. MP offers her take on the problem…  

A family held together by 75 years and a building…

16 May 2024

As it celebrates 75 years of existence, EC offers us an insight into one of those places that so many of us know is there but may never have seen from the inside…

The circumference, radius, diameter and pressure of MPH

14 May 2024

AM reminds us of an equation that perhaps some LPG readers might finally be able to apply to real life if they have the inclination… 


Today brings us to the end of this year’s UN Global Road Safety Week; the perfect opportunity to repeat this article for those who drive and appreciate a mathematical conundrum…  

Remembering the dirt, you can’t see…

10 May 2024

We all know that germs collect in the most obvious yet unlikely of places and FT reminds of a few of them…


Perhaps this is a subject that we all need to bring back to the fore every now and then and today, National Clean Your Room Day, is as good a day for a reminder as any … 

That knee-jerk reaction that kicks in on my way out of the kitchen…Pt 2

07 May 2024

FL offers wise words about engaging one’s brain, eyes, and taste buds before indulging in a snack… 

Watching together…

06 May 2024

Within just a few generations, we have evolved into a world where the little box in the corner of so many living rooms has become a sizable feature of more than one room in nearly every home.  RG offers us a little reminder of one way in which it can be used to promote sociability… 

Are your knees beginning to niggle a bit? Perhaps ‘bottoms up’ could be an answer?

05 May 2024

JL shares a little information about how strengtheningyour bum muscles might do wonders for your knees…

Just grab your coat and hat and…

01 May 2024

It can be argued that over the years, little has changed regarding the vital paraphernalia to be found in a lady’s handbag, while the men of this world continue to argue about the necessity of their existence at all.  KV explains… 

Paying more than you need to get in touch with those abroad?

25 Apr 2024

CP draws attention to something that he suspects many of us may still pay for but don’t use… 


Today doubles as National Telephone Day and while the celebration is all about the history of the telephone and where we would be without them these days, LPG thought that this article which CP penned, might be pertinent today in the hope that, it you missed it the last time it was posted the message might just help some to check if they really need to pay for international calls in the light of the modern video calling options that so many more of us now know about…  

Less fashionable intrinsic fashion?

22 Apr 2024

FE, asks questions about the motivations that keep us hanging onto clothes that will never fit again and shows somewhat reluctant appreciation for the latest fashion of letting go as you go along… 


During this Fashion Revolution Week, LPG felt it only fitting to bring readers a repeat of FE’s thoughts on this topic…  

Acknowledging those trips above and beyond…

19 Apr 2024

In general, the 21st. century version of the human race has less and less time for the details that make life a more pleasant experience.  FB reminds us of one that can be sometimes underrated…

Downstairs… upstairs…

16 Apr 2024

Keeping the bit of your house that the visitors usually see nice and tidy comes with the territory of being a host, but OL offers a few reasons to look at the other bits….  

A message for the neglectful plant waterers…

13 Apr 2024

While the benefits of the plants around us is ever-present, gardening is not for all.  If keeping your houseplants watered is your challenge OG might be able to guide you to a little internet help...  


LPG thought that on this International Plant Appreciation Day, a repeat of OG’s message on the subject of being less neglectful of our houseplants might be of value… 

The value of this, that and your personal tatt…

10 Apr 2024

Things, things and more things, so many of us oldies tend to have so many of them.  AJ suggest that we take a look at some of them from a different perspective… 

If you can’t hide it, at least disguise it…

07 Apr 2024

Having done a bit of research DG addressed one aspect of being an older gentleman that it might be able to change for the better.


We offered this bit of wisdom which DG brought us a while ago now but we at LPG think that its message is worth repeating because of its reference to the sentiments of at least one of today’s National pseudonyms.  Amongst other National celebrations that today might offer, it doubles as National Beer Day.  

Resolving to live by your personal rule…

05 Apr 2024

MN proposes an idea which might substitute as an alternative way to look at new year resolutions for those who are essentially opposed to them…


Today is also celebrated as Golden Rule Day; the ultimate golden rules being those which help to promote world peace, but all big rules have to start somewhere and, on such a day LPG offers a repeat of NM’s message on the subject…

Would you pass the anti-fib challenge?

04 Apr 2024

EL argues that perhaps statistics dictate that we can’t help ourselves when it comes to changing the white-lie goalposts just a little each day.  


We, at LPG thought a repeat of EL’s article particularly appropriate as today doubles as Tell a Lie Day…. . 

My drive, the birds and a bit too much luck!

01 Apr 2024

MT has a message for drivers today as she offers her thoughts on a few diverse ways of improving the view from your windscreen?????


This International Bird Day has to be a day to celebrate all feathery and winged creatures and, in an effort to convert and divert a few more drivers to the cause, LPG thought a repeat of MT’s thoughts might be beneficial while minimising one of the ways they have of hovering over our cars and making fools of some of us.

Don’t fall behind… keep on top of things while you can…

29 Mar 2024

Letting things slide when it comes to keeping things clean and tidy can be hard to keep on top of if you find yourself living alone; DP gives us her take on this…


Perhaps wanting to keep the things that we older people have spent so long acquiring has something to do with it, paired with our human gift for adapting to and missing the details that make for a tidy and ordered home, but human nature also can make us very good at putting off keeping things in order.  While we are in the middle of National Cleaning Week, LPG offers a repeat of DP’s message on the subject of making sure your home is organised…

The freedom of the Freedom Pass put into perspective…

26 Mar 2024

CE reminds us of the true Value of our older people’s freedom passes…  


If you don’t travel locally or too far afield, LPG thought that this Freedom Pass inspired story might be of interest.  CE’s message illustrates that you never know when it will come in handy and LPG hopes that it will remind readers to take a look at their passes and check the renewal dates to see if yours falls in March 2024… 

The Spare Room blues…

23 Mar 2024

AJ gives is her take on how easy it is to accumulate a little problem that can get missed so easily while appearing perfectly normal to its owner… 


As we find ourselves in the middle of Clutter Awareness Week at the moment, LPG felt that it might be appropriate to give AJ’s article on the subject a second airing, in the hope that reading, and the taking of an objective view of your own spare room, might help you to see any growing problems…

Drivers, when was the last time you used your freedom pass?

21 Mar 2024

CE reminds readers of the ‘use it or lose it’ aspect of being remembered regarding Freedom Pass renewal…

Inemuri; perhaps the Japanese version of 40 or more winks…

17 Mar 2024

HJ offers readers who are prone to a public display of napping, a Japanese reason to defend their actions… 


On this World Sleep Day and when addressing readers who perhaps are more prone to thinking with their eyes closed while in public, LPG felt that a repeat of what JH had to offer on that subject might be valuable




14 Mar 2024

As we get older convention teaches us that experience is supposed to have made us relative experts on most subjects, but SN’s message might go some way to proving otherwise…  


This is international Ask a Question Day and, with that in mind LPG has opted to repeat SN’s thought on the ultimate conundrum in case someone has another answer… 

Taking a canine look at the ageing process…

11 Mar 2024

OD offers us a few tips that might be helpful as we recognise that we are not the only species that goes through the ageing process…  

Never give up on your cat!

08 Mar 2024

The debate about cats and loyalty will run and run, but today, LA offers a story that might provide a little hope to anyone whose moggy has not been around for a while…

Are we starting with winter weather but focussing on the summer?

05 Mar 2024

On this positive Thinking Day, LPG offers a repeat of what OC has to say on the subject in the hope that it might lift a spirit or two… 

Extinction, how can we really help?

03 Mar 2024

While the experts are out there doing a really good job to preserve our animals endangered species TG has found a few ways that each of us might be able to help…


This is one of those days when LPG feels the need to repeat a message that readers might have missed on its first outing.  With today being World Wildlife Day, a little reminder or a few ways that we can help in the fight to slow the process of animal extinction can’t be a bad thing… 

Do you define your name, or does it define you?

29 Feb 2024

Your name, regardless of if you think it perfect for you or you think your parents could have done better, is a possession that most of us have learned to live with over the years.  CJ doesn’t tell us whether she loves or hates hers, but has a few thoughts to offer…

We at LPG have decided to repeat this article today in case there are any people out there with more unusual and unique names who would not mind an extra excuse for getting a present or two.  A quick bit of online research has taught us that, according to the traditions of some countries, such as Latvia, that take this celebration more seriously, those with the more unique and unusual names amongst us should use today as a ‘1-in-4-year’ opportunity to put their na

Most of us just can’t help it…

25 Feb 2024

Perhaps talking is our way of letting out what we hold inside but, whatever the facts, BD offers us some words on this subject…


Today is also celebrated as Quiet Day in some parts of the world and a reminder of what BD has to say on the subject was something we thought readers might like to review.  LPG takes on board the comments on the written word speaking volumes and is always looking for a few more to add to our pages.   Don’t hesitate to send us yours… 

Learning from the little ones…

18 Feb 2024

The way they teach those basic maths and English lessons has changed somewhat since most LPG readers experienced their first day at school, but there is a lot to be learned from giving your grandchildren the teaching role at homework time…

Online Random Acts of Kindness perhaps…

16 Feb 2024

LPG points out one of the kindest acts that our readers can offer us during this Random Acts of Kindness week…

Care can become control before we even realise it…

14 Feb 2024

We can all agree that families are very complex, but CC highlights one issue: perhaps one sibling might need the others to point out… 

The science behind your smile; true or false?

11 Feb 2024

It is said that smiling is infectious but perhaps some knowledge about how to tell a genuine one will help too.


One of the most important aspects of making any new friend is making sure that they are going to be genuine and, on a day which is also known as National Make a Friend Day in some parts of the world, LPG thought that an introduction to making a genuine first impression worth revisiting...

NO win, No Fee? They win and you lose! – (part 2)

07 Feb 2024

Every story has a moral and KT explains the very important one which follows a story he provided us with recently.


Even though this is more of a moral message than a story, we at LPG feel that the warning behind it cannot be offered too many times.  Thus, our decision to repeat both the story and its moral during this National Story Telling Week… 

Don’t wait for their invitation, it’s OK to gate-crash this party…

04 Feb 2024

CW reminds us that we need to put the dates in our diaries so that when the powers that be get fed up with inviting us for any type of health screening, we need to keep our own check on the relevant diary dates and invite ourselves.


LPG felt it necessary to repeat CW’s message on this World Cancer Day because it cannot be repeated too many times…

The power of getting the bits to fit…

29 Jan 2024

CR reminds us of a way to pass the time and improve the mind while going back to a classic childhood brainteaser …


We have decided to give this message a second airing on this National Puzzle Day in the hope that it might help to get some of that older grey matter working again… 

The shake that might stop the knees from shaking and a little more?

20 Jan 2024

MH shares a five a day tip that might help your knees as we get closer to the really cold weather.


