...the voice of pensioners

It’s a question of time …

25 Feb 2021

Dear LPG,


Have you ever felt that you have wasted your time?  We all do it, but perhaps it is when you get to the age of the people who are most likely to find themselves reading a webpage dedicated to pensioners, that you look back and remember all those things that you could have done if only you had not spent so much time thinking about them.


As you get older and look at the generations that are at the many stages of life that you have already been through, do you feel the need to tell them about the regret that goes with looking back and realising how good you were at wasting time when you were younger, and not doing the things that you had in mind.  Has telling the younger people around you, that you feel will benefit from hearing of your experience, while warning them not to make the same mistakes, left you with a reputation for spreading doom and gloom.


I think that many of us older people get to a stage in life when they dedicate so much time to warning the younger people around them to talking about our missed opportunities that they forget one thing.


It is never too late to make a project of at least one of the things that we feel we have not achieved so far.  When you looked back at your life and realised that you have not achieved something that you wanted to do, you are using the wrong perspective because too many of us see now as being too late to start whatever it was.


No matter how old we are we should not be thinking so much because while there is time to regret, there is time to do something about that regret. 


Perhaps a better use of the time we spend regretting the things that we did not do but could have, is to make a plan now which may well include how to water down your original aim to suit your present mental and physical abilities, but most definitely includes the day you plan to get started.


It is nearly always the case that the younger people that know you will see your efforts and find them much more inspiring than your warnings.  And getting started on any goal and making a little progress each day is as important as getting there…



TF, Lee.