...the voice of pensioners

Having a go and letting you know – this is my warning to you …

06 Jul 2020

Dear LPG,


While locked down I made a personal revelation.  I realised that I had no real hobby that I could sink my teeth into while being stuck at home.  The boredom of being at home alone forced me to decide that I had to find something that I enjoyed apart from shopping, meeting my friends and getting out of my house at every opportunity just in case another stay-at-home pandemic reoccurs a couple of years down the line.


I enjoy eating and to get the most out of that hobby cooking is a necessity, and while you are on your own all day there often seems to be less of a reason to make the effort, but I have found a way of making it interesting again in spite of all the ready meals on offer these days.


I have just discovered a list of the countries of the world’s national dishes and I have resolved to try some of them as their national celebration days roll around.  This is something that had crossed my mind to do at the end of the last century but I was working then, getting hold of the recipes would have meant buying loads of cook books and some of the more unusual ingredients would have also proved to be quite difficult to get hold of then too.  These were my reasons for successfully talking myself out of it back then, but now, the internet provides recipes and we have become so cosmopolitan that nearly everything can be found somewhere if not online.  So I have decided to have a go.


I have never poisoned anyone, although I think my friends would agree that I am not the best cook in the world, and I have noticed that your recipe page could do with a few more entries, so I will be having a go and then letting you know about one of my attempts of international cooking each month and I look forward to seeing if I can start a new LPG trend as I go along.


July 14th and France is first on my list and, according to the internet, Pot au feu is supposed to be one of their national specialities. So, I have found a bit of information and a recipe and I will let you know how I get on. Please have a go and let LPG know how yours comes out, and in the meanwhile watch this space…


 CB, Lewisham.




CB has found a simple version of the recipe and some information on its origins…



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