...the voice of pensioners

Show your appreciation and subscribe…

06 Nov 2019

Dear LPG,


I really delight in being able to see the letters and messages that LPG post on their website especially because of the many different aspects of life in general that are covered from day to day.


But there is a word that is cropping up more and more on websites these days, especially You Tube. So far I have never seen a ’subscribe’ button on this site although many of the video links that feature often have one.


I just wondered what pressing it really means. 



EM, Elmers End


The answer is pretty complicated but LPG offers a very basic explanation….


YouTube can loosely be described as the biggest internet video library online.  A lot of viewers flip from one video to another and sometimes find a video that interests them so much that they would like to see more of the same.  If you press the Subscribe button, YouTube will bookmark the channel so that you can go back and see what other information comes up on that channel, but you can only subscribe if you are’ logged into’ YouTube.  It is also a way of showing your enjoyment of what you have seen.  It costs nothing and is a way of standing up and being counted as a viewer who appreciates the work that has gone into what you have seen. 



Basically there are two ways of accessing any website you can just take a look or you can log in.  if you decide to log in and subscribe, you stop being an anonymous observer.  There is one more thing that it is good to know; YouTube offer viewers the opportunity to subscribe, but if you have subscribed you will find an ‘unsubscribe’ button just in case you change your mind…


And with a bit of know how it is quite easy to set a channel up yourself, but that is a whole different subject.



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