With pen in hand and a little time on them…
09 Mar 2025
Dear LPG,
I have a question for today. Are you a note taker?
I think that for so many younger people it might well be a lost art but, in these days of austerity, I don’t think that I am the only person who has returned to making a list before a shopping trip. Another place where I find a pencil and a bit of paper handy is when I am about to make a telephone call where I might need to make notes. I remember writing many a note when I was in class or at work in offices before everyone had a computer or mobile to make electronic ones on.
Over the years I have saved one or two of my notes and while the information that I have jotted down is significant they always seem to include my scribbles. One of my latest routines includes having a little sort out of one draw or cupboard shelf each week and, having spent an hour going through just one box of old papers the other day, it is surprising how many notes accompanied by my doodles came to light.
I never realised just how many doodles I have produced or just how quickly they find themselves under the tip of my pen. I think that we older people are the ones who are most likely to still arm ourselves with a bit of paper and a writing implement before making an official telephone call, while I have no doubt that the young make the few notes they might need on their mobile phones, and only if they can’t find the answers by Googling them. I still feel the need to be prepared to write down addresses, prices, shops opening hours and other little snippets of information and I make sure that there is a post-it note or a pad to hand in my bag when I go out and in most of the rooms in my house.
I recently found a bit of internet information which could be of interest to anyone whose pen has a habit of doodling while waiting to transcribe the all-important information that could be missed if your pen is not poised. There has been a surprising amount of research into just what the results of your pen’s wanderings might be trying to tell you, either about yourself or what is on your mind when your pen makes a pictorial reflection of the subject matter, and having found it I would like to pass a little on for those who might be interested…
MP, Lewisham Park.
MP offers the internet information she promised…
…and LPG adds some information on today’s celebration…