We at LPG thought that readers might appreciate another opportunity to look at MH’s suggestions as the weather and our knees get to their coldest…

That thing stuck right in the middle of your face…

17 Jan 2024

AB has a few thoughts regarding the facial feature that statistics show to be the most altered under the knife…

When you retire what happens to your time?

14 Jan 2024

Whether you are still having to work to earn a living or not, IP puts forward the case that our lives all too often get just as busy post retirement as pre, and she tries to throw some light onto a solution to this conundrum…  


We have just reached the middle of National Get A Balanced Life Month and, LPG have observed that although IP offered the above message some time ago, this is a perfect time for her message to be reconsidered, hence our reposting of it …



Silver, gold, blue, green, red, which is your top of choice?

11 Jan 2024

JW shares her thoughts on one of the most fundamental foods in our repertoire as she highlights milk and what it has to offer…


It may well be a little-known fact that today doubles as National Milk Day and as such, LPG repeats what JW had to offer on the subject in case you missed it last time… 

If you throw in some maths, you don’t have to travel to clock up the miles.

08 Jan 2024

Some lateral thinking has provoked NM to share a little more about our personal movement habits than we might have ever contemplated ourselves…


According to the internet, one of the many celebrations to be acknowledged today is ‘EARTH’S ROTATION DAY’ and, let’s face it, we need it to keep going so that we can keep going.   LPG has determined that MN offered us some thoughts on the subject that may well deserve a second airing on such a day…

One of the most important skills you can acquire…

05 Jan 2024

Doing two things at once is not a skill everyone can master, although AH suggests that it all depends on the tasks you choose to put together …

I propose a new national celebration: ‘Defy back to the old routine day’

03 Jan 2024

The holiday is all but over and now the only thing to look forward to is the getting back to the cold hard day-to-day humdrum life that we had before all the Christmas shopping began.  There are many celebratory days each year and we have already had two days to celebrate so far in 2024 but SI has a suggestion for yet another which might be beneficial…  


We need to apologise to SI because we could not post this message yesterday but we think that this idea might be worth thinking about… 

Resolving to live by your personal rule…

30 Dec 2023

MN proposes an idea which might substitute as an alternative way to look at new year resolutions for those who are essentially opposed to them…

Remembering the dirt, you can’t see…

27 Dec 2023

We all know that germs collect in the most obvious yet unlikely of places and FT reminds of a few of them…

Every picture tells a story (chapter 51): Upside down four-wheeled freedom…

25 Dec 2023

ND reminds us that having too much of a good thing can be as bad as too little as she uses her driving skills to make a point about freedom… 


Did you know that Isaac Newton was born on Christmas day, which is why it has also been dubbed Grav Mass day by some?  LPG have opted to share ND’s thoughts in honour of that fact while we wish all our readers a very happy Christmas…

You’re technically a day early… but summer is on the way again…

21 Dec 2023

Summer is coming! And it is arguable that early holiday planning can be a good thing.  The travel companies will get going in a week or two and, in the light of that fact, knowing how to make the best of the daylight hours in each day, because you know exactly how much light you will get, could be a good thing; OS explains…

That last part of the dark journey home…

18 Dec 2023

As the days get shorter TB takes the time to remind us of a few ways that we can stay safe while out during the long winter nights. 


A space saving Christmas exercise perhaps?

15 Dec 2023

Everything is subject to evaluation.  JL brings that point home with her reasons to evolve when it comes to the preparation and sending of Christmas cards. 


JL sent this article to us just too late to post it on National Christmas Card Day, so we are repeating her thoughts this year for those who missed them in 2022.


Like beauty, a good plate of food, is definitely in the eye, mouth and nose of the beholder…

12 Dec 2023

CB has a few words about the familiar and the less familiar to offer LPG readers….  

A message for the neglectful plant waterers…

09 Dec 2023

While the benefits of the plants around us is ever-present, gardening is not for all.  If keeping your houseplants watered is your challenge OG might be able to guide you to a little internet help...  

Cheap, quick, healthy; what’s not to like?

06 Dec 2023

BC passes on a little advice she learnt which might help when it comes to improving your battle with the energy crisis this year.

LPG thought that this article might be worth repeating because it may well have been missed when we posted it about a year ago.  Anything that might help to reduce bills is worth hearing at any time so, for the people that missed it last year, we thought it could do with a second airing on this National Microwave Oven Day  

Less fashionable intrinsic fashion?

03 Dec 2023

FE, asks questions about the motivations that keep us hanging onto clothes that will never fit again and shows somewhat reluctant appreciation for the latest fashion of letting go as you go along… 

Making breakfast worth getting up for…

30 Nov 2023

NR provokes the question, ‘Do you just grab something and eat each morning or is breakfast still the first of three very significant and important events that improve your wellbeing and officially start your day?  

Check before you let him go…

27 Nov 2023

For us oldies, getting your weekly shopping is not always a reflection of your IT skills.  It might well reflect the difficulty you have getting to the shop yourself, but when it comes to receiving your order at the front door DS has a little reminder for those who shop in this way. 


oday also has the distinction of being Cyber Monday, the one day in the year when most internet online shopping will happen and, as such, LPG felt that DS’s message may be worth hearing again… 

The fine line between self-importance and individuality…

24 Nov 2023

It is often said that people do like to talk about themselves. Recounting some of those situations, triumphs, things that made you smile, and even the not-so-good situations you have found yourselves part of way back in the past can lift your spirit; CB theorises that if it can do all that you are encouraging someone else to do a bit of remembering can’t be a bad thing.


LPG would like to repeat this message on this Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day, as CB offers one way that the arguably negative talent of nosiness can be used in a positive way… 

What we have to teach the young.

23 Nov 2023

WH offers us thoughts on the importance of interacting with the young and how being able to pass on our experiences to them can really make a positive difference to older people. 

What we have to teach the young.

23 Nov 2023

WH offers us thoughts on the importance of interacting with the young and how being able to pass on our experiences to them can really make a positive difference to older people. 

My drive, the birds and a bit too much luck!

22 Nov 2023

MT has a message for drivers today as she offers her thoughts on a few diverse ways of improving the view from your windscreen?????

Something to do to pass the time if you still drive…

18 Nov 2023

Quite a few of us oldies still drive but SY asks the question. ‘How current is your knowledge of UK road signs?’


In the light of this week’s celebration which focusses in on National Road Safety, LPG thought that it would be a good idea to repeat this challenge which was offered by SY a while ago now….

One perspective on the value of time…

15 Nov 2023

MN has had her perspective of time completely altered, and tells us what her experience has taught her… 


LPG discovered that today is celebrated as National Ample Time Day in some parts of the world, and we could not think of a better excuse to repeat MN’s very poignant message on the subject… 

The circumference, radius, diameter and pressure of MPH

09 Nov 2023

AM reminds us of an equation that perhaps some LPG readers might finally be able to apply to real life if they have the inclination… 

So much more than the job description…

06 Nov 2023

WV tries to remind readers of something which is most probably buried somewhere in the depths of their minds as she offers a thought or two on the subject of work … 

Most LPG readers will be long past looking for the perfect job but, while today’s celebration is all about exactly that, we feel the need to repeat WV’s thoughts on the subject.  

How will we take the news?

03 Nov 2023

There is no easy way to tell or accept the news until the person needing to hear it is ready, but PA looks at the predicament of needing to get some help from both sides… 


Today falls in the middle of World Communication Week and, while communication comes in many forms PA’s communication conundrum might be thought of as beyond its remit.   But the question of getting through, and being got through to, when the time comes is one that needs thought and LPG thought this message worth revisiting. 

Improve one aspect of what you see when you are busy doing things…

31 Oct 2023

GK focusses in on how so many of us fail our hands and comes up with one way of being a little kinder to them once we are rid of all the seen and unseen dirt…  

Most of us just can’t help it…

25 Oct 2023

Perhaps talking is our way of letting out what we hold inside but, whatever the facts, BD offers us some words on this subject…

How to stay happy in retirement?

22 Oct 2023

KP share some thoughts on retirement and happiness in the hope that his message might help a few of those relatively newly retired readers who are not feeling too positive about the experience so far…

Don’t fall behind… keep on top of things while you can…

19 Oct 2023

Letting things slide when it comes to keeping things clean and tidy can be hard to keep on top of if you find yourself living alone; DP gives us her take on this…

Snacks, meals, health and convenience…

16 Oct 2023

As a gentleman who lives alone, GF feels that he has more of an affiliation than most with one of the most rudimentary of foodstuffs, bread and offers us a little insight into improving his lifestyle while continuing to enjoy its benefits… 


Today doubles as World Bread Day and, as such, we at LPG felt that GF’s message on this subject needed to be repeated… 

The relativity of poverty.

14 Oct 2023

WK notes that poverty, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, and attempts to link readers to an introduction to the official financial benchmark… 

In preparation for next Tuesday which will be celebrated as International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, LPG offers a repeat of WK’s message suggesting that, as well as giving what we can to help, we each need to take a look at the state of our own financial standing…



Get your taller visitors to reach up if you can’t do it yourself…

10 Oct 2023

PF has found some information that she feels should have been added to her last post of the subject of fire safety. 


You might call this part two of PF’s reminder about the fact that having the appropriate smoke alarm in your house is just one vital step to take when it comes to being safe, and  LPG could not think of a more appropriate time to repeat it.  

Every picture tells a story (50): Public provision of short-term, anonymous street art …

07 Oct 2023

SA  sends us a timely and tongue in cheek message about the importance of keeping our streets tidy with a picture or two…  

When you retire what happens to your time?

04 Oct 2023

Whether you are still having to work to earn a living or not, IP puts forward the case that our lives all too often get just as busy post retirement as pre, and she tries to throw some light onto a solution to this conundrum…  


This week has been designated National Work Life Week, a time when working people need to review that balance and how it affects their families but IP’s message shows the need for balance to be achieved after our families have moved out and our formal working lives are over.  It is for this reason that LPG felt a reminder of this article most relevant.  

When it comes to not managing to fulfil lifelong ambitions, please never use this excuse…

01 Oct 2023

There are so many bits of advice that we older people have for the young but today LA, who describes herself as a relatively young pensioner, has a pertinent message for us older members of society… 


LPG have opted to repeat LA’s post on this International Day of Older Persons because her message acknowledges the day and adds a really important message for all pensioners to consider…

Spotting those little ‘loneliness alarm calls’ …

28 Sep 2023

GF contends that retirement often can be a time when, after having a lot of workmates around, some people may find themselves feeling more alone than ever, and suggests that we older neighbours make the effort to spot the signs through conversation… 


LPG posted GF’s post again having seen the merit in a message that is worth repeating to coincide with National Neighbours Day…

How to dream perfectly…

25 Sep 2023

JN offers a little advice on one way that some of us might go about improving one aspect of our lives perhaps, as she suggests having a little more control over about a third of what it does with its time…

JN just managed to miss National Dream Day when she penned this message just under a year ago but we at LPG thought in the light of today’s celebration readers might appreciate another opportunity to try her theory… 

Reintroducing yourself to the rest of the world…

22 Sep 2023

Saying, ‘Hello’ is one of the first things we learn to do but doing it for the first time can be daunting for many reasons as we get a bit older.  RB offers a little wisdom on that subject…  

Little loops of cleanliness?

