...the voice of pensioners

Don’t be swayed… Keep Your Resolve!

16 Jan 2022

Dear LPG,


Recently on your pages, I have seen a couple of articles written to encourage readers to make, and stick to, at least one New Year’s Resolution this year showing lots of reasons why, even if your resolve to make a change has never held fast before, we should all try again.  I have to say that I was inspired despite my history as a serial New Year’s Resolution giver-upper to try again, and I am hanging in there so far.


I admit that I went for one of the resolutions that I thought would be really easy to keep when I opted to offer at least one compliment or bit of positive advice a day, but I have read some internet accounts which state that different days this week are the ones where we are most likely to give up and, it seems to me that this is the time when all us returning ‘Resolutionaries’ need a serious bit of encouragement.


Apparently today has been named ‘Ditch New Year's Resolutions Day’ while I also found some information about ‘National Quitters Day’ which was a couple of days ago. 


I just want to say if you have missed a day, don’t let that be the end of your resolve and don’t let all that internet negativity get you thinking about completely giving up on whatever it is you have undertaken to achieve.  Setbacks are a part of life’s journey and missing one day every now and then is not a reason to call time on reaching your end-of- year-goal.  And for all those who planned to start but never got round to it types, there is no time like the present to make a personal change. I urge you to take a look at some of the suggestions for really small but achievable resolutions that will help to make you and the world a better place  (►►►)  albeit seventeen days later than planned.


I think that the mercenary in me just popped out there.  My previous paragraph, the nearest I can get to an impassioned plea, serves two purposes today. It will firstly make sure that I have not broken my own resolution today or so far, (you will remember my promise to encourage), and if I have converted even one resolution late-comer, my work for today is done…


KU, Ladywell







KU offers us someone else’s take on her ‘keep going’ message today…




…and suggest that you only read up on these celebration days if your resolve is strong enough…



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