Taking note of what your fingers might be up to…
03 Mar 2025
Dear LPG,
I feel fortunate to have a couple of friends who have been part of my life ever since I can remember. We have known each other since infant school, and even though our lives have forced us into periods where we have only been able to keep in contact with the help of a phone, we have always been there for each other.
Each of us lives on a different continent now. Still, many similarities have followed us through life despite the various twists and turns that they have taken. The fact that we are now all retired means we are lucky enough to still be in contact with the help of our very regular three-way video calls.
There have also always been quite a few differences. Two of us watched as the third grew up with eczema. When at school all that time ago and even now, during all our video calls, the other two do nothing but constantly include that subtle hint when her fingers get going. Even when Video calling, the conversation consists of quiet but constant repetitions of that two-word phrase, ‘Stop scratching.’
The problem is that I have noticed lately that the phrase has been directed at me more and more. I didn’t even know that I was doing it, but my friends are so used to the interruption of that phrase during our online get-togethers (one to receive the directive and the other to help me offer it) that I hardly noticed how often it was being directed my way. They have woken me up to the fact that I am itching quite a lot these days.
I have never suffered from eczema, and my close association with someone who has had it all their life should have got me thinking, but it is so easy not even to realise what your fingers are up to. I don’t have any rashes, and it is only because of those calls that I am aware of my new but very subconscious habit.
An online check woke me up to a few home truths though. I have learned the best way to deal with itches and some of the reasons why they are likely to plague us more as we age. Having done a little research, it was worth sharing. Interestingly enough, it is not all about eczema, and I have learned that quite a few other health problems become apparent because of an itch.
Being itchy might be the result of having older skin. However, eczema can be contracted in later life. I have learned that it could also be a symptom of another underlying medical problem. So, whether you have developed a very annoying itch or one that someone else has brought to the attention of your wandering fingers because you are not even aware of it, it might be worth mentioning to your doctor the next time you visit…
RP, Sydenham.
RP offers some of her findings…