16 Sep 2023

If you find that this time of year puts you in that spring cleaning frame of mind ND has a little wisdom to offer…

Are you defiant enough to celebrate today …

13 Sep 2023

FW has found us a reason to try something at least a little outside our comfort zone on this day that invites us to do just that…

The positives that can come out of negatives…

12 Sep 2023

There are lots of ways to learn how to see negative things in positive ways.  NK has a suggestion for LPG readers...

Im preparation for tomorrow's  National Positive Thinking Day, LPG felt that the only positive thing to do was repeat NK’s message for any reader who needs a bit of positivity today.  



NO win, No Fee? They win and you lose! – (part 2)

10 Sep 2023

Every story has a moral and KT explains the very important one which follows a story he provided us with recently.

The Spare Room blues…

07 Sep 2023

AJ gives is her take on how easy it is to accumulate a little problem that can get missed so easily while appearing perfectly normal to its owner… 

Weird mind-broadeners even if your legs can’t do all that walking…

03 Sep 2023

NS reminds us of a few places that might be worth choosing as a destination for an interesting day out…

Weird mind-broadeners even if your legs can’t do all that walking…

03 Sep 2023

NS reminds us of a few places that might be worth choosing as a destination for an interesting day out…

Don’t wait for their invitation, it’s OK to gate-crash this party…

02 Sep 2023

CW reminds us that we need to put the dates in our diaries so that when the powers that be get fed up with inviting us for any type of health screening, we need to keep our own check on the relevant diary dates and invite ourselves.

Worry about the beginning and let the end take care of itself…

31 Aug 2023

GE has a little something to add to RK’s thoughts when it comes to writing an autobiography…  


LPG is always looking for the thoughts stories and other writings of the older members of society, and it is nearly impossible to reach retirement age without having a few yarns to spin.  While the youngsters are more likely to need to rely on their imaginations for inspiration.  On this We Love Memoirs Day, LPG has opted to repeat GE’s message in a bid to inspire a few more of our readers to share some of those anecdotal excerpts on the website…  



ULEZ; a costly business even if you are a pensioner who doesn’t drive…

29 Aug 2023

AR has something to say about the non-financial cost of ULEZ for so many pensioners… 

Whispering, talking, training as seen from my front room window…

26 Aug 2023

LA offers her thoughts on a subject that has become dear to her heart, not because she has personal experience of a canine pet, but because of the view that she has from an interesting vantage point… 


Although we at LPG posted this article late last year we thought it deserved a second outing on this International Dog Day…

If you throw in some maths, you don’t have to travel to clock up the miles.

23 Aug 2023

Some lateral thinking has provoked NM to share a little more about our personal movement habits than we might have ever contemplated ourselves…



You are never too old, or hot, to learn a new language …

20 Aug 2023

As summer continues, MC reminds us of other ways to employ the handheld paper fan… 

Would you pass the anti-fib challenge?

14 Aug 2023

EL argues that perhaps statistics dictate that we can’t help ourselves when it comes to changing the white-lie goalposts just a little each day.  

The power of getting the bits to fit…

11 Aug 2023

CR reminds us of a way to pass the time and improve the mind while going back to a classic childhood brainteaser …

Proof that you can be happy when (and where) you are blue?

07 Aug 2023

If you are not in a hurry to make an exit OC may have found a few details worth reading when it comes to longevity… 


On this Happiness Happens Day LPG felt the need to repeat OC’s message with its evidence of one way to experience this very precious emotion…  

The fine line between self-importance and individuality…

04 Aug 2023

It is often said that people do like to talk about themselves. Recounting some of those situations, triumphs, things that made you smile, and even the not-so-good situations you have found yourselves part of way back in the past can lift your spirit; CB theorises that if it can do all that you are encouraging someone else to do a bit of remembering can’t be a bad thing.

The ultimate coffee morning…

02 Aug 2023

For MF and many other oldies, coffee is usually the morning drink that really wakes you up and brings you back to the realities of the day, but she has learned a little more about it than that… 

Never dismiss the ‘can I borrow a cup of sugar’ approach even if you didn’t do the moving in……

30 Jul 2023

AP feels the need to recognise the importance of the friends that we all need in our lives on this International Friendship Day’…  

Taking your pots of green for a little walk, or at least having one or two…

27 Jul 2023

GM points out one of the difficulties of moving from a house to a flat, an experience he has recently been through.    He offers some advice for anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation in the future and proposes one idea which might help with such a transition …  

Reality’s version of ‘spot the difference’ perhaps…

21 Jul 2023

NT asks if she is the only person to have experienced this particular phenomenon.


The world is always changing, and the big noticeable differences all have to start somewhere.   This repeat of NT’s article on this National Make a Difference Day, illustrates how, while working out that there is one, it can often be quite difficult to pinpoint the difference sometimes…

Reality’s version of ‘spot the difference’ perhaps…

21 Jul 2023

NT asks if she is the only person to have experienced this particular phenomenon.

Listening, an art form in itself…

18 Jul 2023

We all have problems that can be helped if someone has the patients to listen while we talk about them and we often don’t realise just how much talking we do.  MM focusses in on our need to remind ourselves how to be a successful listener when the shoe is on the other foot… 


Although we did feature this post some seven months ago, LPG has repeated it to commemorate today’s celebration of World Listening Day.

The pros and cons of visual self-improvement

15 Jul 2023

FF focusses down on the subject of cosmetic surgery today…


Today also has the privilege of being designated National Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Day which LPG thought a good reason to repeat FF’s message on the subject. 

Ageing does come with a few positives…

13 Jul 2023

Having attended their last public meeting, EN reminds LPG visitors who are also residents of the Borough of Lewisham of an organisation designed specifically to enable them, and just in time to remind us of their next one… 

The science behind your smile; true or false?

10 Jul 2023

It is said that smiling is infectious but perhaps some knowledge about how to tell a genuine one will help too.

How will we take the news?

06 Jul 2023

There is no easy way to tell or accept the news until the person needing to hear it is ready, but PA looks at the predicament of needing to get some help from both sides… 


Today falls in the middle of World Communication Week and, while communication comes in many forms PA’s communication conundrum might be thought of as beyond its remit.   But the question of getting through, and being got through to, when the time comes is one that needs thought and LPG thought this message worth revisiting. 

The difference between being a maternal or paternal grandparent.

03 Jul 2023

OC aims to get us grandmas asking the ultimate question, ‘Did you appreciate your mother-in-law and what sort of mother-in-law are you turning out to be?’


30 Jun 2023

As we get older convention teaches us that experience is supposed to have made us relative experts on most subjects, but SN’s message might go some way to proving otherwise…  

One perspective on the value of time…

27 Jun 2023

MN has had her perspective of time completely altered, and tells us what her experience has taught her… 

The freedom of the Freedom Pass put into perspective…

24 Jun 2023

CE reminds us of the true Value of our older people’s freedom passes…  



Extinction, how can we really help?

20 Jun 2023

While the experts are out there doing a really good job to preserve our animals endangered species TG has found a few ways that each of us might be able to help…

Fresh and frozen: nutrition and cost…

18 Jun 2023

FI passes on some information she was reminded about during a recently television programme which she, during the austere times we are facing, feels might be worth taking another look at… 

Nip negativity in the bud…

10 Jun 2023

 Perhaps while trying to keep her own spirits up PM is offering a bit of advice to the many people who very privately find themselves with similar early morning perspectives on more days than they care to mention as she offers an online solution or two.  

PM’s message could well be the first step to motivating a few other readers to review their early mornings and today, being Positive Role Model Day in some parts of the world, has given LPG the perfect opportunity to repeat it, and afford her some degree of ‘role model’ status for the day…   



Neighbours; go dine with each other…

06 Jun 2023

KE talks exercise, dinner, friendly competition and something to look forward to today… 

We, at LPG first posted this article a couple of years ago but KE makes a few good points that have not altered and that are still very relevant…



Two wheeled registrations…

03 Jun 2023

RP shares her thoughts on an age-old cycling issue…

On this world   bicycle day LPG has decided to repeat RP’s message  to highlight one aspect of awareness that might need to be visited again…


Keep smiling, it’s really good for you!

31 May 2023

SU advises that exercising your face muscles might be the answer to more than improving jaw structure… 


LPG thought that this message definitely needed a second outing today and hopes that every reader will get behind the national celebration attributed to today as they exercise their right to smile, after all its National Smile Day.

Hamburger history…

28 May 2023

CB looks into the history behind the hamburger which she offered us for 2022’s  4th July independent dish of the day, and comes up with a few facts we bet you didn’t know…

LPG has just discovered that in certain parts of the world today is celebrated as National Hamburger Day so we have repeated CB’s message as a way to mark the celebration of a western-world food stable… 



Another key fact; involving a jam jar perhaps…

25 May 2023

SC passes on some serious security advice she was given some years ago which focusses on a jam jar…

Do you define your name, or does it define you?

22 May 2023

Your name, regardless of if you think it perfect for you or you think your parents could have done better, is a possession that most of us have learned to live with over the years.  CJ doesn’t tell us whether she loves or hates hers, but has a few thoughts to offer…

How to define your successful, meaningful, and unique life…

22 May 2023

MC says that we all need role models in our lives when we are young but suggests that as we get older, we focus more on the person we have been…  

LPG thought this article worth a second showing because MC seems to have hit the sentiments of today’s acknowledgements on the head with comments that perhaps we all need to remember on International Being You Day… 


We can’t take anything with us but there are things we can leave behind…

16 May 2023

We all have stories to tell and DW reminds us to get started in as small a way as you like but get started!

We at LPG can find no national autobiography’s day, but today is a day to celebrate the next best thing, National Biographers Day, and LPG thought it appropriate to repeat DW’s message on      such a day to remind us that everyone has a story to tell…  


The literal pressure of DIY…

13 May 2023

The need to know what is going on with our blood pressure gets a little more important as we get older but, in these days of health DIY, how do we know if we are really getting it right.  PY does her best to link you to a bit of a refresher course today…


In the light of the fact that we oldies need to know more and more about the blood in our veins as we get older, LPG has taken the decision on this World Hypertension Day, to repeat PY’s message 

Again, we face the ‘man v the machine because of money’ issue…

10 May 2023

GA points out one way in which the ease of train travel is set to become more difficult for many… 


This Saturday, May 13th, will be celebrated as National Train Day in some parts of the world and, in an effort to make sure that our railways remain user friendly for all, LPG feels that GA’s message could do with another outing… 

The relativity of poverty.

