...the voice of pensioners

Painting And Your Health 

14 Sep 2017

Artistic activities have many health benefits. For example, painting has a calming effect and it can help you feel happier. It can also improve several human capacities: concentration, patience, determination, discipline, and creativity.

Painting is a great entertainment too. This is because you need a high degree of concentration and abstraction that makes you feel that time goes by faster. Moreover, this level of concentration leads to a mental state in which you don't feel pain.

Doing creative activities is also a way of communication as it lets you express how you feel, what you want, and your visions on things. This is especially useful for people who are shy or have trouble communicating in more conventional ways. On the other hand, every time you use a brush or a pen, you improve your mobility without noticing. This benefit is very appropriate for people with numbness in fingers.

Finally, our brain also benefits from painting, as it needs to work intensively when we do creative activities. When we paint, the left hemisphere of our brain, which is responsible for verbal, critical, analytical and logical, thinking, is present, as is the right hemisphere of our brain, which is responsible for nonverbal, creative and emotional thinking. Therefore, painting increases our brain capacity. 

The best thing about painting is that you don't have to be good at it to experience its benefits. You just need a pencil and a piece of paper. Start with a draft and ideas will soon start flooding your mind.