...the voice of pensioners

A ‘Vagus’ Rule of Thumb perhaps…

18 Dec 2024

Dear LPG readers,


I recently introduced myself to LPG by telling of my latest ‘small-hour’ habit.  I am becoming a bit of an insomniac in my old age and, at the time I wrote that message, I wanted to introduce readers to one way of dealing with that affliction which might work for some (►►►)..  

I was midnight-browsing recently when I found something else that might entertain and inform, and having tried it, I feel it worth the time of some LPG readers.  This time I learned what you might call a rule of thumb and I feel that it might be worth passing on.  


Apparently, as babies many of us learn all about how comforting it is to put a thumb in our mouths, but research is now proving that the practise of doing some decidedly odd things, starting with a focus on either of the two digits most of us appear to discover first in our earliest days can be a habit worth resurrecting from time to time.   The reason stems from the reflexologist connection between the thumb and the vagus nerve.  


I have found lots of internet evidence that suggests ways that anxiety can be relieved somewhat when you simply adopted the habit of blowing on your thumb for a short while.  It is funny how you start by looking at one bit of information which leads to another and another when on line.  I just can’t help it once I get started.  


A recent surfing session has taught me that you can do a few things with your thumb that can allay stress when you are up against it, reduce your pulse rate and even improve your blood pressure.   


That morning, I found my thumb doing a bit of overtime including being blown on and being put in my mouth while I was breathing funny to name just a few practises that might be construed as somewhat odd.  I need to tell you at the point that I was following internet instruction to see if I could feel the benefits that I was reading about.   But while doing my initial personal research, I was glad that I was alone following You Tube’s instructions, undercover of night and my bedclothes.  I had a go at some of these techniques though.  The problem was that I was relaxed and not troubled or anxious about anything save actually being awake at that time of the day because it was the middle of the night.  


I really need to do a little day time research but I think that unless the people around me understand exactly what I am trying to achieve a public experiment might leave me appearing to be a bit of an odd ball.  I might have been thought to have lost my marbles somewhat or reverted back to my childhood.   


I have decided to try it the next time I open my electricity bill; that always makes me anxious.


In the meantime, I have talked a few friends into having a go with me after sharing a few online videos and some tell me that they can feel a hint of a calming benefit.  


That being the case I felt it necessary to share what I have learned with a few more people.  I can see three benefits apart from the ones stated above…


Firstly, if anyone sees me in an anxious public moment, doing something strange that involves my thumb, they will not take me for a complete weirdo.


Secondly, if it really works, who knows, perhaps a couple of other readers might try it and find that it helps.


And lastly, taking the time to write this down has helped me to feel that my midnight googling habits succeed in helping me do a bit more than just pointlessly  passing the time of day - (I mean night).


NF, Crofton Park 



NF shares some information both textual and visual on this subject…



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