...the voice of pensioners

Nostalgia-memory mind-stretchers…

03 Jun 2021

Dear LPG,


I never cease to marvel at the many subjects that your pages offer each day and, since I have been following them, I have always wanted to add something, but trying to think of something original has stopped me for at least a year.  But I think that I have finally found a reason to offer readers a message. 


More and more of us oldies have finally been forced to experience and get to grips with Zoom, WhatsApp and all the other video calling services because, while so many of those things we planned to do around the house when lockdown started still remain undone, the amount of time we have now been in this situation seems to have made it quite difficult to get on and do many of them. 


It has been the case that for those who are contemplating those tasks alone, the spirit is still willing but the get up and go has truly got up and gone.  It has all resulted in stunting our momentum to achieve, although we still have retained that need to maintain contact with our friends and family by any means possible.   For many pensioners, that necessity has forced us to get online although it has all been going on for so long now that when we get there we sometimes run out of things to talk about.   


I know it is a bit late in the coronavirus-day now, because all the talk is about getting your second jab and getting out again, but while we are still waiting for the all-clear, I have found some nostalgia to challenge your mind.  Next time you find that there is nothing left to Zoom about, see if you and your friends can remember what was on television in the days when we were the youngsters.


I have asked LPG to post a few memory jogging quizzes that may add a new dimension to your electronic conversations and pass the time while stretching your mind even if you try them alone... 


EB, Bellingham.




EB offers links to some of the quizzers that might get you thinking and remembering…


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