07 May 2023

WK notes that poverty, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, and attempts to link readers to an introduction to the official financial benchmark… 



Focussing in on the middle layer…

04 May 2023

BC, focusses in on the diversity of what you can put between two bits of bread as she reminds us that, while the principle remains the same, the concept of the humble sandwich need be anything but…

We, the history makers.

01 May 2023

GN argues that everyone who has lived in our world is a part of its history even if they believe that they have done nothing significant, and explains why… 

Today is May Day, which is an official bank holiday in the UK, but it is also the first day of a month-long celebration which commemorates Local and Community History.  This is often a subject that pensioners will agree to have been bystanders of but, GN reminds us that we were there and also partly responsible for making that history.

LPG would love to post your historical story over the course of the month and, as always, we are happy to write it if you will contact us and tell it.  

Have we missed so much even though we were there nearly all the time?

25 Apr 2023

DP reminds us of the many sounds (and sights) that a decade or three ago would have been taken for granted but which, for better or worse, have now effectively been lost for ever… 


On this International Noise Awareness Day, when we are encouraged to take real stock of how the sounds that have become so second nature to us have evolved over the years especially in volume, LPG repeats DP’s reminiscences of a time, not that long ago when our streets sounded so different… 

Snacks, meals, health and convenience…

22 Apr 2023

As a gentleman who lives alone, GF feels that he has more of an affiliation than most with one of the most rudimentary of foodstuffs, bread and offers us a little insight into improving his lifestyle while continuing to enjoy its benefits… 

Inemuri; perhaps the Japanese version of 40 or more winks…

19 Apr 2023

HJ offers readers who are prone to a public display of napping, a Japanese reason to defend their actions… 

Cheap, quick, healthy; what’s not to like?

13 Apr 2023

BC passes on a little advice she learnt which might help when it comes to improving your battle with the energy crisis this year.

Cheap, quick, healthy; what’s not to like?

13 Apr 2023

BC passes on a little advice she learnt which might help when it comes to improving your battle with the energy crisis this year.

Cheap, quick, healthy; what’s not to like?

13 Apr 2023

BC passes on a little advice she learnt which might help when it comes to improving your battle with the energy crisis this year.

LPG thought that this article might be worth repeating because it may well have been missed when we posted it about a year ago.  Anything that might help to reduce bills is worth hearing at any time so, for the people that missed it last year, we thought it could do with a second airing on this National Microwave Oven Day  

Rekindling, offering and securing sibling support…

10 Apr 2023

There are some siblings that you lose touch with on purpose and others that you just lose touch with.  SK suggests that today might be the day to reverse that situation if you can…



Going off on a tangent: - a lateral insurance thought…

05 Apr 2023

FL finds a way of lightening the subject of insurance which usually weighs somewhat heavily on the mind…  

Taking another look at these rules might be a good idea…

03 Apr 2023

SY suggests that a reread of the highway code might be a good idea…

Taking another look at these rules might be a good idea…

03 Apr 2023

SY suggests that a reread of the highway code might be a good idea…

Ladies, is it a case of ‘DIY, no reply’?

01 Apr 2023

When it comes to getting things done at home, most people call in a professional these days but JW  reminds us of DIY back in the day… 
It just happens that April Fool’s Day doubles as National DIY Day this year which gives us the perfect reason to repeat JW’s Story which tells the tale of a little DIY which caused a somewhat foolish situation …

Check before you let him go…

29 Mar 2023

For us oldies, getting your weekly shopping is not always a reflection of your IT skills.  It might well reflect the difficulty you have getting to the shop yourself, but when it comes to receiving your order at the front door DS has a little reminder for those who shop in this way. 

Something to do to pass the time if you still drive…

26 Mar 2023

Quite a few of us oldies still drive but SY asks the question. ‘How current is your knowledge of UK road signs?’

Ikigai; a Japanese recipe for happiness …

20 Mar 2023

AH uses her message today to investigate, arguably, one of the most challenging facets of life… 

LPG featured this message about a year ago but feels that on this International Day of Happiness it could do with a second airing.  Happiness has always been and still is one of the most challenging characteristics of life and perhaps, if you missed its last airing AH’s Japanese take on the principle might be useful…


Sleeping is seriously hard work!

17 Mar 2023

Getting enough sleep is vital and we all know this, but while quantity is important WD shares a little about the significance surrounding the quality of what happens when you close your eyes…


On this World Sleep Day LPG thought it might be appropriate to repeat WD’s message… 


The story of your life, or perhaps just a bit of it…

14 Mar 2023

RK tells us that there are reasons to write your memoirs apart from aiming for a Nobel Prize in Literature and LPG has opted to repeat her message today which has also been designated ‘National Write Your Story Day’ …  


Everyone has a facet of life that will, if published, educate, enlighten, entertain, or have some other effect on the people around them and this sentiment is LPG’s whole raison d'être.  Our aim is to make sure that the writings of more of the older members of our world’s society is represented on the pages of the web.

So, we would ask that if any readers out there get around to writing a short episode, they let us share their experience by allowing us to post it anonymously, or not.<

Do you need to do a lot of nose blowing?

11 Mar 2023

On this National Wash Your Nose Day, SE lectures on the advantages of breathing through your nose and has a few suggestions on how to train yourself to do this subconsciously if the habit is proving more challenging than you first thought. 


On this National Wash Your Nose Day, LPG has elected to offer this bit of advice once again, while advising caution when it comes to some of the suggestions offered. 

We, the history makers.

05 Mar 2023

GN argues that everyone who has lived in our world is a part of its history even if they believe that they have done nothing significant, and explains why… 



Just in case you can’t pick yourself up and dust yourself off…

02 Mar 2023

Bouncing back after a fall becomes more difficult as we get older for all sorts of reasons.  LY has looked into some measures that can be taken to decrease the repercussions. 


We thought that LY’s message could do with a second outing during this National Falls Prevention Week because, for those who are suffering from a little more instability than most, having something to fall back on might be the answer… 

Just in case you can’t pick yourself up and dust yourself off…

27 Feb 2023

Bouncing back after a fall becomes more difficult as we get older for all sorts of reasons.  LY has looked into some measures that can be taken to decrease the repercussions. 


We thought that LY’s message could do with a second outing during this National Falls Prevention Week because, for those who are suffering from a little more instability than most, having something to fall back on might be the answer… 

Ladies, is it a case of ‘DIY, no reply’?

27 Feb 2023

When it comes to getting things done at home, most people call in a professional these days but JW  reminds us of DIY back in the day… 

Versed thoughts (chapter xx): Hurray for London

26 Feb 2023

It is the beginning of spring and, as such and even though most Lewisham residents will not directly be affected, London will be on show again.  but what do we who live here all year round really see when we see London. 

The pros and cons of visual self-improvement

24 Feb 2023

FF focusses down on the subject of cosmetic surgery today…  

Egg, milk and flour power…

21 Feb 2023

LF brings us another group of pancakes to try on this their very special day…

Again, we face the ‘man v the machine because of money’ issue…

18 Feb 2023

GA points out one way in which the ease of train travel is set to become more difficult for many… 

The price of keeping your daily mail to a minimum…

15 Feb 2023

Perhaps KR has a solution that younger pensioners who are just starting their golden year journey can adopt when donating to charity without attracting the many letters asking for more help in return


LPG thought that the sentiments that this post from KR might be worth repeating during this National Random Acts of Kindness Week as she suggests that when it comes to offering a little financial kindness, it is perhaps worth being kind to yourself by avoiding the thousands of letters that can be a consequence of doing so…   

Worry about the beginning and let the end take care of itself…

12 Feb 2023

GE has a little something to add to RK’s thoughts when it comes to writing an autobiography…  



Buying anything is even more of a gamble these days…

09 Feb 2023

SA shares her thoughts on the way that the few high street shops that are left which sell more complex electronic goods are exploiting the people who still choose to use them over their internet counterparts. 

Making next week’s special day count…

07 Feb 2023

FO does her best to make sure that St Valentines message will not be forgotten this year…  

The positives that can come out of negatives…

02 Feb 2023

There are lots of ways to learn how to see negative things in positive ways.  NK has a suggestion for LPG readers 



Preparing to breathe out…

31 Jan 2023

PW suggests that the weeks’ notice she has given us, of National Breathing Space Day, might be worth using to plan something special to help with relieving all that stress we are all so very exposed to these days…

Get well soon, (both in mind and in body) …

28 Jan 2023

NT tells that while our doctors deal with ensuring physical recovery from any spell of illness, a person’s visitors are sometimes best positioned to ensure that their mental wellbeing is not neglected…

How to define your successful, meaningful, and unique life…

25 Jan 2023

MC says that we all need role models in our lives when we are young but suggests that as we get older, we focus more on the person we have been...

Rabbits, it’s your time to shine!

22 Jan 2023

If your Chinese animal sign is fluffy, friendly and known for its reproductive prowess OC offers a little vision into the oriental version of what is to come for you… 

The other side of the British weather coin…

19 Jan 2023

GN asked us to save this message for 6 months to remind readers who are finding today a little cold what our weather was like six months ago…

Taking ‘taking care of the pennies’ to a whole new level…

16 Jan 2023

Perhaps FI is telling us a story that many a reader can identify with when shopping, as she goes some way towards proving that all stories have morals although, sometimes you have to work them out for yourself… 

Looking at the answer from both ends of a certain question…

13 Jan 2023

Today is celebrated as Make your Dreams Come True Day in some parts of the world and IW takes the opportunity to remind the LPG readers who have also been dreamers way back in the past, that now might be the time to make those dreams

So much more than the job description…

10 Jan 2023

WV tries to remind readers of something which is most probably buried somewhere in the depths of their minds as she offers a thought or two on the subject of work … 

Nip negativity in the bud…

04 Jan 2023

 Perhaps while trying to keep her own spirits up PM is offering a bit of advice to the many people who very privately find themselves with similar early morning perspectives on more days than they care to mention as she offers an online solution or two.  



What a difference one little word can make…

26 Dec 2022

CC discovers, in one of the really young members of her family, a way to re visit those years when youngsters can’t help but use the people around them to work out who they want to be… 

A space saving Christmas exercise perhaps?

23 Dec 2022

Everything is subject to evaluation.  JL brings that point home with her reasons to evolve when it comes to the preparation and sending of Christmas cards. 

Turning a conference into a family quiz…

20 Dec 2022

Now that so many more of us are able to video call, NS offers an annual family get-together as one very positive use for our newly learned skills… 

I offer my recipe for successful car insurance haggling…

17 Dec 2022

MT shares her son’s recipe for successfully negotiating the best insurance price you can get when it comes to driving…

Spotting those little ‘loneliness alarm calls’ …

14 Dec 2022

LPG posted GF’s post again having seen the merit in a message that is worth repeating to coincide with National Neighbours Day…

Are three prongs better than two?

