...the voice of pensioners

Socks, stockings; what’s really inside?

14 Nov 2020

Ladies and Gentlemen,


I want to focus on one of those collections of body bits we often keep covered when we get older, but some of those body bits that also can change for the worse as time goes by.  I am talking about our toes and particularly the ends of them. Let’s face it, most people have not had a lot of time for them because they are hardly the most beautiful parts of your body and they are arguably just there to help you keep your balance.  I have to say that they are the least looked at bit of my body although, as a female, I would often paint them to match my fingers back in the days when I could reach them more easily.


If you are like me, as you have become less able to bend down far enough to be able to cut them yourself, there have been a few advantages.  For years I have taken mine off to the podiatrist regularly.    I then just sit in the chair and let him deal with my feet while I take the time to have a chat with my practitioner or just close my eyes and relax for a bit while a lot of what he advises goes right over my head.


But Covid-19 has limited my treatments somewhat, and the passing of time and the need to do more than just wash and dry them has forced me to take a closer look.  For the first time in quite a long time, I have realised just how thick they are getting.  I know that they are not the ugliest set in the world (I only have to take a look at my husbands to know that) but standards are slipping somewhat. 


My feet are now cared for professionally again and look better for it, but it occurred to me to see if there was anything else I can do for them and, even though the podiatrist has been telling me for years, perhaps I have been too relaxed to take it all in. 


I think I was paying more attention when I asked google and so just in case there are any other people who have experienced a similar wake-up call, I have asked LPG to share some of what I have found.  I will warn you that some of the information is helpful, but if like me, you are not mad about taking a really good look at your own toes, some of the pictures might be worth avoiding…


DT, Lewisham.




LPG just wants to remind readers how dangerous drawing blood is when cutting your toenails.  If you can’t reach properly, don’t do it.  We also would remind readers that the links we are asked to share are often made by people and agencies that are trying to use the information to entice you to buy their products, but you can learn from the information they give without feeling obliged to buy said products. 


 DT offers some advice on a few things we can do which might help to improve the way we take care of our toes…



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…and has also found a few videos on the subject but asks readers to prepare for some hard to look at pictures…



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