Something a little out there musically perhaps…
21 Feb 2025
Dear LPG readers,
I would like to again introduce myself just in case you have missed my previous messages to LPG.
I am the guy who has so many trivial bits of knowledge at my fingertips because, as a solution to doing something with the time that my regular bouts of early-morning insomnia allow me, I have learned to while away the early hours of nearly every morning discovering all sorts of truly useless information armed with my undercover habit of browsing the internet when I can’t sleep.
For want of something else to ask Google about one morning recently, I researched the answer to the question; produce a list of the most popular things suggested that pensioners looking for a new interest might find to do when it comes to embarking on something new, exciting and not too involved. After taking a look at a few different websites I observed that one of the activities fairly near the top of every list was the advice to learn to play a musical instrument.
Most of us will remember being introduced to the piano or violin when at school and the best thing about that childhood experience for me was the sound of my mother telling me that my practise session was finished and that I was allowed to put the thing away at last!
I suppose that as a pensioner one could go back to that instrument which evokes such memories of those enforced practise sessions or try something completely new. Perhaps you could reawaken your imagining’s of attaining the excellence of Jimi Hendrix or Brien May with another go at the guitar or perhaps you had more percussive leanings with thoughts of emulating the Keith Moons or Ringo Stars of this world.
Failing that, and if you are looking for something completely different to try, you might be as surprised as me when I stumbled upon the collection of the more unconventional, less heard of examples I found. I thought I might share a look at a few less well known things that readers might be inspired to try and I believe I have found a couple of alternatives that might inspire.
Perhaps we could start an LPG inspired alternative music group in a year or so?
RY, Peckham
RY uses the internet to enlighten us…