12 Dec 2022

GA offers us a look at one of those many things that homes in so many countries have, and that so many homeowners use without giving them a second thought.  The electric plug wall-socket … 

Sharing what warmth we have …

11 Dec 2022

KR focusses in on something that might help to keep a few more of us just a little bit warmer as the cold sets in. 

Get your taller visitors to reach up if you can’t do it yourself…

08 Dec 2022

PF has found some information that she feels should have been added to her last post of the subject of fire safety. 

Silver, gold, blue, green, red, which is your top of choice?

05 Dec 2022

JW throws the spotlight on one of the unsung heroes found in almost every UK kitchen as she sings the praises of Milk in her latest message. 

26 v 105!

02 Dec 2022

 LC points out that there are more keys on a computer keyboard than there are letters in the alphabet… 


On this National Computer Literacy Day, LPG felt it appropriate to feature this guided tour of the computer keyboard and its many buttons one more time… 

Have we missed so much even though we were there nearly all the time?

29 Nov 2022

DP reminds us of the many sounds (and sights) that a decade or three ago would have been taken for granted but which, for better or worse, have now effectively been lost for ever… 

Getting out of the rut that lockdown still has some of us trapped in…

26 Nov 2022

BC tries to find reasons for those of us who have not yet managed to, to get released from the various psychological restrictions of lockdown and think about breaking out… 

One atom or two, there can be smoke without fire...

23 Nov 2022

PF takes the time to remind us that we should look up but not as far as the heavens every now and then as we give our fire alarms and smoke alarms a thorough going over. 

Are you one of the 30% with a room that helps you step back in time…?

20 Nov 2022

VP explains one way that she can turn back time as she realises that she is not the only person to have made, or perhaps not made, the decision to get up to date…


We, at LPG, have decided to repeat this message so that we could post it on National Children’s Day although we have found three days that qualify, this being one, 15th May being another and the third being June 13th.   While most people see such a day as a day to celebrate the younger members of our society, VP’s message reminds us that even when they grow up they are all still our children.  



The new two-wheeled London Street pandemic

17 Nov 2022

KF offers a little information about the increasing number of parked hire bikes to be found on our local streets…  


Make sure that every day has a little focal point…

14 Nov 2022

GF reminds us that life’s daily highlights come in all sizes and also notes that one person’s major daily highlight is often part of another person’s humdrum daily routine…

Paying more than you need to get in touch with those abroad?

14 Nov 2022

CP draws attention to something that he suspects many of us may still pay for but don’t use… 

Refuse collection: are we right to pay more and expect less?

08 Nov 2022

There are often issues that upset us although, without wanting to put any individual worker’s job in jeopardy, we might let them slip. In spite of this, VS feels that matters concerning the borough’s refuse collection seriously need to be dealt with… 

Getting them in on bonfire night…

05 Nov 2022

Knowing that they need to be in thought is the easy part, PC offers what she has found out about making that a reality for the more unruly cats out there… 

Inhaling and exhaling your way out of stress…

02 Nov 2022

Perhaps the use of new ways of breathing could make all the difference during those times when stress kicks in.  GK offers a bit of an insight… 

Something that we at LPG like to do is focus in on the National awareness and celebration days during the year when we can. With this in mind we have decided to repeat this article to coincide with national Stress Awareness day. 



Did you get it yet? Please check!

30 Oct 2022

While a lot of what the government says about the specifics of grants or anything else to do with money is usually way too complicated to fully understand, RW wanted to remind us that  perhaps now is the time to make sure we have received the first instalment of this £400 energy grant.

Another solution to ID protection; shredded separation…

27 Oct 2022

Just when you think that there is not another solution for dealing with one of those little problems that keeps cropping up there is another one.  KY explains…  

Two wheeled registrations…

24 Oct 2022

RP shares her thoughts on an age-old cycling issue…

War, Crime, the old, and the young…

21 Oct 2022

No news is good news is an old adage which JC suggests might be more relevant than ever in the 2020s 

Talk: the spirit-lifting tool we sometimes forget to use…

18 Oct 2022

Our posts are all written by readers of our pages and some of the writers use the inspiration found in article they have read to add another viewpoint.   JA has done just that today…


We at LPG would remind you that if something you read on our pages inspires you to add to the conversation, we would love to hear from you and share your thoughts.  You don’t have to do the writing, please pick up the telephone and get in touch with us for a chat so that we can do all that on your behalf.  As you know we will let you see what is written before it is printed, and everything is printed anonymously unless the writer says otherwise…

The speed of light, the speed of sound, the speed of speed!

15 Oct 2022

BD finds us a few facts about the swiftness with which traveling by train has to offer…

Every picture tells a story (chapter 49) – My little army of vacuum cleaners…

12 Oct 2022

Keeping things clean is one of those ongoing challenges which is often made easier with the help of a trusted vacuum cleaner.  HY tells us a bit about hers today… 

Being seen to exist where you live…

09 Oct 2022

IB offers us a story which though a little far-fetched might have an ending which might apply to a few LPG readers.  She hopes that bringing it to the fore will urge anyone who does not have proof of address at the moment, or who knows someone in that situation, to do something about it…  

Security issues; this one’s really not your problem…

03 Oct 2022

OB shares a little computer knowledge that worried him, when he first came across it, in the hope that he can forewarn some of his fellow LPG readers. 

A day to start a bit of working out again perhaps…

27 Sep 2022

For those who have got out of the habit, MA reminds us that in some parts of the world, today is National Fitness Day; a day to be acknowledged with a little bit of physical action if not altogether celebrated. 


MA sent us this message to coincide with National Fitness Day earlier in the year on May 7th, but now that we have reached World Fitness Day we at LPG feel it could do with another airing… 

A foggy-focused eye-opening message perhaps…

24 Sep 2022

NK argues that a lifetime of seeing the world around you through glasses can leave a person seeing extra details that the rest of us would miss and, advises that seeing too much is not the best outlook to have. 


At the start of National Eye Health week, we thought that a repeat of this message might be relevant for all those full-time spec wearers… 

A couple of things to be acknowledge today…

21 Sep 2022

On this day which is designated to be a celebration day for both peace and thanks, CJ shares a few things that come to her mind... 

Why not ‘Swap out’ while you still can…

18 Sep 2022

Having read an earlier post on the subject, CO was driven to find out a little more about what is happening with our postage stamps.  

Remember that council tax rebate?

15 Sep 2022

WK suggests that now is the time to check our bank accounts to make sure that our councils kept the governments promise… 

Start thinking more positively today…

12 Sep 2022

CP points out that today is a day dedicated to thinking with a positive outlook and offers a few pointers for those who could do with a change of direction…


As sometimes happens, we have received two articles designed to get readers thinking about the same acknowledgement day.  So, with a days’ notice LPG offers CP’s point of view when it comes to positive thought.  

Go slow but be in the know…

09 Sep 2022

It’s a whole new language but knowing where to start with translating those abbreviated texts might be advantageous to some grandparents… 

Find a friend and keep track of each other’s achievement’s end-dates…

06 Sep 2022

VN thinks that she may have found an answer for all those people who suffer from a tendency to procrastinate as they get older, and she offers it to us on this National Fight Procrastination Day

Ladies, let’s discuss men’s visual, extended crowning glory…

03 Sep 2022

LG offers a view that she suspects may be shared by quite a few ladies as she comments on the wearing of beards by her male counterparts…  


In the light of today being National Beard Day, LPG has taken the opportunity of repeating a message sent to us last year on the subject.  With just a month to go, she might help to jog the memory of one or two men who were going to have a go at growing a sponsored one last November, and perhaps her idea of investing in a beard grooming kit for the bearded man who has everything, might come in handy as the first entry on this year’s Christmas list...  

Don’t let the youngsters put you off!

31 Aug 2022

HS offers us a reminder that, once retired, we should be the most important consideration when it comes to our own personal goals, regardless of how worthless a pursuit the rest of the world thinks them, we should not be put off. 

Financial tyre inflation…

28 Aug 2022

Even though OW can see the shape of things to come she offers us her thoughts on not what you pay for the air that goes in your tyres but the way that you pay. 

Perhaps today is the day to start the process…

25 Aug 2022

There are few things human nature dictates we put off and IW makes a suggestion or two on the subject of one as she suggests that starting the process of sorting one out may be a good way to recognise today’s National Kiss and Make Up Day celebration...

At sixes and sevens with the fives and sixes all summer long…

22 Aug 2022

IW points to a few of the more challenging aspects of being a hands-on grandparent during the summer holidays… 

Every picture (chapter 47); it’s not unusual but it’s not something you see every day…

19 Aug 2022

Perhaps this year, rejected flyers will have time to consider a more local holiday.  GL provides a bit of a visual ‘wish you were here’ picture postcard for us…  

Every picture tells a story (chapter 46) – Capturing the moment…

17 Aug 2022

Now that she can visit her friends again and no longer uses her mobile phone to video call, PR has found something else to focus on when it comes to using her mobile phone and hopes that her message today might encourage a few other readers to consider doing the same…


LPG have again managed to received two requests to post a message on the same day so we are giving our readers two days’ notice of this particular celebration.    

As we go in and out, let us pay a little homage …

13 Aug 2022

They are usually quite solid but we so often push past them as we get on with our daily business. We rarely even offer them a second thought unless we try to get past one using the wrong tactic.  PM highlights our way in and out today…  

Looking back on Covid 19

10 Aug 2022

GF speculates on the answer to a question that will undoubtably be asked 100 or so years from now…

Looking back on Covid 19

10 Aug 2022

GF invites us to venture a guess about how the whole covid-19 adventure will be envisaged by ours grandchildren when it becomes part of the school history curriculum…   

Always just that one step behind.

08 Aug 2022

YF offers us a story of one aspect of sibling rivalry while looking back and then at the present which quite often turns the tables as the years go by.  

 YF sent her thought to be shared yesterday but, not wanting to detract from the poem which we were sent earlier this year, LPG offers our readers a second opportunity to recognise National Sisters Day.   

What Jamaica’s Independence and my independence have in common…

06 Aug 2022

PD finds a few comparisons between her life and Jamaica’s Independence Day journey.  

E-proving you sent the message….

04 Aug 2022

We spend a lot of time trying our best to avoid leaving too much information about ourselves when online but KA offers a little information about one instance when it might be a good idea to make your e-self known…. 


LPG are guilty of having one of these forms on our contact page, but there is also an opportunity to leave any message you would like to leave us via email where you will get a record of that message left in your own email sent box but, in case the address does not register on your system and you want to send us a message via email our address is…


[email protected]

We are always more than eager to receive them

Looking back on Covid 19

04 Aug 2022

GF invites us to venture a guess about how the whole covid-19 adventure will be envisaged by our grandchildren's grandchildren when it becomes part of the school history curriculum…   

Celebrating those that never happened… and those that did.

