...the voice of pensioners

An awareness day or two worth noting…

02 Dec 2020

Dear LPG,


I just would like to remind your readers of a couple of the many awareness days that seem to occur every 24 hours.  These days they spring up so often that many of them go unnoticed and as there are so many more than 365, the commemorations often have to share the days of the year with other commemorative days just so that there are enough days to go round. 


We have ‘National’ ones and ‘International’ ones, and more and more of them these days are being designated ‘World’ ones.  Some are designed to make us smile while others are likely to have the opposite effect, and yet others have a very poignant effect on those that observe, or at least, remember their existence.   While we all have days that have personal significance.


I have asked that LPG feature this message today because the December 2nd is the International day for the Abolition of Slavery while in the USA yesterday, December 1st was Rosa Parks Day. 


Rosa Parks was the lady who, on this day in 1955, back in the days of colour segregation refused to give her seat to a Caucasian man while traveling in the part of a bus designated for black people. 


It is interesting that most readers of LPG will have been alive then and there are still problems that stemmed from the fall out of slavery, and even though, on the surface, it appears that we are all free these days, slavery is still lurking all over the world, in different guises.


So while there is no public holiday or big celebration expected for either of these awareness days, and though I mentioned it in an article about being observant as we go about our lives earlier this year (►►►), I just wanted to remind readers that perhaps that is the best way that we can be aware today. 


 I can’t help but find it worrying to see some of the information that shows that slavery is still with us.

BB, Crofton Park



LPG has found some historical facts, and information on how to spot the signs and what to do if you think you have…


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