...the voice of pensioners

The hands-free, time management, multitasking ear… I mean era…

01 Mar 2025

Dear LPG, 


I what to talk about one habit that has changed drastically since I was young.  I was drawn to the idea that when we pensioners were young, it was an activity that only the elderly were likely to be caught doing, and we young people would excuse them because of our age.


Ironically, everyone is doing it now, even though they are playing the multitasking card. So many of us walk around with something electronic stuck in or on our ears. Back in the day, a hearing aid was the only thing protruding from the occasional ear of an average person walking down the street.  


When I was young, anyone with something electronic attached to their ears had to be doing something very technical or be hard of hearing.   We would see those war films where the armed forces radio operators were attached, and the sci-fi spacemen would have their ears all wired up, not to mention the rest of what they were wearing, and though it was hardly that technical, I found myself attached when I became a telephone operator for a while.  


Do you remember the Walkman with its earphones, which would force you to say anything you wanted to say to a wearer twice, once to attract their attention and then again when they had turned the music off?  I include myself when I say that I know a few people who have spent more than their fair share of time pumping lots of music directly into their ears over the years, and some have had to swap those earphones for hearing aids. 

Then there was the mobile phone, and not long after that, the phrase ‘Hands-free’ became more widely known.   At about the turn of the century, I think it became cool to be seen walking and talking.  First, the giveaway wires allowed the mobile conversationalist a visible excuse for ‘talking to Mr Invisible’, but then we all went wireless. As the technology has grown, the hardware has shrunk to the point where you can hardly see it anymore.   So, we assume it is there.  I must admit to including myself because I have been guilty of wearing all manner of ear tech over the years.  I have to say that while it appears to be a very modern way to live your life, walking down the street, waiting for a bus or train, or doing a bit of shopping are all things that you can do while having a casual chat with a friend and it all saves so much time.


Now, we take it as usual: if someone is talking, they combine the hands-free experience with time management and multitasking. 


I know that it has been said before, but this is yet another illustration that shows just how little time we have despite all the labour-saving and time-saving gadgets that continue to be invented to ensure that we end up with more of that extremely valuable commodity…   


DK, Downham.