01 Aug 2022

HG celebrates International Childfree Day as she comments on the pros and cons of being a parent. 

How many address books do you really have?

30 Jul 2022

HY offers us a reminder about the address books that we may have forgotten when searching for that illusive postal address or telephone number of a friend from long ago… 

Helping the environment while fencing off my edges…

29 Jul 2022

KR has been looking into the best way to replace his house boundaries and shares one possible idea that might be good for the environment…

Is getting back to pre-pandemic fitness still too close to the bottom of your ‘to do’ list?

26 Jul 2022

AP feels that getting back to pre-pandemic fitness levels is likely to be something that we are all planning to do, but something that has a habit of finding itself being taken down many of our priority lists much too often.  She has found a quick test video that will help you measure what you can do and how much higher getting fitter needs to be on that ’to do’ list.

Perhaps a rock of a hobby...

20 Jul 2022

AR offers us a little information that might turn out to be a potentially mind-settling hobby that some might like to try…

Hamburger history…

17 Jul 2022

CB looks into the history behind the hamburger which she offered us for 2022’s 4th July independent dish of the day, and comes up with a few facts we bet you didn’t know…

Working out what’s being said…

08 Jul 2022

NH offers a little about what she has learned about learning to understand one of her friends who has hearing difficulties… 

In just about as deep as we can get…

02 Jul 2022

Just in case you don’t know, today is celebrated as National Anisette Day and World UFO Day in some parts of the world, but EA has found yet even more significance.

Don’t continue to be part of the wrong statistic…

29 Jun 2022

Making a will is something that so many of us have on our ‘to do’ lists and while it is often at the top it keeps dropping down the list.  GD suggests that we get it done and then get on with the rest of our lives.

26 v 105!

24 Jun 2022

 LC points out that there are more keys on a computer keyboard than there are letters in the alphabet…

The things you do can be your best friends too…

24 Jun 2022

LPG likes to repeat some of the really important writings that we receive and this message deserves to be heard again during this Loneliness Awareness Week

And we would like to remind all readers that we at LPG relish all the really small comments that can be developed into vital information for the pages of our website.  There is something you can do that might help you and us all at the same time.

Inhaling and exhaling your way out of stress…

22 Jun 2022

Perhaps the use of new ways of breathing could make all the difference during those times when stress kicks in.  GK offers a bit of an insight… 

Exercise, tea and a bit of a chat cannot be a bad thing…

20 Jun 2022

MA has a message for all those readers that have got out of the habit of taking a little exercise as she suggests a little one on one physical working out coupled with some social interaction… 

While tomorrow will also be Mid-Summers Day, it doubles as National Yoga Day.  So, if you meant to but didn’t get started at the beginning of the year, it might be worth having another go… 

A foggy-focused eye-opening message perhaps…

14 Jun 2022

NK offers us a little insight into the notion that up to 69% of the public might be seeing too much detail when looking at the world, and suggests a few ways of getting a more realistic view …

Remembering one 1980’s Lewisham job…

11 Jun 2022

It is impossible to walk through a borough where you have spent a large part of your life without passing the odd building, shop, bus stop, train station or other aspect of street paraphernalia that provokes a memory or two.  AJ offers us a work-related one today…

Get in touch with them on their big day…

08 Jun 2022

Perhaps having just one best friend is a bit of a myth, but SA brings the subject up again on this National Best Friends Day…

Perhaps celebrating the thump of stilettoes and trainers today?

05 Jun 2022

GG encourages us older godparents to use this celebratory day to catch up with any godchildren that we have lost touch with; no matter how old they are and vice versa.  Happy National Godparents Day…

We are used to bank holiday Mondays and the odd Friday but Bank Holiday Thursday?

02 Jun 2022

There are many aspects of the traditional bank holiday that have attention drawn to them. TK comments on one on the day in question… 


A bit of Icelandic 60+ Good News…

30 May 2022

Perhaps LPG lives in hope that the UK has already heard this good news but feels the need to say it again for anyone who might have missed it so far.

Another consequence of migration and ULEZ…

27 May 2022

While OL says that this information is not new, she thought it might be worth pursuing if you have, or know someone with a diesel-powered vehicle. 

A harsh lesson of life, there is no bigger half…

26 May 2022

In the name of National Share A Story Month, CR offers a story from her childhood with a moral thrown in for good measure… 

Getting past FOGO and the front door…

23 May 2022

PS illustrates one way of using that early morning time when everyone else is still sleeping and sleeping is the last thing on your mind… 

From electronic virtual assistant to my personal friend?

21 May 2022

As with many friendships, SC had little interest in her new electronic friend when they first met, but she tells us a story of how the events of the past month helped her to make a new one.  SC asked us to re-post this message for all those older people who are still against the idea of an electronic virtual assistant in their homes on this,  National Virtual Assistant’s day..

The knock-on effect of colour…

18 May 2022

YF offers readers a reason to check out the validity of some internet experts when it comes to the significance of the colour of front doors.   

A children’s story that we oldies might be able to appreciate…

15 May 2022

AN proves that storytelling is not just for the young.

Every day is not the same, start a diary and see for yourself…

12 May 2022

KD, offers a little advice to anyone who has not had a go at developing a diary-writing habit so far as she explains that it is never too late to start… 

Ikigai; a Japanese recipe for happiness …

09 May 2022

AH uses her message today to investigate, arguably, one of the most challenging facets of life…  

Ladies be free! Gentlemen put the ‘BIG’ complement aside just for one day…

06 May 2022

Perhaps LPG has found all of us slightly overweight people, no matter what age, an excuse to give the diet a rest today…

Proof that you can be happy when (and where) you are blue?

03 May 2022

If you are not in a hurry to make an exit OC may have found a few details worth reading when it comes to longevity… 

One of those lists worth thinking about…

30 Apr 2022

GK poses a question that is often asked to get a conversation going, but that she feels we all need to take the time to answer… just in case 

A month of ‘Once upon a times’…

27 Apr 2022

LPG requests the indulgence of readers who have a tale to tell for no other reason but that it happened… 

Starting the day at home (wherever I am)…

24 Apr 2022

IC asks if anyone can identify with early morning experiences and offers a little information about those waking moments. 

Every picture tells a story (chapter 45) - There is always a way out, you just must look for it…

21 Apr 2022

LF found an opportunity to use her mobile phone to take an image and explains her reasons why… 

Looking in the online mirror…

18 Apr 2022

CJ makes a case for taking a quick look at if, or how, you come across online…  

The two-card payment check out technique…

15 Apr 2022

FB reminds us that it is worth using the store cards even if you can’t be bothered to work out what you are saving because you might just be saving something if you do… 

From A, to b, to z; in 2,563 different possible directions…

12 Apr 2022

As train travel becomes a little safer for us older people again, GA offers us something that might just make one aspect of such travel preparation a little easier… 

Every picture tells a story (chapter 44): One rule for us and another for them.

09 Apr 2022

Perhaps it does not always happen, but SP writes in an attempt to find out if other Lewisham residents feel the same as her when it comes to this particular aspect of refuse collection… 

Is ‘try before you buy’ really becoming a thing of the past?

06 Apr 2022

Perhaps HW is old fashioned, but she finds one aspect of internet shopping a little worrying and shares her concerns with us… 

Celebrating all things rainbow…

03 Apr 2022

Perhaps GN offers us the opportunity to appreciate one of the world’s most complicated simplicities that so often gets missed on the few occasions that it is there to be seen…

Advanced warning for all those who have been fooled in the past…

31 Mar 2022

LD has a message for all those readers who are getting the days of the weeks a bit mixed up when they get up each morning as she reminds us that tomorrow might be a day for a bit of fun…

Luggage disappearing from right under you…

28 Mar 2022

As we are now a little more able to get away for a little it, albeit that we are restricted to UK excursions, NC makes a useful suggestion… 

Days with time to educate your memory…

25 Mar 2022

CL encourages us to use our memories while we continue to be virtually locked down…  

Celebrating water today…

22 Mar 2022

KG focusses in on H2O today as she highlights the uneven distribution of water throughout our world on World Water Day.


KG sent this message to us well over six months in advance of the day she asked us to post it, and LPG reminds readers that we are happy to keep your message for up to a year in advance if you would like it to be posted on a particular day in the future. 

H2O, check the facts before getting annoyed about the bill…

19 Mar 2022

 BW takes another look at a few watery facts…

LPG did receive BW’s message about a month ago, and it is the second that we received this year with World Water Day in mind, so, in order to make sure it got its own featured day, we saved it for a while but still need to post it a couple of days early.  

The antidote day after a yesterday of negativity?

16 Mar 2022

As we celebrate a day of positive action today, BL offers a message of reckless abandon which should accompany everything we do today, although LPG would like to add a tinge of thought about assessing the risk before getting too reckless.

Play it again LPG: Have you, will you?

13 Mar 2022

LPG takes you back to a message or two which one reader asked us to post again.

Deny everything!

10 Mar 2022

IB gives an insight into a job that the young of today have to choose to become part of although he tells of a time when national service was compulsory, but still had its humorous moments…

My thoughts on how hunting down the perfect position has changed…

08 Mar 2022

LS comments on how one of the more stressful aspects of the world of work, the initial interview is evolving as we continue our journey through national careers week… 

A change of pace and that double warm fuzzy feeling…

06 Mar 2022

TH suggests that we take the time to stop as we pass our neighbours in the street for a chat that may make all the difference… 

Lost, late, stolen, damaged, hidden; it’s all in the delivery…

04 Mar 2022

A recent experience has prompted HY to find out what can be done when it comes to home delivery problems…

The changing train travel commute…

26 Feb 2022

For those that continue to commute into and out of London as a worker, and who have done so over  the past twenty or so years, many aspects of that daily journey will have changed so gradually that there will have been time for them to  accept and absorb those little changes while hardly noticing them,  but BD’s recent return to the regular world of commuting, all  be it on a much slower scale, has forced her to see the differences all at once and she offers her thoughts on them to us today…

Our views can only have a chance of counting if we offer them…

23 Feb 2022

JA offers readers a reminder that our views can only count if we make them known… 

Telling you about my secret without telling you…

22 Feb 2022

LI encourages those older inventers to keep inventing as he offers a little information on what to do next with your idea on this, National Inventor’s day.


LI sent us this thought about eight months ago but, being unable to think of a more appropriate day to deliver it, with his permission, we at LPG have saved his message for this rather appropriate National Day of celebration.

E-gift cards - it’s all about the barcode…

19 Feb 2022

CJ acknowledges  the help offered to those who could really do with it as prices rise all around us, but feels the need to pass on what she has learned about e-cards for those who, like her, might not understand exactly what they are…


We, at LPG, just want to remind you that we are happy to write your message for you even if you don’t want to do that yourself.  CJ contacted us by telephone to leave this message for our readers and we think it is one that really needs to be passed on even though the reader wanting to post it was not able to write or email it to us themselves.  Please remember our telephone number, get in touch and we will share your messages, on your behalf.

