...the voice of pensioners

A little bit of basking is not a bad thing…

15 Jul 2019

Dear LPG,


I am writing this in mid-April in the knowledge that LPG will not publish it for at least a month because of their administration process. (When I called they also told me that that is how it all works.)


This is good because I would like to let readers know about something I happened upon when Googling the other day which dispels a myth that I have lived by for a very long time.


As we approach the summer of 2019 I am reminded of the summer we had last year and how I tried so hard to avoid the sun rays that the weather produced because of all the information we now know about the negative effect it can have on our skin; but there is now evidence to show that 15 minutes a day spent out in the sun can be quite positive.


The vitamin D that will be soaked up in that short time is very likely to help protect us from some cancers and heart disease, while I defy anyone to feel more negative after feeling its glow for a little while.


Most of the information I read says that 15 minutes in the late morning of each day, before it gets really hot, is the best time to experience the positive aspects of the sun’s rays.  The sun is not so strong at that time, and with only a 15 minute window, perhaps getting a good book and deck chair set up in the back garden for long reading sessions is not the way forward.   And on the subject of windows, I also found it interesting to note that sunbathing from the other side of a window is just as beneficial and we all know that, on a spring day, the sun can be quite warming from that perspective in spite of any cold or windy weather on the other side of the glass. 


So, I am hoping that by the time LPG readers read my message there is a bit more sunlight for Lewisham, and the rest of the population of the northern hemisphere, to do a little basking in.


DH, Lewisham    


DH asked us to share the following links…


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LPG also found some information that, although it is from the US, offers an interesting perspective …