The good, the bad and the promising!

17 Feb 2022

CJ appeals to those with internet skills to offer help to those who don’t have that knowledge, to ensure that as many people as possible who are offered a Tesco e-gift card actually receive the gift of a little extra money to spend on food.

Minimising that misty eyed moment and sticking to it….

08 Feb 2022

Perhaps it is something that every spectacle wearer has had issues with since venturing out has become more acceptable again…  DR again focusses her thoughts on the whole question of masks and glasses on the same face…

A present unwrapping hint perhaps…

05 Feb 2022

CP reminds us of one drawback of present opening with too much enthusiasm.

Winter water habits…

02 Feb 2022

The importance of Perhaps making sure that we drink sufficient water each day is something we all know about. DT takes a look at how to keep it up when it is really cold outside…

The Plevin effect…

30 Jan 2022

Perhaps this is a loophole that might work in your favour.  KE brings up some old news that might be worth revisiting from a financial point of view even though he has not picked the most straight forward subject … 

LPG would again remind readers that the information he has linked you to comes with a lot of adverts and suggests that you read the information and skip the rest…

If you still can, do some of it for yourself…

27 Jan 2022

Perhaps it is a sort of fear but perhaps it is procrastination which is making some reluctant to get out again.  DH tells her story…

Don’t leave the conversation in the laundry…

24 Jan 2022

RH share some thoughts of a conversation on the subject of Knees, that came out of a time waiting for her laundry to dry…


LPG would like to thank RH for sharing her conversation, and what came out of it, and reminds readers that we are always looking for conversations, stories, anecdotes and experiences that we can share …. 

The lenses or the laser; get your peepers checked?

21 Jan 2022

These past couple of years have kept us at home and there might be some habits that have eluded us as a result.  YG does her best to jog the memory when it comes to getting your eyes tested.

Competition can be a bit of a science too…

20 Jan 2022

SD takes a look at serial competition entering from another perspective…

Four questions to start the day…

18 Jan 2022

Life often seems even more depressing just before things get better.  PY offers her personal answer to not letting it get you down today in the hope that it might help…

For all the boosted for whom Christmas did not taste quite right this year…

15 Jan 2022

It has been said that the Covid-19 booster has affected its recipients even more than the other two, and we are all aware of some of the side effects by now.  ND highlights one of the less serious ones that may have had a particularly disappointing effect for some on Christmas Day…

Neighbours, complain or block your ears…

10 Jan 2022

Gloria shines the focus of her message on a subject which, can often produce those bones of contention in our relationships with our neighbours.

Every picture tells a story (chapter 39): Something Alfred and I have in common…

06 Jan 2022

RY, intentionally or not, emulates King Alfred the Great and offers proof of his efforts together with some news of a historical event that he has been inspired to remember by an arguably unfortunate picture…

That pesky little button often found just above the 7…

03 Jan 2022

The key has always been there and always done the same thing even though the laptop and tablet makers prefer to hide it, but MC throws a little light on the importance of the ‘Num Lock’ keyboard button today…

Finishing off 2021 before you get started on 2022.

30 Dec 2021

DP suggests something that we can do now in preparation for the New Year…

135 years of seriously clean plates….

28 Dec 2021

Whatever your feelings when it comes to dishwashers, CC invites us to celebrate the inventor of this household accessory today… 

Think like Cinderella, don’t cross the date line; computers don’t celebrate Christmas…

22 Dec 2021

AR has a bit of good news for those who drive, or who are expecting to host a visit from the owners of an older non ULEZ-compliant car or plan to drive close to the zone.

Filling the Christmas present idea void’ perhaps…

19 Dec 2021

Isn’t it funny how, no matter how early you start your Christmas present buying exercise each year, there are always one or two people for whom you just can’t work out what to buy.  JL thinks she may have found a possible solution or two for you….   


We received JL’s message just too late to post it in time for last Christmas but we hope that, even though the ideas are a year old now, they may still be helpful

The unwrapped hopes of many a gift-giver…

16 Dec 2021

It is true that most people are both present givers and receivers throughout the year, but while it is often all about the receiving for many, JL adds a few words which focus on the feelings of present givers.

In the run up to another Christmas LPG thought that it might be important to remind readers of something JL ranks as relevant through the year, but particularly before the ultimate present giving season in the English calendar, and hopes that this reminder will add to the pleasure that this aspect of Christmas extends…

Ladies, let’s discuss men’s visual, extended crowning glory…

13 Dec 2021

LG offers a view that she suspects may be shared by quite a few ladies as she comments on the wearing of beards by her male counterparts…  

Peace, science and other things reflected through destruction…

10 Dec 2021

RB has a few thoughts to share on this anniversary of the awarding of the first ever Nobel Peace prize. 

Peace, science and other things reflected through destruction…

10 Dec 2021

RB has a few thoughts to share on this anniversary of the awarding of the first ever Nobel Peace prize. 

Something to help when your dog is home-alone?

07 Dec 2021

Gloria talks about Britain’s most popular pet and a new invention which though in the developmental stage might be the answer to making their home-alone experience a little less traumatic in the near future

Have you ever heard of this condition?

04 Dec 2021

Gloria hopes that a little knowledge on the subject she has decided to write about today might help readers to either learn a bit more about something that they may have suffered from throughout their whole lives without knowing it…

Living on the ULEZ cusp…

01 Dec 2021

ND offers a little explanation of how the she thinks that the whole ULEZ may impact you even if you don’t drive and live beyond the ULEZ boundary.  

Above, below, or on par?

28 Nov 2021

RB takes a little time to review his past and make edits to his future plans, and suggests that now may well be this time for a few other readers to do the same.

What’s for dinner tonight, Takeaway, Home Delivery, Ready Meal?

25 Nov 2021

Perhaps, like everything else it stands to reason that what we eat has to evolve.  KE has her reservations on the direction that our eating habits are taking…

Perhaps a suggestion for a heartfelt Christmas present?

22 Nov 2021

Christmas presents are all about the preparation and JL’s message today might just give some readers sufficient time to prepare the ultimate one…

All those Saturday afternoons of spending, planning and dreaming…

19 Nov 2021

Twenty-seven years after the first UK National Lottery draw, BG offers his take on the whole competition aspect of gambling…    

When the ‘0s’ and ’5s’ seemed to stop us in our tracks…

16 Nov 2021

NW focuses on the many similarities that life has to offer us today as she takes a philosophical look at the outline of so many life stories…

You are number ‘what’ in the queue?

13 Nov 2021

AR tells that even if you are warned about a personal calculation of how much time you have based on the telephone recording which informs just how far up the queue you are can sometimes not allow enough time to do some things…

Letting the entrepreneur inside you escape for a bit?

10 Nov 2021

An extra income might be desirable from a financial point of view, or perhaps the sense of fulfilment that would accompany such an achievement may be motivation in itself. AJ focusses in on this topic…

Avoiding a bit of a Christmas rip-off?

07 Nov 2021

MP offers us a solution that might help us to hint our way to a cheaper online Christmas whether we have to face the one which is fast approaching with a pandemic or not…


This article was written not long after a Christmas which will be remembered because of all the holiday get-togethers that did not happen, but now that statistics suggest that so many LPG readers have learned the secret of online shopping, Covid-19 or no Covid-19, and with some three months to go before our next Christmas, it might be time to revisit MP’s strategy for justifying the sending of presents that will arrive for little ones without gift wrapping…

Looking after the grandchildren (lesson one); dealing with the strop!

04 Nov 2021

It is an age-old scenario that we grandparents that help out when mum and dad are away have to deal with on a daily bases, and HG offers some words of wisdom for those who are still being inducted.

The problems that saying ‘yes’ to a friend’s request can cause…

01 Nov 2021

VL tells a story with a moral which might make readers thing twice about helping a friend when it comes to accepting their post…

Two of the three ‘Rs’ on an ‘Ex’ day…

29 Oct 2021

Even though tomorrow will be designated National Text your Ex Day, HC is not suggesting that ‘Dear John’ texts are the way to go, but while we have a few more lockdown days to fill, learning a little about the art of texting may be one valuable way of passing some of the time.   

As with some messages that we are sent in advance, requests are made for same day postings. But to make sure that each writer gets their post dedicated to a particular, day

Time flies and serious steps are taken when you are having fun…

28 Oct 2021

Inspired by an earlier LPG post DT gives a lesson on how, armed with the right equipment, you could potentially impress your children with your step count…

Keep learning…

26 Oct 2021

Having found a little more information on a subject that most of us will have already been told about, FC shares it with us…

The day Google got me!

23 Oct 2021

SA offers us further proof that even if you are not one of those people that notices every detail when you venture past your front door, there is yet another way that the street could be watching you…

Every picture tells a story (chapter 14): Don’t smile, you’re on camera.

20 Oct 2021

Picture taking was once a serious business according to Rudy and he offers the reasons that support this notion…

Cooking; the spectator sport…

17 Oct 2021

While we all accept that cooking is more than just an art when taking into consideration our need for food, BC can also see the sport element…

A more subdued entrance and exit this time…

14 Oct 2021

Be the note big or be the note small UG updates on the financial aspect of UK cash today…

It has taken me 49 years to catch up but I have succeeded @ last!

11 Oct 2021

Lockdown has helped us to add all manner of new achievement to our list of things that we have learnt to do.  EA acknowledges a historical achievement that made one of his most memorable ones possible…

Introduction to a memory; My third Nan…

08 Oct 2021

MB reminds us that Black History includes many influential white people. 

Mice you need and mice you don’t…

05 Oct 2021

VW offers us a celebratory day of her own making and tells us her reasons, while sharing some information that just might help if the wrong one of your “mice” fails…


02 Oct 2021

we have all heard that old saying ‘coughs and sneezes spread diseases’.  LK takes the time to remind us of the smaller print that is inferred as we face another oncoming winter…

Another old wives’ tale reborn…

29 Sep 2021

OS reminds us of how quickly an idea can become an old wives’ tale, and then just how quickly they become can become thought of as the latest craze again, using Aloe Vera as her example today…

Talking the foreign talk, or perhaps getting started today…

26 Sep 2021

FC offers reason to celebrate all the languages that we were forced to try learning at school as she reminds us that today is European Language Day, and suggests that we have another go…

Don’t get too detached from your floaters…

20 Sep 2021

Seeing little blips and blobs when looking out on the world is not uncommon, but ES points out a possible reason that we should all take note of how they change…  


We at LPG thought that it would be a good idea to repeat ES’s message on this, the first day of National Eye Health week 2021. 

Do you get ‘September Syndrome’?

17 Sep 2021

For many of us joint pain is never going to go away, but EB offers us the chance to look at the age old remedies in the hope that something missed previously might make a difference as we approach another winter…

One way of reducing after-dinner left-overs…

14 Sep 2021

AP has asked LPG to repeat a post about a different way to share a meal, that was featured just over a year ago and explains her reasons why…

One way of reducing after-dinner left-overs…

14 Sep 2021

AP has asked LPG to repeat a post about a different way to share a meal, that was featured just over a year ago and explains her reasons why…

Twenty years on…

11 Sep 2021

SC asks that question ‘do you remember where you were and what you were doing when…’ today and brings back a few world history memories. 

A day to ‘Live long and prosper.’

08 Sep 2021

TF commemorates all things Star Trek on Star Trek day…

The evolution of the front door delivery…

04 Sep 2021

Things and times must change even though we so often live through such changes without noticing.  RM offers us a few thoughts… 

Making time to be kind to yourself

02 Sep 2021

the best friend you can have may well be yourself…

Scams, fines and form-filling…

30 Aug 2021

The census is old news for most of us now, and should be for the next nine years or so, but LPG ask that readers be warned just in case we get a reminder a little earlier than that…

Questions, questions…

27 Aug 2021

BF explores our habits when it comes to getting those really important questions that are often completely unimportant to the people around us answered.

Concentrate on the goal, but don’t ignore the importance of the journey…

24 Aug 2021

CC has asked us to share her thoughts as a reminder of the need for positive focus as we get older …

The Power of our younger pensioners.

21 Aug 2021

Perhaps CP is commenting on a national trait that one section of the community who are most likely to read our pages have the power to change. 

When you need a Mr. Fixer…

18 Aug 2021

Now that there are less restrictions on getting repair work done in your home and particularly your garden, AY offers his before and after pictures and a little advice just in case you are on the verge of having some work done at home too. 

Quantity, quality and success.

12 Aug 2021

RG suggest that we take a good look back on our lives in order to check up on just how many successes we have had, enjoyed, and forgotten by the time we get to retirement. 

If you are inspired to do a bit of writing about your successes, LPG would like to remind readers that we are all about sharing.  So, if you take up RG’s challenge, and get writing, please remember that LPG’s main aim in life is to share such stories and, even if our authors don’t want to share their identities, the inspiration that is shared can only motivate their fellow readers.

Another potential case of government ‘give and take’…

09 Aug 2021

IY highlights a government proposal to tamper with the prescription system yet again… 

Split patriotic allegiance, but Jamaica just comes first today…

06 Aug 2021

Perhaps the point could be lost in translation but TM offers a little bit of Jamaican culture by way of a joke as she reminds us of their national independence day today.

A day to combat any whisper of halitosis.

05 Aug 2021

JA goes a little way to answering three questions on this National Fresh Breath Day, perhaps making it more a day of discovery and learning in preparation for a celebration next year


LPG has posted this message one day in advance because we received two messages for tomorrow.  We hope you appreciate the extra days’ notice.  

The cost of the ‘transponding’ key to freedom…

03 Aug 2021

Losing your car keys can be a very expensive thing to do these days as AM found out…

A conscience jogging ‘Pop chart’!

23 Jul 2021

Being stuck at home for so long has had many good and bad effects on us, and as we prepare to make it a memory, TM suggests that we take a good look at the size of one problem that it might have left us with…

A different sort of sandwich…

19 Jul 2021

Being cruel to be kind is something that, by the time we have reached retirement, we know all about perhaps because of our bad experiences of trying in the past, but BL has learned something from her son which she wants to pass on today…


LPG would like to add that we are open to criticism and, though we hope that most readers will have positive things to say, we will only improve if you let us know what we are doing wrong.  Please take the time to use our contact page to either telephone, write or email us with your comments.

Fifteen months down and how many to go?

15 Jul 2021

AN reflects on the long road we have travelled since the beginning of the Lockdown while she wonders if the promise of an end to it really is on the cards for July 21st… time will tell.

Hot or not while you are sleeping.

13 Jul 2021

IB focusses in on how hot or cold we should be to get the best night’s sleep regardless of the weather.


LPG thought this article very relevant in the winter when it was sent to us, but equally so in the summer which is why we have opted to remind you of IB’s message. 

Keeping your virtual house in order if you have one...

10 Jul 2021

KA offers some information for those serious computer users among us, as he focusses in on one of those things that we all hope will never happen to our laptop, and looks at ways of minimising the stress just in case it does. 

No matter how large or small the misdemeanour, it’s time to forgive…

07 Jul 2021

Perhaps today is the day for rethinking any grudges that you have been responsible for or fallen victim to.  GM reminds us of the significance of the day. 

Remembering the Reddifusion TV star…

04 Jul 2021

When you are watching the television, is the appearance of an advert more likely to prompt you to see stars, or get up and make a cup of tea? 

Improving my relationship with me…

01 Jul 2021

Perhaps it is a subject that we don’t put under the microscope often enough.  CP points out that while we often take the time to analyse the people around us, we frequently forget to keep a check of how our own personality is impacting those same people.

Depression and a possible bit of online self-help…

25 Jun 2021

Many people who suffer from depression don’t even know, NH offers a few ideas that might just lift your spirits however depressed you may or may not be today…

If nothing else lockdown has taught us how to be ‘snug’…

19 Jun 2021

If any of us did not know before a year of being at home all the time, lockdown must have helped us to appreciate just how our homes have become much smaller by comparison to when we were young, TK finds us a little evidence… 

Letting your thoughts escape…

16 Jun 2021

YH offers us some revelations about talking to yourself and gives a few reasons not to be embarrassed when we find ourselves indulging…

The ‘outside / inside’ - ‘old / young’ balance…

13 Jun 2021

LPG is always asking readers to comment on articles that they have read when they find that they have something to add, and NB has done just that with her comments today. 


Please remember that if you find an article where you feel that aspects of the subject are yet to be commented upon.  A telephone call letting us know what you feel needs to be added is all that we require from you.  LPG are happy to do the writing for you and never prints anything before making sure that the anonymous writer sees it in advance…


This one will take you back…

10 Jun 2021

Perhaps this is something you missed about accessing our website.  RT missed this point until now and wanted to give readers another opportunity to learn about the way that we at LPG show our hyperlinks.

Getting things stuck in our ears…

04 Jun 2021

FB has her reasons for advocating a bit of advice that electronic technology may well leave us all in need of…

A day to promote niceness…

01 Jun 2021

PM brings us news of a celebration day designed to lift the spirits of everyone.   Happy National Say Something Nice Day… 

One of those things we don’t really talk about…

29 May 2021

XX has chosen to remain as anonymous as possible, but he has offered some truly wise words for us to digest today…

Our LPG editorial team are becoming quite good at finding a National, International or World celebratory day for nearly every subject offered to us.  Today is no exception so we would like to wish you a very happy World Digestive Health day.

My Little Survey…

23 May 2021

LM shares one very quick way that we can all help to fight Covid-19 if we have a smartphone…

Suddenly I am a trend-setter in my old age...

20 May 2021

CJ shares how little slips of paper have made her a bit of a trend-setter during this time of pandemic-mania…

Checking what lockdown has done to your memory…

17 May 2021

JW focusses in on short term memory and finds a few internet tests to help with a little self-assessment…

Please don’t let stress, confusion or embarrassment get in the way… Get Help.

14 May 2021

MV focusses in on the fact that getting into debt is not exclusively experienced by the young…

Perhaps some of the most important and often forgotten diary entries…

11 May 2021

JA suggests that we need to make sure that we do not forget the lessons that being locked down have taught us about the importance of taking the time to really stay connected. 


LPG have chosen to post this message at the start of National Conversation Week and hopes it helps to inspire…

The need to boost your booster…

08 May 2021

Perhaps some readers already understand this but as it was news to LK when she went for her second Covid-jab, she takes the time to pass on her findings…

The nail-paint drying eternity…

05 May 2021

As we get older, patience is often thought to be a character trait that we are likely to become less able to show, but DB feels that having to deal with the state of our nails ourselves for the past year may have helped us to cultivate some.

…and another thing about facemasks…

04 May 2021

DR reminds us that successfully protecting what needs to be protected when wearing a facemask is a little more complicated than just remembering to put it on your face…

This one’s for the carers…

02 May 2021

MV tells us that she is not yet officially retired but her experience of being a carer has taught her something that she wants to pass on to LPG readers and any carers that they might know who are coming up to retirement age. 

Can I introduce you to the ‘Enrich your life’ list…?

01 May 2021

This pandemic has taken the positivity out of so many aspects of life for so many people.  PK offers a new bit of ammunition to help us combat that lack of morning get-up-and-go that can so easily set in.    

Let the music take control, just a little bit…

29 Apr 2021

GM focusses in on what you could be missing by not letting go of the occasional inhibition…


GM sent us this message last year but LPG felt that it deserved to be repeated in an effort to help readers celebrate International Dance Day which happens to be today…

Are we nearly there yet?

26 Apr 2021

LS may well be voicing some of the thoughts that many of our readers will be having after a year of being restricted to life in a house-bubble of one…

Dentures, soap, water, bleach, vinegar and more…

23 Apr 2021

Dentures need cleaning regardless of whether you can get to the shops for the tablets or not.  XX has some suggestions for those who would rather not have to add the denture cleaning products to a list that they have to ask someone else to get for them…

Will real window-shopping still exist post pandemic?

19 Apr 2021

FB tells that a picture on a website she saw recently reminded her of something that the pandemic and internet might be jointly instrumental in robbing us of…

A masked-walk in the park...

17 Apr 2021

MA reminds us that our parks are out there and encourages those who have not been out for a while to be brave… 

Now is the time to answer this question with a resounding ‘Yes.’…

14 Apr 2021

OW brings readers a little information to remind them just how important it is to do a little exercise each day in spite of what lockdown restrictions Covid-19 will bring with it in the future…

Celebrating with Butlin’s… I sometimes wish I was back there!

11 Apr 2021

Today YF talks holidays as she hopes to provoke readers to relive a few of their past holiday experiences in the absence of the real thing.


As ever LPG are always looking for your stories and would value the chance to write some of your holiday adventures down so that we can share them with the rest of internet land.  Please visit our contact page and get in touch; as ever if you tell us the story, we will do the writing and keep it all as anonymous as you want.    

Our days need structure… now is the time to put it back.

08 Apr 2021

AO looks forward to the new normal and appeals to our sense of get up and go as she does her best to motivate us to do just a little bit more of that…

The ultimate intrinsic question…

05 Apr 2021

While there is still a little more lock-down time to make use of, LB offers us a question and suggests that working out your particular answer might take up some of that lockdown time we have to spare …


LPG echoes LB’s challenge and looks forward to receiving more answers to this question from readers who would like to share.